اِستَفَعّ - يِستَفِعّ

وزن اِستَفعَل

Form X

i s t a C1 a C2 C2
y i s t a C1 i C2 C2

اِستَمَرّ - يِستَمِرّ


to continue, keep on, persist, to last, go on

أمر مضارع ماضي الضمير
- يِستَمِرّ اِستَمَرّ هو
- تِستَمِرّ اِستَمَرَّت هي
- يِستَمِرُّون اِستَمَرَّوا هم
اِستَمِرّ تِستَمِرّ اِستَمَرَّي انتَ
اِستَمِرِّي تِستَمِرِّين اِستَمَرَّيتِي انتي
اِستَمِرَّوا تِستَمِرُّون اِستَمَرَّيتَوا انتو
- اَستَمِرّ اِستَمَرَّيت أنا
- نِستَمِرّ اِستَمَرَّينا نِحِن

أفعال بنفس التصرف:

English الفعل المضارع الفعل الماضي الجذر الصوتي الجذر الاملائي
to take advantage of, exploit, to utilize, make a profit, invest profitably
يِستَغِلّ اِستَغَلّ /gh l l/ (غ.ل.ل)
to calm down, settle, be stabilized, to settle down, take up residence, to make up one's mind to do s.th., determine on s.th.
يِستَقِرّ اِستَقَرّ /g r r/ (ق.ر.ر)
to prepare oneself, get ready
يِستَعِدّ اِستَعَدّ /3 d d/ (ع.د.د)
to be or become independent
يِستَقِلّ اِستَقَلّ /g l l/ (ق.ل.ل)
to deserve, merit s.th., be worthy of s.th., to be entitled, have a claim to s.th., to become due or payable, mature
يِستَحِقّ اِستَحَقّ /7 g g/ (ح.ق.ق)
to rule arbitrarily, tyrannically, to be independent (e.g., in one's opinion), to act arbitrarily
يِستَبِدّ اِستَبَدّ /b d d/ (ب.د.د)
to get back, regain
يِستَرِدّ اِستَرَدّ /r d d/ (ر.د.د)
to continue, keep on, persist, to last, go on
يِستَمِرّ اِستَمَرّ /m r r/ (م.ر.ر)