فَعَّى - يفَعِّي

وزن فَعَّل

Form II

C1 a C2 C2 a
y C1 a C2 C2 i

زَكَّى - يزَكِّي


to give alms to the poor, to vouch for, support, testify in favor of, to recommend

أمر مضارع ماضي الضمير
- يزَكِّي زَكَّى هو
- تزَكِّي زَكَّت هي
- يزَكُّون زَكَّوا هم
زَكِّي تزَكِّي زَكَّي انتَ
زَكِّي تزَكِّين زَكَّيتِي انتي
زَكَّوا تزَكُّون زَكَّيتَوا انتو
- اَزَكِّي زَكَّيت أنا
- نزَكِّي زَكَّينا نِحِن

أفعال بنفس التصرف:

English الفعل المضارع الفعل الماضي الجذر الصوتي الجذر الاملائي
to cause to forget
يسَهِّي سَهَّى /s h w/ (س.ه.و)
to name, designate, call, to give a name to, call, name, to say
يسَمِّي سَمَّى /s m y/ (س.م.ي)
to do, perform, commit, to make, produce, manufacture, to do
يسَوِّي سَوَّى /s w y/ (س.و.ي)
to distract s.o. from s.th., divert s.o.'s attetion from, to entertain, amuse, distract
يلَهِّي لَهَّى /l h y/ (ل.ه.ي)
to be low, mean, base, contemptible, to bring s.th. close, move s.th. near
يدَنِّي دَنَّى /d n y/ (د.ن.ي)
to leave, allow or cause s.o. or s.th. to remain, to keep, retain, to put, place, to let, allow, to cause, make, to leave someone and/or sth alone
يخَلِّي خَلَّى /kh l y/ (خ.ل.ي)
to cause to make a mistake, incriminate
يخَطِّي خَطَّى /kh t. 2/ (خ.ط.ء)
to make s.o. cry
يبَكِّي بَكَّى /b tsh y/ (ب.ك.ي)
to erase repeatedly
يمَحِّي مَحَّى /m 7 y/ (م.ح.ي)
to be enough
يكَفِّي كَفَّى /k f y/ (ك.ف.ي)
to bid s.o. good evening, wish s.o. a good evening
يمَسِّي مَسَّى /m s w/ (م.س.ي)
to whet the appetite, be appetizing
يشَهِّي شَهَّى /sh h y/ (ش.ه.ي)
to dye red (with henna)
يحَنِّي حَنَّى /7 n y/ (ح.ن.ي)
to heat, make warm
يحَمِّي حَمَّى /7 m y/ (ح.م.ي)
to give alms to the poor, to vouch for, support, testify in favor of, to recommend
يزَكِّي زَكَّى /z k y/ (ز.ك.ي)
to save s.o. (from s.th.), rescue, deliver
ينَجِّي نَجَّى /n dj w/ (ن.ج.و)
to have dessert
يحَلِّي حَلَّى /7 l y/ (ح.ل.و)
to turn off
يغَشِّي غَشَّى /gh sh y/ (غ.ش.ي)
to pray
يصَلِّي صَلَّى /s. l y/ (ص.ل.و)
to put out, extinguish, to turn off, switch off
يطَفِّي طَفَّى /t. f y/ (ط.ف.ي)
to show, demonstrate, to show someone sth
يرَوِّي رَوَّى /r w y/ (ر.و.ي)
to strengthen, make strong
يقَوِّي قَوَّى /g w y/ (ق.و.ي)
to refuse, to refuse to do s.th.
يعَيِّي عَيَّى /3 y y/ (ع.ي.ي)
to cauterize
يكَوِّي كَوَّى /tsh w y/ (ك.و.ي)
to wake s.o. up
يوَعِّي وَعَّى /w 3 y/ (و.ع.ي)
to light, light up, illuminate
يضَوِّي ضَوَّى /dh. w w/ (ض.و.و)
to duck down
يوَطِّي وَطَّى /w t. y/ (و.ط.ي)
to bid s.o. good evening, wish s.o. a good evening
يمَسِّي مَسَّى /m s w/ (م.س.و)
to sacrifice, offer up
يضَحِّي ضَحَّى /dh. 7 y/ (ض.ح.ي)
to give s.o. a dinner, to feed one dinner
يعَشِّي عَشَّى /3 sh y/ (ع.ش.ي)
to calm one down
يهَدِّي هَدَّى /h d y/ (ه.د.ي)
to scare
يوَرِّي وَرَّى /w r y/ (و.ر.ي)
to make s.o. talk, force s.o. to speak
يحَكِّي حَكَّى /7 k y/ (ح.ك.ي)
to do twice, repeat, to second, support s.th.
يثَنِّي ثَنَّى /th n y/ (ث.ن.ي)
to cause to read, to teach s.o.
يقَرِّي قَرَّى /g r y/ (ق.ر.ي)
to refine, to settle, clear up, straighten out, to purify, make pure
يصَفِّي صَفَّى /s. f w/ (ص.ف.و)
to have dessert
يحَلِّي حَلَّى /7 l y/ (ح.ل.ي)
to brush hair
يسَحِّي سَحَّى /s 7 y/ (س.ح.ي)
to acquit, clear
يبَرِّي بَرَّى /b r y/ (ب.ر.ي)
to fry
يقَلِّي قَلَّى /g l y/ (ق.ل.ي)
to make or cause s.o. to stay, remain
يبَقِّي بَقَّى /b g y/ (ب.ق.ي)
to strip off, disrobe
يعَرِّي عَرَّى /3 r y/ (ع.ر.ي)
to congratulate, express good wishes to, to make happy, delight
يهَنِّي هَنَّى /h n y/ (ه.ن.ي)
to overlook and issue, to be permissive
يعَدِّي عَدَّى /3 d y/ (ع.د.ي)
to spend, pass (time), to make, cause s.o. to sign
يمَضِّي مَضَّى /m dh. y/ (م.ض.ي)
to give lunch to s.o., to treat s.o. to lunch, buy lunch for s.o.
يغَدِّي غَدَّى /gh d y/ (غ.د.ي)
to flee, escape, to get lost, to appoint as governor, ruler, etc.
يوَلِّي وَلَّى /w l y/ (و.ل.ي)
to sing
يغَنِّي غَنَّى /gh n y/ (غ.ن.ي)
to satisfy, please, gratify, to appease, pacify, mollify
يرَضِّي رَضَّى /r dh. y/ (ر.ض.ي)
to send, to take s.o. or s.th. to some place, convey, to perform ambulation on someone else
يوَدِّي وَدَّى /w d y/ (و.د.ي)
to pray
يصَلِّي صَلَّى /s. l y/ (ص.ل.ي)
to cover
يغَطِّي غَطَّى /gh t. y/ (غ.ط.و)
to raise, bring up, to raise, breed, to cause to grow, grow, to give birth, bear a child, to raise
يرَبِّي رَبَّى /r b y/ (ر.ب.ي)
to make or cause s.o. to forget, to forget
ينَسِّي نَسَّى /n s y/ (ن.س.ي)
to cover
يغَطِّي غَطَّى /gh t. y/ (غ.ط.ي)
to ask, request, order, to order, place an order for, to advise, recommend, to make a will
يوَصِّي وَصَّى /w s. y/ (و.ص.ي)
to inform, let s.o. know, acquaint s.o. or s.th.
يدَرِّي دَرَّى /d r y/ (د.ر.ي)
to raise the price of
يغَلِّي غَلَّى /gh l w/ (غ.ل.و)
to raise
يعَلِّي عَلَّى /3 l y/ (ع.ل.ي)
to spend the winter
يشَتِّي شَتَّى /sh t w/ (ش.ت.و)
to walk s.o., let s.o. walk, to make or let go, send, to advance, promote, further, to pass, allow s.o. to advance, to walk someone and/or sth or to be permissive and overlook an issue
يمَشِّي مَشَّى /m sh y/ (م.ش.ي)
to fill
يعَبِّي عَبَّى /3 b y/ (ع.ب.ي)
to carry out (an order), comply with (a request)
يلَبِّي لَبَّى /l b y/ (ل.ب.ي)
to startch (clothes, linen, etc.)
ينَشِّي نَشَّى /n sh y/ (ن.ش.ي)
to entertain
يسَلِّي سَلَّى /s l y/ (س.ل.ي)
to greet, hail, to salute
يحَيِّي حَيَّى /7 y y/ (ح.ي.ي)
to lower, let down, drop, to loosen, slacken
يرَخِّي رَخَّى /r kh y/ (ر.خ.ي)
to winnow (grain)
يذَرِّي ذَرَّى /dh r y/ (ذ.ر.ي)
to stuff, fill, to stick, stuff, to fill (teeth)
يحَشِّي حَشَّى /7 sh w/ (ح.ش.و)