فَعَل - يِفعَل

وزن فَعَل

Form I

C1 a C2 a C3
y i C1 C2 a C3

سَحَب - يِسحَب


to take out, withdraw (e.g., money), to pull down, drag, to recall, call back, withdraw, to take back, withdraw, to pull, draw (a weapon)

أمر مضارع ماضي الضمير
- يِسحَب سَحَب هو
- تِسحَب سَحبَت هي
- يِسحَبُون سَحبَوا هم
اِسحَب تِسحَب سَحَب انتَ
سِحبِي تِسحَبِين سَحَبتِي انتي
سِحبَوا تِسحَبُون سَحَبتَوا انتو
- اَسحَب سَحَبت أنا
- نِسحَب سَحَبنا نِحِن

أفعال بنفس التصرف:

English الفعل المضارع الفعل الماضي الجذر الصوتي الجذر الاملائي
to drown, to sink, to type, to print
يِطبَع طَبَع /t. b 3/ (ط.ب.ع)
to love s.o.
يِولَع وَلَع /w l 3/ (و.ل.ع)
to be able to, be capable of, to have power over s.o., be master of
يِقدَر قَدَر /g d r/ (ق.د.ر)
to knock down, run over, to tread underfoot, trample down
يِدعَس دَعَس /d 3 s/ (د.ع.س)
to advise, counsel s.o.
يِنصَح نَصَح /n s. 7/ (ن.ص.ح)
to accept, to agree to s.th., to admit
يِقبَل قَبَل /g b l/ (ق.ب.ل)
to wound, cut
يِجرَح جَرَح /dj r 7/ (ج.ر.ح)
to be or become embarrassed, to be ashamed, feel shame, to be or become shy, to be or become embarrassed, to be ashamed, feel shame, to be or become shy
يِخجَل خَجَل /kh dj l/ (خ.ج.ل)
to intercede, intervene, plead
يِشفَع شَفَع /sh f 3/ (ش.ف.ع)
to run away
يِفلَخ فَلَخ /f l kh/ (ف.ل.خ)
to open, to start, open, to turn on, to conquer, capture (a city)
يِفتَح فَتَح /f t 7/ (ف.ت.ح)
to run
يِربَع رَبَع /r b 3/ (ر.ب.ع)
to soak, to become thoroughly soaked, to explode, also used to describe a person who 'blows off' when angry
يِنقَع نَقَع /n g 3/ (ن.ق.ع)
to feel bored
يِزهَق زَهَق /z h q/ (ز.ه.ق)
to happen, take place, occur, to obtain, get, receive, to be found, be available, obtainable
يِحصَل حَصَل /7 s. l/ (ح.ص.ل)
to ride on s.th, to ride (an animal), to ride in, ride on, travel in, on or on board, to mate with, breed with, mount, to get in, get on, climb aboard, to dominate, bully, intimidate, to ride on s.th, to ride (a car, horse...etc)
يِركَب رَكَب /r tsh b/ (ر.ك.ب)
to be vacant, free, unoccupied
يِشغَر شَغَر /sh gh r/ (ش.غ.ر)
to fluff or tease, comb (cotton)
يِندَف نَدَف /n d f/ (ن.د.ف)
to kneel down, drop to one's knees (in prayer)
يِركَع رَكَع /r k 3/ (ر.ك.ع)
to be a little angry or mad, to get upset
يِزعَل زَعَل /z 3 l/ (ز.ع.ل)
to permit, allow, grant permission
يِسمَح سَمَح /s m 7/ (س.م.ح)
to take sth off harshly
يِمصَع مَصَع /m s. 3/ (م.ص.ع)
to extract, remove, pull out
يِشلَع شَلَع /sh l 3/ (ش.ل.ع)
to crawl, creep on the ground, to march
يِزحَف زَحَف /z 7 f/ (ز.ح.ف)
to deceive, mislead, dupe
يِخدَع خَدَع /kh d 3/ (خ.د.ع)
to go to s.o.'s aid, go to help s.o.
يِفزَع فَزَع /f z 3/ (ف.ز.ع)
to go ahead of someone
يِسبَق سَبَق /s b q/ (س.ب.ق)
to shine, glisten, gleam
يِلمَع لَمَع /l m 3/ (ل.م.ع)
to spend (money) lavishly
يِبذَخ بَذَخ /b dh kh/ (ب.ذ.خ)
to dare, venture, have the courage
يِجرَع جَرَع /dj r 3/ (ج.ر.ع)
to testify, bear witness, give testimony, to sign as a witness
يِشهَد شَهَد /sh h d/ (ش.ه.د)
to get hold of, catch, grab, to be required, requisite, necessary, to befall, set upon, descend upon, to keep in one place, hold, maintain
يِلزَم لَزَم /l z m/ (ل.ز.م)
to understand
يِفهَم فَهَم /f h m/ (ف.ه.م)
to patch
يِرقَع رَقَع /r g 3/ (ر.ق.ع)
to swallow, gulp down s.th., to swallow
يِبلَع بَلَع /b l 3/ (ب.ل.ع)
to nurse, suck milk at a mother's breast
يِرضَع رَضَع /r dh. 3/ (ر.ض.ع)
to be freed, get rid of, to escape from, avoid
يِخلَص خَلَص /kh l s./ (خ.ل.ص)
to copy (s.th.), to copy
يِنسَخ نَسَخ /n s kh/ (ن.س.خ)
to stay up at night, stay awake, go without sleep, to guard or look after s.o.'s interest
يِسهَر سَهَر /s h r/ (س.ه.ر)
to humble oneself, be submissive
يِخشَع خَشَع /kh sh 3/ (خ.ش.ع)
to bray
يِنهَق نَهَق /n h g/ (ن.ه.ق)
to amaze, surprise, astonish, to distract, confuse
يِشدَه شَدَه /sh d h/ (ش.د.ه)
to take a bath, bathe, to swim
يِسبَح سَبَح /s b 7/ (س.ب.ح)
to be or become tired, to work hard
يِتعَب تَعَب /t 3 b/ (ت.ع.ب)
to freeze, harden, to stand still, freeze (usually out of fear), to harden, solidify
يِجمَد جَمَد /dj m d/ (ج.م.د)
to present itself, offer itself (to s.o., esp. an opportunity)
يِسنَح سَنَح /s n 7/ (س.ن.ح)
to spark, make sparks
يِقدَح قَدَح /g d 7/ (ق.د.ح)
to enter
يِدخَل دَخَل /d kh l/ (د.خ.ل)
to fit, be suitable for
يِرهَم رَهَم /r h m/ (ر.ه.م)
to faint, lose consciousness
يِغمَر غَمَر /gh m r/ (غ.م.ر)
to write
يِكتَب كَتَب /k t b/ (ك.ت.ب)
to rob, to steal, plunder
يِنهَب نَهَب /n h b/ (ن.ه.ب)
to lift, raise, lift up, to raise, to increase, mark higher, to take away, remove, to submit, present, forward, to sue, bring legal action against s.o., to raise and/or lift
يِرفَع رَفَع /r f 3/ (ر.ف.ع)
to lose
يِخسَر خَسَر /kh s r/ (خ.س.ر)
to match (clothing)
يِلبَق لَبَق /l b q/ (ل.ب.ق)
to sour, become sour, unpleasant
يِحمَض حَمَض /7 m dh./ (ح.م.ض)
to get sick, become sick, to get sick and/or ill
يِمرَض مَرَض /m r dh./ (م.ر.ض)
to tan s.th.
يِدبَغ دَبَغ /d b gh/ (د.ب.غ)
to cheat, to insinuate, imply
يِدغَش دَغَش /d gh sh/ (د.غ.ش)
to critique a matter and/or a person negatively
يِنقَم نَقَم /n q m/ (ن.ق.م)
to pay, to offer (to pay), to push the door
يِدفَع دَفَع /d f 3/ (د.ف.ع)
to break down, get out of order, broken, to be ruined, destroyed, spoiled, to go bad, spoil (of food)
يِخرَب خَرَب /kh r b/ (خ.ر.ب)
to choke to death, suffocate
يِزغَط زَغَط /z gh t./ (ز.غ.ط)
to annoy, irritate, upset, to sadden, grieve
يِقهَر قَهَر /q h r/ (ق.ه.ر)
to make a mistake, commit an error, be mistaken, to be disrespectful, impudent to s.o.
يِغلَط غَلَط /gh l t./ (غ.ل.ط)
to grow, become large and big
يِكبَر كَبَر /k b r/ (ك.ب.ر)
to cook
يِطبَخ طَبَخ /t. b kh/ (ط.ب.خ)
to prohibit, forbid, to prevent, hinder
يِمنَع مَنَع /m n 3/ (م.ن.ع)
to get down
يِنزَل نَزَل /n z l/ (ن.ز.ل)
to resemble, look like, be similar to
يِشبَه شَبَه /sh b h/ (ش.ب.ه)
to become inexpensive, cheap
يِرخَص رَخَص /r kh s./ (ر.خ.ص)
to compress, squeeze, press, to exert pressure on, press on
يِضغَط ضَغَط /dh. gh t./ (ض.غ.ط)
to accuse, charge s.o. with s.th.
يِتهَم تَهَم /t h m/ (ت.ه.م)
to hate, detest, loathe, to hate
يِكرَه كَرَه /k r h/ (ك.ر.ه)
to enter
يِقحَم قَحَم /q 7 m/ (ق.ح.م)
to plant, grow
يِزرَع زَرَع /z r 3/ (ز.ر.ع)
to take out, withdraw (e.g., money), to pull down, drag, to recall, call back, withdraw, to take back, withdraw, to pull, draw (a weapon)
يِسحَب سَحَب /s 7 b/ (س.ح.ب)
to ruminate
يِدسَع دَسَع /d s 3/ (د.س.ع)
to play, to play, to mess with, toy with, fool around with, to act, play, perform, to dance
يِلعَب لَعَب /l 3 b/ (ل.ع.ب)
to assemble, call together, to collect, to add, add up, to assemble, call together
يِجمَع جَمَع /y m 3/ (ج.م.ع)
to stamp
يِطمَغ طَمَغ /t. m gh/ (ط.م.غ)
to belong to, be under the authority of, to follow, pursue, to come after, follow, to adhere to
يِتبَع تَبَع /t b 3/ (ت.ب.ع)
to dance
يِرقَص رَقَص /r q s./ (ر.ق.ص)
to hate, detest s.o.
يِبغَض بَغَض /b gh dh./ (ب.غ.ض)
to cut, cut off, break off, to buy, get (a ticket), to break off, sever, to cut off, stop, interrupt, to block, stop, to cover, traverse, to cut things
يِقطَع قَطَع /gh t. 3/ (ق.ط.ع)
to ascend, go upward, to climb up, mount
يِصعَد صَعَد /s. 3 d/ (ص.ع.د)
to resurrect s.o. (from death)
يِبعَث بَعَث /b 3 th/ (ب.ع.ث)
to eat one's fill, become satiated, full, to be or become fed up or sick and tired, to fill, sate, satisfy, to feel full post a meal
يِشبَع شَبَع /sh b 3/ (ش.ب.ع)
to move away, go away, leave, to graze freely, to be distracted, let one's mind wander
يِسرَح سَرَح /s r 7/ (س.ر.ح)
to be or become clean
يِنظَف نَظَف /n dh. f/ (ن.ظ.ف)
to show off, be boastful, brag
يِكشَخ كَشَخ /k sh kh/ (ك.ش.خ)
to examine s.o. (med.)
يِفحَص فَحَص /f 7 s./ (ف.ح.ص)
to burn, scorch, sear
يِلفَح لَفَح /l f 7/ (ل.ف.ح)
to gain, profit, to win
يِكسَب كَسَب /k s b/ (ك.س.ب)
to become full of, to be overflowing with, to overflow, run over
يِطفَح طَفَح /t. f 7/ (ط.ف.ح)
to be or become greedy, to covet, envy, be envious of, to be anxious, to aspire, wish, yearn
يِطمَع طَمَع /t. m 3/ (ط.م.ع)
to stick, cling, adhere (to)
يِنشَب نَشَب /n sh b/ (ن.ش.ب)
to strike (a match), to cross out, strike out, to make a mark, scratch, to strike sth out
يِشخَط شَخَط /sh kh t./ (ش.خ.ط)
to be or become short, shorter
يِقصَر قَصَر /g s. r/ (ق.ص.ر)
to sweat, perspire, to work hard to get s.th.
يِعرَق عَرَق /3 r g/ (ع.ر.ق)
to drink, to drink
يِشرَب شَرَب /sh r b/ (ش.ر.ب)
to be or become abandoned or deserted
يِتلَف تَلَف /t l f/ (ت.ل.ف)
to slaughter, butcher, to cut someone's throat, kill s.o., to massacre
يِذبَح ذَبَح /dh b 7/ (ذ.ب.ح)
to sigh deeply, to burst into tears, weep loudly, to sobb or inhaling air through one's throat
يِشهَق شَهَق /sh h g/ (ش.ه.ق)
to reach, get to, to reach puberty
يِبلَغ بَلَغ /b l gh/ (ب.ل.غ)
to be stingy, miserly (toward s.o. or s.th.)
يِبخَل بَخَل /b kh l/ (ب.خ.ل)
to be responsible, liable, answerable for s.o., post bail for s.o., vouch for s.o.
يِكفَل كَفَل /k f l/ (ك.ف.ل)
to bite and/or snap
يِنهَش نَهَش /n h sh/ (ن.ه.ش)
to return, come back, come again, to recur, come back, return, to resume, begin again, to go back, revert to, become again, to depend on, rely on, to go back, be traceable, to withdraw from, revoke, go back on
يِرجَع رَجَع /r dj 3/ (ر.ج.ع)
to lick
يِلحَس لَحَس /l 7 s/ (ل.ح.س)
to manufacture, make, produce
يِصنَع صَنَع /s. n 3/ (ص.ن.ع)
to be drowned, to go under, to sink, to be flooded, immersed, submerged
يِغرَق غَرَق /gh r g/ (غ.ر.ق)
to dip
يِغمَس غَمَس /gh m s/ (غ.م.س)
to be or become easy, convenient, to be or become easy for s.o.
يِسهَل سَهَل /s h l/ (س.ه.ل)
to hear, to listen, pay attention, take heed, to hear
يِسمَع سَمَع /s m 3/ (س.م.ع)
to catch up with s.o., to follow, trail after, to chase, pursue
يِلحَق لَحَق /l 7 g/ (ل.ح.ق)
to preserve, to protect, guard, watch over, to keep, put away, save, store, to memorize, commit to memory, know by heart
يِحفَظ حَفَظ /7 f dh./ (ح.ف.ظ)
to gain, profit, to win, to win
يِربَح رَبَح /r b 7/ (ر.ب.ح)
to laugh at, mock, make fun of
يِسخَر سَخَر /s kh r/ (س.خ.ر)
to trust, have confience in s.o.
يِوثَق وَثَق /w th g/ (و.ث.ق)
to submit, yield, be under one's control
يِخضَع خَضَع /kh dh. 3/ (خ.ض.ع)
to be happy, be pleased, to please, make happy
يِسعَد سَعَد /s 3 d/ (س.ع.د)
to have mercy upon s.o., have compassion for s.o.
يِرحَم رَحَم /r 7 m/ (ر.ح.م)
to become furious, angry, irritated
يِغضَب غَضَب /gh dh. b/ (غ.ض.ب)
to be or become difficult, hard, unpleasant
يِصعَب صَعَب /s. 3 b/ (ص.ع.ب)
to find no market, sell badly
يِكسَد كَسَد /k s d/ (ك.س.د)
to know, to know, to know how to, to recognize, to realize, perceive, see, to figure out, find out, discover
يِعرَف عَرَف /3 r f/ (ع.ر.ف)
to be happy, delighted, glad
يِفرَح فَرَح /f r 7/ (ف.ر.ح)
to arrive, to arrive, to reach s.o.
يِوصَل وَصَل /w s. l/ (و.ص.ل)
to shut up
يِخرَس خَرَس /kh r s/ (خ.ر.س)
to be or become frail, slim, skinny, to weaken, become weaker
يِضعَف ضَعَف /dh. 3 f/ (ض.ع.ف)
to be sleepy, drowsy
يِنعَس نَعَس /n 3 s/ (ن.ع.س)
to be passionately in love with s.o.
يِعشَق عَشَق /3 sh g/ (ع.ش.ق)
to die, perish, to ruin, annihilate
يِهلَك هَلَك /h l k/ (ه.ل.ك)
to dream, to daydream
يِحلَم حَلَم /7 l m/ (ح.ل.م)
to mess things up
يِنكَذ نَكَذ /n k dh/ (ن.ك.ذ)
to look, search, to look for s.o. or s.th., to investigate, examine, to discuss
يِبحَث بَحَث /b 7 th/ (ب.ح.ث)
to catch a glimpse of, glimpse, catch sight of
يِلمَح لَمَح /l m 7/ (ل.م.ح)
to be or become firmly established, to sink in, stick (in the mind)
يِرسَخ رَسَخ /r s kh/ (ر.س.خ)
to laugh, to make fun of, to ridicule, to cheat s.o., to laugh
يِضحَك ضَحَك /dh. 7 tsh/ (ض.ح.ك)
to become heavy
يِثقَل ثَقَل /th g l/ (ث.ق.ل)
to stick
يِعلَق عَلَق /3 l g/ (ع.ل.ق)
to bewitch, enchant, charm
يِسحَر سَحَر /s 7 r/ (س.ح.ر)
to scuff, drag along, scrape
يِشحَط شَحَط /sh 7 t./ (ش.ح.ط)
to fall down, drop, to fall
يِوقَع وَقَع /w g 3/ (و.ق.ع)
to slap someone
يِصفَع صَفَع /s. f 3/ (ص.ف.ع)
to drink in large gulps, gulp, to have sexual intercourse with s.o.
يِزغَب زَغَب /z gh b/ (ز.غ.ب)
to be or become involved, get mixed up, to get stuck, get a bad deal, to accuse s.o. falsely
يِبلَش بَلَش /b l sh/ (ب.ل.ش)
to run into, collide with, to hit s.o. (in a car accident), to hit another by a car
يِدعَم دَعَم /d 3 m/ (د.ع.م)
to go out, get out, to appear, come into view, to grow forth, sprout, to gush out, to leave, exit, depart, to come out, rank, turn out to be, prove to be, to take after, to go out
يِطلَع طَلَع /t. l 3/ (ط.ل.ع)
to glitter, shine, sparkle, to twinkle
يِرهَش رَهَش /r h sh/ (ر.ه.ش)
to get dressed, put on, clothe oneself, to wear, be dressed in, to wear
يِلبَس لَبَس /l b s/ (ل.ب.س)
to be cautious, be on the guard
يِحذَر حَذَر /7 dh r/ (ح.ذ.ر)
to stick, adhere, to affix, paste, stick
يِلزَق لَزَق /l z g/ (ل.ز.ق)
to be safe, secure, unharmed, to escape from, get away from, to pass, get by
يِسلَم سَلَم /s l m/ (س.ل.م)
to stop, come to a stand still, to stand up, rise, to place oneself, take one's stand, to stand up for, support, back
يِوقَف وَقَف /w g f/ (و.ق.ف)
to be in labor
يِطلَق طَلَق /t. l g/ (ط.ل.ق)
to be sorry for
يِندَم نَدَم /n d m/ (ن.د.م)
to get drunk, become intoxicated, to drink liquor
يِسكَر سَكَر /s k r/ (س.ك.ر)
to be or become convinced, persuaded
يِقنَع قَنَع /g n 3/ (ق.ن.ع)
to be or become insane
يِدهَم دَهَم /d h m/ (د.ه.م)
to fail, be unsuccessful
يِفشَل فَشَل /f sh l/ (ف.ش.ل)
to be or become thirsty
يِعطَش عَطَش /3 t. sh/ (ع.ط.ش)
to cause s.o. to lie down flat, to lay flat, to dock, anchor, to have a miscarriage
يِطرَح طَرَح /t. r 7/ (ط.ر.ح)
to hold, have room for, be large enough for
يِوسَع وَسَع /w s 3/ (و.س.ع)
to praise, commend, to compliment
يِمدَح مَدَح /m d 7/ (م.د.ح)
to explain, make clear or plain, illustrate, to explain, make clear or plain, illustrate
يِشرَح شَرَح /sh r 7/ (ش.ر.ح)
to appear, come into view, emerge, to leave, go away, to be or become apparent, clear, obvious, to leave and/or go out
يِظهَر ظَهَر /dh. h r/ (ظ.ه.ر)
to skin (an animal), to skin (an animal)
يِسلَخ سَلَخ /s l kh/ (س.ل.خ)
to pass (an examination), to succeed, be successful
يِنجَح نَجَح /n dj 7/ (ن.ج.ح)
to be finished, done, completed, to be concluded, come to a close
يِكمَل كَمَل /k m l/ (ك.م.ل)
to yell, shriek, to strike (with a heavy object)
يِصقَع صَقَع /s. g 3/ (ص.ق.ع)
to move about, migrate, move away
يِرحَل رَحَل /r 7 l/ (ر.ح.ل)
to butt
يِنطَح نَطَح /n t. 7/ (ن.ط.ح)
to spring, originate, flow
يِنبَع نَبَع /n b 3/ (ن.ب.ع)
to wilt, wither, to waste away, get run down
يِذبَل ذَبَل /dh b l/ (ذ.ب.ل)
to be useful, beneficial, of use to
يِنفَع نَفَع /n f 3/ (ن.ف.ع)
to expose, disclose or uncover s.o.'s faults or offenses, to cause a scandal for someone
يِفضَح فَضَح /f dh. 7/ (ف.ض.ح)