تفَعَّل - يِتفَعَّل

وزن تفَعَّل

Form V

t C1 a C2 C2 a C3
y i t C1 a C2 C2 a C3

تشَجَّع - يِتشَجَّع


to be encouraged

أمر مضارع ماضي الضمير
- يِتشَجَّع تشَجَّع هو
- تِتشَجَّع تشَجَّعَت هي
- يِتشَجَّعُون تشَجَّعَوا هم
اِتشَجَّع تِتشَجَّع تشَجَّع انتَ
تشَجَّعِي تِتشَجَّعِين تشَجَّعتِي انتي
تشَجَّعَوا تِتشَجَّعُون تشَجَّعتَوا انتو
- اَتشَجَّع تشَجَّعت أنا
- نِتشَجَّع تشَجَّعنا نِحِن

أفعال بنفس التصرف:

English الفعل المضارع الفعل الماضي الجذر الصوتي الجذر الاملائي
to be stopped, arrested., to be stopped (eg. by the police) and/or to be suspended from work
يِتوَقَّف توَقَّف /w g f/ (و.ق.ف)
to be loaded, to hold, support, bear, to bear, stand, put up with, to undergo, suffer
يِتحَمَّل تحَمَّل /7 m l/ (ح.م.ل)
to get dressed
يِتلَبَّس تلَبَّس /l b s/ (ل.ب.س)
to arrange laws,principles,facts,etc in a system
يِتقَنَّع تقَنَّع /g n 3/ (ق.ن.ع)
to get married, to marry s.o.
يِتزَوَّج تزَوَّج /z w dj/ (ز.و.ج)
to reflect on s.th., ponder s.th.
يِتبَصَّر تبَصَّر /b s. r/ (ب.ص.ر)
to be cleaned
يِتنَظَّف تنَظَّف /n dh. f/ (ن.ظ.ف)
to be distinguished, be distinct from, to stand out
يِتمَيَّز تمَيَّز /m y z/ (م.ي.ز)
to be straightened, to straighten oneself, straighten up, to be straightened out, made smooth, to be amended, changed, to dress up and/or to make oneself look good
يِتعَدَّل تعَدَّل /3 d l/ (ع.د.ل)
to blow up, explode
يِتفَجَّر تفَجَّر /f dj r/ (ف.ج.ر)
to act as counsel for (a case), to act as counsel for s.o., to trust in, put one's confidence in
يِتوَكَّل توَكَّل /w k l/ (و.ك.ل)
to comb one's hair
يِتمَشَّط تمَشَّط /m sh t./ (م.ش.ط)
to be decided, to be set, determined, decided on
يِتقَرَّر تقَرَّر /g r r/ (ق.ر.ر)
to substitute dirt or sand for water in ablution
يِتيَمَّم تيَمَّم /y m m/ (ي.م.م)
to apply perfume
يِتعَطَّر تعَطَّر /3 t. r/ (ع.ط.ر)
to be coy, behave affectedly, to make demands, take advantage
يِتدَلَّل تدَلَّل /d l l/ (د.ل.ل)
to jump
يِتنَطَّط تنَطَّط /n t. t./ (ن.ط.ط)
to remember, recollect, to remember
يِتذَكَّر تذَكَّر /dh k r/ (ذ.ك.ر)
to be enlarged, to be overbearing toward s.o.
يِتكَبَّر تكَبَّر /k b r/ (ك.ب.ر)
to be autistic, to be alone
يِتوَحَّد توَحَّد /w 7 d/ (و.ح.د)
to say hasbiallahu wa ni'mal wakeel (when being treated in an unfair manner)
يِتحَسَّب تحَسَّب /7 s b/ (ح.س.ب)
to pile up
يِتكَوَّم تكَوَّم /k w m/ (ك.و.م)
to contribute, donate, to volunteer
يِتبَرَّع تبَرَّع /b r 3/ (ب.ر.ع)
to be or become energetic and strong
يِتنَشَّط تنَشَّط /n sh t./ (ن.ش.ط)
to choose, take one's choice
يِتخَيَّر تخَيَّر /kh y r/ (خ.ي.ر)
to receive, obtain, get, to take over, take possession of
يِتسَلَّم تسَلَّم /s l m/ (س.ل.م)
to be bound up, tied up, to fold one's arms
يِتكَتَّف تكَتَّف /tsh t f/ (ك.ت.ف)
to be submitted, to progress, make progress, to precede, go before s.o.
يِتقَدَّم تقَدَّم /g d m/ (ق.د.م)
to go to a lot of trouble, burden oneself, to be affected, unnatural, pretentious
يِتكَلَّف تكَلَّف /k l f/ (ك.ل.ف)
to take a bath, bathe, to swim, to shower
يِتسَبَّح تسَبَّح /s b 7/ (س.ب.ح)
to live in luxury, lead a life of comfort and ease, to enjoy s.th.
يِتنَعَّم تنَعَّم /n 3 m/ (ن.ع.م)
to be provided with s.th.
يِتجَهَّز تجَهَّز /dj h z/ (ج.ه.ز)
to be alert
يِتنَبَّه تنَبَّه /n b h/ (ن.ب.ه)
to lower oneself, condescend
يِتنَزَّل تنَزَّل /n z l/ (ن.ز.ل)
to cut
يِتقَطَّع تقَطَّع /g t. 3/ (ق.ط.ع)
to be certified, authenticated, attested
يِتوَثَّق توَثَّق /w th g/ (و.ث.ق)
to be changed, to change
يِتبَدَّل تبَدَّل /b d l/ (ب.د.ل)
to take sides, to be partial, be biased
يِتحَيَّز تحَيَّز /7 y z/ (ح.ي.ز)
to be drafted, recruited
يِتجَنَّد تجَنَّد /dj n d/ (ج.ن.د)
to be or become confused, perplexed, puzzled, bewildered, to be late, come late
يِتحَيَّر تحَيَّر /7 y r/ (ح.ي.ر)
to be strict, harsh, severe
يِتشَدَّد تشَدَّد /sh d d/ (ش.د.د)
to bask in the sun, expose oneself to the sun
يِتشَمَّس تشَمَّس /sh m s/ (ش.م.س)
to cause to intercede with s.o.
يِتوَصَّط توَصَّط /w s. t./ (و.ص.ط)
to button up oneself
يِتدَقَّم تدَقَّم /d g m/ (د.ق.م)
to go shopping, to shop
يِتسَوَّق تسَوَّق /s w g/ (س.و.ق)
to be roasted
يِتحَمَّص تحَمَّص /7 m s./ (ح.م.ص)
to infiltrate, enter
يِتسَلَّل تسَلَّل /s l l/ (س.ل.ل)
to base oneself, grovel
يِتخَضَّع تخَضَّع /kh dh. 3/ (خ.ض.ع)
to dry oneself
يِتنَشَّف تنَشَّف /n sh f/ (ن.ش.ف)
to be paid back, to meet, cover, satisfy
يِتسَدَّد تسَدَّد /s d d/ (س.د.د)
to be set up, planted or rammed in the ground, to be concentrated (on s.th.), to be fixed, implanted
يِترَكَّز ترَكَّز /r k z/ (ر.ك.ز)
to be lengthened
يِتطَوَّل تطَوَّل /t. w l/ (ط.و.ل)
to curry favor with s.o., seek to gain s.o.'s favor
يِتقَرَّب تقَرَّب /g r b/ (ق.ر.ب)
to learn, to learn
يِتعَلَّم تعَلَّم /3 l m/ (ع.ل.م)
to mess and/or play with
يِتعَبَّث تعَبَّث /3 b th/ (ع.ب.ث)
to be divorced
يِتطَلَّق تطَلَّق /t. l g/ (ط.ل.ق)
to be or become dug up
يِتحَفَّر تحَفَّر /7 f r/ (ح.ف.ر)
to get acquainted with, to meet
يِتعَرَّف تعَرَّف /3 r f/ (ع.ر.ف)
to be compensated
يِتعَوَّض تعَوَّض /3 w d./ (ع.و.ض)
to be auctioned off
يِتحَرَّج تحَرَّج /7 r dj/ (ح.ر.ج)
to be embarrassed, to get embarrassed
يِتفَشَّل تفَشَّل /f sh l/ (ف.ش.ل)
to be signed, to anticipate the happening of an event
يِتوَقَّع توَقَّع /w g 3/ (و.ق.ع)
to become various; diversity or a quantity or collection of different things, to diversify
يِتنَوَّع تنَوَّع /n w 3/ (ن.و.ع)
to seize, lay hands on, take possession of
يِتمَلَّك تمَلَّك /m l k/ (م.ل.ك)
to be cooled, to cool oneself
يِتبَرَّد تبَرَّد /b r d/ (ب.ر.د)
to conduct oneself, act, behave, to act independently, freely, at one's own discretion, to find a solution
يِتصَرَّف تصَرَّف /s. r f/ (ص.ر.ف)
to be frightened, scared, alarmed, to get scared
يِترَوَّع ترَوَّع /r w 3/ (ر.و.ع)
to spy, to spy
يِتجَسَّس تجَسَّس /dj s s/ (ج.س.س)
to pile up
يِتكَوَّد تكَوَّد /k w d/ (ك.و.د)
to lower, humble oneself, be humble, to be overcome, be humble
يِتذَلَّل تذَلَّل /dh l l/ (ذ.ل.ل)
to be carried out, executed, to carry out, do
يِتنَفَّذ تنَفَّذ /n f dh/ (ن.ف.ذ)
to be massed, be concentrated
يِتحَشَّد تحَشَّد /7 sh d/ (ح.ش.د)
to wear a veil
يِتحَجَّب تحَجَّب /7 dj b/ (ح.ج.ب)
to be completed, finished, accomplished
يِتكَمَّل تكَمَّل /k m l/ (ك.م.ل)
to be cut, wounded many times
يِتجَرَّح تجَرَّح /dj r 7/ (ج.ر.ح)
to be reduced
يِتقَلَّل تقَلَّل /g l l/ (ق.ل.ل)
to uncover oneself
يِتكَشَّف تكَشَّف /k sh f/ (ك.ش.ف)
to abide by, comply with, follow
يِتقَيَّد تقَيَّد /g y d/ (ق.ي.د)
to be or become separated
يِتفَرَّق تفَرَّق /f r g/ (ف.ر.ق)
to be poisoned.
يِتسَمَّم تسَمَّم /s m m/ (س.م.م)
to specialize, become a specialist
يِتخَصَّص تخَصَّص /kh s. s./ (خ.ص.ص)
to give alms, to donate to charity and/or individulas in need (give Sadaka)
يِتصَدَّق تصَدَّق /s. d g/ (ص.د.ق)
to dry, be dried
يِتنَفَّش تنَفَّش /n f sh/ (ن.ف.ش)
to be plentiful, abundant, to abound, to be saved, to be met, fulfilled
يِتوَفَّر توَفَّر /w f r/ (و.ف.ر)
to be satisfied, to adjust to a situation, to be happy
يِتكَيَّف تكَيَّف /k y f/ (ك.ي.ف)
to distribute
يِتوَزَّع توَزَّع /w z 3/ (و.ز.ع)
to be shortened
يِتقَصَّر تقَصَّر /g s. r/ (ق.ص.ر)
to be accused of lying, be proved as having lied
يِتكَذَّب تكَذَّب /tsh dh b/ (ك.ذ.ب)
to rise, to ferment, be in a state of fermentation
يِتخَمَّر تخَمَّر /kh m r/ (خ.م.ر)
to stick to, adhere to
يِتمَسَّك تمَسَّك /m s k/ (م.س.ك)
to devote oneself, apply oneself
يِتفَرَّغ تفَرَّغ /f r gh/ (ف.ر.غ)
to be renew, renovate, to become renewed
يِتجَدَّد تجَدَّد /dj d d/ (ج.د.د)
to speak, talk, to speak
يِتكَلَّم تكَلَّم /k l m/ (ك.ل.م)
to be constructed, composed, combined, put together, to be fitted, mounted, set in, to put sth together
يِترَكَّب ترَكَّب /r k b/ (ر.ك.ب)
to volunteer
يِتطَوَّع تطَوَّع /t. w 3/ (ط.و.ع)
to make excuses
يِتحَجَّج تحَجَّج /7 dj dj/ (ح.ج.ج)
to pretend to be sick, feign illness
يِتمَرَّض تمَرَّض /m r dh./ (م.ر.ض)
to be killed
يِتقَتَّل تقَتَّل /g t l/ (ق.ت.ل)
to be or become complicated
يِتعَقَّد تعَقَّد /3 g d/ (ع.ق.د)
to show generosity to s.o.
يِتكَرَّم تكَرَّم /k r m/ (ك.ر.م)
to wash oneself, be cleaned, disinfected
يِتطَهَّر تطَهَّر /t. h r/ (ط.ه.ر)
to be or become effeminate
يِتخَنَّث تخَنَّث /kh n th/ (خ.ن.ث)
to pretend to be sick, feign illness
يِتمَرَّض تمَرَّض /m r dh./ (م.ر.ض)
to be destressed; tormented; suffering
يِتعَذَّب تعَذَّب /3 dh b/ (ع.ذ.ب)
to turn to stone, become petrified
يِتحَجَّر تحَجَّر /7 dj r/ (ح.ج.ر)
to evaporate, be evaporated, to perfume oneself with incense in a 'mabxara', to vanish, disappear
يِتبَخَّر تبَخَّر /b kh r/ (ب.خ.ر)
to overcome, surmount
يِتغَلَّب تغَلَّب /gh l b/ (غ.ل.ب)
to be returned, given back, to be put back, returned
يِترَجَّع ترَجَّع /r dj 3/ (ر.ج.ع)
to rid oneself of s.o. or s.th.
يِتخَلَّص تخَلَّص /kh l s./ (خ.ل.ص)
to be hasty, rash, do s.th. in a hurry
يِتسَرَّع تسَرَّع /s r 3/ (س.ر.ع)
to be shaped and/or formed in a particular way
يِتشَكَّل تشَكَّل /sh k l/ (ش.ك.ل)
to be peeled, to peel
يِتقَشَّر تقَشَّر /g sh r/ (ق.ش.ر)
to go crazy, go wild, to get crazy
يِتخَبَّل تخَبَّل /kh b l/ (خ.ب.ل)
to regret
يِتحَسَّر تحَسَّر /7 s r/ (ح.س.ر)
to make someone or sth go to sleep
يِتنَوَّم تنَوَّم /n w m/ (ن.و.م)
please, go ahead, help yourself, be my guest, come in, to prefer sth over another
يِتفَضَّل تفَضَّل /f dh. l/ (ف.ض.ل)
to leak, seep out, to leak out, spread, get out, to infiltrate
يِتسَرَّب تسَرَّب /s r b/ (س.ر.ب)
to become wider, to have enough room
يِتوَسَّع توَسَّع /w s 3/ (و.س.ع)
to interfere, meddle, involve oneself, to be inserted, put in, entered
يِتدَخَّل تدَخَّل /d kh l/ (د.خ.ل)
to be careful, take care
يِتحَذَّر تحَذَّر /7 dh r/ (ح.ذ.ر)
to be encouraged
يِتشَجَّع تشَجَّع /sh dj 3/ (ش.ج.ع)
to toss and turn, to be fickle, changeable, variable
يِتقَلَّب تقَلَّب /g l b/ (ق.ل.ب)
to go to a foreign country
يِتغَرَّب تغَرَّب /gh r b/ (غ.ر.ب)
to be removed out of the way
يِتوَخَّر توَخَّر /w kh r/ (و.خ.ر)
to depilate, pluck out, remove hair
يِتنَتَّف تنَتَّف /n t f/ (ن.ت.ف)
to be arranged, put into proper order, to be the result or consequence of s.th., to organize
يِترَتَّب ترَتَّب /r t b/ (ر.ت.ب)
to have a good time, enjoy oneself
يِتوَنَّس توَنَّس /w n s/ (و.ن.س)
to become a naturalized citizen
يِتجَنَّس تجَنَّس /dj n s/ (ج.ن.س)
to give reason or explanation why something happens
يِتفَسَّر تفَسَّر /f s r/ (ف.س.ر)
to advance gradually
يِتدَرَّج تدَرَّج /d r dj/ (د.ر.ج)
to have breakfast, to have breakfast
يِترَيَّق ترَيَّق /r y g/ (ر.ي.ق)
to be clipped, pared, pruned
يِتقَلَّم تقَلَّم /g l m/ (ق.ل.م)
to breathe, inhale and exhale
يِتنَفَّس تنَفَّس /n f s/ (ن.ف.س)
to prance, swagger
يِترَقَّص ترَقَّص /r g s./ (ر.ق.ص)
to speak, talk
يِتحَدَّث تحَدَّث /7 d th/ (ح.د.ث)
to be torn up or torn to pieces
يِتشَقَّق تشَقَّق /sh g g/ (ش.ق.ق)
to branch, branch out, spread in all directions
يِتفَرَّع تفَرَّع /f r 3/ (ف.ر.ع)
to be merciful, be kind, show mercy to s.o.
يِترَحَّم ترَحَّم /r 7 m/ (ر.ح.م)
to be realized, be effected, to make sure, reassure oneself, be sure, to turn out to be true, be confirmed
يِتحَقَّق تحَقَّق /7 g g/ (ح.ق.ق)
to do s.th. intentionally, to intend
يِتعَمَّد تعَمَّد /3 m d/ (ع.م.د)
to move, stir, budge, to get moving, start moving, to leave, depart, to be agitated, be excited, to move
يِتحَرَّك تحَرَّك /7 r k/ (ح.ر.ك)
to be dressed nicely
يِتهَدَّم تهَدَّم /h d m/ (ه.د.م)
to beautify the eyes with kohl
يِتكَحَّل تكَحَّل /k 7 l/ (ك.ح.ل)
to be changed, to be replaced, to change oneself
يِتغَيَّر تغَيَّر /gh y r/ (غ.ي.ر)
to keep an eye on, watch, observe, lie in wait
يِترَصَّد ترَصَّد /r s. d/ (ر.ص.د)
to cover one's face, to cover oneself's face with a scarf
يِتلَثَّم تلَثَّم /l th m/ (ل.ث.م)
to get thick
يِتلَبَّد تلَبَّد /l b d/ (ل.ب.د)
to be annihilated, destroyed, ruined, demolished
يِتدَمَّر تدَمَّر /d m r/ (د.م.ر)
to assemble, congregate together, to collect and/or gather
يِتجَمَّع تجَمَّع /dj m 3/ (ج.م.ع)
to become vain
يِتبَطَّر تبَطَّر /b t. r/ (ب.ط.ر)
to perfume, scent oneself
يِتطَيَّب تطَيَّب /t. y b/ (ط.ي.ب)
to be sponsor, be guarantor for, to cosign for, to be responsible, answerable for
يِتكَفَّل تكَفَّل /k f l/ (ك.ف.ل)
to criticize
يِتنَقَّد تنَقَّد /n q d/ (ن.ق.د)
to dodge, evade,
يِتهَرَّب تهَرَّب /h r b/ (ه.ر.ب)
to eavesdrop, listen in on s.th.
يِتسَمَّع تسَمَّع /s m 3/ (س.م.ع)
to get organised
يِتنَظَّم تنَظَّم /n dh. m/ (ن.ظ.م)
to become educated
يِتثَقَّف تثَقَّف /th g f/ (ث.ق.ف)
to be treated politely or hospitably
يِتحَشَّم تحَشَّم /7 sh m/ (ح.ش.م)
to rasp ; raze ; rub off ; scrape off ; scratch off
يِتقَشَّط تقَشَّط /g sh t./ (ق.ش.ط)
to understand
يِتفَهَّم تفَهَّم /f h m/ (ف.ه.م)
to be opened, can be opened
يِتبَطَّل تبَطَّل /b t. l/ (ب.ط.ل)
to lay down
يِتسَدَّح تسَدَّح /s d 7/ (س.د.ح)
to be tied up, bound
يِترَبَّط ترَبَّط /r b t./ (ر.ب.ط)
to touch (on a subject), go into s.th.
يِتطَرَّق تطَرَّق /t. r g/ (ط.ر.ق)
to sigh over s.th., to grieve, be grieved (for s.th.)
يِتحَصَّر تحَصَّر /7 s. r/ (ح.ص.ر)
to be soaked, saturated
يِتشَرَّب تشَرَّب /sh r b/ (ش.ر.ب)
to be blackened
يِتصَخَّم تصَخَّم /s. kh m/ (ص.خ.م)
to copy, imitate try to be like
يِتشَبَّه تشَبَّه /sh b h/ (ش.ب.ه)
to break, broken, damaged, to break
يِتكَسَّر تكَسَّر /k s r/ (ك.س.ر)
to stretch
يِتمَغَّط تمَغَّط /m gh t./ (م.غ.ط)
to promise, to undertake, obligate oneself, pledge oneself, to guarantee, take on oneself
يِتعَهَّد تعَهَّد /3 h d/ (ع.ه.د)
to be caused, engendered
يِتوَلَّد توَلَّد /w l d/ (و.ل.د)
to prepare oneself, get ready, to become urbanized, become a town dweller, to become civilized
يِتحَضَّر تحَضَّر /7 dh. r/ (ح.ض.ر)
to be stopped, interrupted, to be out of order, to be injured
يِتعَطَّل تعَطَّل /3 t. l/ (ع.ط.ل)
to cover up, hide, conceal oneself
يِتسَتَّر تسَتَّر /s t r/ (س.ت.ر)
to run away, flee, escape, to be driven away
يِتشَرَّد تشَرَّد /sh r d/ (ش.ر.د)
to imagine, to cover, veil oneself, to be or feel embarrassed
يِتخَيَّل تخَيَّل /kh y l/ (خ.ي.ل)
to repeat
يِتكَرَّر تكَرَّر /k r r/ (ك.ر.ر)
to get excited, stirred up, to become aroused, excited
يِتهَيَّج تهَيَّج /h y dj/ (ه.ي.ج)
to speak
يِترَمَّس ترَمَّس /r m s/ (ر.م.س)
to avoid, keep away from
يِتجَنَّب تجَنَّب /dj n b/ (ج.ن.ب)
to sift
يِتنَخَّل تنَخَّل /n kh l/ (ن.خ.ل)
to be nominated as a candidate, be a nominee
يِترَشَّح ترَشَّح /r sh 7/ (ر.ش.ح)
to get wet, be moistened
يِتبَلَّل تبَلَّل /b l l/ (ب.ل.ل)
to be superior to s.o., to beat s.o. (in sports, studies, etc.)
يِتفَوَّق تفَوَّق /f w g/ (ف.و.ق)
to proceed slowly and carefully
يِتمَهَّل تمَهَّل /m h l/ (م.ه.ل)
to get into trouble, be trapped in a difficult situation
يِتوَهَّق توَهَّق /w h g/ (و.ه.ق)
to be roasted, to be browned, to get red
يِتحَمَّر تحَمَّر /7 m r/ (ح.م.ر)
to wander around, move around
يِتجَوَّل تجَوَّل /dj w l/ (ج.و.ل)
to be made smaller
يِتصَغَّر تصَغَّر /s. gh r/ (ص.غ.ر)
to frequent, visit frequently, to hesitate, be reluctant, uncertain
يِترَدَّد ترَدَّد /r d d/ (ر.د.د)
to complain, grumble
يِتذَمَّر تذَمَّر /dh m r/ (ذ.م.ر)
to branch out, split
يِتشَعَّب تشَعَّب /sh 3 b/ (ش.ع.ب)
to imagine, think, conceive
يِتصَوَّر تصَوَّر /s. w r/ (ص.و.ر)
to suffer, undergo harm or damage
يِتضَرَّر تضَرَّر /dh. r r/ (ض.ر.ر)
to be excited, stirred, to become enthusiastic, eager, zealous
يِتحَمَّس تحَمَّس /7 m s/ (ح.م.س)
to graduate
يِتخَرَّج تخَرَّج /kh r dj/ (خ.ر.ج)
to be the leader of
يِتزَعَّم تزَعَّم /z 3 m/ (ز.ع.م)
to smile
يِتبَسَّم تبَسَّم /b s m/ (ب.س.م)
to intercede, intervene, plead
يِتشَفَّع تشَفَّع /sh f 3/ (ش.ف.ع)
to be pulled out
يِتشَلَّع تشَلَّع /sh l 3/ (ش.ل.ع)
to be changed, be converted, to be transferred, reassigned, to be remitted, be changed, to move, to be changed
يِتحَوَّل تحَوَّل /7 w l/ (ح.و.ل)
to be embroidered
يِتخَوَّر تخَوَّر /kh w r/ (خ.و.ر)
to get dirty
يِتوَسَّخ توَسَّخ /w s. kh/ (و.س.خ)
to wear a headscarf (Sheela)
يِتشَيَّل تشَيَّل /sh y l/ (ش.ي.ل)
to be wasted
يِتبَذَّر تبَذَّر /b dh r/ (ب.ذ.ر)
to lay down
يِتمَدَّد تمَدَّد /m d d/ (م.د.د)
to be madly or passionately in love with
يِتوَلَّع توَلَّع /w l 3/ (و.ل.ع)
to become an orphan, to be deprived of one's parents
يِتيَتَّم تيَتَّم /y t m/ (ي.ت.م)
to be humiliated
يِتكَسَّف تكَسَّف /k s f/ (ك.س.ف)
to become enlightened
يِتنَوَّر تنَوَّر /n w r/ (ن.و.ر)
to be lubricated
يِتشَحَّم تشَحَّم /sh 7 m/ (ش.ح.م)
to be divided
يِتقَسَّم تقَسَّم /gh s m/ (ق.س.م)
to have one's own way, handle s.th. Arbitrarily, to control
يِتحَكَّم تحَكَّم /7 k m/ (ح.ك.م)
to be trained, drilled, to train
يِتدَرَّب تدَرَّب /d r b/ (د.ر.ب)
to be wrong , bad , corrupt or unfair use or treatment
يِتسَلَّط تسَلَّط /s. l t./ (س.ل.ط)
to laugh, to make fun of, to ridicule, to make s.o. laugh
يِتضَحَّك تضَحَّك /dh. 7 tsh/ (ض.ح.ك)
to be on one's guard (against), be wary (of)
يِتحَرَّص تحَرَّص /7 r s./ (ح.ر.ص)
to move from one place to another, travel around, roam
يِتنَقَّل تنَقَّل /n g l/ (ن.ق.ل)
to develop, evolve, to develop and/or progress
يِتطَوَّر تطَوَّر /t. w r/ (ط.و.ر)
to get fixed
يِتصَلَّح تصَلَّح /s. l 7/ (ص.ل.ح)
to be freed, liberated
يِتحَرَّر تحَرَّر /7 r r/ (ح.ر.ر)
to eat the Suhuur
يِتسَحَّر تسَحَّر /s 7 r/ (س.ح.ر)
to be exported, to take the best seat, have the front seat
يِتصَدَّر تصَدَّر /s. d r/ (ص.د.ر)
to become a widow
يِترَمَّل ترَمَّل /r m l/ (ر.م.ل)
to lag behind, fall behind, to fail to appear, fail to show up
يِتخَلَّف تخَلَّف /kh l f/ (خ.ل.ف)
to learn by heart, learn, to protect oneself, to be cautious, careful, be on guard
يِتحَفَّظ تحَفَّظ /7 f dh./ (ح.ف.ظ)
to take off one's clothes
يِتفَصَّخ تفَصَّخ /f s. kh/ (ف.ص.خ)
to be consumed (by emotion), eat one's heart out
يِتحَرَّق تحَرَّق /7 r g/ (ح.ر.ق)
to be distorted, mutated
يِتشَوَّه تشَوَّه /sh w h/ (ش.و.ه)
to become stiff
يِتيَبَّس تيَبَّس /y b s/ (ي.ب.س)
to taste
يِتذَوَّق تذَوَّق /dh w q/ (ذ.و.ق)
to regret, repent
يِتنَدَّم تنَدَّم /n d m/ (ن.د.م)
to reach, attain, arrive at s.th.
يِتوَصَّل توَصَّل /w s. l/ (و.ص.ل)
to dress up and look good
يِتكَشَّخ تكَشَّخ /k sh kh/ (ك.ش.خ)
to be attached
يِتعَلَّق تعَلَّق /3 l g/ (ع.ل.ق)
to get disgusted
يِتلَوَّع تلَوَّع /l w 3/ (ل.و.ع)
to get accustomed to, to accustom oneself to, to get used to
يِتعَوَّد تعَوَّد /3 w d/ (ع.و.د)
to make excuses, apologize
يِتعَذَّر تعَذَّر /3 dh r/ (ع.ذ.ر)
to show someone sth
يِتشَوَّف تشَوَّف /sh w f/ (ش.و.ف)
to borrow (money), to get a loan
يِتسَلَّف تسَلَّف /s l f/ (س.ل.ف)
to be promoted, to be too proud, look down
يِترَفَّع ترَفَّع /r f 3/ (ر.ف.ع)
to be perpetuated, immortalized
يِتخَلَّد تخَلَّد /kh l d/ (خ.ل.د)
to be obtained, to be collected
يِتحَصَّل تحَصَّل /7 s. l/ (ح.ص.ل)
to be surprised, astonished, amazed
يِتعَجَّب تعَجَّب /3 dj b/ (ع.ج.ب)
to be checked
يِتشَيَّك تشَيَّك /tsh y k/ (ش.ي.ك)
to become apart, separated, interrupted or discontinued
يِتغَطَّع تغَطَّع /gh t. 3/ (غ.ط.ع)
to beg, ask for alms, to require, necessitate
يِتطَلَّب تطَلَّب /t. l b/ (ط.ل.ب)
to be notified
يِتبَلَّغ تبَلَّغ /b l gh/ (ب.ل.غ)
to be polite, courteous, nice, to joke with each other
يِتلَطَّف تلَطَّف /l t. f/ (ل.ط.ف)
to be or become frozen
يِتجَمَّد تجَمَّد /dj m d/ (ج.م.د)
to get vaccinated
يِتطَعَّم تطَعَّم /t. 3 m/ (ط.ع.م)
to be injured, to get hurt
يِتوَجَّع توَجَّع /w dj 3/ (و.ج.ع)
to glue, paste, plaster
يِتلَزَّق تلَزَّق /l z g/ (ل.ز.ق)
to blow up or explode
يِتنَقَّع تنَقَّع /n g 3/ (ن.ق.ع)
to arm oneself, to be armed, be provided with weapons
يِتسَلَّح تسَلَّح /s l 7/ (س.ل.ح)
to be fined
يِتغَرَّم تغَرَّم /gh r m/ (غ.ر.م)
to be injured, to get hurt
يِتعَوَّر تعَوَّر /3 w r/ (ع.و.ر)