فال - يفُول

وزن فَعَل

Form I

C1 aa C3
y C1 uu C3

قال - يقُول


to say, tell, to tell, to say

أمر مضارع ماضي الضمير
- يقُول قال هو
- تقُول قالَت هي
- يقُولُون قالَوا هم
قُول تقُول قِل انتَ
قُولِي تقُولِين قِلتِي انتي
قُولَوا تقُولُون قِلتَوا انتو
- اَقُول قِلت أنا
- نقُول قِلنا نِحِن

أفعال بنفس التصرف:

English الفعل المضارع الفعل الماضي الجذر الصوتي الجذر الاملائي
(used when something evil, shameful, etc. , is mentioned) God forbid!
يعُوذ عاذ /3 w dh/ (ع.و.ذ)
to swim, to float
يعُوم عام /3 w m/ (ع.و.م)
to vomit, throw up
يزُوع زاع /z w 3/ (ز.و.ع)
to be unsaleable, be dead stock, to be unable to get a husband
يبُور بار /b w r/ (ب.و.ر)
to dismiss, drive out, expel, evict
يرُوغ راغ /r w gh/ (ر.و.غ)
to urinate
يبُول بال /b w l/ (ب.و.ل)
to be allowed or permitted, to stop, quit
يجُوز جاز /dj w z/ (ج.و.ز)
to revolt, rebel, to erupt, explode
يثُور ثار /th w r/ (ث.و.ر)
to be or become dizzy, feel dizzy, to get a headache, to have a lot of trouble, be put to a lot of bother, to feel nausea, get sick, to smoke (a cigarette, a cigar, a pipe)
يدُوخ داخ /d w kh/ (د.و.خ)
to represent, act as representative for, subsitute for s.o.
ينُوب ناب /n w b/ (ن.و.ب)
to say, tell, to tell, to say
يقُول قال /g w l/ (ق.و.ل)
to offer advice to s.o.
يشُور شار /sh w r/ (ش.و.ر)
to last, continue, go on
يدُوم دام /d w m/ (د.و.م)
to be revealed, leaked out, to reveal
يبُوح باح /b w 7/ (ب.و.ح)
to curdle
يرُوب راب /r w b/ (ر.و.ب)
to lead, command, to drive, steer (e.g., a car)
يقُود قاد /g w d/ (ق.و.د)
to increase, become greater, become more, to sell well, find a good market, be in demand
يرُوج راج /r w dj/ (ر.و.ج)
to go round, rotate, circulate, spread, to turn, circle, revolve, to tour, travel, wander around, to stun, bewilder, to turn around
يدُور دار /d w r/ (د.و.ر)
to blame, rebuke, censure
يلُوم لام /l w m/ (ل.و.م)
to keep away from, avoid s.o. or s.th., to remove sth
يخُوز خاز /kh w z/ (خ.و.ز)
to fashion, form, mold
يصُوغ صاغ /s. w gh/ (ص.و.غ)
to intervene, interfere, interpose
يحُول حال /7 w l/ (ح.و.ل)
to get fed up, become restless, bored
يضُوج ضاج /dh. w dj/ (ض.و.ج)
to fast, abstain from food, drink, and sexual intercourse, to fast (Related to Ramadan and/or other types of fasting)
يصُوم صام /s. w m/ (ص.و.م)
to win, be victorious, to beat s.o., defeat s.o.
يفُوز فاز /f w z/ (ف.و.ز)
to go away, leave, to be removed
يزُول زال /z w l/ (ز.و.ل)
to be superior to s.o., to beat s.o. (in sports, studies, etc.)
يفُوق فاق /f w g/ (ف.و.ق)
to be needed, to be lacking
يعُوز عاز /3 w z/ (ع.و.ز)
to repent, do penance, to renounce, turn away from, to forgive s.o. (a sin), to repent
يتُوب تاب /t w b/ (ت.و.ب)
to grant, give lavishly, to give s.th. to s.o. lavishly, to master s.th., be proficient in s.th.
يجُود جاد /dj w d/ (ج.و.د)
to get up, stand up, rise, to carry out, do, perform, to rise up against, revolt, rebel against, to break out, flare up, to begin, start to do s.th., to start, begin, to get up
يقُوم قام /g w m/ (ق.و.م)
to ask for the price of s.th.
يسُوم سام /s w m/ (س.و.م)
to reach, get to s.th.
يطُول طال /t. w l/ (ط.و.ل)
to taste, sample, to experience, undergo, suffer, to taste, sample (food, drink, etc.), to taste, experience, go through, suffer
يذُوق ذاق /dh w g/ (ذ.و.ق)
to surround, encircle, to overcome, overtake
يحُوط حاط /7 w t./ (ح.و.ط)
to step, tread on s.th.
يدُوس داس /d w s/ (د.و.س)
to wade in the water
يخُوض خاض /kh w dh./ (خ.و.ض)
to go around, circle, to hover, fly around
يحُوم حام /7 w m/ (ح.و.م)
to steal, to rob
يبُوق باق /b w g/ (ب.و.ق)
to gather, collect
يحُوش حاش /7 w sh/ (ح.و.ش)
to boil
يفُوح فاح /f w 7/ (ف.و.ح)
to dance (Al Yola اليولة is a traditional type of Emirati dancing normally done with a fake rifel in a public squre)
ييُول يال /y w l/ (ي.و.ل)
to dive, plunge, submerge, to become stuck (in the sand, mud), to dive for pearls
يغُوص غاص /gh w s./ (غ.و.ص)
to wrong, oppress (on s.o.)
يجُور جار /dj w r/ (ج.و.ر)
to turn aside, turn away, drive away
يحُود حاد /7 w d/ (ح.و.د)
to obtain, achieve, get
يحُوز حاز /7 y z/ (ح.ي.ز)
expresses likelihood, future, or alternate action, to go, go away, leave, depart, to go to s.o or to some place, to go to do s.th., go in order to do s.th., to leave
يرُوح راح /r w 7/ (ر.و.ح)
to throw
يتُوح تاح /t w 7/ (ت.و.ح)
to visit s.o. or s.th., call on or pay a visit to s.o.
يزُور زار /z w r/ (ز.و.ر)
to see, to find out, find, to encounter, experience, to consider, think, be of the opinion, to see
يشُوف شاف /tsh w f/ (ش.و.ف)
to circumambulate, run around, walk around, to float, to be or become flooded, to exceed, be greater than, to finishe, come to an end, to pass by
يطُوف طاف /t. w f/ (ط.و.ف)
to dissolve, to melt
يذُوب ذاب /dh w b/ (ذ.و.ب)
to be or become hungry
يجُوع جاع /dj w 3/ (ج.و.ع)
to return, come back
يعُود عاد /3 w d/ (ع.و.د)
to drive, operate (a vehicle), to force to go
يسُوق ساق /s w g/ (س.و.ق)