فَعَّل - يفَعِّل

وزن فَعَّل

Form II

C1 a C2 C2 a C3
y C1 a C2 C2 i C3

جَهَّز - يجَهِّز


to supply, furnish, equip with

أمر مضارع ماضي الضمير
- يجَهِّز جَهَّز هو
- تجَهِّز جَهَّزَت هي
- يجَهّزُون جَهَّزَوا هم
جَهِّز تجَهِّز جَهَّز انتَ
جَهّزِي تجَهّزِين جَهَّزتِي انتي
جَهّزَوا تجَهّزُون جَهَّزتَوا انتو
- اَجَهِّز جَهَّزت أنا
- نجَهِّز جَهَّزنا نِحِن

أفعال بنفس التصرف:

English الفعل المضارع الفعل الماضي الجذر الصوتي الجذر الاملائي
to be proud or haughty, to swagger
يدَيِّك دَيَّك /d y tsh/ (د.ي.ك)
to give a taste of, let taste
يذَوِّق ذَوَّق /dh w g/ (ذ.و.ق)
to put glue on s.th.
يصَمِّغ صَمَّغ /s. m gh/ (ص.م.غ)
to lose, confuse s.o.
يتَيِّه تَيَّه /t y h/ (ت.ي.ه)
to powder, grind
ينَعِّم نَعَّم /n 3 m/ (ن.ع.م)
to procure, pimp
يقَوِّد قَوَّد /g w d/ (ق.و.د)
to scratch sth out
يشَطِّب شَطَّب /sh t. b/ (ش.ط.ب)
to set afloat, to float s.th.
يعَوِّم عَوَّم /3 w m/ (ع.و.م)
to say goodbye to s.o., bid s.o. farewell
يوَدِّع وَدَّع /w d 3/ (و.د.ع)
to save, be economical, to save s.o. s.th.
يوَفِّر وَفَّر /w f r/ (و.ف.ر)
to make s.o. wait, to be patient
يصَبِّر صَبَّر /s. b r/ (ص.ب.ر)
to cure, heal, to make delicious, tasty
يطَيِّب طَيَّب /t. y b/ (ط.ي.ب)
to take away, move away (usually s.th. bad or evil), to remove
يخَوِّز خَوَّز /kh w z/ (خ.و.ز)
to sew
يدَرِّز دَرَّز /d r z/ (د.ر.ز)
to wet, moisten
يبَلِّل بَلَّل /b l l/ (ب.ل.ل)
to make big, large, enlarge, amplify, widen
يكَبِّر كَبَّر /k b r/ (ك.ب.ر)
to number, assign number to
ينَمِّر نَمَّر /n m r/ (ن.م.ر)
to clean up
ينَضِّف نَضَّف /n d. f/ (ن.ض.ف)
to let s.o. down, disappoint s.o., to embarrass, ridicule, to embarrass
يفَشِّل فَشَّل /f sh l/ (ف.ش.ل)
to be or become stubborn, to insist
يعَنِّد عَنَّد /3 n d/ (ع.ن.د)
to curse, swear
يشَتِّم شَتَّم /sh t m/ (ش.ت.م)
to roast (coffee beans, peanuts, and other seeds)
يحَمِّص حَمَّص /7 m s./ (ح.م.ص)
to go to seed
يبَزِّر بَزَّر /b z r/ (ب.ز.ر)
to show around
يفَرِّر فَرَّر /f r r/ (ف.ر.ر)
to turn to ice, freeze
يفَرِّز فَرَّز /f r z/ (ف.ر.ز)
to arrange, set s.th. in order
يصَفِّف صَفَّف /s. f f/ (ص.ف.ف)
to get stuck or plunged
يغَرِّز غَرَّز /gh r z/ (غ.ر.ز)
to lock, lock up, to block (one's way)
يقَفِّل قَفَّل /g f l/ (ق.ف.ل)
to swindle, cheat
يدَجِّل دَجَّل /d dj l/ (د.ج.ل)
intens. of xinag
يخَنِّق خَنَّق /kh n g/ (خ.ن.ق)
to guide, show around, to forge, falsify, counterfit
يزَوِّر زَوَّر /z w r/ (ز.و.ر)
to make write
يكَتِّب كَتَّب /k t b/ (ك.ت.ب)
to hatch
يفَقِّس فَقَّس /f g s/ (ف.ق.س)
to grow old, become an old man, become gray-haired
يشَيِّب شَيَّب /sh y b/ (ش.ي.ب)
to apply, submit (an application), to give s.o. preferential treatment, to place s.o. or s.th. at the head of, to set ahead (a watch), to gain, be fast (a watch)
يقَدِّم قَدَّم /g d m/ (ق.د.م)
to limit, restrict, to fix, to schedule, set down, determine, to delimit, demarcate
يحَدِّد حَدَّد /7 d d/ (ح.د.د)
to forbid s.th., declare s.th. unlawful, to forbid s.o., to deny oneself s.th., abstain from s.th.
يحَرِّم حَرَّم /7 r m/ (ح.ر.م)
to explode s.th.
يفَجِّر فَجَّر /f dj r/ (ف.ج.ر)
to make take root, establish, impress s.th. on s.o.'s mind
يرَسِّخ رَسَّخ /r s kh/ (ر.س.خ)
to remind, call to mind, to remind
يذَكِّر ذَكَّر /dh k r/ (ذ.ك.ر)
to finance
يمَوِّل مَوَّل /m w l/ (م.و.ل)
to make bald
يقَرِّع قَرَّع /g r 3/ (ق.ر.ع)
to number, give a number to s.th., to give someone one's personal phone call (used generally to describe men who flirt with women and give them thier phone number)
يرَقِّم رَقَّم /r g m/ (ر.ق.م)
to sift
ينَخِّل نَخَّل /n kh l/ (ن.خ.ل)
to fill, fill up s.th. with
يتَرِّس تَرَّس /t r s/ (ت.ر.س)
to be suitable to s.o., to change (money)
يصَرِّف صَرَّف /s. r f/ (ص.ر.ف)
to make or let drink, to soak, saturate, to water sth (Eg. water a plant)
يشَرِّب شَرَّب /sh r b/ (ش.ر.ب)
to leak, let out air
ينَفِّس نَفَّس /n f s/ (ن.ف.س)
to complete, finish
يتَمِّم تَمَّم /t m m/ (ت.م.م)
to make nice, enjoyable, pleasant
يلَطِّف لَطَّف /l t. f/ (ل.ط.ف)
to give s.o. a false impression, to make s.o. believe that
يوَهِّم وَهَّم /w h m/ (و.ه.م)
to shine, make shine
يلَمِّع لَمَّع /l m 3/ (ل.م.ع)
to confuse, puzzle, bewilder, to hold up, impede, hinder
يحَيِّر حَيَّر /7 y r/ (ح.ي.ر)
to get hold of s.o. or s.th., grab s.o. or s.th., to arrest
يجَوِّد جَوَّد /dj w d/ (ج.و.د)
to return, go back, to make s.o. get used to s.th., accustom s.o. to s.th., to make someone or sth get used to doing something
يعَوِّد عَوَّد /3 w d/ (ع.و.د)
to patch, mend
يرَقِّع رَقَّع /r g 3/ (ر.ق.ع)
to delay, hinder, hamper, to close up, close down
يعَطِّل عَطَّل /3 t. l/ (ع.ط.ل)
to authorize, empower
يفَوِّض فَوَّض /f w dh./ (ف.و.ض)
to make different, diverse, to mix things
ينَوِّع نَوَّع /n w 3/ (ن.و.ع)
to look for s.o. or s.th., to look, search, to look for
يدَوِّر دَوَّر /d w r/ (د.و.ر)
to make dance
يرَقِّص رَقَّص /r g s./ (ر.ق.ص)
to fluff, make fluffy
ينَفِّش نَفَّش /n f sh/ (ن.ف.ش)
to break wind repeatedly
يضَرِّط ضَرَّط /dh. r t./ (ض.ر.ط)
to be or become cloudy, to get cloudy (sky)
يغَيِّم غَيَّم /gh y m/ (غ.ي.م)
to orphan, deprive of parents
ييَتِّم يَتَّم /y t m/ (ي.ت.م)
to make or cause s.o. to speak
ينَطِّق نَطَّق /n t. g/ (ن.ط.ق)
to believe, trust s.o., to endorse, to believe
يصَدِّق صَدَّق /s. d g/ (ص.د.ق)
to make lazy
يكَسِّل كَسَّل /k s l/ (ك.س.ل)
to arouse, excite, to stir up, provoke, agitate
يهَيِّج هَيَّج /h y dj/ (ه.ي.ج)
to reduce, lower, curtail, to decrease, diminish
ينَقِّص نَقَّص /n g s./ (ن.ق.ص)
to drive s.o. insane, make s.o. crazy, to drive someone crazy
يخَبِّل خَبَّل /kh b l/ (خ.ب.ل)
to interest s.o. in s.th., excite s.o.'s interest in s.th.
يرَغِّب رَغَّب /r gh b/ (ر.غ.ب)
to make things difficult or miserable for s.o.
ينَكِّد نَكَّد /n k d/ (ن.ك.د)
to dissect, perform an autopsy on a corpse
يشَرِّح شَرَّح /sh r 7/ (ش.ر.ح)
to cause, bring about, provoke
يسَبِّب سَبَّب /s b b/ (س.ب.ب)
to sleep
ينَوِّم نَوَّم /n w m/ (ن.و.م)
to make s.o. understand or see, to instruct s.o., to explain to s.o., to explain
يفَهِّم فَهَّم /f h m/ (ف.ه.م)
to embalm, mummify (a corpse)
يحَنِّط حَنَّط /7 n t./ (ح.ن.ط)
to wrap (a gift etc.)
يغَلِّف غَلَّف /gh l f/ (غ.ل.ف)
to wash thoroughly, to wash, bathe s.o. or a corpse, to wash
يغَسِّل غَسَّل /gh s l/ (غ.س.ل)
to go far away from, to send s.o. or s.th. away
يبَعِّد بَعَّد /b 3 d/ (ب.ع.د)
to interpret, explain, to elaborate
يفَصِّل فَصَّل /f s. l/ (ف.ص.ل)
to lie, tell lies, tell lies to s.o.
يشَلِّخ شَلَّخ /sh l kh/ (ش.ل.خ)
to search, to look for s.o. or s.th., to search for
يفَتِّش فَتَّش /f t sh/ (ف.ت.ش)
to open, to bloom, open (flowers), to open
يفَتِّح فَتَّح /f t 7/ (ف.ت.ح)
to deport s.o.
يصَفِّر صَفَّر /s. f r/ (ص.ف.ر)
to spend the summer (as a holiday)
يقَيِّظ قَيَّظ /g y dh./ (ق.ي.ظ)
to arrange, organize, put in order, to regulate, adjust
ينَظِّم نَظَّم /n dh. m/ (ن.ظ.م)
to employ, utilize, make use of
يسَخِّر سَخَّر /s kh r/ (س.خ.ر)
to exaggerate, overemphasize, magnify
يهَوِّل هَوَّل /h w l/ (ه.و.ل)
to vote, cast a ballot, to call out, shout to s.o.
يصَوِّط صَوَّط /s. w t./ (ص.و.ط)
to make s.o. repent
يتَوِّب تَوَّب /t w b/ (ت.و.ب)
to try out, test, to try
يجَرِّب جَرَّب /dj r b/ (ج.ر.ب)
to freeze (assets)
يجَمِّد جَمَّد /dj m d/ (ج.م.د)
to return, give back s.th. or s.o., to put back, return, to take back, to set back, move back
يرَجِّع رَجَّع /r dj 3/ (ر.ج.ع)
to darken, black out
يعَتِّم عَتَّم /3 t m/ (ع.ت.م)
to get close, cause to come near s.o. or s.th., to make peace among (people), reconcile people, to get closer to sth or someone
يقَرِّب قَرَّب /g r b/ (ق.ر.ب)
to peel, pare, shell
يقَشِّر قَشَّر /g sh r/ (ق.ش.ر)
to list, enter, record, write down, to enlist, to tie, fetter, shackle
يقَيِّد قَيَّد /g y d/ (ق.ي.د)
to stack up, line up
يصَفِّط صَفَّط /s. f t./ (ص.ف.ط)
to treat s.o. politely or hospitably, treat with deference
يحَشِّم حَشَّم /7 sh m/ (ح.ش.م)
to linger long, last long, to lengthen, extend, prolong
يطَوِّل طَوَّل /t. w l/ (ط.و.ل)
to impose on s.o., insist
يحَتِّم حَتَّم /7 t m/ (ح.ت.م)
to massage
يدَلِّك دَلَّك /d l k/ (د.ل.ك)
to pile, pile up, stack up
يكَوِّم كَوَّم /k w m/ (ك.و.م)
to comb
يمَشِّط مَشَّط /m sh t./ (م.ش.ط)
to lose, to cause to get lost, to waste, squander
يضَيِّع ضَيَّع /dh. y 3/ (ض.ي.ع)
to rise, to let rise, leaven, raise, to ferment, to cause to ferment
يخَمِّر خَمَّر /kh m r/ (خ.م.ر)
to give breakfast to s.o., provide s.o. with breakfast, to have breakfast
يرَيِّق رَيَّق /r y g/ (ر.ي.ق)
to open (a door, a window, etc.)
يشَرِّع شَرَّع /sh r 3/ (ش.ر.ع)
to make frail, thin, to weaken, enfeeble
يضَعِّف ضَعَّف /dh. 3 f/ (ض.ع.ف)
to liberate, set free, to edit, redact, to set free
يحَرِّر حَرَّر /7 r r/ (ح.ر.ر)
to believe
يسَدِّك سَدَّك /s d k/ (س.د.ك)
to pay up, settle
يسَدِّد سَدَّد /s d d/ (س.د.د)
to decay, rot, cause to decay (esp. the teeth), to be or become worm-eaten
يسَوِّس سَوَّس /s w s/ (س.و.س)
to speak to s.o., to speak
يرَمِّس رَمَّس /r m s/ (ر.م.س)
to renew
ييَدِّد يَدَّد /y d d/ (ي.د.د)
to make s.o. or s.th. ready
يهَزِّب هَزَّب /h z b/ (ه.ز.ب)
to cut, wound many times
يجَرِّح جَرَّح /dj r 7/ (ج.ر.ح)
to put kohl on one's eyes, beautify (eyes) with kohl
يكَحِّل كَحَّل /k 7 l/ (ك.ح.ل)
to send, forward s.th., to send out, dispatch s.o., to send
يطَرِّش طَرَّش /t. r sh/ (ط.ر.ش)
to beautify, make beautiful
يجَمِّل جَمَّل /dj m l/ (ج.م.ل)
to pave
يعَبِّد عَبَّد /3 b d/ (ع.ب.د)
to draw lines (on a sheet of paper) with a ruler, to forgive and/or overlook
يصَطِّر صَطَّر /s. t. r/ (ص.ط.ر)
to make easier, to facilitate
يسَهِّل سَهَّل /s h l/ (س.ه.ل)
to be or become worm-eaten
يدَوِّد دَوَّد /d w d/ (د.و.د)
to tie up, bind, to fasten, tie, attach, to connect, to attach, annex
يرَبِّط رَبَّط /r b t./ (ر.ب.ط)
to auction off s.th., to show, demonstrate, point out s.th., to pamper, spoil
يدَلِّل دَلَّل /d l l/ (د.ل.ل)
to put spices in the food
يبَهِّر بَهَّر /b h r/ (ب.ه.ر)
to make hear, cause to hear, to recite, to say (one's lessons), to recite
يسَمِّع سَمَّع /s m 3/ (س.م.ع)
to injure, hurt, to hurt someone or sth
يعَوِّر عَوَّر /3 w r/ (ع.و.ر)
to dry, make s.th. dry
يقَدِّد قَدَّد /g d d/ (ق.د.د)
to beat the drums
يطَبِّل طَبَّل /t. b l/ (ط.ب.ل)
to unite, unify, make one, to standardize, to declare God to be one
يوَحِّد وَحَّد /w 7 d/ (و.ح.د)
to decide, to assign, decide on, approve, to interrogate
يقَرِّر قَرَّر /g r r/ (ق.ر.ر)
to cause s.o. to break his fast, to allow s.o. to break his fast
يفَطِّر فَطَّر /f t. r/ (ف.ط.ر)
to unload, to lower, decrease, lessen, to cause to get off, disembark, dismount, to take down, bring down, to land, put ashore (troops), to put up, lodge, accommodate, to reveal, send down (a revelation to a prophet), to go under
ينَزِّل نَزَّل /n z l/ (ن.ز.ل)
to shut, close, to come to an end, to stop working, be idle, to turn off, to turn off
يبَنِّد بَنَّد /b n d/ (ب.ن.د)
to justify
يبَرِّر بَرَّر /b r r/ (ب.ر.ر)
to repeat, do again, do repeatedly
يكَرِّر كَرَّر /k r r/ (ك.ر.ر)
to estimate, evaluate, to appreciate, esteem highly, think highly of, to predetermine, foreordain (of God)
يقَدِّر قَدَّر /g d r/ (ق.د.ر)
to authenticate, certify (a document)
يوَثِّق وَثَّق /w th g/ (و.ث.ق)
to store up, stockpile, to provide with grain, cereals, corn, etc., to store up, stockpile, to provide with grain, cereals, corn, etc.
يكَيِّل كَيَّل /tsh y l/ (ك.ي.ل)
to distinguish, differentiate, to consider better than, to recognize
يمَيِّز مَيَّز /m y z/ (م.ي.ز)
to send on a journey, send away, to deport, expel, to deport
يسَفِّر سَفَّر /s f r/ (س.ف.ر)
to gather firewood
يحَطِّب حَطَّب /7 t. b/ (ح.ط.ب)
to take s.o. as a guest, receive hospitably
يضَيِّف ضَيَّف /dh. y f/ (ض.ي.ف)
to make fivefold, quintuple, to divide into five parts
يخَمِّس خَمَّس /kh m s/ (خ.م.س)
to think, consider, to be or become apprehensive, anxious
يحَسِّب حَسَّب /7 s b/ (ح.س.ب)
to complicate, make difficult
يعَقِّد عَقَّد /3 g d/ (ع.ق.د)
to graduate s.o.
يخَرِّج خَرَّج /kh r dj/ (خ.ر.ج)
to domesticate
يطَيِّع طَيَّع /t. y 3/ (ط.ي.ع)
to lower, decrease, reduce (e.g., price)
يخَفِّض خَفَّض /kh f dh./ (خ.ف.ض)
to pay or give money to s.o.
ينَقِّد نَقَّد /n g d/ (ن.ق.د)
to convey, transmit, report, to notify, to notify
يبَلِّغ بَلَّغ /b l gh/ (ب.ل.غ)
to make s.o. sympathetic, favorably disposed, inclined, to tilt, incline
يمَيِّل مَيَّل /m y l/ (م.ي.ل)
to corrupt, spoil s.o., to mess up s.th.
يفَسِّد فَسَّد /f s d/ (ف.س.د)
to embroider s.th.
يخَوِّر خَوَّر /kh w r/ (خ.و.ر)
to brush
يفَرِّش فَرَّش /f r sh/ (ف.ر.ش)
to torture, to torment, pain, afflict, to punish
يعَذِّب عَذَّب /3 dh b/ (ع.ذ.ب)
to dress, clothe, to put on, slip on, to dress someone or sth
يلَبِّس لَبَّس /l b s/ (ل.ب.س)
to dye (clothes, etc.)
يوَرِّس وَرَّس /w r s/ (و.ر.س)
to assist in childbirth, to generate, to cause, breed, engender
يوَلِّد وَلَّد /w l d/ (و.ل.د)
to burn
يحَرِّق حَرَّق /7 r q/ (ح.ر.ق)
to make or let play, to play
يلَعِّب لَعَّب /l 3 b/ (ل.ع.ب)
to pave s.th. (with tiles)
يبَلِّط بَلَّط /b l t./ (ب.ل.ط)
to appoint s.o. as representative, agent, or substitute
ينَوِّب نَوَّب /n w b/ (ن.و.ب)
to be digested
يهَدِّم هَدَّم /h d m/ (ه.د.م)
to waste, squander, to go to seed
يبَذِّر بَذَّر /b dh r/ (ب.ذ.ر)
to perpetuate, immortalize
يخَلِّد خَلَّد /kh l d/ (خ.ل.د)
to make lighter, lighten, to decrease, lessen, to lighten, ease, relieve, to lighten, thin
يخَفِّف خَفَّف /kh f f/ (خ.ف.ف)
to widen, broaden, to expose
يعَرِّض عَرَّض /3 r dh./ (ع.ر.ض)
to make get up, make stand up
يقَوِّم قَوَّم /g w m/ (ق.و.م)
to allow others to copy
ينَقِّل نَقَّل /n g l/ (ن.ق.ل)
to be silent, hold one's tongue
يبَلِّم بَلَّم /b l m/ (ب.ل.م)
to row
يجَدِّف جَدَّف /dj d f/ (ج.د.ف)
to expose to the sun, lay out in the sun
يشَمِّس شَمَّس /sh m s/ (ش.م.س)
to smuggle
يهَرِّب هَرَّب /h r b/ (ه.ر.ب)
to welcome s.o., make s.o. welcome
يرَحِّب رَحَّب /r 7 b/ (ر.ح.ب)
to humiliate, degrade
يحَقِّر حَقَّر /7 g r/ (ح.ق.ر)
to collect, to save (money), amass, pile up, to collect
يجَمِّع جَمَّع /dj m 3/ (ج.م.ع)
to startle, frighten
يجَفِّل جَفَّل /dj f l/ (ج.ف.ل)
to dry, make s.th. dry, to dry
ييَبِّس يَبَّس /y b s/ (ي.ب.س)
to liken, compare to, to consider similar or identical, to find a resemblance in
يشَبِّه شَبَّه /sh b h/ (ش.ب.ه)
to cause to precede or come ahead of
يسَبِّق سَبَّق /s b g/ (س.ب.ق)
to incite, provoke, stir up
يحَرِّض حَرَّض /7 r dh./ (ح.ر.ض)
to joke, jest, kid, to comment (on a subject, etc.)
يصَنِّف صَنَّف /s. n f/ (ص.ن.ف)
to numb, deaden, to anesthetize
يخَدِّر خَدَّر /kh d r/ (خ.د.ر)
to satiate, fill, to satisfy, gratify, to make s.o. fed up or sick and tired
يشَبِّع شَبَّع /sh b 3/ (ش.ب.ع)
to get married
يعَرِّس عَرَّس /3 r s/ (ع.ر.س)
to peel off, scratch off, to rob, strip s.o. of his belongings
يقَشِّط قَشَّط /g sh t./ (ق.ش.ط)
to entertain, amuse, show a good time, to entertain
يوَنِّس وَنَّس /w n s/ (و.ن.س)
to find, to obtain, get, receive, to profit, make a profit
يحَصِّل حَصَّل /7 s. l/ (ح.ص.ل)
to persuade, convince
يقَنِّع قَنَّع /g n 3/ (ق.ن.ع)
to shorten, make short or shorter, to fail (an examination), to fall behind, lag behind (in s.th.), to come in short
يقَصِّر قَصَّر /g s. r/ (ق.ص.ر)
to brush the teeth with a chewed twig
يسَوِّك سَوَّك /s w k/ (س.و.ك)
to empty, to pour out, to unload
يفَرِّغ فَرَّغ /f r gh/ (ف.ر.غ)
to paint, dye, stain, color, tint
يرَنِّق رَنَّق /r n g/ (ر.ن.ق)
to tell, relate to s.o.
يحَدِّث حَدَّث /7 d th/ (ح.د.ث)
to dry, make s.th. dry
ينَشِّف نَشَّف /n sh f/ (ن.ش.ف)
to roast, to brown, to turn (someone or sth) red
يحَمِّر حَمَّر /7 m r/ (ح.م.ر)
to cool, chill
يبَرِّد بَرَّد /b r d/ (ب.ر.د)
to bid s.o. good morning, to say good morning
يصَبِّح صَبَّح /s. b 7/ (ص.ب.ح)
to cause to slip, slide
يزَلِّق زَلَّق /z l g/ (ز.ل.ق)
to slow down
يهَوِّد هَوَّد /h w d/ (ه.و.د)
to cause to leave, relocate, resettle
يرَحِّل رَحَّل /r 7 l/ (ر.ح.ل)
to serve the Suhuur, a light meal (shortly before daybreak taken during Ramadan)
يسَحِّر سَحَّر /s 7 r/ (س.ح.ر)
to cover the lower part of the face, veil the face, to cover one's face with a scarf
يلَثِّم لَثَّم /l th m/ (ل.ث.م)
to salt
يمَلِّح مَلَّح /m l 7/ (م.ل.ح)
to make s.th. heavy, to burden, inconvenience s.o.
يثَقِّل ثَقَّل /th g l/ (ث.ق.ل)
to apply charcoal on
يفَحِّم فَحَّم /f 7 m/ (ف.ح.م)
to tear, shed tears
يدَمِّع دَمَّع /d m 3/ (د.م.ع)
to divorce
يطَلِّق طَلَّق /t. l g/ (ط.ل.ق)
to get stuck or plunged
يقَرِّز قَرَّز /q r z/ (ق.ر.ز)
to authorize
يخَوِّل خَوَّل /kh w l/ (خ.و.ل)
to be or become senile and feeble-minded
يخَرِّف خَرَّف /kh r f/ (خ.ر.ف)
to starve s.o., make s.o. go hungry
يجَوِّع جَوَّع /dj w 3/ (ج.و.ع)
to spread (rumors, news), circulate, to push the sale of, open a market for
يرَوِّج رَوَّج /r w dj/ (ر.و.ج)
to bore s.o., to annoy, upset, irritate s.o.
يضَوِّك ضَوَّك /dh. w dj/ (ض.و.ك)
to leave, bequeath, will
يوَرِّث وَرَّث /w r th/ (و.ر.ث)
to manage, handle, arrange, to contrive, devise, work at
يدَبِّر دَبَّر /d b r/ (د.ب.ر)
to make hate, cause to hate
يكَرِّه كَرَّه /k r h/ (ك.ر.ه)
to uncover the head, remove the head gear, to be disclosed, revealed
يصَلِّع صَلَّع /s. l 3/ (ص.ل.ع)
to silence, make s.o. dumb
يخَرِّس خَرَّس /kh r s/ (خ.ر.س)
to train, coach, drill, to train
يدَرِّب دَرَّب /d r b/ (د.ر.ب)
to spit
يتَفِّل تَفَّل /t f l/ (ت.ف.ل)
to sew, to tailor
يخَيِّط خَيَّط /kh y t./ (خ.ي.ط)
to can, tin
يعَلِّب عَلَّب /3 l b/ (ع.ل.ب)
to chop up, cut up (e.g., onions, meat, etc.)
يثَرِّم ثَرَّم /th r m/ (ث.ر.م)
to humble, humiliate, to overcome, surmount
يذَلِّل ذَلَّل /dh l l/ (ذ.ل.ل)
to make s.o. gain, grant s.o. a profit, allow s.o. to profit
يرَبِّح رَبَّح /r b 7/ (ر.ب.ح)
to honor, to be more noble, eminent, honorable than, to honor
يشَرِّف شَرَّف /sh r f/ (ش.ر.ف)
to show one's teeth, bare one's teeth
يكَشِّر كَشَّر /k sh r/ (ك.ش.ر)
to make cower, cow
يخَنِّس خَنَّس /kh n s/ (خ.ن.س)
to distinguish, differentiate (between), to divide, to disperse, scatter, to distribute, to distribute and/or to discriminate
يفَرِّق فَرَّق /f r g/ (ف.ر.ق)
to extend, lengthen, to expand, extend, to stretch out, spread out, to lay down
يمَدِّد مَدَّد /m d d/ (م.د.د)
to pile, pile up, stack up
يكَوِّد كَوَّد /k w d/ (ك.و.د)
to feel someone and/or sth
يحَسِّس حَسَّس /7 s s/ (ح.س.س)
to subdue, humble, subjugate
يخَضِّع خَضَّع /kh dh. 3/ (خ.ض.ع)
to scour, scrub
يلَيِّف لَيَّف /l y f/ (ل.ي.ف)
to lie, tell lies, to call s.o. a liar, accuse s.o. of lying, to deny, refute
يكَذِّب كَذَّب /tsh dh b/ (ك.ذ.ب)
to make s.o. sell s.th.
يبَيِّع بَيَّع /b y 3/ (ب.ي.ع)
to think over, meditate, reflect
يفَكِّر فَكَّر /f k r/ (ف.ك.ر)
to drip, fall in drops
ينَقِّط نَقَّط /n g t./ (ن.ق.ط)
to annihilate, destroy, ruin, demolish
يدَمِّر دَمَّر /d m r/ (د.م.ر)
to double s.th.
يدَبِّل دَبَّل /d b l/ (د.ب.ل)
to hang s.th., to comment, make comments
يعَلِّق عَلَّق /3 l g/ (ع.ل.ق)
to bind (a book)
يجَلِّد جَلَّد /dj l d/ (ج.ل.د)
to curdle, make curdle
يرَوِّب رَوَّب /r w b/ (ر.و.ب)
to make quiet, motionless, to make less painful, alleviate
يرَكِّد رَكَّد /r k d/ (ر.ك.د)
to make s.o. poor, impoverish s.o.
يفَقِّر فَقَّر /f g r/ (ف.ق.ر)
to cut meat (intensified)
يقَصِّب قَصَّب /g s. b/ (ق.ص.ب)
to check, control, to examine s.th. for accuracy and safety, to correct, adjust s.th., to mark with a check mark, to check, control, to examine s.th. for accuracy and safety, to correct, adjust s.th., to mark with a check mark, to check
يشَيِّك شَيَّك /sh y k/ (ش.ي.ك)
to be or become infested with lice
يقَمِّل قَمَّل /g m l/ (ق.م.ل)
to cause to crack open, to split open
يفَلِّع فَلَّع /f l 3/ (ف.ل.ع)
to examine closely, examine exactly
يدَقِّق دَقَّق /d g g/ (د.ق.ق)
to go east, to go east, to head East
يشَرِّق شَرَّق /sh r dj/ (ش.ر.ق)
to cause to spoil, rot
يخَيِّس خَيَّس /kh y s/ (خ.ي.س)
to bridle, put the bridle on
يلَجِّم لَجَّم /l dj m/ (ل.ج.م)
to threaten
يهَدِّد هَدَّد /h d d/ (ه.د.د)
to cause s.o. to make a mistake, to prove someone wrong
يغَلِّط غَلَّط /gh l t./ (غ.ل.ط)
to recruit, draft, enlist
يجَنِّد جَنَّد /dj n d/ (ج.ن.د)
to inoculate, vaccinate, to feed, give food to
يطَعِّم طَعَّم /t. 3 m/ (ط.ع.م)
to seat someone and/or sth
ييَلِّس يَلَّس /y l s/ (ي.ل.س)
to make s.o. laugh, to laugh
يضَحِّك ضَحَّك /dh. 7 tsh/ (ض.ح.ك)
to reserve, assign, to set aside, designate, to appropriate, allot, allocate
يخَصِّص خَصَّص /kh s. s./ (خ.ص.ص)
to reduce, decrease, lessen
يقَلِّل قَلَّل /g l l/ (ق.ل.ل)
to make happy, delight
يفَرِّح فَرَّح /f r 7/ (ف.ر.ح)
to light up sth
يوَلِّع وَلَّع /w l 3/ (و.ل.ع)
to finish, complete, to be or become finished, used up, to use up, finish, to finish
يخَلِّص خَلَّص /kh l s./ (خ.ل.ص)
to prevent a young girl from going out without a veil
يخَفِّر خَفَّر /kh f r/ (خ.ف.ر)
to go home (usually in the evening), to cause or allow s.th. to go away, to leave
يرَوِّح رَوَّح /r w 7/ (ر.و.ح)
to curse, to blapheme, to infuriate, madden, to atone, make amends, do penance
يكَفِّر كَفَّر /k f r/ (ك.ف.ر)
to put the blame
يلَوِّم لَوَّم /l w m/ (ل.و.م)
to discharge, dismiss, release s.o. from a job, lay off, to comb, do up (the hair)
يسَرِّح سَرَّح /s r 7/ (س.ر.ح)
to lubricate, grease
يشَحِّم شَحَّم /sh 7 m/ (ش.ح.م)
to talk to, speak to, speak with, to speak to
يكَلِّم كَلَّم /k l m/ (ك.ل.م)
to manage, handle, arrange, to contrive, devise, work at
يدَبِّر دَبَّر /d b r/ (د.ب.ر)
to jump
ينَطِّط نَطَّط /n t. t./ (ن.ط.ط)
to be early, get up early, rise early, to come early, to go out early, set out early
يبَكِّر بَكَّر /b k r/ (ب.ك.ر)
to make insane, to madden
يدَهِّم دَهَّم /d h m/ (د.ه.م)
to go to a foreign country, to head West
يغَرِّب غَرَّب /gh r b/ (غ.ر.ب)
to make white, whitewash, to tinplate, to make someone or sth white
يبَيِّض بَيَّض /b y dh./ (ب.ي.ض)
to bring out, show, expose, to obtain, get, acquire, to dismiss, expel, throw out
يطَلِّع طَلَّع /t. l 3/ (ط.ل.ع)
to bend, bow
يدَنِّق دَنَّق /d n g/ (د.ن.ق)
to chant, to rejoice, shout with joy
يهَلِّل هَلَّل /h l l/ (ه.ل.ل)
to amass, accumulate, gather, to save, put by (money)
يحَوِّش حَوَّش /7 w sh/ (ح.و.ش)
to industrialize
يصَنِّع صَنَّع /s. n 3/ (ص.ن.ع)
to prefer
يفَضِّل فَضَّل /f dh. l/ (ف.ض.ل)
to arm, provide with weapons, to reinforce, strengthen
يسَلِّح سَلَّح /s l 7/ (س.ل.ح)
to blacken, besmudge
يصَخِّم صَخَّم /s. kh m/ (ص.خ.م)
to mount on, put of fix, sit on a horse, to give a ride to, cause to ride, to put aboard, put on, to install, set, place, mount, to assemble, put together, fit together, to prepare and put together a meal, to put something together
يرَكِّب رَكَّب /r k b/ (ر.ك.ب)
to behave oneself, be on good terms, get along with, to unclog sewers or drains
يسَلِّك سَلَّك /s l k/ (س.ل.ك)
to cause to run away, flee
يشَرِّد شَرَّد /sh r d/ (ش.ر.د)
to remind, to warn, caution
ينَبِّه نَبَّه /n b h/ (ن.ب.ه)
to make generally known (and applicable)
يعَمِّم عَمَّم /3 m m/ (ع.م.م)
to make sick
يمَرِّض مَرَّض /m r dh./ (م.ر.ض)
to resign, to fire, discharge s.o. (from work)
يفَنِّش فَنَّش /f n sh/ (ف.ن.ش)
to put s.o. under oath, swear in
يحَلِّف حَلَّف /7 l f/ (ح.ل.ف)
to make s.o. tired, to bother, trouble
يتَعِّب تَعَّب /t 3 b/ (ت.ع.ب)
to relieve, cause to come to a happy ending
يفَرِّج فَرَّج /f r dj/ (ف.ر.ج)
to bring, announce good news to s.o., to spread, propagate (a religion, docrine), to deliver good news
يبَشِّر بَشَّر /b sh r/ (ب.ش.ر)
to pitch a tent, set up camp, to settle (said of the night)
يخَيِّم خَيَّم /kh y m/ (خ.ي.م)
to be or become bankrupt, go broke
يفَلِّس فَلَّس /f l s/ (ف.ل.س)
to utter long drawn and trilling sounds by Arab women as a manifestation of joy
ييَبِّب يَبَّب /y b b/ (ي.ب.ب)
to insult
يقَطِّب قَطَّب /q t. b/ (ق.ط.ب)
to stop, bring s.o. to s.th. to a stand still, to park (a car), to cause to stand, to place in an upright position, to suspend, prevent s.o. from, to position, station, place, to stop someone or sth
يوَقِّف وَقَّف /w g f/ (و.ق.ف)
to make s.o. or s.th. ready
يوَلِّم وَلَّم /w l m/ (و.ل.م)
to mess things
يخَبِّص خَبَّص /kh b s./ (خ.ب.ص)
to stipulate;provide as a condition - state as a condition
يشَرِّط شَرَّط /sh r t./ (ش.ر.ط)
to do, perform, discharge, to carry out, execute (a sentence)
ينَفِّذ نَفَّذ /n f dh/ (ن.ف.ذ)
to introduce
يعَرِّف عَرَّف /3 r f/ (ع.ر.ف)
to condition, adjust, to adapt, adjust, to embarras or blame
يكَيِّف كَيَّف /k y f/ (ك.ي.ف)
to triple s.th., make s.th. threefold
يثَلِّث ثَلَّث /th l th/ (ث.ل.ث)
to refrigerate, freeze s.th., to get cold, freeze, to become frozen
يثَلِّج ثَلَّج /th l dj/ (ث.ل.ج)
to greet, salute s.o., to protect from harm, keep safe, to turn over, hand over, surrender, to deliver, hand over, give s.th. to s.o., to surrender, lay down one's arms
يسَلِّم سَلَّم /s l m/ (س.ل.م)
to give a bath to s.o., to praise, glorify God (by saying "subHaan aLLaah" - praise the Lord!), to toy with a string of prayer (worry) beads, to shower and/or swim
يسَبِّح سَبَّح /s b 7/ (س.ب.ح)
to cause to memorize
يحَفِّظ حَفَّظ /7 f dh./ (ح.ف.ظ)
to pass s.o., let s.o. succeed
ينَجِّح نَجَّح /n dj 7/ (ن.ج.ح)
to go very early in the morning
يغَبِّش غَبَّش /gh b sh/ (غ.ب.ش)
to cause to be sleepy, drowsy
ينَعِّس نَعَّس /n 3 s/ (ن.ع.س)
to dig up, tear up
يحَفِّر حَفَّر /7 f r/ (ح.ف.ر)
to depict, portray, represent, to take a photograph
يصَوِّر صَوَّر /s. w r/ (ص.و.ر)
to explode, exaggerate, to exaggerate
ينَقِّع نَقَّع /n g 3/ (ن.ق.ع)
to keep digging up, keep unearthing, to dig up, unearth, to bring out into the open, reveal, to look through someone's belongings and/or personal life
ينَبِّش نَبَّش /n b sh/ (ن.ب.ش)
to straighten, make straight, to put in order, straighten out, to amend, improve, change, to fix
يعَدِّل عَدَّل /3 d l/ (ع.د.ل)
to renew, to renovate, remodel, modernize, to renew
يجَدِّد جَدَّد /y d d/ (ج.د.د)
to annoy, anger, make s.o. mad, to make someone upset
يزَعِّل زَعَّل /z 3 l/ (ز.ع.ل)
to act, play (a role), to represent, to show, demonstrate, to act
يمَثِّل مَثَّل /m th l/ (م.ث.ل)
to cause to fail, give a failing grade
يرَسِّب رَسَّب /r s b/ (ر.س.ب)
to repair, mend, to prepare, to fix
يصَلِّح صَلَّح /s. l 7/ (ص.ل.ح)
to light up
ينَوِّر نَوَّر /n w r/ (ن.و.ر)
to massage
يهَمِّز هَمَّز /h m z/ (ه.م.ز)
to deliver, to distribute, deal out, pass out
يوَزِّع وَزَّع /w z 3/ (و.ز.ع)
to design, plan, to make up one's mind, be determined
يصَمِّم صَمَّم /s. m m/ (ص.م.م)
to export, to issue, put out, publish
يصَدِّر صَدَّر /s. d r/ (ص.د.ر)
to clap, applaud, clap the hands, to clap one's hands
يصَفِّق صَفَّق /s. f g/ (ص.ف.ق)
to drive away, cause s.o. to flee
يهَجِّج هَجَّج /h dj dj/ (ه.ج.ج)
to decide to do s.th.
يعَزِّم عَزَّم /3 z m/ (ع.ز.م)
to employ, provide employment, to make, let work, to put to work, put in operation, to switch sth on
يشَغِّل شَغَّل /sh gh l/ (ش.غ.ل)
to cause s.o. to give up, abandon s.th.
يتَرِّك تَرَّك /t r k/ (ت.ر.ك)
to blow, play a wind instrument
يزَمِّر زَمَّر /z m r/ (ز.م.ر)
to be embarrassed, put s.o. to shame
يخَجِّل خَجَّل /kh dj l/ (خ.ج.ل)
to let pass
يمَرِّر مَرَّر /m r r/ (م.ر.ر)
to breast-feed a baby
يرَضِّع رَضَّع /r dh. 3/ (ر.ض.ع)
to have time for, have a chance to, to be on time
يلَحِّق لَحَّق /l 7 g/ (ل.ح.ق)
to clean, make clean, cleanse
ينَظِّف نَظَّف /n dh. f/ (ن.ظ.ف)
to change, convert, exchange, to transfer, move, to remit, send, transmit (e.g., money by mail), to turn s.th. aside, move s.th. away from, to descend, dismount, get off, to transfer
يحَوِّل حَوَّل /7 w l/ (ح.و.ل)
to give permission to s.o. to leave, to authorize, license, to make cheap, inexpensive, to license, have s.th. Licensed
يرَخِّص رَخَّص /r kh s./ (ر.خ.ص)
to provide with a roof or ceiling
يسَقِّف سَقَّف /s g f/ (س.ق.ف)
to plant or ram in the ground, set up, to concentrate, to fix, implant
يرَكِّز رَكَّز /r k z/ (ر.ك.ز)
to invigorate, energize
ينَشِّط نَشَّط /n sh t./ (ن.ش.ط)
to match (clothing)
يلَبِّق لَبَّق /l b q/ (ل.ب.ق)
to express, voice, state clearly, to take s.o. across, send across
يعَبِّر عَبَّر /3 b r/ (ع.ب.ر)
to purge, clean, purify, to circumcise
يطَهِّر طَهَّر /t. h r/ (ط.ه.ر)
to build a wall around, wall in, encircle, surround
يحَوِّط حَوَّط /7 w t./ (ح.و.ط)
to put s.th. in a bag, to put s.th. in a bag
يكَيِّس كَيَّس /tsh y s/ (ك.ي.س)
to rent, hire
ينَوِّل نَوَّل /n w l/ (ن.و.ل)
to cause to go away, leave
يزَوِّل زَوَّل /z w l/ (ز.و.ل)
to pluck from roots
يشَلِّع شَلَّع /sh l 3/ (ش.ل.ع)
to shout, yell repeatedly
يصَيِّح صَيَّح /s. y 7/ (ص.ي.ح)
to provide, furnish, supply
يزَوِّد زَوَّد /z w d/ (ز.و.د)
to pay money to pearl divers in advance
يسَقِّم سَقَّم /s g m/ (س.ق.م)
to give s.o. a ride, to convey, take, bring (s.th. to s.o.), to connect, hook up, join
يوَصِّل وَصَّل /w s. l/ (و.ص.ل)
to boil s.th.
يفَوِّح فَوَّح /f w 7/ (ف.و.ح)
to drop, cause to fall
يطَيِّح طَيَّح /t. y 7/ (ط.ي.ح)
to build a nest
يعَشِّش عَشَّش /3 sh sh/ (ع.ش.ش)
to scratch e.g., the face, the skin, etc., with nails or claws, to pierce, go through
يخَمِّش خَمَّش /kh m sh/ (خ.م.ش)
to blacken, make black, darken
يسَوِّد سَوَّد /s w d/ (س.و.د)
to warn, caution
يحَذِّر حَذَّر /7 dh r/ (ح.ذ.ر)
to make s.th. dirty, filthy
يوَسِّخ وَسَّخ /w s kh/ (و.س.خ)
to fix
يضَبِّط ضَبَّط /d. b t./ (ض.ب.ط)
to apply perfume
يعَطِّر عَطَّر /3 t. r/ (ع.ط.ر)
to drown s.o., cause s.o. to drown, to sink, cause to sink
يغَرِّق غَرَّق /gh r g/ (غ.ر.ق)
to scare, frighten, alarm
يخَوِّف خَوَّف /kh w f/ (خ.و.ف)
to take a midday nap, take a siesta
يقَيِّل قَيَّل /g y l/ (ق.ي.ل)
to carve (meat), to cut into pieces, cut up, to wear out, tear up, to cut
يقَطِّع قَطَّع /gh t. 3/ (ق.ط.ع)
to tell, inform, let s.o. know, to tell
يخَبِّر خَبَّر /kh b r/ (خ.ب.ر)
to stir, stir up, to examine, study, scrutinize, to hold on to, cling to, stick to, to insist
يقَلِّب قَلَّب /g l b/ (ق.ل.ب)
to melt, dissolve, liquefy s.th.
يمَوِّع مَوَّع /m w 3/ (م.و.ع)
to teach, instruct, to tell, let s.o. know, to teach
يعَلِّم عَلَّم /3 l m/ (ع.ل.م)
to appoint s.o. as ruler, choose an arbitrator
يحَكِّم حَكَّم /7 k m/ (ح.ك.م)
to seat s.o. down, to seat s.o., e.g., on a chair, at a table, etc.
يجَلِّس جَلَّس /dj l s/ (ج.ل.س)
to celebrate or observe a feast
يعَيِّد عَيَّد /3 y d/ (ع.ي.د)
to make wider, more spacious, to make room for s.o., to be generous toward s.o., to make s.o. wealthy
يوَسِّع وَسَّع /w s 3/ (و.س.ع)
to rub ; scrub
يفَرِّك فَرَّك /f r k/ (ف.ر.ك)
to authorize, appoint as agent, to engage s.o. as legal counsel,
يوَكِّل وَكَّل /w k l/ (و.ك.ل)
to mark off, line, to plan, project
يخَطِّط خَطَّط /kh t. t./ (خ.ط.ط)
to attend a funeral procession, attend a funeral
يشَيِّع شَيَّع /sh y 3/ (ش.ي.ع)
to cover oneself or someone else with a blanket or so
يلَحِّف لَحَّف /l 7 f/ (ل.ح.ف)
to kid, joke, to ridicule, make fun of
يطَنِّز طَنَّز /t. n z/ (ط.ن.ز)
to persist in s.th., to auction off
يحَرِّج حَرَّج /7 r dj/ (ح.ر.ج)
to guide, show around, to build a wall around, to fence, to let things go
يطَوِّف طَوَّف /t. w f/ (ط.و.ف)
to anesthetize
يبَنِّج بَنَّج /b n dj/ (ب.ن.ج)
to load, to charge s.o. with s.th., burden, impose on
يحَمِّل حَمَّل /7 m l/ (ح.م.ل)
to close, shut, to be or become full (of s.th.)
يغَلِّق غَلَّق /gh l g/ (غ.ل.ق)
to whet, sharpen (knives, razors, etc.) on a whetstone
يكَرِّخ كَرَّخ /tsh r kh/ (ك.ر.خ)
to give power over
يصَلِّط صَلَّط /s. l t./ (ص.ل.ط)
to seat s.o, make s.o. sit down
يقَعِّد قَعَّد /g 3 d/ (ق.ع.د)
to waste, squander
يبَدِّد بَدَّد /b d d/ (ب.د.د)
to diagnose
يشَخِّص شَخَّص /sh kh s./ (ش.خ.ص)
to look glum, pout
يبَوِّز بَوَّز /b w z/ (ب.و.ز)
to prune, trim (trees, bushes etc.)
يقَلِّم قَلَّم /g l m/ (ق.ل.م)
to prepare, get things ready
يزَهِّب زَهَّب /z h b/ (ز.ه.ب)
to increase, augment, make more of, to do a lot of sth
يكَثِّر كَثَّر /k th r/ (ك.ث.ر)
to blow one's nose
يمَغِّط مَغَّط /m gh t./ (م.غ.ط)
to wrap s.th. In a cloth bundle
يبَقِّش بَقَّش /b g sh/ (ب.ق.ش)
to nominate, put up as a candidate
يرَشِّح رَشَّح /r sh 7/ (ر.ش.ح)
to dye or color green, to make green, to turn green
يخَضِّر خَضَّر /kh dh. r/ (خ.ض.ر)
to make s.o. or s.th. ready
يبَرِّز بَرَّز /b r z/ (ب.ر.ز)
to fail, flunk, to cause to fall, topple, collapse
يصَقِّط صَقَّط /s. g t./ (ص.ق.ط)
to realize, fulfill, to investigate, to interrogate
يحَقِّق حَقَّق /7 g g/ (ح.ق.ق)
to tear up, tear to pieces
يشَقِّق شَقَّق /sh g g/ (ش.ق.ق)
to make or let enter, bring in, let in s.o. or s.th., to insert, include, enter, to enter or put in
يدَخِّل دَخَّل /d kh l/ (د.خ.ل)
to cause loss or damage
يخَسِّر خَسَّر /kh s r/ (خ.س.ر)
to make permissible or lawful, sanction, to declare permissible, allow, to make a chemical analysis, to assume something is Halal
يحَلِّل حَلَّل /7 l l/ (ح.ل.ل)
to uncover (one's head), take off one's gitra or hat
يفَرِّع فَرَّع /f r 3/ (ف.ر.ع)
to quadruple, increase fourfold
يرَبِّع رَبَّع /r b 3/ (ر.ب.ع)
to dissolve s.th., to melt s.th.
يذَوِّب ذَوَّب /dh w b/ (ذ.و.ب)
to hold on to, cling to, stick to, to insist
يكَلِّب كَلَّب /k l b/ (ك.ل.ب)
to prefer, give preference to, favor
يرَجِّح رَجَّح /r dj 7/ (ر.ج.ح)
to move s.th., set s.th. in motion, operate, to start s.th., get s.th. started, to incite, stir up, provoke, to move
يحَرِّك حَرَّك /7 r k/ (ح.ر.ك)
to make s.o. dizzy, to give s.o. a headache, bother s.o. a lot
يدَوِّخ دَوَّخ /d w kh/ (د.و.خ)
to promote s.o., raise s.o. in salary or rank
يرَفِّع رَفَّع /r f 3/ (ر.ف.ع)
to lend (money to s.o.), loan, advance
يسَلِّف سَلَّف /s l f/ (س.ل.ف)
to fertilize, manure
يسَمِّد سَمَّد /s m d/ (س.م.د)
to affix, stick, paste, join with glue
يلَزِّق لَزَّق /l z g/ (ل.ز.ق)
to speckle, spot s.th.
يرَقِّط رَقَّط /r g t./ (ر.ق.ط)
to cause to fast
يصَوِّم صَوَّم /s. w m/ (ص.و.م)
to form, shape, fashion, create, to diversify, vary, variegate
يشَكِّل شَكَّل /sh k l/ (ش.ك.ل)
to shove, push
يدَفِّع دَفَّع /d f 3/ (د.ف.ع)
to distort, twist, misconstrue
يحَرِّف حَرَّف /7 r f/ (ح.ر.ف)
to teach, instruct
يدَرِّس دَرَّس /d r s/ (د.ر.س)
to be courteous or hospitable toward s.o.
يوَجِّب وَجَّب /w dj b/ (و.ج.ب)
to confuse, mix s.o. up
يوَهِّق وَهَّق /w h g/ (و.ه.ق)
to make or cause to give testimony
يشَهِّد شَهَّد /sh h d/ (ش.ه.د)
to make s.o. swallow s.th.
يبَلِّع بَلَّع /b l 3/ (ب.ل.ع)
to have a descendents, have offspring, to leave, leave behind
يخَلِّف خَلَّف /kh l f/ (خ.ل.ف)
to marry off, give in marriage, to marry
يزَوِّج زَوَّج /z w dj/ (ز.و.ج)
to crown s.o.
يتَوِّج تَوَّج /t w dj/ (ت.و.ج)
to make difficult, hard
يصَعِّب صَعَّب /s. 3 b/ (ص.ع.ب)
to disappoint, let down, dash
يخَيِّب خَيَّب /kh y b/ (خ.ي.ب)
to cause a scandal
يفَضِّح فَضَّح /f d. 7/ (ف.ض.ح)
to prepare, make ready, to produce, make
يحَضِّر حَضَّر /7 dh. r/ (ح.ض.ر)
to be a guest, stay overnight, to give lodging to s.o., take s.o. in
يعَزِّب عَزَّب /3 z b/ (ع.ز.ب)
to get out of the way, move aside, to get s.th. out of the way, move aside
يوَخِّر وَخَّر /w kh r/ (و.خ.ر)
to arrange, put into proper order, organize, to prepare, arrange, to organize
يرَتِّب رَتَّب /r t b/ (ر.ت.ب)
to fly at half-mast, lower at half-mast
ينَكِّس نَكَّس /n k s/ (ن.ك.س)
to scare, frighten, alarm
يخَوِّف خَوَّف /kh w f/ (خ.و.ف)
to exchange for or replace s.o. or s.th. else, to change, alter, to change
يبَدِّل بَدَّل /b d l/ (ب.د.ل)
to cause to be liked or loved
يحَبِّب حَبَّب /7 b b/ (ح.ب.ب)
to repeat constantly
يرَدِّد رَدَّد /r d d/ (ر.د.د)
to keep away, to keep s.o. out of the way of (e.g., problems, danger, etc.)
يجَنِّب جَنَّب /dj n b/ (ج.ن.ب)
to destroy, ruin, break down, to put out of order, damage, to destroy someone or sth
يخَرِّب خَرَّب /kh r b/ (خ.ر.ب)
to price, set a price on s.th.
يسَعِّر سَعَّر /s 3 r/ (س.ع.ر)
to get late, be late for s.th., to spend the summer
يصَيِّف صَيَّف /s. y f/ (ص.ي.ف)
to make s.o. thirsty
يعَطِّش عَطَّش /3 t. sh/ (ع.ط.ش)
to make run, race, rush
يرَكِّض رَكَّض /r k dh./ (ر.ك.ض)
to ebb (water)
يقَرِّح قَرَّح /g r 7/ (ق.ر.ح)
to trouble, bother, harass
يصَدِّع صَدَّع /s. d 3/ (ص.د.ع)
to cost, to ask, require, assign, to bother, inconvenience
يكَلِّف كَلَّف /k l f/ (ك.ل.ف)
to open (e.g., a door, a bottle, a can, etc.), to stop, leave off, to open
يبَطِّل بَطَّل /b t. l/ (ب.ط.ل)
to honor, treat with respect (and food)
يكَرِّم كَرَّم /k r m/ (ك.ر.م)
to cause to vomit
يزَوِّع زَوَّع /z w 3/ (ز.و.ع)
to make enthusiastic, stir up, excite
يحَمِّس حَمَّس /7 m s/ (ح.م.س)
to cause to fall, to drop, to sign, to cause to sign
يوَقِّع وَقَّع /w g 3/ (و.ق.ع)
to scratch out
يشَخِّط شَخَّط /sh kh t./ (ش.خ.ط)
to put s.o. to bed, to put s.o. to sleep
يرَقِّد رَقَّد /r g d/ (ر.ق.د)
to make an announcement, declare
يصَرِّح صَرَّح /s. r 7/ (ص.ر.ح)
to travel by sea, to set sail, put to sea
يبَحِّر بَحَّر /b 7 r/ (ب.ح.ر)
to slaughter, massacre, butcher
يقَتِّل قَتَّل /g t l/ (ق.ت.ل)
to slaughter (large numbers)
يذَبِّح ذَبَّح /dh b 7/ (ذ.ب.ح)
to put to sleep
ينَيِّم نَيَّم /n y m/ (ن.ي.م)
to grant prosperity or success to s.o., to reconcile, make peace between, to finish nad/or come to an end
يوَفِّق وَفَّق /w f g/ (و.ف.ق)
to frighten, scare s.o., to scare
يرَوِّع رَوَّع /r w 3/ (ر.و.ع)
to make strong, intensify, strengthen, to exert pressure, press
يشَدِّد شَدَّد /sh d d/ (ش.د.د)
to sour, become sour or unpleasant
يحَمِّض حَمَّض /7 m dh./ (ح.م.ض)
to develope
يطَوِّر طَوَّر /t. w r/ (ط.و.ر)
to educate, impart culture or education
يثَقِّف ثَقَّف /th g f/ (ث.ق.ف)
to have s.o. read through (the Quran)
يخَتِّم خَتَّم /kh t m/ (خ.ت.م)
to injure, hurt
يوَجِّع وَجَّع /w dj 3/ (و.ج.ع)
to divide, distribute
يغَسِّم غَسَّم /gh s m/ (غ.س.م)
to explain, interpret
يفَسِّر فَسَّر /f s r/ (ف.س.ر)
to make smaller, to reduce, decrease
يصَغِّر صَغَّر /s. gh r/ (ص.غ.ر)
to make fun of s.o., to insult
يعَيِّب عَيَّب /3 y b/ (ع.ي.ب)
to compensate, recompense, to get used to
يعَوِّض عَوَّض /3 w dh./ (ع.و.ض)
to age, grow old
يعَجِّز عَجَّز /3 y z/ (ع.ج.ز)
to distill, to drop, drip, fall into drops, to drip
يقَطِّر قَطَّر /g t. r/ (ق.ط.ر)
to pluck out, remove feathers, depilate
ينَتِّف نَتَّف /n t f/ (ن.ت.ف)
to let s.o. choose, to give a choice to s.o.
يخَيِّر خَيَّر /kh y r/ (خ.ي.ر)
to disfigure, make ugly, distort, debase
يشَوِّه شَوَّه /sh w h/ (ش.و.ه)
to support, provide for
يعَيِّش عَيَّش /3 y sh/ (ع.ي.ش)
to have sexual intercourse with s.o.
يخَنِّث خَنَّث /kh n th/ (خ.ن.ث)
to smoke hashish
يحَشِّش حَشَّش /7 sh sh/ (ح.ش.ش)
to complete, finish, to proceed
يكَمِّل كَمَّل /k m l/ (ك.م.ل)
to save
يسَيِّف سَيَّف /s y f/ (س.ي.ف)
to imitate, copy, to forge, counterfeit, to imitate
يقَلِّد قَلَّد /g l d/ (ق.ل.د)
to make s.th. narrow or narrower, to harass, oppress, restrain
يضَيِّق ضَيَّق /dh. y g/ (ض.ي.ق)
to cause to fly, to fly s.th.
يطَيِّر طَيَّر /t. y r/ (ط.ي.ر)
to supply, furnish, equip with
يجَهِّز جَهَّز /dj h z/ (ج.ه.ز)
to register, record, enter in a register, to enter, enroll (in a school, etc.), to record, make a recording of
يسَجِّل سَجَّل /s dj l/ (س.ج.ل)
to fine, impose a fine on s.o., to charge, dock s.o.
يغَرِّم غَرَّم /gh r m/ (غ.ر.م)
to open up, open for business, to simplify
يبَسِّط بَسَّط /b s t./ (ب.س.ط)
to notify, inform s.o., serve s.o. notice
يخَطِّر خَطَّر /kh t. r/ (خ.ط.ر)
to cause to experience, to show someone sth
يشَوِّف شَوَّف /tsh w f/ (ش.و.ف)
to drop in on, call on, to order s.o. around, make s.o. do one's bidding
يسَيِّر سَيَّر /s y r/ (س.ي.ر)
to smash, shatter, to break up, to break
يكَسِّر كَسَّر /k s r/ (ك.س.ر)
to encourage, to support, back, promote
يشَجِّع شَجَّع /sh dj 3/ (ش.ج.ع)
to tie up, tie up the hands (and feet of s.o.), to tie up, tie up the hands (and feet of s.o.)
يكَتِّف كَتَّف /tsh t f/ (ك.ت.ف)
to button
يدَقِّم دَقَّم /d g m/ (د.ق.م)
to change, alter, make different, to exchange, to change
يغَيِّر غَيَّر /gh y r/ (غ.ي.ر)
to evaporate, vaporize, to perfume s.o. or s.th., to disinfect, fumigate
يبَخِّر بَخَّر /b kh r/ (ب.خ.ر)
to magnify, enlarge, make greater
يعَظِّم عَظَّم /3 dh. m/ (ع.ظ.م)
to correct, grade, mark
يصَحِّح صَحَّح /s. 7 7/ (ص.ح.ح)
to make drunk, intoxicate, to close
يسَكِّر سَكَّر /s k r/ (س.ك.ر)