Gulf Arabic Verb Lexicon
The Gulf Arabic verb lexicon contains more than 2,600 verbs and their full paradigms (or conjugation tables). The lexicon was developed as part of the creation of the Gulf Arabic Morphological Analyzer (Khalifa et al., 2017). Each verb is assigned one of 104 unique paradigms that specifies all of its inflections. The base verbs are from Qafisheh Gulf Arabic - English dictionary.
Lexicon Features and Organization
There are two parts to the lexicon: the verbal entries and the paradigms (conjugation tables).
(a) Verbal Entries

Each verbal entry (see above) indicates the following (from left to right):
- Arabic Root Pronounciation, following the CAMEL Arabic Ponetic Inventory (CAPHI) convention (Habash et al., 2018).
- <ARABIC> : Arabic Root Spelling, following the Conventional Orthography for Dialectal Arabic (CODA) guidelines (Habash et al., 2018).
- <ARABIC> : Perfective, 3rd person, masculine, singular form of the verb, in CODA.
- <ARABIC> : Imperfective, 3rd person, masculine, singular form of the verb, in CODA.
- <ARABIC> : Abstract verb pattern.
- <ARABIC> : Orthographic pattern of the verb, which also represents the paradigm class the verb belongs to.
- Verb form.
- English gloss.
(b) Paradigm Entries

Each of the 104 paradigms is represented as a conjugation table with an iconic representative verb. The specifics of the paradigm and the iconic verbs are indicated at the top of the paradigm entry.
This is followed by a table showing the conjugation for all peron-gender-number combinations in the perfective, imperfective and imperative forms of the verb.
Finally, each paradigm entry also lists all of its verb members in the lexicons.
The Gulf Arabic Verb Browser
Click HERE to browse the lexicon.Publications
- Salam Khalifa, Sara Hassan, and Nizar Habash: A Morphological Analyzer for Gulf Arabic Verbs. In Proceedings of the Workshop of Arabic NLP (WANLP) 2017 (co-located with EACL 2017), Valencia, Spain, 2017.
- Nizar Habash, Salam Khalifa, Fadhl Eryani, Owen Rambow, Dana Abdulrahim, Alexander Erdmann, Reem Faraj, Wajdi Zaghouani, Houda Bouamor, Nasser Zalmout, Sara Hassan, Faisal Al Shargi, Sakhar Alkhereyf, Basma Abdulkareem, Ramy Eskander, Mohammad Salameh and Hind Saddiki: Unified Guidelines and Resources for Arabic Dialect Orthography. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan, 2018.