فاعَل - يفاعِل

وزن فَاعَل

Form III

C1 aa C2 a C3
y C1 aa C2 i C3

عامَل - يعامِل


to treat, deal with

أمر مضارع ماضي الضمير
- يعامِل عامَل هو
- تعامِل عامَلَت هي
- يعاملُون عامَلَوا هم
عامِل تعامِل عامَل انتَ
عاملِي تعاملِين عامَلتِي انتي
عاملَوا تعاملُون عامَلتَوا انتو
- اَعامِل عامَلت أنا
- نعامِل عامَلنا نِحِن

أفعال بنفس التصرف:

English الفعل المضارع الفعل الماضي الجذر الصوتي الجذر الاملائي
to go into partnership with, participate with, be or become a partner with
يشارِك شارَك /sh r k/ (ش.ر.ك)
to claim s.th., make a demand for s.th.
يطالِب طالَب /t. l b/ (ط.ل.ب)
to consult with s.o., ask s.o.'s advice
يشاوِر شاوَر /sh w r/ (ش.و.ر)
to mix, associate with s.o.
يخالِط خالَط /kh l t./ (خ.ل.ط)
to suit, fit, to be similar to
يوالِم والَم /w l m/ (و.ل.م)
to compete, vie, fight with s.o.
ينافِس نافَس /n f s/ (ن.ف.س)
to be or become a partner with s.o., enter into a partnership
يخاشِر خاشَر /kh sh r/ (خ.ش.ر)
to emigrate
يهاجِر هاجَر /h dj r/ (ه.ج.ر)
to hand someone or sth over
يناوِل ناوَل /n w l/ (ن.و.ل)
to coincide with, occur with, fall on (a certain date)
يصادِف صادَف /s. d f/ (ص.د.ف)
to treat (a patient, a disease, a subject)
يعالِج عالَج /3 l dj/ (ع.ل.ج)
to wrestle
يصارِع صارَع /s. r 3/ (ص.ر.ع)
to compete, vie with
يزاحِم زاحَم /z 7 m/ (ز.ح.م)
to resist, oppose, to rise up against, rebel against
يقاوِم قاوَم /g w m/ (ق.و.م)
to box with s.o., engage s.o. in a fist fight
يلاكِم لاكَم /l k m/ (ل.ك.م)
to comply with, accede to the wishes of
يطاوِع طاوَع /t. w 3/ (ط.و.ع)
to agree with, suit, be good for, to quickly get a big amount of sth
يلايِم لايَم /l y m/ (ل.ي.م)
to be hypocritical, feign honesty
ينافِق نافَق /n f g/ (ن.ف.ق)
to agree, correlate with s.th.
يطابِق طابَق /t. b dj/ (ط.ب.ق)
to continue, go on with
يواصِل واصَل /w s. l/ (و.ص.ل)
to approve, authorize, sanction s.th., to agree to do s.th., to suit, be agreeable to s.o., to agree, concur with s.o., to agree with, be beneficial for s.o., to coincide with, to correspond to, be equivalent to, to agree
يوافِق وافَق /w f g/ (و.ف.ق)
to learn, study one's lessons
يذاكِر ذاكَر /dh k r/ (ذ.ك.ر)
to oppose, contradict
يعاكِس عاكَس /3 k s/ (ع.ك.س)
to ask for information, consult, look up (in the book), check with, to check, review (a book), examine critically, to revise
يراجِع راجَع /r dj 3/ (ر.ج.ع)
to fight, wage a holy war
يجاهِد جاهَد /dj h d/ (ج.ه.د)
to play with someone and/or sth
يلاعِب لاعَب /l 3 b/ (ل.ع.ب)
to help, assist, to help
يساعِد ساعَد /s 3 d/ (س.ع.د)
to travel, take a trip, to leave, depart, to travel
يسافِر سافَر /s f r/ (س.ف.ر)
to watch, observe, keep an eye on
يراقِب راقَب /r g b/ (ر.ق.ب)
to fight, combat, battle against
يحارِب حارَب /7 r b/ (ح.ر.ب)
to make peace with s.o., make up with s.o.
يصالِح صالَح /s. l 7/ (ص.ل.ح)
to meet, receive, to have an interview with s.o., to interview s.o., to encounter, face, to meet with s.o., get together with s.o., to meet, run across s.o., to have an interview with s.o., to face, encounter s.o.
يقابِل قابَل /g b l/ (ق.ب.ل)
to accompany, escort, to accompany s.o., to become friends with s.o., associate closely with s.o., to be on intimate terms with, go with
يرافِق رافَق /r f g/ (ر.ف.ق)
to speak openly or frankly to s.o.
يصارِح صارَح /s. r 7/ (ص.ر.ح)
to address s.o., talk or speak to s.o.
يخاطِب خاطَب /kh t. b/ (خ.ط.ب)
to promise
يواعِد واعَد /w 3 d/ (و.ع.د)
to attack, assault, to move in on, pounce upon
يهاجِم هاجَم /h dj m/ (ه.ج.م)
to leave s.o. or s.th., depart, separate from s.o. or s.th.
يفارِق فارَق /f r g/ (ف.ر.ق)
to befriend s.o., associate closely with s.o., to be friend
يرابِع رابَع /r b 3/ (ر.ب.ع)
to forgive, pardon, to forgive
يسامِح سامَح /s m 7/ (س.م.ح)
to belch, burp
يداسِع داسَع /d s 3/ (د.س.ع)
to notice, observe, be aware of
يلاحِظ لاحَظ /l 7 dh./ (ل.ح.ظ)
to maintain, preserve, sustain, keep up, uphold
يحافِظ حافَظ /7 f dh./ (ح.ف.ظ)
to call to account, ask for an accounting, to hold s.o. responsible for s.th., to pay the bill
يحاسِب حاسَب /7 s b/ (ح.س.ب)
to punish
يغاصِص غاصَص /gh s. s./ (غ.ص.ص)
to object, oppose, offer resistance
يمانِع مانَع /m n 3/ (م.ن.ع)
to disobey, oppose, resist
يعانِد عانَد /3 n d/ (ع.ن.د)
to argue, argue with s.o.
يجادِل جادَل /dj d l/ (ج.د.ل)
to quarrel with s.o., to fight, argue, quarrel with s.o.
يهاوِش هاوَش /h w sh/ (ه.و.ش)
to risk, stake
يجازِف جازَف /dj z f/ (ج.ز.ف)
to go beyond, exceed, surpass
يجاوِز جاوَز /dj w z/ (ج.و.ز)
to do business, deal
يتاجِر تاجَر /t dj r/ (ت.ج.ر)
to be or become a friend with s.o., to associate with s.o.
يصاحِب صاحَب /s. 7 b/ (ص.ح.ب)
to be a friend or colleague of s.o., maintain a friendship with s.o.
يزامِل زامَل /z m l/ (ز.م.ل)
to bless, invoke a blessing on s.o., to offer congratulations, to bless, invoke a blessing on s.o., to offer congratulations, to congratulate or to give blessings
يبارِك بارَك /b r k/ (ب.ر.ك)
to stop
يواقِف واقَف /w q f/ (و.ق.ف)
to gaze at or stare at sth and/or someone
يوايِق وايَق /w y q/ (و.ي.ق)
to go to work, report for duty, to continue, carry on, to go to work
يداوِم داوَم /d w m/ (د.و.م)
to look familiar
يشابِه شابَه /sh b h/ (ش.ب.ه)
to issue a traffic violation to s.o., to break, violate, disobey, to contradict, to be different, differ from, be inconsistent, incompatible with, to matter, make a difference
يخالِف خالَف /kh l f/ (خ.ل.ف)
to cause problems, trouble to s.o.
يناشِب ناشَب /n sh b/ (ن.ش.ب)
to approach, speak to
يفاتِح فاتَح /f t 7/ (ف.ت.ح)
to try, attempt to do s.th., make an attempt
يحاوِل حاوَل /7 w l/ (ح.و.ل)
to compare, to measure
يقايِس قايَس /g y s/ (ق.ي.س)
to lecture, give a course of lectures
يحاضِر حاضَر /7 dh. r/ (ح.ض.ر)
to haggle, bargain with s.o.
يساوِم ساوَم /s w m/ (س.و.م)
to offer resistance, oppose, to defend
يدافِع دافَع /d f 3/ (د.ف.ع)
to become related to s.o. by marriage, to suit s.o., be comfortable for s.o., to be commensurate, compatible, in keeping with
يناسِب ناسَب /n s b/ (ن.س.ب)
to exaggerate
يبالِغ بالَغ /b l gh/ (ب.ل.غ)
to telephone, phone
يخابِر خابَر /kh b r/ (خ.ب.ر)
to fight against, struggle against, combat
يكافِح كافَح /k f 7/ (ك.ف.ح)
to associate closely with s.o., be on intimate terms with s.o.
يعاشِر عاشَر /3 sh r/ (ع.ش.ر)
to blame
يواخِذ واخَذ /w kh dh/ (و.خ.ذ)
to double, redouble
يضاعِف ضاعَف /dh. 3 f/ (ض.ع.ف)
to argue with, reason with s.o.
يحاجِج حاجَج /7 dj dj/ (ح.ج.ج)
to begin, commence
يباشِر باشَر /b sh r/ (ب.ش.ر)
to correspond with, exchange letters
يراسِل راسَل /r s l/ (ر.س.ل)
to answer, reply to s.o., to answer (e.g., a letter, a request, etc.)
يجاوِب جاوَب /dj w b/ (ج.و.ب)
to put up with s.o., get along with s.o.
يسايِر سايَر /s y r/ (س.ي.ر)
to punish, to punish s.o. for s.th., to punish
يعاقِب عاقَب /3 g b/ (ع.ق.ب)
to blame, scold, censure
يعاتِب عاتَب /3 t b/ (ع.ت.ب)
to have a share, to participate, share, take part
يساهِم ساهَم /s h m/ (س.ه.م)
to find the equivalent of, evaluate, to be equal to, equal, be the equal of
يعادِل عادَل /3 d l/ (ع.د.ل)
to treat, deal with
يعامِل عامَل /3 m l/ (ع.م.ل)
to gamble
يقامِر قامَر /g m r/ (ق.م.ر)
to argue with, to discuss s.th. with s.o.
يناقِش ناقَش /n g sh/ (ن.ق.ش)
having quarreled with s.o., having opposed s.o.
يخاصِم خاصَم /kh s. m/ (خ.ص.م)
to confiscate, seize
يصادِر صادَر /s. d r/ (ص.د.ر)
to stand opposite to, front towards; have its front on the side of a street, etc; have the front facing or directed; furnish with a front
يجابِه جابَه /dj b h/ (ج.ب.ه)
to bet, wager
يشارِط شارَط /sh r t./ (ش.ر.ط)
to appeal to, implore s.o.
يناشِد ناشَد /n sh d/ (ن.ش.د)
to try s.o. in a law court, arraign, try
يحاكِم حاكَم /7 k m/ (ح.ك.م)
to make trouble, disturb the peace
يشاغِب شاغَب /sh gh b/ (ش.غ.ب)
to border, adjoin
يحادِد حادَد /7 d d/ (ح.د.د)
to shout
يصارِخ صارَخ /s. r kh/ (ص.ر.خ)
to befriend s.o.
يصادِق صادَق /s. d g/ (ص.د.ق)
to surround, encircle, to besiege
يحاصِر حاصَر /7 s. r/ (ح.ص.ر)
to court, flirt with s.o.
يغازِل غازَل /gh z l/ (غ.ز.ل)
to negotiate with
يفاوِض فاوَض /f w dh./ (ف.و.ض)
to whisper in s.o.'s ear
يساسِر ساسَر /s s r/ (س.س.ر)
to continue, go on with, follow
يتابِع تابَع /t b 3/ (ت.ب.ع)
to yell
يزاعِق زاعَق /z 3 q/ (ز.ع.ق)
to enter into an alliance with, become an ally of
يحالِف حالَف /7 l f/ (ح.ل.ف)
to live next door to s.o., be the neighbor of s.o., to be close to
يجاوِر جاوَر /dj w r/ (ج.و.ر)
to oppose, object to
يعارِض عارَض /3 r dh./ (ع.ر.ض)
to see, look at, to study, to look at
يطالِع طالَع /t. l 3/ (ط.ل.ع)