تفاعَل - يِتفاعَل

وزن تفَاعَل

Form VI

t C1 aa C2 a C3
y i t C1 aa C2 a C3

تناقَش - يِتناقَش


to discuss, argue s.th. with each other

أمر مضارع ماضي الضمير
- يِتناقَش تناقَش هو
- تِتناقَش تناقَشَت هي
- يِتناقَشُون تناقَشَوا هم
اِتناقَش تِتناقَش تناقَش انتَ
اِتناقَشِي تِتناقَشِين تناقَشتِي انتي
اِتناقَشَوا تِتناقَشُون تناقَشتَوا انتو
- اَتناقَش تناقَشت أنا
- نِتناقَش تناقَشنا نِحِن

أفعال بنفس التصرف:

English الفعل المضارع الفعل الماضي الجذر الصوتي الجذر الاملائي
to retire
يِتقاعَد تقاعَد /g 3 d/ (ق.ع.د)
to butt each other
يِتناطَح تناطَح /n t. 7/ (ن.ط.ح)
to take care of, takes steps to prevent (s.th. from happening), make amends
يِتدارَك تدارَك /d r k/ (د.ر.ك)
to become friends, be intimate with each other, to become friends, intimate with each other
يِترافَق ترافَق /r f dj/ (ر.ف.ق)
to withdraw, retreat, fall back, to go back on, rescind
يِتراجَع تراجَع /r dj 3/ (ر.ج.ع)
to join together in an alliance, make an alliance with
يِتحالَف تحالَف /7 l f/ (ح.ل.ف)
to help each other
يِتساعَد تساعَد /s 3 d/ (س.ع.د)
to ignore s.o. or s.th., to feign ignorance, pretend to know nothing
يِتجاهَل تجاهَل /dj h l/ (ج.ه.ل)
to be lenient, tolerant, indulgent
يِتساهَل تساهَل /s h l/ (س.ه.ل)
to be punished
يِتعاقَب تعاقَب /3 g b/ (ع.ق.ب)
to taste
يِتطاعَم تطاعَم /t. 3 m/ (ط.ع.م)
to consult with each other, deliberate
يِتشاوَر تشاوَر /sh w r/ (ش.و.ر)
to enter into a partnership (together), form a partnership together
يِتخاشَر تخاشَر /kh sh r/ (خ.ش.ر)
to make an agreement, to fix mutual conditions
يِتشارَط تشارَط /sh r t./ (ش.ر.ط)
to go together, to be congruent with each other
يِتطابَق تطابَق /t. b dj/ (ط.ب.ق)
to be engaged in war, fight each other
يِتحارَب تحارَب /7 r b/ (ح.ر.ب)
to match each other, to get along together, agree with each other
يِتوافَق توافَق /w f g/ (و.ف.ق)
to yawn
يِتثاوَب تثاوَب /th w b/ (ث.و.ب)
to push each other
يِتدافَع تدافَع /d f 3/ (د.ف.ع)
to visit each other, exchange visits
يِتزاوَر تزاوَر /z w r/ (ز.و.ر)
to be a little angry at each other
يِتزاعَل تزاعَل /z 3 l/ (ز.ع.ل)
to quarrel, fight, dispute (with each other)
يِتواقَع تواقَع /w g 3/ (و.ق.ع)
to contract, make a contract
يِتعاقَد تعاقَد /3 g d/ (ع.ق.د)
to find fault with each other, blame each other
يِتعاتَب تعاتَب /3 t b/ (ع.ت.ب)
to discuss, argue s.th. with each other
يِتناقَش تناقَش /n g sh/ (ن.ق.ش)
to reproduce, propagate, multiply
يِتناسَل تناسَل /n s l/ (ن.س.ل)
to double, be doubled
يِتضاعَف تضاعَف /dh. 3 f/ (ض.ع.ف)
to become reconciled, make peace with each other
يِتصالَح تصالَح /s. l 7/ (ص.ل.ح)
to enter into partnership
يِتشارَك تشارَك /sh r k/ (ش.ر.ك)
to disagree with each other
يِتبالَش تبالَش /b l sh/ (ب.ل.ش)
to love each other
يِتحابَب تحابَب /7 b b/ (ح.ب.ب)
to be or become friends with each other
يِتصادَق تصادَق /s. d g/ (ص.د.ق)
to show cleverness, smartness, skill
يِتشاطَر تشاطَر /sh t. r/ (ش.ط.ر)
to recite the creed to Islam, to say one's last words, be near death
يِتشاهَد تشاهَد /sh h d/ (ش.ه.د)
to telephone, get in touch with each other
يِتخابَر تخابَر /kh b r/ (خ.ب.ر)
to compete with each other
يِتنافَس تنافَس /n f s/ (ن.ف.س)
to be polite, courteous, nice, to joke with each other
يِتلاطَف تلاطَف /l t. f/ (ل.ط.ف)
to be in conflict, be contradictory
يِتعارَض تعارَض /3 r dh./ (ع.ر.ض)
to be or become irritated, annoyed, to get upset
يِتضايَق تضايَق /dh. y g/ (ض.ي.ق)
to boast about
يِتفاخَر تفاخَر /f kh r/ (ف.خ.ر)
to confer, discuss together
يِتباحَث تباحَث /b 7 th/ (ب.ح.ث)
to be in harmony, agreement, in accordance
يِتناسَب تناسَب /n s b/ (ن.س.ب)
to forgive or pardon each other, practice mutual tolerance
يِتسامَح تسامَح /s m 7/ (س.م.ح)
to make an appointment
يِتواعَد تواعَد /w 3 d/ (و.ع.د)
to go beyond, overstep, exceed
يِتجاوَز تجاوَز /dj w z/ (ج.و.ز)
to argue with each other
يِتجادَل تجادَل /dj d l/ (ج.د.ل)
to attack, criticize unjustly
يِتحامَل تحامَل /7 m l/ (ح.م.ل)
to ridicule, make fun of each other
يِتطانَز تطانَز /t. n z/ (ط.ن.ز)
to be shot, hit (by a bullet)
يِتصاوَب تصاوَب /s. w b/ (ص.و.ب)
to look alike, resemble each other, be similar to each other
يِتشابَه تشابَه /sh b h/ (ش.ب.ه)
to collide, run into each other
يِتداعَم تداعَم /d 3 m/ (د.ع.م)
to meet each other
يِتقابَل تقابَل /g b l/ (ق.ب.ل)
to exchange blows, hit each other, to conflict, be in disagreement
يِتضارَب تضارَب /dh. r b/ (ض.ر.ب)
to try to get ahead of each other, seek to outdo each other, race, compete
يِتسابَق تسابَق /s b g/ (س.ب.ق)
to cause problems, trouble to s.o.
يِتناشَب تناشَب /n sh b/ (ن.ش.ب)
to get burned
يِتحارَق تحارَق /7 r q/ (ح.ر.ق)
to wrestle each other
يِتصارَع تصارَع /s. r 3/ (ص.ر.ع)
to settle a mutual account
يِتحاسَب تحاسَب /7 s b/ (ح.س.ب)
to quarrel, dispute, pick a fight (with each other)
يِتخانَق تخانَق /kh n g/ (خ.ن.ق)
to vow, make a mutual pledge
يِتعاهَد تعاهَد /3 h d/ (ع.ه.د)
to multiply, grow in number
يِتكاثَر تكاثَر /k th r/ (ك.ث.ر)
to control, restrain oneself
يِتمالَك تمالَك /m l k/ (م.ل.ك)
to pretend, feign, to demonstrate
يِتظاهَر تظاهَر /dh. h r/ (ظ.ه.ر)
to give up, relinquish
يِتنازَل تنازَل /n z l/ (ن.ز.ل)
to sway, swing
يِتمايَل تمايَل /m y l/ (م.ي.ل)
to tie, be tied
يِتعادَل تعادَل /3 d l/ (ع.د.ل)
to correspond with each other, exchange correspondence
يِتراسَل تراسَل /r s l/ (ر.س.ل)
to deal, trade
يِتعامَل تعامَل /3 m l/ (ع.م.ل)
to exchange
يِتبادَل تبادَل /b d l/ (ب.د.ل)
to insult each other, call each other bad names
يِتسابَب تسابَب /s b b/ (س.ب.ب)
to carry on a dispute, debate
يِتحاجَج تحاجَج /7 dj dj/ (ح.ج.ج)
to swear (using obscence language)
يِتشاتَم تشاتَم /sh t m/ (ش.ت.م)
to fight with
يِتنازَع تنازَع /n z 3/ (ن.ز.ع)
to be blessed, exalted, praised (usually said in admiration of s.o. or s.th.)
يِتبارَك تبارَك /b r k/ (ب.ر.ك)
to be in conflict, be contradictory
يِتعارَض تعارَض /3 r dh./ (ع.ر.ض)
to come to an understanding, come to an agreement, reach an understanding, to communicate with each other
يِتفاهَم تفاهَم /f h m/ (ف.ه.م)