اِستَفعَل - يِستَفعِل

وزن اِستَفعَل

Form X

i s t a C1 C2 a C3
y i s t a C1 C2 i C3

اِستَثمَر - يِستَثمِر


to invest (e.g., money) profitably

أمر مضارع ماضي الضمير
- يِستَثمِر اِستَثمَر هو
- تِستَثمِر اِستَثمَرَت هي
- يِستَثمِرُون اِستَثمَرَوا هم
اِستَثمِر تِستَثمِر اِستَثمَر انتَ
اِستَثمِرِي تِستَثمِرِين اِستَثمَرتِي انتي
اِستَثمِرَوا تِستَثمِرُون اِستَثمَرتَوا انتو
- اَستَثمِر اِستَثمَرت أنا
- نِستَثمِر اِستَثمَرنا نِحِن

أفعال بنفس التصرف:

English الفعل المضارع الفعل الماضي الجذر الصوتي الجذر الاملائي
to meet, go to meet, to receive
يِستَقبِل اِستَقبَل /g b l/ (ق.ب.ل)
to rejoice in hearing good news
يِستَبشِر اِستَبشَر /b sh r/ (ب.ش.ر)
to inquire, ask
يِستَفسِر اِستَفسَر /f s r/ (ف.س.ر)
to find or consider s.th. difficult, hard
يِستَصعِب اِستَصعَب /s. 3 b/ (ص.ع.ب)
to excuse oneself, to find s.th. cheap
يِستَرخِص اِستَرخَص /r kh s./ (ر.خ.ص)
to get back, recover, regain
يِستَرجِع اِستَرجَع /r dj 3/ (ر.ج.ع)
to like, appreciate, relish
يِستَذوِق اِستَذوَق /dh w g/ (ذ.و.ق)
to coax, tempt, lure
يِستَدرِج اِستَدرَج /d r dj/ (د.ر.ج)
to play dumb
يِستَهبِل اِستَهبَل /h b l/ (ه.ب.ل)
to import
يِستَورِد اِستَورَد /w r d/ (و.ر.د)
to consider excessive, regard as too much
يِستَكثِر اِستَكثَر /k th r/ (ك.ث.ر)
to consume, use up, exhaust
يِستَهلِك اِستَهلَك /h l k/ (ه.ل.ك)
to catch a cold
يِستَبرِد اِستَبرَد /b r d/ (ب.ر.د)
to appeal for aid, ask for help
يِستَنجِد اِستَنجَد /n dj d/ (ن.ج.د)
to denounce, protest
يِستَنكِر اِستَنكَر /n k r/ (ن.ك.ر)
to make fun
يِستَعبِط اِستَعبَط /3 b t./ (ع.ب.ط)
to regard as near, find as near, to come by (s.o.'s house), to drop in
يِستَقرِب اِستَقرَب /g r b/ (ق.ر.ب)
to merit, deserve, be worthy of, to require, necessitate
يِستَوجِب اِستَوجَب /w dj b/ (و.ج.ب)
to extract
يِستَخلِص اِستَخلَص /kh l s./ (خ.ل.ص)
to die as a martyr, to cite as authority, quote as evidence
يِستَشهِد اِستَشهَد /sh h d/ (ش.ه.د)
to plead for mercy, to ask s.o. to have mercy
يِستَرحِم اِستَرحَم /r 7 m/ (ر.ح.م)
to conclude, deduce, infer
يِستَنتِج اِستَنتَج /n t dj/ (ن.ت.ج)
to colonize
يِستَعمِر اِستَعمَر /3 m r/ (ع.م.ر)
to employ, hire, to use, make use of
يِستَخدِم اِستَخدَم /kh d m/ (خ.د.م)
to consider s.th. insufficient, deficient
يِستَنقِص اِستَنقَص /n g s./ (ن.ق.ص)
to find or consider s.th. easy, deem s.th. easy
يِستَسهِل اِستَسهَل /s h l/ (س.ه.ل)
to interrogate, question s.o.
يِستَجوِب اِستَجوَب /dj w b/ (ج.و.ب)
to use, utilize
يِستَعمِل اِستَعمَل /3 m l/ (ع.م.ل)
to submit, yield, give in
يِستَسلِم اِستَسلَم /s l m/ (س.ل.م)
to feel lonely, to miss s.o.
يِستَوحِش اِستَوحَش /w 7 sh/ (و.ح.ش)
to invest (e.g., money) profitably
يِستَثمِر اِستَثمَر /th m r/ (ث.م.ر)
to inquire, ask (about s.o. or s.th.), to learn, find out
يِستَخبِر اِستَخبَر /kh b r/ (خ.ب.ر)
to be surprised
يِستَغرِب اِستَغرَب /gh r b/ (غ.ر.ب)
to find or consider s.th. remote, unlikely; to doubt
يِستَبعِد اِستَبعَد /b 3 d/ (ب.ع.د)
to find or consider s.th. small, little, insignificant
يِستَصغِر اِستَصغَر /s. gh r/ (ص.غ.ر)
to ask (God's) forgiveness
يِستَغفِر اِستَغفَر /gh f r/ (غ.ف.ر)
to buy, acquire by purchase, to take possession of, appropriate
يِستَملِك اِستَملَك /m l k/ (م.ل.ك)
to bring in, summon, ask to come
يِستَقدِم اِستَقدَم /g d m/ (ق.د.م)
to consider long, too long
يِستَطوِل اِستَطوَل /t. w l/ (ط.و.ل)
to extract, mine, recover
يِستَخرِج اِستَخرَج /kh r dj/ (خ.ر.ج)
to review, inspect
يِستَعرِض اِستَعرَض /3 r dh./ (ع.ر.ض)
to enslave
يِستَعبِد اِستَعبَد /3 b d/ (ع.ب.د)
to have little respect for, make light of s.th.
يِستَهتِر اِستَهتَر /h t r/ (ه.ت.ر)
to inquire, ask
يِستَفهِم اِستَفهَم /f h m/ (ف.ه.م)
to interrogate, question, cross-examine s.o.
يِستَنطِق اِستَنطَق /n t. g/ (ن.ط.ق)