فَعلَل - يفَعلِل

وزن فَعلَل

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غَشمَر - يغَشمِر


to kid s.o., to make fun of s.o.

أمر مضارع ماضي الضمير
- يغَشمِر غَشمَر هو
- تغَشمِر غَشمَرَت هي
- يغَشمِرُون غَشمَرَوا هم
غَشمِر تغَشمِر غَشمَر انتَ
غَشمِرِي تغَشمِرِين غَشمَرتِي انتي
غَشمِرَوا تغَشمِرُون غَشمَرتَوا انتو
- اَغَشمِر غَشمَرت أنا
- نغَشمِر غَشمَرنا نِحِن

أفعال بنفس التصرف:

English الفعل المضارع الفعل الماضي الجذر الصوتي الجذر الاملائي
to decorate, ornament
يزَخرِف زَخرَف /z kh r f/ (ز.خ.ر.ف)
to humiliate
يبَهدِل بَهدَل /b h d l/ (ب.ه.د.ل)
to bother, irritate s.o., to sift, sieve
يغَربِل غَربَل /gh r b l/ (غ.ر.ب.ل)
to cheat, get s.o. into a bad fix, take in s.o.
يخَوزِق خَوزَق /kh w z g/ (خ.و.ز.ق)
to draw lines (on a sheet of paper) with a ruler
يمَصطِر مَصطَر /m s. t. r/ (م.ص.ط.ر)
to walk fast, hasten, to jog
يزَرفِل زَرفَل /z r f l/ (ز.ر.ف.ل)
to ogle, cast amorous glances
يبَصبِص بَصبَص /b s. b s./ (ب.ص.ب.ص)
to go flat
يبَنشِر بَنشَر /b n sh r/ (ب.ن.ش.ر)
to embroider, decorate
يزَركِش زَركَش /z r k sh/ (ز.ر.ك.ش)
to chatter, talk aimlessly
يرَبرِب رَبرَب /r b r b/ (ر.ب.ر.ب)
to drag, drag along
يشَحشِط شَحشَط /sh 7 sh t./ (ش.ح.ش.ط)
to cancel
يكَنسِل كَنسَل /k n s l/ (ك.ن.س.ل)
to hit the break
يفَرمِل فَرمَل /f r m l/ (ف.ر.م.ل)
to shake, rock
يخَضخِض خَضخَض /kh dh. kh dh./ (خ.ض.خ.ض)
to tenderize, to crack, smash, break
يرَضرِض رَضرَض /r dh. r dh./ (ر.ض.ر.ض)
to back up, go in reverse
يرَيوِس رَيوَس /r y w s/ (ر.ي.و.س)
to confuse s.o.
يدَوكِر دَوكَر /d w k r/ (د.و.ك.ر)
to squat on the ground (with thighs against the stomach and arms enfolding the legs)
يبَوبِز بَوبَز /b w b z/ (ب.و.ب.ز)
to jog, trot
يهَروِل هَروَل /h r w l/ (ه.ر.و.ل)
to calcify, be or become calcareous
يصَلبِخ صَلبَخ /s. l b kh/ (ص.ل.ب.خ)
to trip s.o.
يعَرقِب عَرقَب /3 r g b/ (ع.ر.ق.ب)
to bother s.o.
يلَعوِز لَعوَز /l 3 w z/ (ل.ع.و.ز)
to whisper, to tempt s.o. with wicked suggestions
يوَسوِس وَسوَس /w s w s/ (و.س.و.س)
to complicate, hinder, obstruct
يعَرقِل عَرقَل /3 r g l/ (ع.ر.ق.ل)
to pull, drag
يجَرجِر جَرجَر /dj r dj r/ (ج.ر.ج.ر)
to roll down, cause to roll, let roll
يدَهدِه دَهدَه /d h d h/ (د.ه.د.ه)
to slide, roll, to cause to slide, slip
يزَحلِق زَحلَق /z 7 l g/ (ز.ح.ل.ق)
to chat, chatter, carry on idle conversation, to conversate
يسَولِف سَولَف /s w l f/ (س.و.ل.ف)
to scribble, scrawl
يشَخبِط شَخبَط /sh kh b t./ (ش.خ.ب.ط)
to cause s.o. to fall down, to get s.o. into a bad fix, involve, entangle s.o.
يدَعثِر دَعثَر /d 3 th r/ (د.ع.ث.ر)
to mutter, grumble, growl, to chatter, prattle
يحَرطِم حَرطَم /7 r t. m/ (ح.ر.ط.م)
to translate, interpret
يتَرجِم تَرجَم /t r dj m/ (ت.ر.ج.م)
to cover up, conceal, hide
يطَمطِم طَمطَم /t. m t. m/ (ط.م.ط.م)
to pin s.th., to dip
يدَمبِس دَمبَس /d m b s/ (د.م.ب.س)
to flap the wings, to flutter
يرَفرِف رَفرَف /r f r f/ (ر.ف.ر.ف)
to humiliate
يبَهدِل بَهدَل /b h d l/ (ب.ه.د.ل)
to kid s.o., to make fun of s.o.
يغَشمِر غَشمَر /gh sh m r/ (غ.ش.م.ر)
to destroy, ruin, damage
يدَهوِر دَهوَر /d h w r/ (د.ه.و.ر)
to make a loud noise, be noisy
يقَرقِع قَرقَع /g r g 3/ (ق.ر.ق.ع)
to be absent-minded, distracted
يخَندِر خَندَر /kh n d r/ (خ.ن.د.ر)
to bribe
يبَرطِل بَرطَل /b r t. l/ (ب.ر.ط.ل)
to chirp, cheep
يزَقزِق زَقزَق /z g z g/ (ز.ق.ز.ق)
to make s.th. round or ball-shaped
يدَلقِم دَلقَم /d l g m/ (د.ل.ق.م)
to drip, leak
يخَرخِر خَرخَر /kh r kh r/ (خ.ر.خ.ر)
to design, engineer
يهَندِس هَندَس /h n d s/ (ه.ن.د.س)
to chatter, talk aimlessly
يبَربِر بَربَر /b r b r/ (ب.ر.ب.ر)
to frame a picture
يبَروِز بَروَز /b r w z/ (ب.ر.و.ز)
to entangle, snarl, to complicate
يشَربِك شَربَك /sh r b tsh/ (ش.ر.ب.ك)
to lower, let down, dangle
يدَندِل دَندَل /d n d l/ (د.ن.د.ل)
to gather up, gather s.th.
يلَملِم لَملَم /l m l m/ (ل.م.ل.م)
to blow dry someone or sth's hair
يسَشوِر سَشوَر /s sh w r/ (س.ش.و.ر)
to knock, rap, bang (on, e.g., the door)
يدَقدِق دَقدَق /d g d g/ (د.ق.د.ق)
to have a ravenous appetite, to eat ravenously
يعَرمِط عَرمَط /3 r m t./ (ع.ر.م.ط)
to control, dominate, command, to master, acquire a command of s.th.
يسَيطِر سَيطَر /s y t. r/ (س.ي.ط.ر)
to mix up, confuse, throw into disorder, to get mixed up, malfunction
يخَربِط خَربَط /kh r b t./ (خ.ر.ب.ط)
to rock, swing s.o., to rock, swing s.o.
يمَرجِح مَرجَح /m r y 7/ (م.ر.ج.ح)
to fall down (to the ground) gradually
يبَطبِط بَطبَط /b t. b t./ (ب.ط.ب.ط)
to chatter
يثَرثِر ثَرثَر /th r th r/ (ث.ر.ث.ر)
to sprinkle, spray
يرَشرِش رَشرَش /r sh r sh/ (ر.ش.ر.ش)
to stir up dust
يعَجعِج عَجعَج /3 dj 3 dj/ (ع.ج.ع.ج)
to turn things upside down, upset things, to send tumbling
يشَقلِب شَقلَب /sh g l b/ (ش.ق.ل.ب)
to turn upside down (esp. heavy items, such as rocks, barrels, etc), to hurl or push s.o. or s.th. downhill
يزَقلِب زَقلَب /z g l b/ (ز.ق.ل.ب)
to rust, be or become rusted
يزَنجِر زَنجَر /z n dj r/ (ز.ن.ج.ر)
to move (s.th. from its place), shift
يزَحزِح زَحزَح /z 7 z 7/ (ز.ح.ز.ح)
to make noise like a motorcycle, to tap, tread heavily
يدَبدِب دَبدَب /d b d b/ (د.ب.د.ب)
to irritate or bother s.o.
يسَندِر سَندَر /s n d r/ (س.ن.د.ر)
to stare
يبَحلِق بَحلَق /b 7 l g/ (ب.ح.ل.ق)
to pay customs duty
يجَمرِك جَمرَك /dj m r k/ (ج.م.ر.ك)
to rinse out (the mouth)
يمَضمِض مَضمَض /m dh. m dh./ (م.ض.م.ض)
to speak a lot
يقَرقِر قَرقَر /q r q r/ (ق.ر.ق.ر)
to cut s.th. up, cut s.th. into pieces
يقَصقِص قَصقَص /g s. g s./ (ق.ص.ق.ص)
to tip s.o., give a tip to s.o., to bribe
يبَخشِش بَخشَش /b kh sh sh/ (ب.خ.ش.ش)
to contract, bid
يغَنطِر غَنطَر /gh n t. r/ (غ.ن.ط.ر)
to shake, to tilt
يخَلخِل خَلخَل /kh l kh l/ (خ.ل.خ.ل)
to gargle
يغَرغِر غَرغَر /gh r gh r/ (غ.ر.غ.ر)
to tilt a heavy object, move, budge, to work s.th. back and forth, wiggle, jiggle
يحَلحِل حَلحَل /7 l 7 l/ (ح.ل.ح.ل)
to suck on, to neck, kiss and caress
يمَصمِص مَصمَص /m s. m s./ (م.ص.م.ص)
to grab up, snatch up, to wrap up, bundle up
يلَفلِف لَفلَف /l f l f/ (ل.ف.ل.ف)
to mess things up or to get confused
يلَخبِط لَخبَط /l kh b t./ (ل.خ.ب.ط)
to stumble in speech, mutter, stammer
يتَمتِم تَمتَم /t m t m/ (ت.م.ت.م)
to pout
يبَرطِم بَرطَم /b r t. m/ (ب.ر.ط.م)