الجذر الصوتيالجذر الاملائيالفعل الماضيالفعل المضارعفئة الوزنالوزنFormEnglish
/3 r g l/(ع.ر.ق.ل)تعَرقَليِتعَرقَلتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to stumble
/dj z y/(ج.ز.ي)جَزَىيِجزِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to reward, give
/7 w l/(ح.و.ل)اِحتاليِحتالاِفتَعَلاِفتال-يِفتالVIII
to cheat, deceive, dupe
/t. b 3/(ط.ب.ع)طَبَعيِطبَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to drown, to sink, to type, to print
/w l 3/(و.ل.ع)وَلَعيِولَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to love s.o.
/w l y/(و.ل.ي)توَلَّىيِتوَلَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to be in charge of, be entrusted with, to come into power, take over the government
/s h w/(س.ه.و)سَهَّىيسَهِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to cause to forget
/kh l g/(خ.ل.ق)اِختَلَقيِختِلِقاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to fabricate, make up, think up
/d y tsh/(د.ي.ك)دَيَّكيدَيِّكفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to be proud or haughty, to swagger
/7 k m/(ح.ك.م)حَكَميِحكِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to govern, rule, to sentence s.o., to pass judgment, express an opinion, judge, to deliver a judgment, rule, to be due, come due, arrive (prayer time)
/dh w g/(ذ.و.ق)ذَوَّقيذَوِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to give a taste of, let taste
/gh t. w/(غ.ط.و)تغَطَّىيِتغَطَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to be or become covered, to cover oneself
/sh g g/(ش.ق.ق)اِنشَقّيِنشَقّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be torn up or torn to pieces
/z t. t./(ز.ط.ط)زَطّيزِطّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to excessively eat
/s. m gh/(ص.م.غ)صَمَّغيصَمِّغفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to put glue on s.th.
/7 m l/(ح.م.ل)اِنحَمَليِنحِمِلاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be borne, endured, tolerated
/m d n/(م.د.ن)تمَدَّنيِتمَدَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be or become urbanized, modernized, civilized
/g b l/(ق.ب.ل)اِستَقبَليِستَقبِلاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to meet, go to meet, to receive
/t. y sh/(ط.ي.ش)طاشيطِيشفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to boil over, to be or become furious, very upset
/3 w dh/(ع.و.ذ)عاذيعُوذفَعَلفال-يفُولI
(used when something evil, shameful, etc. , is mentioned) God forbid!
/w g f/(و.ق.ف)توَقَّفيِتوَقَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be stopped, arrested., to be stopped (eg. by the police) and/or to be suspended from work
/7 m l/(ح.م.ل)تحَمَّليِتحَمَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be loaded, to hold, support, bear, to bear, stand, put up with, to undergo, suffer
/g d r/(ق.د.ر)قَدَريِقدَرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be able to, be capable of, to have power over s.o., be master of
/l b s/(ل.ب.س)تلَبَّسيِتلَبَّستفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get dressed
/s m y/(س.م.ي)سَمَّىيسَمِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to name, designate, call, to give a name to, call, name, to say
/sh r k/(ش.ر.ك)شارَكيشارِكفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to go into partnership with, participate with, be or become a partner with
/t y h/(ت.ي.ه)تَيَّهيتَيِّهفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to lose, confuse s.o.
/n 3 m/(ن.ع.م)نَعَّمينَعِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to powder, grind
/m d d/(م.د.د)اِمتَدّيِمتَدّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to extend, run, stretch (over a distance)
/g w d/(ق.و.د)قَوَّديقَوِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to procure, pimp
/g 3 d/(ق.ع.د)تقاعَديِتقاعَدتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to retire
/t. y r/(ط.ي.ر)طاريطِيرفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to fly off, fly away, take off, to fly up
/7 l l/(ح.ل.ل)اِحتَلّيِحتَلّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to occupy, take over
/y gh m/(ج.غ.م)جَغَميِجغِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to gulp
/g n 3/(ق.ن.ع)تقَنَّعيِتقَنَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to arrange laws,principles,facts,etc in a system
/d 3 s/(د.ع.س)دَعَسيِدعَسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to knock down, run over, to tread underfoot, trample down
/sh t. b/(ش.ط.ب)شَطَّبيشَطِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to scratch sth out
/t. l b/(ط.ل.ب)طالَبيطالِبفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to claim s.th., make a demand for s.th.
/3 w m/(ع.و.م)عَوَّميعَوِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to set afloat, to float s.th.
/z w dj/(ز.و.ج)تزَوَّجيِتزَوَّجتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get married, to marry s.o.
/3 r k/(ع.ر.ك)عَرَكيِعرِكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to rub
/s k n/(س.ك.ن)سَكَّنيسَكِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to lodge, provide living quarters for s.o., to calm, alleviate, soothe
/n h y/(ن.ه.ي)نَهَىيِنهَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to tell s.o. not to do s.th.
/n s. 7/(ن.ص.ح)نَصَحيِنصَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to advise, counsel s.o.
/b s. r/(ب.ص.ر)تبَصَّريِتبَصَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to reflect on s.th., ponder s.th.
/z 7 m/(ز.ح.م)اِزدَحَميِزدِحِماِفتَعَلاِفدَعَل-يِفدِعِلVIII
to be crowded, to teem, swarm (with people)
/7 m d/(ح.م.د)حَمَديِحمِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to praise, commend, laud
/w d 3/(و.د.ع)وَدَّعيوَدِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to say goodbye to s.o., bid s.o. farewell
/w f r/(و.ف.ر)وَفَّريوَفِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to save, be economical, to save s.o. s.th.
/k d d/(ك.د.د)كَدّيكِدّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to work hard, labor, toil
/r d d/(ر.د.د)رَدّيرِدّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to answer and/or reply
/s. b r/(ص.ب.ر)صَبَّريصَبِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. wait, to be patient
/n t f/(ن.ت.ف)نَتَفيِنتِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to pluck, pull out (feathers)
/gh w r/(غ.و.ر)غاريغِيرفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to invade, attack, raid
/sh w r/(ش.و.ر)شاوَريشاوِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to consult with s.o., ask s.o.'s advice
/t. y b/(ط.ي.ب)طابيطِيبفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to be or become pleasant, enjoyable, agreeable, to heal, recover (from an illness)
/t. y b/(ط.ي.ب)طَيَّبيطَيِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cure, heal, to make delicious, tasty
/d. m m/(ض.م.م)ضَمّيضِمّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to hold on to sth and/or someone
/kh w z/(خ.و.ز)خَوَّزيخَوِّزفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to take away, move away (usually s.th. bad or evil), to remove
/kh t. 2/(خ.ط.ء)خَطَىيِخطِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to make a mistake, commit an error
/b t. t./(ب.ط.ط)بَطّيبِطّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to knock out, gouge out, to pop (a balloon)
/r dj f/(ر.ج.ف)اِرتَجَفيِرتِجِفاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to tremble, shiver, shake
/d sh sh/(د.ش.ش)دَشّيدِشّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to enter, go in, to report for duty, go to work, to drop in on s.o.
/d 3 m/(د.ع.م)اِندَعَميِندِعِماِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be run into, be hit
/kh l t./(خ.ل.ط)خالَطيخالِطفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to mix, associate with s.o.
/r 2 s/(ر.ء.س)رَأَّسيرَئِّسفَعَّلفَأَّل-يفَئِّلII
to appoint as leader or head, place in charge
/n dh. f/(ن.ظ.ف)تنَظَّفيِتنَظَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be cleaned
/z kh r f/(ز.خ.ر.ف)زَخرَفيزَخرِففَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to decorate, ornament
/w l m/(و.ل.م)والَميوالِمفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to suit, fit, to be similar to
/d r z/(د.ر.ز)دَرَّزيدَرِّزفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to sew
/n f s/(ن.ف.س)نافَسينافِسفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to compete, vie, fight with s.o.
/l h y/(ل.ه.ي)تلَهَّىيِتلَهَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to be distracted
/b h d l/(ب.ه.د.ل)بَهدَليبَهدِلفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to ridicule, embarrass s.o., to make a mess of
/sh y 3/(ش.ي.ع)شاعيشِيعفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to spread, become known or widespread
/gh r b l/(غ.ر.ب.ل)غَربَليغَربِلفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to bother, irritate s.o., to sift, sieve
/m y z/(م.ي.ز)تمَيَّزيِتمَيَّزتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be distinguished, be distinct from, to stand out
/b l l/(ب.ل.ل)بَلَّليبَلِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to wet, moisten
/t. w 3/(ط.و.ع)طاعيطِيعفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to obey, be obedient, to heed, to agree
/m k n/(م.ك.ن)أَمكَنيِمكِناَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to be possible
/3 w m/(ع.و.م)عاميعُومفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to swim, to float
/g b l/(ق.ب.ل)قَبَليِقبَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to accept, to agree to s.th., to admit
/f w t/(ف.و.ت)فاتيفُوتفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to go, pass, to pass, go by
/dj l l/(ج.ل.ل)أَجَلّيجِلّاَفعَلأَفَعّ-يفِعّIV
to esteem highly, honor
/k b r/(ك.ب.ر)كَبَّريكَبِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make big, large, enlarge, amplify, widen
/dj l 3/(ق.ل.ع)اِنقَلَعيِنقِلِعاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be sent or driven away, to leave a place (negative connotation)
/2 k l/(ء.ك.ل)أَكَّليأَكِّلفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to feed s.o., make s.o. eat
/3 d l/(ع.د.ل)تعَدَّليِتعَدَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be straightened, to straighten oneself, straighten up, to be straightened out, made smooth, to be amended, changed, to dress up and/or to make oneself look good
/n t. 7/(ن.ط.ح)تناطَحيِتناطَحتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to butt each other
/kh w z g/(خ.و.ز.ق)خَوزَقيخَوزِقفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to cheat, get s.o. into a bad fix, take in s.o.
/l f t/(ل.ف.ت)اِلتَفَتيِلتِفِتاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to look around, glance around
/l m s/(ل.م.س)لَمَسيِلمِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to touch, feel, to feel, sense, have a hunch
/d r k/(د.ر.ك)تدارَكيِتدارَكتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to take care of, takes steps to prevent (s.th. from happening), make amends
/l g y/(ل.ق.ي)لاقَىيلاقِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to find s.o, s.th., to encounter, meet, run into
/n m r/(ن.م.ر)نَمَّرينَمِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to number, assign number to
/th b t/(ث.ب.ت)ثَبَّتيثَبِّتفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to confirm, to appoint permanently
/n d. f/(ن.ض.ف)نَضَّفينَضِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to clean up
/r f dj/(ر.ف.ق)ترافَقيِترافَقتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to become friends, be intimate with each other, to become friends, intimate with each other
/z w 3/(ز.و.ع)زاعيزُوعفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to vomit, throw up
/s n d/(س.ن.د)اِستَنَديِستِنِداِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to lean, recline, to be based, founded, supported, to rest one's case, have as evidence, use as a basis
/r dh. y/(ر.ض.ي)رَضَىيِرضَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to be satisfied, be content, to agree, accept, to be pleased
/d. y q/(ض.ي.ق)اِضيَقّيِضيَقّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to become tighter
/f sh l/(ف.ش.ل)فَشَّليفَشِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to let s.o. down, disappoint s.o., to embarrass, ridicule, to embarrass
/g s. g s./(ق.ص.ق.ص)تقَصقَصيِتقَصقَصتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
/3 s. y/(ع.ص.ي)عَصَىيِعصِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to disobey, resist, oppose
/dj r 7/(ج.ر.ح)جَرَحيِجرَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to wound, cut
/r dj 3/(ر.ج.ع)تراجَعيِتراجَعتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to withdraw, retreat, fall back, to go back on, rescind
/7 l f/(ح.ل.ف)تحالَفيِتحالَفتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to join together in an alliance, make an alliance with
/b y t/(ب.ي.ت)باتيباتفَعَلفال-يفالI
to stay overnight, spend the night, to sit overnight, to sleep over
/dh. m m/(ض.م.م)اِنضَمّيِنضَمّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to join, enter
/r s l/(ر.س.ل)أَرسَليِرسِلاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to send
/3 n d/(ع.ن.د)عَنَّديعَنِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to be or become stubborn, to insist
/7 tsh tsh/(ح.ك.ك)اِنحَكّيِنحَكّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to become worn
/r w z/(ر.و.ز)رازيرِيزفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to estimate the weight of s.th.
/m r y 7/(م.ر.ج.ح)تمَرجَحيِتمَرجَحتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to swing, swing back and forth
/kh dj l/(خ.ج.ل)خَجَليِخجَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be or become embarrassed, to be ashamed, feel shame, to be or become shy, to be or become embarrassed, to be ashamed, feel shame, to be or become shy
/s n n/(س.ن.ن)سَنّيسِنّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to sharpen, whet, to enact, introduce, pass
/kh sh r/(خ.ش.ر)خاشَريخاشِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to be or become a partner with s.o., enter into a partnership
/n dj r/(ن.ج.ر)نَجَريِنجِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to carve, to chop, hew (wood)
/s w y/(س.و.ي)سَوَّىيسَوِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to do, perform, commit, to make, produce, manufacture, to do
/m n y/(م.ن.ي)تمَنَّىيِتمَنَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to wish
/s. l 7/(ص.ل.ح)أَصلَحيِصلِحاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to improve, reform, to bring about peace, act as a mediator
/f dj r/(ف.ج.ر)تفَجَّريِتفَجَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to blow up, explode
/sh f 3/(ش.ف.ع)شَفَعيِشفَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to intercede, intervene, plead
/7 tsh tsh/(ح.ك.ك)حَكّيحِكّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to scratch, to scrath s.th. against s.th. else, to itch, to scratch
/2 dj l/(ء.ج.ل)تأَجَّليِتأَجَّلتفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to be postponed
/w k l/(و.ك.ل)توَكَّليِتوَكَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to act as counsel for (a case), to act as counsel for s.o., to trust in, put one's confidence in
/sh t m/(ش.ت.م)شَتَّميشَتِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to curse, swear
/7 m s./(ح.م.ص)حَمَّصيحَمِّصفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to roast (coffee beans, peanuts, and other seeds)
/m sh t./(م.ش.ط)تمَشَّطيِتمَشَّطتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to comb one's hair
/g r r/(ق.ر.ر)تقَرَّريِتقَرَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be decided, to be set, determined, decided on
/b z r/(ب.ز.ر)بَزَّريبَزِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to go to seed
/f r r/(ف.ر.ر)فَرَّريفَرِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to show around
/sh gh l/(ش.غ.ل)اِنشَغَليِنشِغِلاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be or become busy, occupied, distracted with, to get busy
/kh l t./(خ.ل.ط)خَلَطيِخلِطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to mix, blend, mingle, to be or become confused, mixed up
/dh. r r/(ض.ر.ر)اِضطَرّيِضطَرّاِفتَعَلاِفطَعّ-يِفطَعّVIII
to force, compel s.o. to do s.th., to be compelled, be hard pressed
/3 d w/(ع.د.و)عادَىيعادِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to treat as an enemy, to turn against, oppose s.o.
/y m m/(ي.م.م)تيَمَّميِتيَمَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to substitute dirt or sand for water in ablution
/b w r/(ب.و.ر)باريبُورفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to be unsaleable, be dead stock, to be unable to get a husband
/g b n/(ق.ب.ن)قَبَّنيقَبِّنفَاعَلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلIII
to weigh (with a steelyard)
/dj r 2/(ج.ر.ء)جَرَىيِجرِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to dare, venture, have the courage, to have the courage to do s.th.
/gh b r/(غ.ب.ر)اِغبَرّيِغبَرّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to get dusty
/gh f w/(غ.ف.و)غَفايِغفِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to doze off, fall asleep
/3 t. r/(ع.ط.ر)تعَطَّريِتعَطَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to apply perfume
/s. b 7/(ص.ب.ح)أَصبَحيِصبِحاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to be or become in the morning
/f r z/(ف.ر.ز)فَرَّزيفَرِّزفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to turn to ice, freeze
/h dj dj/(ه.ج.ج)هَجّيهِجّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to run away, escape
/s. f f/(ص.ف.ف)صَفَّفيصَفِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to arrange, set s.th. in order
/w s y/(و.س.ي)واسَىيواسِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to comfort, console
/d l l/(د.ل.ل)تدَلَّليِتدَلَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be coy, behave affectedly, to make demands, take advantage
/l y n/(ل.ي.ن)لَيَّنيلَيِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to soften
/gh r z/(غ.ر.ز)غَرَّزيغَرِّزفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to get stuck or plunged
/f l kh/(ف.ل.خ)فَلَخيِفلَخفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to run away
/g f l/(ق.ف.ل)قَفَّليقَفِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to lock, lock up, to block (one's way)
/d dj l/(د.ج.ل)دَجَّليدَجِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to swindle, cheat
/n t. t./(ن.ط.ط)تنَطَّطيِتنَطَّطتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to jump
/kh n g/(خ.ن.ق)خَنَّقيخَنِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
intens. of xinag
/m s. t. r/(م.ص.ط.ر)مَصطَريمَصطِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to draw lines (on a sheet of paper) with a ruler
/7 sh w/(ح.ش.و)تحاشَىيِتحاشَىتفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىVI
to avoid, keep away or abstain from s.o. or s.th., to ignore
/l h y/(ل.ه.ي)لَهَّىيلَهِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to distract s.o. from s.th., divert s.o.'s attetion from, to entertain, amuse, distract
/z w r/(ز.و.ر)زَوَّريزَوِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to guide, show around, to forge, falsify, counterfit
/s l l/(س.ل.ل)اِستَلّيِستَلّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to draw, unsheath
/kh w f/(خ.و.ف)خافيخاففَعَلفال-يفالI
to be scared, afraid, worried, concerned. (prov.), to fear
/gh r b l/(غ.ر.ب.ل)تغَربَليِتغَربَلتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
/f t 7/(ف.ت.ح)فَتَحيِفتَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to open, to start, open, to turn on, to conquer, capture (a city)
/sh t t/(ش.ت.ت)تشَتَّتيِتشَتَّتتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be dispersed, scattered
/dh 3 n/(ذ.ع.ن)أَذعَنيِذعِناَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to yield, submit, give in, obey
/r b 3/(ر.ب.ع)رَبَعيِربَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to run
/d n y/(د.ن.ي)دَنَّىيدَنِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to be low, mean, base, contemptible, to bring s.th. close, move s.th. near
/z r f l/(ز.ر.ف.ل)زَرفَليزَرفِلفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to walk fast, hasten, to jog
/r 3 y/(ر.ع.ي)راعَىيراعِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to observe, heed, respect, to be lenient with s.o., to make a provision, see to it that
/k t b/(ك.ت.ب)كَتَّبيكَتِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make write
/m w t/(م.و.ت)اِستَماتيِستِمِيتاِستَفعَلاِستَفال-يِستِفِيلX
to defy death, risk one's life
/f g s/(ف.ق.س)فَقَّسيفَقِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to hatch
/sh y b/(ش.ي.ب)شَيَّبيشَيِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to grow old, become an old man, become gray-haired
/h dj r/(ه.ج.ر)هاجَريهاجِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to emigrate
/g d m/(ق.د.م)قَدَّميقَدِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to apply, submit (an application), to give s.o. preferential treatment, to place s.o. or s.th. at the head of, to set ahead (a watch), to gain, be fast (a watch)
/n g 3/(ن.ق.ع)نَقَعيِنقَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to soak, to become thoroughly soaked, to explode, also used to describe a person who 'blows off' when angry
/z h q/(ز.ه.ق)زَهَقيِزهَقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to feel bored
/l g y/(ل.ق.ي)تلاقَىيِتلاقَىتفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىVI
to meet each other, get together, come together
/s 3 d/(س.ع.د)تساعَديِتساعَدتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to help each other
/dh k r/(ذ.ك.ر)تذَكَّريِتذَكَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to remember, recollect, to remember
/n w l/(ن.و.ل)ناوَليناوِلفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to hand someone or sth over
/7 d d/(ح.د.د)حَدَّديحَدِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to limit, restrict, to fix, to schedule, set down, determine, to delimit, demarcate
/dj h l/(ج.ه.ل)تجاهَليِتجاهَلتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to ignore s.o. or s.th., to feign ignorance, pretend to know nothing
/3 t g/(ع.ت.ق)عَتَقيِعتِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to get or grow old
/s. l b/(ص.ل.ب)اِصطَلَبيِصطِلِباِفتَعَلاِفطَعَل-يِفطِعِلVIII
to behave properly
/7 r m/(ح.ر.م)حَرَّميحَرِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to forbid s.th., declare s.th. unlawful, to forbid s.o., to deny oneself s.th., abstain from s.th.
/h y n/(ه.ي.ن)هانيهُونفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to be or become easy, simple, to be or become easy for s.o.
/tsh w f/(ش.و.ف)اِنشافيِنشافاِنفَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVII
to be seen
/k b r/(ك.ب.ر)تكَبَّريِتكَبَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be enlarged, to be overbearing toward s.o.
/f dj r/(ف.ج.ر)فَجَّريفَجِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to explode s.th.
/7 b s/(ح.ب.س)حَبَسيِحبِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to jail, imprison, to block, confine, to send (e.g. school kids) to detention, keep s.o. (after school) as punishment
/w 7 d/(و.ح.د)توَحَّديِتوَحَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be autistic, to be alone
/sh m m/(ش.م.م)شَمّيشِمّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to smell, sniff
/gh z l/(غ.ز.ل)غَزَليِغزِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to spin
/r s kh/(ر.س.خ)رَسَّخيرَسِّخفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make take root, establish, impress s.th. on s.o.'s mind
/dh k r/(ذ.ك.ر)ذَكَّريذَكِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to remind, call to mind, to remind
/7 s. l/(ح.ص.ل)حَصَليِحصَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to happen, take place, occur, to obtain, get, receive, to be found, be available, obtainable
/b s. b s./(ب.ص.ب.ص)بَصبَصيبَصبِصفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to ogle, cast amorous glances
/n s. r/(ن.ص.ر)نَصَريِنصِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to make victorious, grant victory to
/s. d f/(ص.د.ف)صادَفيصادِففَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to coincide with, occur with, fall on (a certain date)
/kh t. f/(خ.ط.ف)اِنخَطَفيِنخِطِفاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be kidnapped, abducted
/m w l/(م.و.ل)مَوَّليمَوِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to finance
/7 s n/(ح.س.ن)تحَسَّنيِتحَسَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be or become improved, get better
/3 d d/(ع.د.د)عَدّيعِدّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to count, number, to consider, think
/7 s b/(ح.س.ب)تحَسَّبيِتحَسَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to say hasbiallahu wa ni'mal wakeel (when being treated in an unfair manner)
/b n sh r/(ب.ن.ش.ر)بَنشَريبَنشِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to go flat
/k sh f/(ك.ش.ف)اِكتَشَفيِكتِشِفاِنفَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVII
to discover, find out, detect
/dj h d/(ج.ه.د)اِجتَهَديِجتِهِداِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to work hard, exert one's effort
/3 l n/(ع.ل.ن)أَعلَنيِعلِناَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to announce, declare, to advertise
/m s. s./(م.ص.ص)مَصّيمُصّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to suck, suck up, suck in, absorb, to sip
/d l l/(د.ل.ل)اِندَلّيِندَلّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to find, to know, know where
/g r 3/(ق.ر.ع)قَرَّعيقَرِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make bald
/d g g/(د.ق.ق)دَقّيدُقّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to ring, to beat (e.g., the drums)
/z l g/(ز.ل.ق)زَلَقيِزلِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to slip, slide, to make a mistake, make a slip
/r g m/(ر.ق.م)رَقَّميرَقِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to number, give a number to s.th., to give someone one's personal phone call (used generally to describe men who flirt with women and give them thier phone number)
/r w gh/(ر.و.غ)راغيرُوغفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to dismiss, drive out, expel, evict
/n kh l/(ن.خ.ل)نَخَّلينَخِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to sift
/t r s/(ت.ر.س)تَرَّسيتَرِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to fill, fill up s.th. with
/f t 7/(ف.ت.ح)اِنفَتَحيِنفِتِحاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be opened
/s l k/(س.ل.ك)سَلَكيِسلِكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to behave oneself, be on good terms, get along with
/r tsh b/(ر.ك.ب)رَكَبيِركَبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to ride on s.th, to ride (an animal), to ride in, ride on, travel in, on or on board, to mate with, breed with, mount, to get in, get on, climb aboard, to dominate, bully, intimidate, to ride on s.th, to ride (a car, horse...etc)
/kh dh. r/(خ.ض.ر)اِخضَرّيِخضَرّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to turn green, to become green
/3 l dj/(ع.ل.ج)عالَجيعالِجفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to treat (a patient, a disease, a subject)
/r f dh./(ر.ف.ض)رَفَضيِرفِضفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to refuse to accept, reject, turn down
/sh gh r/(ش.غ.ر)شَغَريِشغَرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be vacant, free, unoccupied
/s. r f/(ص.ر.ف)صَرَّفيصَرِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to be suitable to s.o., to change (money)
/sh r b/(ش.ر.ب)شَرَّبيشَرِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make or let drink, to soak, saturate, to water sth (Eg. water a plant)
/n f s/(ن.ف.س)نَفَّسينَفِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to leak, let out air
/kh n kh n/(خ.ن.خ.ن)خَنخَنيخَنخِنفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to speak nasally, speak through the nose
/t m m/(ت.م.م)تَمَّميتَمِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to complete, finish
/l 7 7/(ل.ح.ح)لَحّيلِحّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to persist, to keep after, pester, harass
/s r r/(س.ر.ر)اِنسَرّيِنسَرّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be or become happy, be delighted
/z r k sh/(ز.ر.ك.ش)زَركَشيزَركِشفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to embroider, decorate
/l t. f/(ل.ط.ف)لَطَّفيلَطِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make nice, enjoyable, pleasant
/7 f l/(ح.ف.ل)اِحتَفَليِحتِفِلاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to celebrate, have a celebration
/f r dh./(ف.ر.ض)اِفتَرَضيِفتِرِضاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to suppose, assume, to impose
/w h m/(و.ه.م)وَهَّميوَهِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to give s.o. a false impression, to make s.o. believe that
/3 q q/(ع.ق.ق)عَقّيعِقّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to throw sth
/n d f/(ن.د.ف)نَدَفيِندَففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to fluff or tease, comb (cotton)
/r k 3/(ر.ك.ع)رَكَعيِركَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to kneel down, drop to one's knees (in prayer)
/l t. m/(ل.ط.م)لَطَميِلطِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to strike the face with the hands in grief or despair
/2 m m/(ء.م.م)أَمّيئِمّفَعَلأَعّ-يئِعّI
to lead people in prayer
/l w y/(ل.و.ي)لَوَىيِلوِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to bend, to twist, wrench
/l m 3/(ل.م.ع)لَمَّعيلَمِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to shine, make shine
/b sh r/(ب.ش.ر)اِستَبشَريِستَبشِراِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to rejoice in hearing good news
/7 y r/(ح.ي.ر)حَيَّريحَيِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to confuse, puzzle, bewilder, to hold up, impede, hinder
/s h l/(س.ه.ل)تساهَليِتساهَلتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to be lenient, tolerant, indulgent
/n g y/(ن.ق.ي)اِستَنقَىيِستَنقِياِستَفعَلاِستَفعَى-يِستَفعِيX
to pick out, choose
/s. r 3/(ص.ر.ع)صَرَعيِصرِعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to throw down, fell s.o.
/r h n/(ر.ه.ن)رَهَنيِرهِنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to pawn, deposit as security, to mortgage
/k w m/(ك.و.م)تكَوَّميِتكَوَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to pile up
/dj w d/(ج.و.د)جَوَّديجَوِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to get hold of s.o. or s.th., grab s.o. or s.th., to arrest
/f 2 f 2/(ف.ء.ف.ء)فَأفَأيفَأفِئفَعلَلفَألَأ-يفَألِئQ
to stammer
/3 w d/(ع.و.د)عَوَّديعَوِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to return, go back, to make s.o. get used to s.th., accustom s.o. to s.th., to make someone or sth get used to doing something
/w f y/(و.ف.ي)توَفَّىيِتوَفَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to die, pass away
/kh l y/(خ.ل.ي)خَلَّىيخَلِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to leave, allow or cause s.o. or s.th. to remain, to keep, retain, to put, place, to let, allow, to cause, make, to leave someone and/or sth alone
/b r 3/(ب.ر.ع)تبَرَّعيِتبَرَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to contribute, donate, to volunteer
/z 3 l/(ز.ع.ل)زَعَليِزعَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be a little angry or mad, to get upset
/b w l/(ب.و.ل)باليبُولفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to urinate
/r g 3/(ر.ق.ع)رَقَّعيرَقِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to patch, mend
/d h n/(د.ه.ن)دَهَنيِدهِنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to oil, grease, to rub, massage
/l g t./(ل.ق.ط)لَقَطيِلقِطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to pick up, pick out
/3 t. l/(ع.ط.ل)عَطَّليعَطِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to delay, hinder, hamper, to close up, close down
/3 g b/(ع.ق.ب)تعاقَبيِتعاقَبتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to be punished
/7 b y/(ح.ب.ي)حَبَىيِحبِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to crawl, creep
/kh b r/(خ.ب.ر)اِختَبَريِختِبِراِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to test, examine, experience
/f w dh./(ف.و.ض)فَوَّضيفَوِّضفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to authorize, empower
/dh. l m/(ظ.ل.م)ظَلَميِظلِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to oppress, be tyrannical to, do wrong, to treat unjustly, do wrong to s.o.
/d w y/(د.و.ي)دَوَىيَدوِيفَعَلفَعَى-يَفعِيI
to boom, resound, ring out, to drone
/t. 7 n/(ط.ح.ن)طَحَنيِطحَنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to mill, grind
/7 k y/(ح.ك.ي)تحاكَىيِتحاكَىتفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىVI
to talk to each other
/n w 3/(ن.و.ع)نَوَّعينَوِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make different, diverse, to mix things
/2 dj r/(ء.ج.ر)تأَجَّريِتأَجَّرتفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to be rented
/r b r b/(ر.ب.ر.ب)رَبرَبيرَبرِبفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to chatter, talk aimlessly
/d w r/(د.و.ر)دَوَّريدَوِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to look for s.o. or s.th., to look, search, to look for
/t. 3 m/(ط.ع.م)تطاعَميِتطاعَمتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to taste
/r g s./(ر.ق.ص)رَقَّصيرَقِّصفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make dance
/s n d/(س.ن.د)سَنَديِسنِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to support, provide support for, prop up
/n sh t./(ن.ش.ط)تنَشَّطيِتنَشَّطتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be or become energetic and strong
/kh y r/(خ.ي.ر)تخَيَّريِتخَيَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to choose, take one's choice
/n f sh/(ن.ف.ش)نَفَّشينَفِّشفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to fluff, make fluffy
/7 dh f/(ح.ذ.ف)حَذَفيِحذِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to throw, throw away, cast, hurl, to delete, omit, drop, take, take away
/h m m/(ه.م.م)اِنهَمّيِنهَمّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be very unhappy, become distressed, concerned
/gh r r/(غ.ر.ر)اِغتَرّيِغتَرّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to be or become conceited
/r 2 f/(ر.ء.ف)رَأَفيِرأَففَعَلفَأَل-يِفأَلI
to show mercy, be kind, merciful
/3 y n/(ع.ي.ن)عانيعِينفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to help
/s m 7/(س.م.ح)سَمَحيِسمَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to permit, allow, grant permission
/s l m/(س.ل.م)تسَلَّميِتسَلَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to receive, obtain, get, to take over, take possession of
/kh r dj/(خ.ر.ج)خَرَجيِخرِجفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to go out, walk out, to come out, emerge from, to drive or ride out, go out (in a vehicle), to disagree with, disobey
/dh. r t./(ض.ر.ط)ضَرَّطيضَرِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to break wind repeatedly
/7 r f/(ح.ر.ف)اِنحَرَفيِنحِرِفاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to deviate, digress, turn away
/gh y m/(غ.ي.م)غَيَّميغَيِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to be or become cloudy, to get cloudy (sky)
/tsh t f/(ك.ت.ف)تكَتَّفيِتكَتَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be bound up, tied up, to fold one's arms
/f t y/(ف.ت.ي)أَفتَىيِفتِياَفعَلأَفعَى-يِفعِيIV
to give a formal legal opinion
/sh 7 sh t./(ش.ح.ش.ط)شَحشَطيشَحشِطتفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQt
to drag, drag along
/y t m/(ي.ت.م)يَتَّمييَتِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to orphan, deprive of parents
/3 g d/(ع.ق.د)عَقَديِعقِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to hold (a meeting, a session, etc.), to conclude, effect a transaction, to sign a marriage contract with, to knot, tie
/y y/(ج.ي)جايِجِيفَعَلفا-يِفِيI
to come, come to, to come in order to do s.th., to befall, descend upon, to come to, come one's way, to fit, be big enough
/n t. g/(ن.ط.ق)نَطَّقينَطِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make or cause s.o. to speak
/s. d g/(ص.د.ق)صَدَّقيصَدِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to believe, trust s.o., to endorse, to believe
/m s. 3/(م.ص.ع)مَصَعيِمصَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to take sth off harshly
/sh l 3/(ش.ل.ع)شَلَعيِشلَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to extract, remove, pull out
/kh t. 2/(خ.ط.ء)خَطَّىيخَطِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to cause to make a mistake, incriminate
/b r y/(ب.ر.ي)تبَرَّىيِتبَرَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to be acquitted, be cleared, to disassociate oneself from
/g z z/(ق.ز.ز)قَزّيقِزّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to survey (land, to shear hair or wool of an animal
/k s l/(ك.س.ل)كَسَّليكَسِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make lazy
/g d m/(ق.د.م)تقَدَّميِتقَدَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be submitted, to progress, make progress, to precede, go before s.o.
/k l f/(ك.ل.ف)تكَلَّفيِتكَلَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to go to a lot of trouble, burden oneself, to be affected, unnatural, pretentious
/b tsh y/(ب.ك.ي)بَكَّىيبَكِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to make s.o. cry
/h y dj/(ه.ي.ج)هَيَّجيهَيِّجفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to arouse, excite, to stir up, provoke, agitate
/l b s/(ل.ب.س)اِنلَبَسيِنلِبِساِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be worn
/d r y/(د.ر.ي)دارَىيدارِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to treat with flattery or gentle courtesy, to flatter
/s b 7/(س.ب.ح)تسَبَّحيِتسَبَّحتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to take a bath, bathe, to swim, to shower
/n k t/(ن.ك.ت)نَكَّتينَكِّتفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to crack jokes, be witty, to poke fun at s.o., ridicule s.o.
/gh th th/(غ.ث.ث)اِنغَثّيِنغَثّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to cause annoyance
/n 3 m/(ن.ع.م)تنَعَّميِتنَعَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to live in luxury, lead a life of comfort and ease, to enjoy s.th.
/n g s./(ن.ق.ص)نَقَّصينَقِّصفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to reduce, lower, curtail, to decrease, diminish
/kh b l/(خ.ب.ل)خَبَّليخَبِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to drive s.o. insane, make s.o. crazy, to drive someone crazy
/dj h z/(ج.ه.ز)تجَهَّزيِتجَهَّزتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be provided with s.th.
/m k n/(م.ك.ن)تمَكَّنيِتمَكَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be able, be in a position
/w z n/(و.ز.ن)اِنوَزَنيِنوِزِناِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be weighed
/r gh b/(ر.غ.ب)رَغَّبيرَغِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to interest s.o. in s.th., excite s.o.'s interest in s.th.
/n tsh b/(ن.ك.ب)نَكَبيِنكِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to put food into dishes, to cause great suffering, to make miserable, to afflict
/k f y/(ك.ف.ي)اِكتَفَىيِكتِفِياِنفَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVII
to be satisfied, to content oneself
/kh l f/(خ.ل.ف)اِختَلَفيِختِلِفاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to differ, be different, to disagree, differ in opinion, argue
/d w m/(د.و.م)داميدِيمفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to make permanent, perpetuate, cause to last or continue
/n b h/(ن.ب.ه)تنَبَّهيِتنَبَّهتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be alert
/h dj r/(ه.ج.ر)هَجَريِهجِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to abandon, leave behind
/n k d/(ن.ك.د)نَكَّدينَكِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make things difficult or miserable for s.o.
/sh r 7/(ش.ر.ح)شَرَّحيشَرِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to dissect, perform an autopsy on a corpse
/sh w r/(ش.و.ر)تشاوَريِتشاوَرتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to consult with each other, deliberate
/s b b/(س.ب.ب)سَبَّبيسَبِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause, bring about, provoke
/m d 7/(م.د.ح)اِنمَدَحيِنمِدِحاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be complimented
/l g n/(ل.ق.ن)لَقَّنيلَقِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to teach s.o., instruct s.o. in s.th., to prompt
/s. r 3/(ص.ر.ع)صارَعيصارِعفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to wrestle
/s l m/(س.ل.م)أَسلَميِسلِماَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to become a Muslim, embrace Islam
/d f 3/(د.ف.ع)اِندَفَعيِندِفِعاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be paid, to be pushed, to be carried away, to get worked up
/g s. b/(ق.ص.ب)قَصَبيِقصِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to cut meat
/z l l/(ز.ل.ل)زَلّيزِلّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to slip, make a mistake, to pour s.th., to come to an end, be over
/n w m/(ن.و.م)نَوَّمينَوِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to sleep
/z 7 f/(ز.ح.ف)زَحَفيِزحَففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to crawl, creep on the ground, to march
/n z l/(ن.ز.ل)تنَزَّليِتنَزَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to lower oneself, condescend
/s r 3/(س.ر.ع)أَسرَعيِسرِعاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to speed up, hasten, hurry
/w f y/(و.ف.ي)اِستَوفَىيِستَوفِياِستَفعَلاِستَفعَى-يِستَفعِيX
to receive in full
/t. m m/(ط.م.م)طَمّيطُمّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to bury, cover over, to shut up
/z 7 m/(ز.ح.م)زاحَميزاحِمفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to compete, vie with
/f h m/(ف.ه.م)فَهَّميفَهِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. understand or see, to instruct s.o., to explain to s.o., to explain
/r h n/(ر.ه.ن)تراهَنيِتراهَنتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to bet with each other
/f h m/(ف.ه.م)اِفتَهَميِفتِهِماِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to understand, comprehend s.th., to learn, find out
/b n y/(ب.ن.ي)اِنبَنَىيِنبِنِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to be built
/f s d/(ف.س.د)فَسَديِفسِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to spoil, go bad, become rotten, to be or become corrupt, bad
/7 n t./(ح.ن.ط)حَنَّطيحَنِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to embalm, mummify (a corpse)
/kh y t./(خ.ي.ط)خاطيخِيطفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to sew, to tailor
/g t. 3/(ق.ط.ع)تقَطَّعيِتقَطَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to cut
/b gh y/(ب.غ.ي)بَغَىيَبغِيفَعَلفَعَى-يَفعِيI
to want, desire, wish, like to do s.th., to need, require, to want
/kh d 3/(خ.د.ع)خَدَعيِخدَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to deceive, mislead, dupe
/f s r/(ف.س.ر)اِستَفسَريِستَفسِراِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to inquire, ask
/h d m/(ه.د.م)هَدَميِهدِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to tear down, demolish, destroy
/sh 7 n/(ش.ح.ن)شَحَنيِشحَنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to ship, freight
/k n s l/(ك.ن.س.ل)كَنسَليكَنسِلفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ1
to cancel
/g sh t./(ق.ش.ط)قَشَطيِقشِطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to scratch, nick, chip
/f z 3/(ف.ز.ع)فَزَعيِفزَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to go to s.o.'s aid, go to help s.o.
/w th g/(و.ث.ق)توَثَّقيِتوَثَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be certified, authenticated, attested
/gh l f/(غ.ل.ف)غَلَّفيغَلِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to wrap (a gift etc.)
/dj w z/(ج.و.ز)جازيجُوزفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to be allowed or permitted, to stop, quit
/7 s n/(ح.س.ن)أَحسَنيِحسِناَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to do s.th. well, be proficient at s.th., to give alms, give charity
/b d l/(ب.د.ل)تبَدَّليِتبَدَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be changed, to change
/h d m/(ه.د.م)اِنهَدَميِنهِدِماِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to collapse, fall down
/b gh y/(ب.غ.ي)بَغَىيِبغَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to want, desire, wish, like to do s.th., to need, require
/s b q/(س.ب.ق)سَبَقيِسبَقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to go ahead of someone
/s. 3 b/(ص.ع.ب)اِستَصعَبيِستَصعِباِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to find or consider s.th. difficult, hard
/f l 3/(ف.ل.ع)اِنفَلَعيِنفِلِعاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to split open
/7 y z/(ح.ي.ز)تحَيَّزيِتحَيَّزتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to take sides, to be partial, be biased
/l m 3/(ل.م.ع)لَمَعيِلمَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to shine, glisten, gleam
/gh s l/(غ.س.ل)غَسَّليغَسِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to wash thoroughly, to wash, bathe s.o. or a corpse, to wash
/b 3 d/(ب.ع.د)بَعَّديبَعِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to go far away from, to send s.o. or s.th. away
/dh n b/(ذ.ن.ب)أَذنَبيِذنِباَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to commit a sin, a crime, an offense
/f r m l/(ف.ر.م.ل)فَرمَليفَرمِلفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ2
to hit the break
/f s. l/(ف.ص.ل)فَصَّليفَصِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to interpret, explain, to elaborate
/gh r b/(غ.ر.ب)غَرَبيِغرِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to set (sun, moon)
/b dh kh/(ب.ذ.خ)بَذَخيِبذَخفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to spend (money) lavishly
/dj n d/(ج.ن.د)تجَنَّديِتجَنَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be drafted, recruited
/sh l kh/(ش.ل.خ)شَلَّخيشَلِّخفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to lie, tell lies, tell lies to s.o.
/kh l f/(خ.ل.ف)خَلَفيِخلِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to succeed, be the successor
/s. r f/(ص.ر.ف)صَرَفيِصرِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to spend, expend, to cash, to dismiss, send away
/f t sh/(ف.ت.ش)فَتَّشيفَتِّشفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to search, to look for s.o. or s.th., to search for
/kh t. b/(خ.ط.ب)خَطَبيِخطِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to make a speech, give a public address, to propose to, ask for a girl's hand in marriage
/g w m/(ق.و.م)قاوَميقاوِمفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to resist, oppose, to rise up against, rebel against
/gh sh sh/(غ.ش.ش)اِنغَشّيِنغَشّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be cheated; deceived; deluded
/h z 2/(ه.ز.ء)هَزَّأيهَزِّئفَعَّلفَعَّأ-يفَعِّئII
to discipline
/sh b h/(ش.ب.ه)اِشتَبَهيِشتِبِهاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be mistaken, make a mistake, to suspect, be suspicious about
/l h y/(ل.ه.ي)اِلتَهَىيِلتِهِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to be distracted
/dj r 3/(ج.ر.ع)جَرَعيِجرَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to dare, venture, have the courage
/f t 7/(ف.ت.ح)فَتَّحيفَتِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to open, to bloom, open (flowers), to open
/3 t. y/(ع.ط.ي)عَطَىيَعطِيفَعَلفَعَى-يَفعِيI
to give
/3 t. s/(ع.ط.س)عَطَسيِعطِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to sneeze
/tsh w y/(ك.و.ي)اِنكَوَىيِنكِوِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to be cauterized, to be burned, to iron
/dj w b/(ج.و.ب)اِستَجابيِستِجِيباِستَفعَلاِستَفال-يِستِفِيلX
to comply with a request
/k t b/(ك.ت.ب)كَتَبيِكتِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to write down, write, record, to leave s.th. in one's will, bequeath
/dj n n/(ج.ن.ن)جَنّيجِنّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to be or become insane, to be or become insane
/s. f r/(ص.ف.ر)صَفَّريصَفِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to deport s.o.
/kh dh. kh dh./(خ.ض.خ.ض)خَضخَضيخَضخِضفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to shake, rock
/m 7 y/(م.ح.ي)مَحَّىيمَحِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to erase repeatedly
/3 m y/(ع.م.ي)اِنعَمَىيِنعِمِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to be or become blind, lose one's eyesight
/g y dh./(ق.ي.ظ)قَيَّظيقَيِّظفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to spend the summer (as a holiday)
/r dh. r dh./(ر.ض.ر.ض)رَضرَضيرَضرِضفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to tenderize, to crack, smash, break
/dh. b t./(ض.ب.ط)اِنضَبَطيِنضِبِطاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to adjust, set
/s m r/(س.م.ر)اِسمَرّيِسمَرّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to turn brown, to become tanned
/2 m m/(ء.م.م)أَمَّميأَمِّمفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to nationalize, to nationalize
/n dh. m/(ن.ظ.م)نَظَّمينَظِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to arrange, organize, put in order, to regulate, adjust
/7 y r/(ح.ي.ر)تحَيَّريِتحَيَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be or become confused, perplexed, puzzled, bewildered, to be late, come late
/sh h d/(ش.ه.د)شَهَديِشهَدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to testify, bear witness, give testimony, to sign as a witness
/s kh r/(س.خ.ر)سَخَّريسَخِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to employ, utilize, make use of
/h w l/(ه.و.ل)هَوَّليهَوِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to exaggerate, overemphasize, magnify
/r kh s./(ر.خ.ص)اِستَرخَصيِستَرخِصاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to excuse oneself, to find s.th. cheap
/s. w t./(ص.و.ط)صَوَّطيصَوِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to vote, cast a ballot, to call out, shout to s.o.
/d kh l/(د.خ.ل)دَخَليِدخِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to enter, go in, to consummate a marriage, cohabit, sleep with one's wife (for the first time), to be included
/n g s./(ن.ق.ص)نَقَصيِنقِصفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to decrease, diminish, become less, to be lacking in s.th., to be missing, needing s.th., to be lacking, insufficient, deficient
/kh w n/(خ.و.ن)خانيخُونفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to betray, to cheat, deceive
/n g l/(ن.ق.ل)اِنتَقَليِنتِقِلاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to move, change residence, , to be communicated, spread
/t w b/(ت.و.ب)تَوَّبيتَوِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. repent
/dj r b/(ج.ر.ب)جَرَّبيجَرِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to try out, test, to try
/gh d y/(غ.د.ي)تغَدَّىيِتغَدَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to have lunch, to have lunch
/k f y/(ك.ف.ي)كَفَّىيكَفِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to be enough
/r y w s/(ر.ي.و.س)رَيوَسيرَيوِستفَعَّلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلV
to back up, go in reverse
/sh d d/(ش.د.د)تشَدَّديِتشَدَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be strict, harsh, severe
/sh m s/(ش.م.س)تشَمَّسيِتشَمَّستفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to bask in the sun, expose oneself to the sun
/dj m d/(ج.م.د)جَمَّديجَمِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to freeze (assets)
/t l l/(ت.ل.ل)تَلّيتِلّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to pull
/r dj 3/(ر.ج.ع)رَجَّعيرَجِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to return, give back s.th. or s.o., to put back, return, to take back, to set back, move back
/r dh. y/(ر.ض.ي)تراضَىيِتراضَىتفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىVI
to come to terms, settle differences with each other
/3 t m/(ع.ت.م)عَتَّميعَتِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to darken, black out
/kh sh r/(خ.ش.ر)تخاشَريِتخاشَرتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to enter into a partnership (together), form a partnership together
/th b t/(ث.ب.ت)أَثبَتيِثبِتاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to prove
/sh d y/(ش.د.ي)شَدَىيِشدِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to sing
/g r b/(ق.ر.ب)قَرَّبيقَرِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to get close, cause to come near s.o. or s.th., to make peace among (people), reconcile people, to get closer to sth or someone
/2 m n/(ء.م.ن)أَمَّنيأَمِّنفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to ensure, guarantee, to leave in trust, to trust, have faith in
/3 n y/(ع.ن.ي)اِعتَنَىيِعتِنِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to take care of
/g sh r/(ق.ش.ر)قَشَّريقَشِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to peel, pare, shell
/w s. t./(و.ص.ط)توَصَّطيِتوَصَّطتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to cause to intercede with s.o.
/l z m/(ل.ز.م)لَزَميِلزَمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to get hold of, catch, grab, to be required, requisite, necessary, to befall, set upon, descend upon, to keep in one place, hold, maintain
/g y d/(ق.ي.د)قَيَّديقَيِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to list, enter, record, write down, to enlist, to tie, fetter, shackle
/sh r t./(ش.ر.ط)تشارَطيِتشارَطتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to make an agreement, to fix mutual conditions
/f h m/(ف.ه.م)فَهَميِفهَمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to understand
/s. f t./(ص.ف.ط)صَفَّطيصَفِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to stack up, line up
/th w r/(ث.و.ر)ثاريثُورفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to revolt, rebel, to erupt, explode
/t. b dj/(ط.ب.ق)تطابَقيِتطابَقتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to go together, to be congruent with each other
/b r r/(ب.ر.ر)بَرّيبِرّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to keep (a promise), fulfill
/k sh w kh/(ك.ش.و.خ)تكَشوَخيِتكَشوَختفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to dress nicely
/3 f s/(ع.ف.س)عَفَسيِعفِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to scatter, to throw into disorder, disarrange
/n f y/(ن.ف.ي)تنافَىيِتنافَىفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىIII
to contradict, be contrary to
/r g 3/(ر.ق.ع)رَقَعيِرقَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to patch
/7 sh m/(ح.ش.م)حَشَّميحَشِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to treat s.o. politely or hospitably, treat with deference
/t. w l/(ط.و.ل)طَوَّليطَوِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to linger long, last long, to lengthen, extend, prolong
/b l 3/(ب.ل.ع)بَلَعيِبلَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to swallow, gulp down s.th., to swallow
/d g m/(د.ق.م)تدَقَّميِتدَقَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to button up oneself
/h l l/(ه.ل.ل)هَلّيهِلّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to appear, come up, to begin
/7 t m/(ح.ت.م)حَتَّميحَتِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to impose on s.o., insist
/r 3 sh/(ر.ع.ش)رَعَشيِرعِشفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to shake, tremble (from the cold or illness)
/t m m/(ت.م.م)تَمّيتِمّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to be completed, consummated, to continue, go on doing s.th., to stay
/d l k/(د.ل.ك)دَلَّكيدَلِّكفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to massage
/k w m/(ك.و.م)كَوَّميكَوِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to pile, pile up, stack up
/m sh t./(م.ش.ط)مَشَّطيمَشِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to comb
/d w kh/(د.و.خ)داخيدُوخفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to be or become dizzy, feel dizzy, to get a headache, to have a lot of trouble, be put to a lot of bother, to feel nausea, get sick, to smoke (a cigarette, a cigar, a pipe)
/g t l/(ق.ت.ل)قَتَليِقتِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to kill, murder, to beat up
/s w g/(س.و.ق)تسَوَّقيِتسَوَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to go shopping, to shop
/dj r 2/(ج.ر.ء)تجارَأيِتجارَأتفَاعَلتفاعَأ-يِتفاعَأVI
to dare, venture, have the courage, to dare, venture, have the courage
/dh. y 3/(ض.ي.ع)ضَيَّعيضَيِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to lose, to cause to get lost, to waste, squander
/sh y l/(ش.ي.ل)شاليشِيلفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to lift, raise, pick up, to carry, transport, to carry on one's person, wear, bear, to leave, change location, change residence
/l k m/(ل.ك.م)لاكَميلاكِمفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to box with s.o., engage s.o. in a fist fight
/7 m s./(ح.م.ص)تحَمَّصيِتحَمَّصتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be roasted
/r dh. 3/(ر.ض.ع)رَضَعيِرضَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to nurse, suck milk at a mother's breast
/n t dj/(ن.ت.ج)نَتَجيِنتِجفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to result, be a result (of s.th.), to produce, make, yield
/l z m/(ل.ز.م)اِلتَزَميِلتِزِماِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to take responsibility for
/s l l/(س.ل.ل)تسَلَّليِتسَلَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to infiltrate, enter
/kh m r/(خ.م.ر)خَمَّريخَمِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to rise, to let rise, leaven, raise, to ferment, to cause to ferment
/r y g/(ر.ي.ق)رَيَّقيرَيِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to give breakfast to s.o., provide s.o. with breakfast, to have breakfast
/kh dh. 3/(خ.ض.ع)تخَضَّعيِتخَضَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to base oneself, grovel
/sh r 3/(ش.ر.ع)شَرَّعيشَرِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to open (a door, a window, etc.)
/2 h l/(ء.ه.ل)تأَهَّليِتأَهَّلتفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to be or become qualified
/dj z y/(ج.ز.ي)جازَىيجازِيفَعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيI
to punish, to reward
/dh. 3 f/(ض.ع.ف)ضَعَّفيضَعِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make frail, thin, to weaken, enfeeble
/dj m 3/(ج.م.ع)اِنجَمَعيِنجِمِعاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be collected, gathered together
/7 r r/(ح.ر.ر)حَرَّريحَرِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to liberate, set free, to edit, redact, to set free
/n sh f/(ن.ش.ف)تنَشَّفيِتنَشَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to dry oneself
/s d d/(س.د.د)تسَدَّديِتسَدَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be paid back, to meet, cover, satisfy
/r k z/(ر.ك.ز)ترَكَّزيِترَكَّزتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be set up, planted or rammed in the ground, to be concentrated (on s.th.), to be fixed, implanted
/7 g n/(ح.ق.ن)حَقَنيِحقِنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to give an enema
/7 sh r/(ح.ش.ر)اِحتَشَريِحتِشِراِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to get angry
/r dj 3/(ر.ج.ع)اِستَرجَعيِستَرجِعاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to get back, recover, regain
/t. w 3/(ط.و.ع)طاوَعيطاوِعفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to comply with, accede to the wishes of
/m s y/(م.س.ي)مَسَّىيمَسِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to say good afternoon or good evening
/w dj 3/(و.ج.ع)وَجَعيِوجِعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to hurt, pain
/s. r f/(ص.ر.ف)اِنصَرَفيِنصِرِفاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be spent
/n w b/(ن.و.ب)نابينُوبفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to represent, act as representative for, subsitute for s.o.
/d w k r/(د.و.ك.ر)دَوكَريدَوكِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to confuse s.o.
/t. w l/(ط.و.ل)تطَوَّليِتطَوَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be lengthened
/n 3 sh/(ن.ع.ش)نَعَشيِنعِشفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to dance, moving the hair left and right in a rhythmic motion, to refresh, invigorate
/b w b z/(ب.و.ب.ز)بَوبَزيبَوبِزفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to squat on the ground (with thighs against the stomach and arms enfolding the legs)
/7 r b/(ح.ر.ب)تحارَبيِتحارَبتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to be engaged in war, fight each other
/b r d/(ب.ر.د)بَرَديِبرِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to cool, to file
/sh r t./(ش.ر.ط)شَرَطيِشرِطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to stipulate, impose as a condition
/2 kh dh/(ء.خ.ذ)اِتَّخَذيِتِّخِذاِفتَعَلاِتَّعَل-يِتِّعِلVIII
to take as, use as, to adopt, take
/sh h y/(ش.ه.ي)اِشتَهَىيِشتِهِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to have an appetite or craving for s.th.
/s d k/(س.د.ك)سَدَّكيسَدِّكفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
/h r w l/(ه.ر.و.ل)هَروَليهَروِلفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to jog, trot
/dj l b/(ق.ل.ب)قَلَبيِقلِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to turn, turn over, to turn upside down, turn over, to invert, reverse, to turn somersaults, tumble, to turn, turn over, to turn upside down, turn over, to invert, reverse, to turn somersaults, tumble, to turn upside down
/g r b/(ق.ر.ب)تقَرَّبيِتقَرَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to curry favor with s.o., seek to gain s.o.'s favor
/l y m/(ل.ي.م)لايَميلايِمفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to agree with, suit, be good for, to quickly get a big amount of sth
/3 r dh./(ع.ر.ض)اِنعَرَضيِنعِرِضاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be submitted, proposed
/n f g/(ن.ف.ق)نافَقينافِقفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to be hypocritical, feign honesty
/r k k/(ر.ك.ك)رَكّيرِكّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to be or become weak or feeble
/kh l s./(خ.ل.ص)خَلَصيِخلَصفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be freed, get rid of, to escape from, avoid
/n s kh/(ن.س.خ)نَسَخيِنسَخفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to copy (s.th.), to copy
/s. l b kh/(ص.ل.ب.خ)صَلبَخيصَلبِخفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to calcify, be or become calcareous
/f l t/(ف.ل.ت)فَلَتيِفلِتفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to come loose, escape, get away
/gh d r/(غ.د.ر)غَدَريِغدِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to act treacherously toward s.o., doublecross, deceive
/w f g/(و.ف.ق)توافَقيِتوافَقتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to match each other, to get along together, agree with each other
/s d d/(س.د.د)سَدَّديسَدِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to pay up, settle
/b tsh y/(ب.ك.ي)اِنبَكَىيِنبِكِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to be cried over
/s. k k/(ص.ك.ك)صَكّيصِكّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to close, shut (e.g., the door), to close an object such as door or book etc.
/3 r g b/(ع.ر.ق.ب)عَرقَبيعَرقِبفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to trip s.o.
/3 l tsh/(ع.ل.ك)عَلَكيِعلِكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to chew (gum)
/s h r/(س.ه.ر)سَهَريِسهَرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to stay up at night, stay awake, go without sleep, to guard or look after s.o.'s interest
/3 l m/(ع.ل.م)تعَلَّميِتعَلَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to learn, to learn
/2 y d/(ء.ي.د)أَيَّديأَيِّدفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to support, back, to confirm, endorse
/th w b/(ث.و.ب)تثاوَبيِتثاوَبتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to yawn
/3 b th/(ع.ب.ث)تعَبَّثيِتعَبَّثتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to mess and/or play with
/b n y/(ب.ن.ي)تبَنَّىيِتبَنَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to adopt, to adopt, take up the cause of
/l 3 w z/(ل.ع.و.ز)لَعوَزيلَعوِزفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to bother s.o.
/s w s/(س.و.س)سَوَّسيسَوِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to decay, rot, cause to decay (esp. the teeth), to be or become worm-eaten
/kh y r/(خ.ي.ر)اِختاريِختاراِفتَعَلاِفتال-يِفتالVIII
to choose, select, pick
/t. l g/(ط.ل.ق)تطَلَّقيِتطَلَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be divorced
/r d d/(ر.د.د)رَدّيرُدّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to return, to reply, answer, to bring back, take back, to put back, return, to refuse, reject, turn down, to give back, hand back, return, to return, come back, go back
/2 dh y/(ء.ذ.ي)تأَذَّىيِتأَذَّىتفَعَّلتأَعَّى-يِتأَعَّىV
to be hurt, suffer. to feel hurt
/g r s./(ق.ر.ص)قَرَصيِقرِصفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to bite, to pinch
/kh sh 3/(خ.ش.ع)خَشَعيِخشَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to humble oneself, be submissive
/7 f r/(ح.ف.ر)تحَفَّريِتحَفَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be or become dug up
/d q q/(د.ق.ق)دَقّيدِقّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to knock
/7 m r/(ح.م.ر)اِحمَرّيِحمَرّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to turn red, become red, redden, to become red
/r m s/(ر.م.س)رَمَّسيرَمِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to speak to s.o., to speak
/sh w t/(ش.و.ت)شاتيشُوتفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to shoot, kick a ball, to shoot
/gh l l/(غ.ل.ل)اِستَغَلّيِستَغِلّاِستَفعَلاِستَفَعّ-يِستَفِعّX
to take advantage of, exploit, to utilize, make a profit, invest profitably
/d f 3/(د.ف.ع)تدافَعيِتدافَعتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to push each other
/kh n g/(خ.ن.ق)خَنَقيِخنِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to choke to death, suffocate, strangle, to choke
/t. b dj/(ط.ب.ق)طابَقيطابِقفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to agree, correlate with s.th.
/g 3 d/(ق.ع.د)قَعَديِقعِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to sit down, take a seat, to sit, be sitting, to remain, stay, dwell, live, to start to do s.th.
/m s k n/(م.س.ك.ن)تمَسكَنيِتمَسكَنتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to pretend to be poor
/gh s l/(غ.س.ل)غَسَليِغسِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to wash, to wash
/y d d/(ي.د.د)يَدَّدييَدِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to renew
/s d d/(س.د.د)سَدّيسِدّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to close up, plug, to pay back, to close, shut, to obstruct, block, to meet, cover, satisfy, to fill, close
/h z b/(ه.ز.ب)هَزَّبيهَزِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. or s.th. ready
/s m m/(س.م.م)سَمّيسِمّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to poison s.o. or s.th., to poison s.th., put poison in s.th.
/r g d/(ر.ق.د)رَقَديِرقِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to sleep, to go to bed, retire, to sleep
/n g d/(ن.ق.د)اِنتَقَديِنتِقِداِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to criticize, find fault with
/dj r 7/(ج.ر.ح)جَرَّحيجَرِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cut, wound many times
/3 r f/(ع.ر.ف)تعَرَّفيِتعَرَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get acquainted with, to meet
/k 7 l/(ك.ح.ل)كَحَّليكَحِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to put kohl on one's eyes, beautify (eyes) with kohl
/7 d d/(ح.د.د)حَدّيحِدّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to reduce, impede, hinder, curb, to border, be adjoining
/t. r sh/(ط.ر.ش)طَرَّشيطَرِّشفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to send, forward s.th., to send out, dispatch s.o., to send
/b r y/(ب.ر.ي)تبارَىيِتبارَىتفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىVI
to meet in contest, to compete
/n h g/(ن.ه.ق)نَهَقيِنهَقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to bray
/sh h r/(ش.ه.ر)اِشتَهَريِشتِهِراِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be or become famous, well-known
/dj m l/(ج.م.ل)جَمَّليجَمِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to beautify, make beautiful
/w s w s/(و.س.و.س)وَسوَسيوَسوِسفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to whisper, to tempt s.o. with wicked suggestions
/r z g/(ر.ز.ق)رَزَقيِرزِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
(said of God) to provide s.o. with wealth and sustenance, to bless s.o. with (a child)
/7 n y/(ح.ن.ي)اِنحَنَىيِنحِنِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to curve, twist, turn, to bow, to bend forward
/3 w d./(ع.و.ض)تعَوَّضيِتعَوَّضتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be compensated
/3 b d/(ع.ب.د)عَبَّديعَبِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to pave
/gh y dh./(غ.ي.ظ)غاظيغِيظفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to anger, make s.o. angry
/kh l t./(خ.ل.ط)اِختَلَطيِختِلِطاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be mixed, blended, to associate or mix
/s. t. r/(ص.ط.ر)صَطَّريصَطِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to draw lines (on a sheet of paper) with a ruler, to forgive and/or overlook
/w s. l/(و.ص.ل)واصَليواصِلفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to continue, go on with
/sh d h/(ش.د.ه)شَدَهيِشدَهفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to amaze, surprise, astonish, to distract, confuse
/s h l/(س.ه.ل)سَهَّليسَهِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make easier, to facilitate
/sh h y/(ش.ه.ي)شَهَّىيشَهِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to whet the appetite, be appetizing
/s b 7/(س.ب.ح)سَبَحيِسبَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to take a bath, bathe, to swim
/s h l/(س.ه.ل)سَهَليِسهِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to purge, relieve of constipation, diarrhea
/2 k l/(ء.ك.ل)كَلياكِلفَعَلعَل-ياعِلI
to eat up, consume, to eat away, knaw, consume, to take, get s.th. unpleasant, to capture, take
/7 n y/(ح.ن.ي)حَنَّىيحَنِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to dye red (with henna)
/2 s s/(ء.س.س)تأَسَّسيِتأَسَّستفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to be founded, established
/w kh dh/(و.خ.ذ)اِنوَخَذيِنوِخِذاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be taken, to be stolen
/7 m y/(ح.م.ي)حَمَّىيحَمِّيفَعَلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيI
to heat, make warm
/s l m/(س.ل.م)اِستَلَميِستِلِماِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to receive, obtain, get, to take over, take possession of
/7 r dj/(ح.ر.ج)تحَرَّجيِتحَرَّجتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be auctioned off
/z k y/(ز.ك.ي)زَكَّىيزَكِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to give alms to the poor, to vouch for, support, testify in favor of, to recommend
/7 d th/(ح.د.ث)حَدَثيِحدِثفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to take place, occur
/n f y/(ن.ف.ي)نَفَىيِنفِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to deny, to exile, banish
/f sh l/(ف.ش.ل)تفَشَّليِتفَشَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be embarrassed, to get embarrassed
/n q m/(ن.ق.م)اِنتَقَميِنتِقِماِنفَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVII
to get revenge
/n g l/(ن.ق.ل)نَقَليِنقِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to move, transport, transmit, to transfer, translocate, to copy, to broadcast, to spread, communicate (a disease)
/m w t/(م.و.ت)ماتيمُوتفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to die, become dead, to die
/h w n/(ه.و.ن)اِنهانيِنهاناِنفَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVII
to be humiliated, insulted
/w g 3/(و.ق.ع)توَقَّعيِتوَقَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be signed, to anticipate the happening of an event
/b r t. m/(ب.ر.ط.م)تبَرطَميِتبَرطَمتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to pout
/t 3 b/(ت.ع.ب)تَعَبيِتعَبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be or become tired, to work hard
/7 n n/(ح.ن.ن)حَنّيحِنّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to long, yearn, be anxious, to feel affection, compassion, sympathy for
/n w 3/(ن.و.ع)تنَوَّعيِتنَوَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to become various; diversity or a quantity or collection of different things, to diversify
/g w l/(ق.و.ل)قاليقُولفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to say, tell, to tell, to say
/dj m d/(ج.م.د)جَمَديِجمَدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to freeze, harden, to stand still, freeze (usually out of fear), to harden, solidify
/dh w g/(ذ.و.ق)اِستَذوَقيِستَذوِقاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to like, appreciate, relish
/s n 7/(س.ن.ح)سَنَحيِسنَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to present itself, offer itself (to s.o., esp. an opportunity)
/w f g/(و.ف.ق)وافَقيوافِقفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to approve, authorize, sanction s.th., to agree to do s.th., to suit, be agreeable to s.o., to agree, concur with s.o., to agree with, be beneficial for s.o., to coincide with, to correspond to, be equivalent to, to agree
/sh w y/(ش.و.ي)اِنشَوَىيِنشِوِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to be broiled, grilled, roasted
/g r y/(ق.ر.ي)اِنقَرَىيِنقِرِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to be read
/tsh b b/(ك.ب.ب)اِنكَبّيِنكَبّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be poured out, be spilled
/m w n/(م.و.ن)مَوَّنيمَوِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to supply with provisions to s.o.
/b g y/(ب.ق.ي)تبَقَّىيِتبَقَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to be left
/sh w r/(ش.و.ر)شاريشُورفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to offer advice to s.o.
/kh b r/(خ.ب.ر)خَبَريِخبِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to perceive, have insight into, know, to perceive, have insight into, know
/m l k/(م.ل.ك)تمَلَّكيِتمَلَّكتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to seize, lay hands on, take possession of
/t. l b/(ط.ل.ب)طَلَبيِطلِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to ask for, request, apply for, to send for s.o., to order, to be owed money by, be the creditor of, to request
/b r d/(ب.ر.د)تبَرَّديِتبَرَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be cooled, to cool oneself
/d w m/(د.و.م)داميدُومفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to last, continue, go on
/n dj w/(ن.ج.و)نَجَّىينَجِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to save s.o. (from s.th.), rescue, deliver
/d w d/(د.و.د)دَوَّديدَوِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to be or become worm-eaten
/g d 7/(ق.د.ح)قَدَحيِقدَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to spark, make sparks
/3 z l/(ع.ز.ل)عَزَليِعزِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to separate, sort, to isolate, to discharge, dismiss
/h d y/(ه.د.ي)هَدَىيِهدِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to lead s.o. on the right path, to give as a gift
/g s. d/(ق.ص.د)اِقتَصَديِقتِصِداِنفَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVII
to be economical, frugal, thrifty
/s. r f/(ص.ر.ف)تصَرَّفيِتصَرَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to conduct oneself, act, behave, to act independently, freely, at one's own discretion, to find a solution
/l f t/(ل.ف.ت)تلَفَّتيِتلَفَّتتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to look around, glance around
/b w 7/(ب.و.ح)باحيبُوحفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to be revealed, leaked out, to reveal
/r b t./(ر.ب.ط)رَبَّطيرَبِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to tie up, bind, to fasten, tie, attach, to connect, to attach, annex
/d l l/(د.ل.ل)دَلَّليدَلِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to auction off s.th., to show, demonstrate, point out s.th., to pamper, spoil
/f r gh/(ف.ر.غ)فَرَغيِفرِغفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be or become empty, to be or become vacant, to be or become free
/s. 7 7/(ص.ح.ح)صَحّيصِحّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to be true, correct, to be found by s.o., come to s.o., to give a chance, allow an opportunity
/7 n y/(ح.ن.ي)حَنَىيِحنِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to bend, bow, bend forward
/d kh l/(د.خ.ل)دَخَليِدخَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to enter
/sh r f/(ش.ر.ف)أَشرَفيِشرِفاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to watch, supervise, oversee, to overlook, command a view of
/7 r r/(ح.ر.ر)اِحتَرّيِحتَرّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to be or become hot
/r h m/(ر.ه.م)رَهَميِرهَمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to fit, be suitable for
/d r dj/(د.ر.ج)اِستَدرَجيِستَدرِجاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to coax, tempt, lure
/h b l/(ه.ب.ل)اِستَهبَليِستَهبِلاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to play dumb
/7 l w/(ح.ل.و)حَلَّىيحَلِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to make sweet, to make pleasant, enjoyable, to make pretty, beautify
/r w b/(ر.و.ب)رابيرُوبفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to curdle
/t b 3/(ت.ب.ع)اِتَّبَعيِتِّبِعاِفتَعَلاِفَّعَل-يِفِّعِلVIII
to adhere to, follow
/b h r/(ب.ه.ر)بَهَّريبَهِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to put spices in the food
/s m 3/(س.م.ع)سَمَّعيسَمِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make hear, cause to hear, to recite, to say (one's lessons), to recite
/dh y 3/(ذ.ي.ع)ذاعيذِيعفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to broadcast, transmit, to spread, circulate
/b h y/(ب.ه.ي)تباهَىيِتباهَىتفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىVI
to boast of s.th., be proud of s.th., pride oneself on s.th.
/2 dj r/(ء.ج.ر)أَجَّريأَجِّرفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to rent, hire, lease a house, an apartment, etc.
/r w 3/(ر.و.ع)ترَوَّعيِترَوَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be frightened, scared, alarmed, to get scared
/r dj w/(ر.ج.و)ترَجَّىيِترَجَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to beg s.o., appeal to s.o.
/7 k y/(ح.ك.ي)حَكَىيِحكِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to tell, relate, to say, utter, to talk, speak
/gh m r/(غ.م.ر)غَمَريِغمَرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to faint, lose consciousness
/gh y r/(غ.ي.ر)غاريغارفَعَلفال-يفالI
to be jealous, to be zealous, vie (for)
/h m m/(ه.م.م)هَمّيهِمّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to be important, of consequence, to matter, to concern, affect
/f s kh/(ف.س.خ)فَسَخيِفسِخفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to dissolve, cancel, void, to take off (one's clothes), to take apart, disassemble
/b y 3/(ب.ي.ع)باعيبِيعفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to sell, to sell
/k t b/(ك.ت.ب)اِنكَتَبيِنكِتِباِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be written
/3 w r/(ع.و.ر)عَوَّريعَوِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to injure, hurt, to hurt someone or sth
/g d d/(ق.د.د)قَدَّديقَدِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to dry, make s.th. dry
/b r h n/(ب.ر.ه.ن)بَرهَنيبَرهِنفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to prove, demonstrate
/7 r s./(ح.ر.س)اِحتَرَسيِحتِرِساِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be on one's guard (against), be wary (of)
/t. b l/(ط.ب.ل)طَبَّليطَبِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to beat the drums
/n t. g/(ن.ط.ق)نَطَقيِنطِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to speak, utter, to pronounce, to utter
/2 d b/(ء.د.ب)تأَدَّبيِتأَدَّبتفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to be, become polite, to behave
/sh l l/(ش.ل.ل)شَلّيشِلّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to take, carry away, to carry, lift, to steal, pilfer, to sew by hand, to carry
/k t b/(ك.ت.ب)كَتَبيِكتَبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to write
/w 7 d/(و.ح.د)وَحَّديوَحِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to unite, unify, make one, to standardize, to declare God to be one
/dh k r/(ذ.ك.ر)ذاكَريذاكِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to learn, study one's lessons
/2 s s/(ء.س.س)أَسَّسيأَسِّسفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to lay a foundation, to establish, set up, to lay a foundation, to establish, set up
/n f kh/(ن.ف.خ)نَفَخيِنفِخفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to inflate, fill with air, to blow on, breathe on
/n b sh/(ن.ب.ش)نَبَشيِنبِشفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to dig up, unearth, to bring out into the open, reveal
/w r d/(و.ر.د)اِستَورَديِستَورِداِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to import
/7 dh y/(ح.ذ.ي)حاذَىيحاذِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to parallel, run parallel to s.th.
/n h b/(ن.ه.ب)نَهَبيِنهَبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to rob, to steal, plunder
/w s. f/(و.ص.ف)وَصَفيِوصِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to describe, depict, to praise, credit
/7 sh sh/(ح.ش.ش)حَشّيحِشّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to mow, cut grass
/r f 3/(ر.ف.ع)رَفَعيِرفَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to lift, raise, lift up, to raise, to increase, mark higher, to take away, remove, to submit, present, forward, to sue, bring legal action against s.o., to raise and/or lift
/t 7 d/(ت.ح.د)اِتَّحَديِتِّحِداِفتَعَلاِفَّعَل-يِفِّعِلVIII
to unite, be united, form a union
/h z z/(ه.ز.ز)هَزّيهِزّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to rock, jolt (to and fro), to shake, jiggle, to shake, jiggle, to shake
/g r r/(ق.ر.ر)قَرَّريقَرِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to decide, to assign, decide on, approve, to interrogate
/g r r/(ق.ر.ر)اِستَقَرّيِستَقِرّاِستَفعَلاِستَفَعّ-يِستَفِعّX
to calm down, settle, be stabilized, to settle down, take up residence, to make up one's mind to do s.th., determine on s.th.
/7 t. t./(ح.ط.ط)حَطّيحُطّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to put, place, set down, to land, settle, to lower, detract from, diminish
/f t. r/(ف.ط.ر)فَطَّريفَطِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause s.o. to break his fast, to allow s.o. to break his fast
/7 w k/(ح.و.ك)حاكيحِيكفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to weave, to knit
/gh z w/(غ.ز.و)غَزايِغزِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to raid, attack, carry out a tribal expedition on, invade
/gh r s/(غ.ر.س)غَرَسيِغرِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to plant
/n z l/(ن.ز.ل)نَزَّلينَزِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to unload, to lower, decrease, lessen, to cause to get off, disembark, dismount, to take down, bring down, to land, put ashore (troops), to put up, lodge, accommodate, to reveal, send down (a revelation to a prophet), to go under
/3 r g l/(ع.ر.ق.ل)عَرقَليعَرقِلفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to complicate, hinder, obstruct
/n d b/(ن.د.ب)اِنتَدَبيِنتِدِباِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to authorize, commission, empower (s.o. to do s.th.)
/kh l w/(خ.ل.و)تخَلَّىيِتخَلَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to give up, abandon, relinquish, to give up, lay down, surrender
/dj d 7/(ج.د.ح)جَدَحيِجدِحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to drill (with a drill), to spark, strike fire
/n b t/(ن.ب.ت)نَبَتيِنبِتفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to grow, to sprout, germinate
/t. f y/(ط.ف.ي)اِنطَفَىيِنطِفِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to go out, be extinguished
/r 3 d/(ر.ع.د)اِرتَعَديِرتِعِداِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to shiver, tremble, shake
/m t n/(م.ت.ن)مَتَنيِمتَنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to become fat, plump, stout, to gain weight
/gh sh y/(غ.ش.ي)غَشَّىيغَشِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to turn off
/b n d/(ب.ن.د)بَنَّديبَنِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to shut, close, to come to an end, to stop working, be idle, to turn off, to turn off
/3 k s/(ع.ك.س)عاكَسيعاكِسفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to oppose, contradict
/2 b n/(ء.ب.ن)أَبَّنيأَبِّنفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to eulagize a deceased person
/gh f r/(غ.ف.ر)غَفَريِغفِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to pardon, forgive
/b r r/(ب.ر.ر)بَرَّريبَرِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to justify
/b 3 d/(ب.ع.د)أَبعَديِبعِداَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to deport s.o.
/r dh. dh./(ر.ض.ض)رَضّيرِضّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to bruise s.th.
/kh n g/(خ.ن.ق)اِختَنَقيِختِنِقاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to choke to death, suffocate
/h z z/(ه.ز.ز)اِنهَزّيِنهَزّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to shake, wave rapidly, shaken
/gh l y/(غ.ل.ي)تغَلَّىيِتغَلَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to behave preciously, normally used between lovers
/dj s s/(ج.س.س)تجَسَّسيِتجَسَّستفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to spy, to spy
/r dj 3/(ر.ج.ع)راجَعيراجِعفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to ask for information, consult, look up (in the book), check with, to check, review (a book), examine critically, to revise
/dj h d/(ج.ه.د)جاهَديجاهِدفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to fight, wage a holy war
/b r y/(ب.ر.ي)بَرَىيِبرِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to sharpen a pencil
/f z z/(ف.ز.ز)فَزّيفِزّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to stand up, to wake up, to suddenly stand up due to fear and/or shock
/k r r/(ك.ر.ر)كَرَّريكَرِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to repeat, do again, do repeatedly
/dh y 3/(ذ.ي.ع)اِنذاعيِنذاعاِنفَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVII
to broadcast, transmit, to spread, circulate
/kh s r/(خ.س.ر)خَسَريِخسَرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to lose
/l b q/(ل.ب.ق)لَبَقيِلبَقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to match (clothing)
/k w d/(ك.و.د)تكَوَّديِتكَوَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to pile up
/g d r/(ق.د.ر)قَدَّريقَدِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to estimate, evaluate, to appreciate, esteem highly, think highly of, to predetermine, foreordain (of God)
/l 3 b/(ل.ع.ب)لاعَبيلاعِبفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to play with someone and/or sth
/7 r dj/(ح.ر.ج)أَحرَجيِحرِجاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to embarrass s.o., put s.o. in a tight spot
/m dh. y/(م.ض.ي)مَضَىيِمضِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to pass, go by, elapse, to sign one's name, affix one's signature
/w th g/(و.ث.ق)وَثَّقيوَثِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to authenticate, certify (a document)
/sh b tsh/(ش.ب.ك)شَبَكيِشبِكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to tie, fasten, attach
/n 3 m/(ن.ع.م)نَعَميِنعِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be or become fine, powdery, to make sth smoother or softer
/dj z y/(ج.ز.ي)جازَىيجازِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to reward, repay
/z w r/(ز.و.ر)تزاوَريِتزاوَرتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to visit each other, exchange visits
/d 3 y/(د.ع.ي)اِستَدعَىيِستَدعِياِستَفعَلاِستَفعَى-يِستَفعِيX
to apply, submit an application, to recall, to summon, call in, send for s.o., to call for, request, necessitate
/tsh y l/(ك.ي.ل)كَيَّليكَيِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to store up, stockpile, to provide with grain, cereals, corn, etc., to store up, stockpile, to provide with grain, cereals, corn, etc.
/h z b/(ه.ز.ب)هَزَبيِهزِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to call s.o. bad names
/2 th r/(ء.ث.ر)أَثَّريأَثِّرفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to influence, have an effect (on s.o. or s.th.), to harm, be hazardous, to influence, have an effect (on s.o. or s.th.), to harm, be hazardous
/m y z/(م.ي.ز)مَيَّزيمَيِّزفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to distinguish, differentiate, to consider better than, to recognize
/dj r dj r/(ج.ر.ج.ر)جَرجَريجَرجِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to pull, drag
/dh l l/(ذ.ل.ل)تذَلَّليِتذَلَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to lower, humble oneself, be humble, to be overcome, be humble
/7 sh r/(ح.ش.ر)حَشَريِحشِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to stick, pack, squeeze, force, to annoy
/s f r/(س.ف.ر)سَفَّريسَفِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to send on a journey, send away, to deport, expel, to deport
/s. l w/(ص.ل.و)صَلَّىيصَلِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to pray
/t. f y/(ط.ف.ي)طَفَّىيطَفِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to put out, extinguish, to turn off, switch off
/sh 3 t./(ش.ع.ط)شَعَطيِشعِطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to tear sth
/kh w n/(خ.و.ن)خَوَّنيخَوِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to consider or call s.o. treachorous, unfaithful, disloyal, to mistrust, be suspicous of
/d l kh/(د.ل.خ)أَدلَخيِدلِخاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to be or become turbid, muddy
/n f dh/(ن.ف.ذ)تنَفَّذيِتنَفَّذتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be carried out, executed, to carry out, do
/7 t. b/(ح.ط.ب)حَطَّبيحَطِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to gather firewood
/b h n s/(ب.ه.ن.س)تبَهنَسيِتبَهنَستفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to buy luxury items
/gh sh sh/(غ.ش.ش)غَشّيغِشّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to cheat, swindle, to adulterate, dilute
/dh. y f/(ض.ي.ف)ضَيَّفيضَيِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to take s.o. as a guest, receive hospitably
/s. b b/(ص.ب.ب)صَبّيصِبّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to pour, pour out
/z 3 l/(ز.ع.ل)تزاعَليِتزاعَلتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to be a little angry at each other
/s w y/(س.و.ي)ساوَىيساوِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to equal, be equal to, be equivalent to, to settle, smooth over, put in order, to treat alike, put on the same footing
/w t. n/(و.ط.ن)اِستَوطَنيِستَوطِناِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to settle, take up residence
/d f n/(د.ف.ن)دَفَنيِدفِنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to bury, to hide, conceal, keep s.th. secret
/s l q/(س.ل.ق)اِنسَلَقيِنسِلِقاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to get boiled
/3 sh y/(ع.ش.ي)تعَشَّىيِتعَشَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to have dinner, dine, to have dinner
/h b d/(ه.ب.د)هَبَديِهبِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to knock out, throw s.o. to the ground
/kh m s/(خ.م.س)خَمَّسيخَمِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make fivefold, quintuple, to divide into five parts
/k n z/(ك.ن.ز)كَنَزيِكنِزفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to pile up, amass (money)
/7 m dh./(ح.م.ض)حَمَضيِحمَضفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to sour, become sour, unpleasant
/7 s b/(ح.س.ب)حَسَّبيحَسِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to think, consider, to be or become apprehensive, anxious
/w dj h/(و.ج.ه)اِتَّجَهيِتِّجِهاِفتَعَلاِتَّعَل-يِتِّعِلVIII
to abe aimed, directed, oriented
/3 g d/(ع.ق.د)عَقَّديعَقِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to complicate, make difficult
/kh r dj/(خ.ر.ج)خَرَّجيخَرِّجفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to graduate s.o.
/t. y 3/(ط.ي.ع)طَيَّعيطَيِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to domesticate
/w g 3/(و.ق.ع)تواقَعيِتواقَعتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to quarrel, fight, dispute (with each other)
/kh f dh./(خ.ف.ض)خَفَّضيخَفِّضفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to lower, decrease, reduce (e.g., price)
/n g d/(ن.ق.د)نَقَّدينَقِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to pay or give money to s.o.
/7 w l/(ح.و.ل)اِحوَلّيِحوَلّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to be cross-eyed
/n f sh/(ن.ف.ش)نَفَشيِنفِشفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to ruffle its feathers (bird), puff up
/b l gh/(ب.ل.غ)بَلَّغيبَلِّغفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to convey, transmit, report, to notify, to notify
/k sh f/(ك.ش.ف)كَشَفيِكشِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to uncover, unveil, remove a covering or lid, to inspect, investigate, examine, to examine (medically)
/sh l l/(ش.ل.ل)اِنشَلّيِنشَلّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be taken, carried away, to be carried, lifted, to be stolen, to be hand sewn
/k th r/(ك.ث.ر)اِستَكثَريِستَكثِراِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to consider excessive, regard as too much
/l gh w n/(ل.غ.و.ن)تلَغوَنيِتلَغوَنتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to walk slowly
/s 3 f/(س.ع.ف)أَسعَفيِسعِفاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to help, aid, assist, to give medical assistance
/m y l/(م.ي.ل)مَيَّليمَيِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. sympathetic, favorably disposed, inclined, to tilt, incline
/dh. m n/(ض.م.ن)ضَمَنيِضمَنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to guarantee, make sure, be certain
/g w d/(ق.و.د)قاديقُودفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to lead, command, to drive, steer (e.g., a car)
/f r sh/(ف.ر.ش)فَرَشيِفرِشفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to provide (e.g., a house) with things like rugs, cushions, pieces of furniture, etc., to prepare a bed, spread out the bedding
/s. d y/(ص.د.ي)تصَدَّىيِتصَدَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to oppose, resist, to stand in the path of s.o.
/r dj dj/(ر.ج.ج)رَجّيرُجّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to shake, rock
/f s d/(ف.س.د)فَسَّديفَسِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to corrupt, spoil s.o., to mess up s.th.
/7 sh d/(ح.ش.د)تحَشَّديِتحَشَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be massed, be concentrated
/7 dj b/(ح.ج.ب)تحَجَّبيِتحَجَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to wear a veil
/s 3 d/(س.ع.د)ساعَديساعِدفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to help, assist, to help
/sh d d/(ش.د.د)اِنشَدّيِنشَدّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be pulled or dragged, to be tied up, tied together
/q s. r/(ق.ص.ر)اِقصَرّيِقصَرّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to become short
/kh w r/(خ.و.ر)خَوَّريخَوِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to embroider s.th.
/g w y/(ق.و.ي)قِوِييِقوَىفَعَلفِعِي-يِفعَىI
to be or become strong, to gain power, increase in power, to be superior to
/f r sh/(ف.ر.ش)فَرَّشيفَرِّشفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to brush
/t. y 7/(ط.ي.ح)طاحيطِيحفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to fall (down), drop, to fall ill, become sick, to be in season, to lie down, to despise, look down upon, to fall down
/s. l b/(ص.ل.ب)صَلَبيِصلِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to crucify
/3 dh b/(ع.ذ.ب)عَذَّبيعَذِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to torture, to torment, pain, afflict, to punish
/kh f y/(خ.ف.ي)اِختَفَىيِختِفِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to hide, keep oneself out of sight, to disappear, vanish
/kh s. m/(خ.ص.م)خَصَميِخصِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to deduct, discount (a bill, a note, etc.)
/t y t/(ت.ي.ت)تَيَّتيتَيِّتفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to tighten s.th.
/l b s/(ل.ب.س)لَبَّسيلَبِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to dress, clothe, to put on, slip on, to dress someone or sth
/s f r/(س.ف.ر)سافَريسافِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to travel, take a trip, to leave, depart, to travel
/h l k/(ه.ل.ك)اِستَهلَكيِستَهلِكاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to consume, use up, exhaust
/z g r/(ز.ق.ر)زَقَريِزقِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to call s.o., to call on to someone or sth
/d h d h/(د.ه.د.ه)دَهدَهيدَهدِهفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to roll down, cause to roll, let roll
/m r dh./(م.ر.ض)مَرَضيِمرَضفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to get sick, become sick, to get sick and/or ill
/s r y/(س.ر.ي)سَرَىيِسرِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to travel at night, to go very early in the morning to some place, to spread, to be effective, be in force, take effect, to apply to, be applicable to
/w r s/(و.ر.س)وَرَّسيوَرِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to dye (clothes, etc.)
/w l d/(و.ل.د)وَلَّديوَلِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to assist in childbirth, to generate, to cause, breed, engender
/k m l/(ك.م.ل)تكَمَّليِتكَمَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be completed, finished, accomplished
/r w y/(ر.و.ي)رَوَّىيرَوِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to show, demonstrate, to show someone sth
/7 r q/(ح.ر.ق)حَرَّقيحَرِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to burn
/l 3 b/(ل.ع.ب)لَعَّبيلَعِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make or let play, to play
/d b gh/(د.ب.غ)دَبَغيِدبَغفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to tan s.th.
/w h b/(و.ه.ب)وَهَبيِوهِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to donate, give, grant
/b l t./(ب.ل.ط)بَلَّطيبَلِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to pave s.th. (with tiles)
/s. f w/(ص.ف.و)تصَفَّىيِتصَفَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to become clear, transparent, pure, having no clouds
/7 th th/(ح.ث.ث)حَثّيحِثّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to encourage, urge
/g w y/(ق.و.ي)قَوَّىيقَوِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to strengthen, make strong
/sh r g/(ش.ر.ق)أَشرَقيِشرِقاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to rise (sun)
/r g b/(ر.ق.ب)راقَبيراقِبفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to watch, observe, keep an eye on
/l kh kh/(ل.خ.خ)لَخّيلِخّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to hit, strike s.o.
/kh sh sh/(خ.ش.ش)خَشّيخِشّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to hide, conceal s.th., to hide sth
/n w b/(ن.و.ب)نَوَّبينَوِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to appoint s.o. as representative, agent, or substitute
/h d m/(ه.د.م)هَدَّميهَدِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to be digested
/k s r/(ك.س.ر)كَسَريِكسِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to break, shatter, fracture, to break, to break
/r y 7/(ر.ي.ح)اِستَراحيِستِرِيحاِستَفعَلاِستَفال-يِستِفِيلX
to take a rest, have a break, to make oneself comfortable, feel comfortable
/z n n/(ز.ن.ن)زَنّيزِنّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to nag
/dj l d/(ج.ل.د)جَلَديِجلِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to flog or beat s.o. with a whip
/k f r/(ك.ف.ر)كَفَريِكفِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
not to believe (in God), to be irreligious, be an infidel
/b dh r/(ب.ذ.ر)بَذَّريبَذِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to waste, squander, to go to seed
/kh l d/(خ.ل.د)خَلَّديخَلِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to perpetuate, immortalize
/h w n/(ه.و.ن)هانيهِينفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to humiliate, treat s.o. with contempt or disdain
/d 3 y/(د.ع.ي)دَعَىيِدعِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to invite, to summon, call for s.o., send for s.o., to pray
/3 y f/(ع.ي.ف)عافيعِيففَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to feel disgust at s.th., detest s.th., have an aversion to s.th.
/3 w d/(ع.و.د)اِنعاديِنعاداِنفَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVII
to be returned, taken back, to be repeated
/s m 3/(س.م.ع)اِنسَمَعيِنسِمِعاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be heard
/n g z/(ن.ق.ز)نَقَزيِنقِزفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to leap, jump unexpectedly
/7 r b/(ح.ر.ب)حارَبيحارِبفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to fight, combat, battle against
/3 y y/(ع.ي.ي)عَيَّىيعَيِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to refuse, to refuse to do s.th.
/tsh w n/(ك.و.ن)كانيكُونفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to be, to be doing s.th. or used to do s.th., to be doing s.th. or having done s.th., to be, to be doing s.th. or used to do s.th., to be doing s.th. or having done s.th.
/h m m/(ه.م.م)اِهتَمّيِهتَمّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to worry, be concerned, to pay attention to, take notice of s.o. or s.th., to go to great lengths on behalf of s.o.
/b r g/(ب.ر.ق)بَرَقيِبرِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to flash, glitter
/dj r 7/(ج.ر.ح)تجَرَّحيِتجَرَّحتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be cut, wounded many times
/f r g/(ف.ر.ق)فَرَقيِفرِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be different, to make a difference, to be less (by a certain amount)
/d r r/(د.ر.ر)دَرّيدِرّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to give milk abundantly, be productive, to be abundant, plentiful
/sh m m/(ش.م.م)اِشتَمّيِشتَمّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to smell, sniff
/kh f f/(خ.ف.ف)خَفَّفيخَفِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make lighter, lighten, to decrease, lessen, to lighten, ease, relieve, to lighten, thin
/d gh sh/(د.غ.ش)دَغَشيِدغَشفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to cheat, to insinuate, imply
/3 g d/(ع.ق.د)تعاقَديِتعاقَدتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to contract, make a contract
/y r r/(ج.ر.ر)جَرّيجِرّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to tow, drag along
/3 r dh./(ع.ر.ض)عَرَّضيعَرِّضفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to widen, broaden, to expose
/s 2 l/(س.ء.ل)سَأَليِسأَلفَعَلفَأَل-يِفأَلI
to ask, inquire, to ask
/z 7 l g/(ز.ح.ل.ق)زَحلَقيزَحلِقفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to slide, roll, to cause to slide, slip
/r sh w/(ر.ش.و)اِرتَشَىيِرتِشِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to be bribed, accept bribery
/z g g/(ز.ق.ق)زَقّيزِقّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to defecate
/7 z n/(ح.ز.ن)حَزَنيِحزَنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be sad, grieved, to mourn, be in mourning
/kh m m/(خ.م.م)خَمّيخِمّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to sweep, to clean
/dj n n/(ج.ن.ن)جَنَّنيجَنِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make insane or crazy, madden, to make insane or crazy, madden
/n q m/(ن.ق.م)نَقَميِنقَمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to critique a matter and/or a person negatively
/k l f t/(ك.ل.ف.ت)كَلفَتيكَلفِتفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to caulk
/r 2 s/(ر.ء.س)ترَأَّسيِترَأَّستفَعَّلتفَأَّل-يِتفَأَّلV
to lead, head, be in charge
/g w m/(ق.و.م)قَوَّميقَوِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make get up, make stand up
/n g l/(ن.ق.ل)نَقَّلينَقِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to allow others to copy
/b l m/(ب.ل.م)بَلَّميبَلِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to be silent, hold one's tongue
/kh b s./(خ.ب.ص)اِنخَبَصيِنخِبِصاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be or become confused, preoccupied, rushed
/f t 7/(ف.ت.ح)اِفتَتَحيِفتِتِحاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to open, inaugurate
/dh. y f/(ض.ي.ف)اِستَضافيِستِضِيفاِستَفعَلاِستَفال-يِستِفِيلX
to take s.o. as a guest, receive hospitably
/s w y/(س.و.ي)سَوَىيِسوَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to be worth, equal to
/dj d f/(ج.د.ف)جَدَّفيجَدِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to row
/s w l f/(س.و.ل.ف)سَولَفيسَولِففَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to chat, chatter, carry on idle conversation, to conversate
/7 k y/(ح.ك.ي)اِنحَكَىيِنحِكِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to be said, told
/d f 3/(د.ف.ع)دَفَعيِدفَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to pay, to offer (to pay), to push the door
/g l l/(ق.ل.ل)تقَلَّليِتقَلَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be reduced
/kh t. f/(خ.ط.ف)خَطَفيِخطِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to pass by, to snatch, seize, grab, to abduct, kidnap s.o., to hijack
/dh. y 3/(ض.ي.ع)ضاعيضِيعفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to get lost, be lost
/r n n/(ر.ن.ن)رَنّيرِنّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to ring, resound
/s. l 7/(ص.ل.ح)صالَحيصالِحفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to make peace with s.o., make up with s.o.
/kh r b/(خ.ر.ب)خَرَبيِخرَبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to break down, get out of order, broken, to be ruined, destroyed, spoiled, to go bad, spoil (of food)
/m y z/(م.ي.ز)اِمتازيِمتازاِفتَعَلاِفتال-يِفتالVIII
to be distinguished, be marked by, to distinguish oneself, to surpass, excel
/tsh w y/(ك.و.ي)كَوَّىيكَوِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to cauterize
/sh m s/(ش.م.س)شَمَّسيشَمِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to expose to the sun, lay out in the sun
/h b sh/(ه.ب.ش)هَبَشيِهبِشفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to eat ravenously
/d h d h/(د.ه.د.ه)تدَهدَهيِتدَهدَهتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to roll, be rolled down
/k sh f/(ك.ش.ف)اِنكَشَفيِنكِشِفاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be revealed, disclosed
/k sh f/(ك.ش.ف)تكَشَّفيِتكَشَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to uncover oneself
/g b l/(ق.ب.ل)قابَليقابِلفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to meet, receive, to have an interview with s.o., to interview s.o., to encounter, face, to meet with s.o., get together with s.o., to meet, run across s.o., to have an interview with s.o., to face, encounter s.o.
/h r b/(ه.ر.ب)هَرَّبيهَرِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to smuggle
/g y d/(ق.ي.د)تقَيَّديِتقَيَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to abide by, comply with, follow
/z gh t./(ز.غ.ط)زَغَطيِزغَطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to choke to death, suffocate
/d 3 y/(د.ع.ي)اِدَّعَىيِدِّعِياِفتَعَلاِفَّعَى-يِفِّعِيVIII
to claim, allege, maintain, to start, initiate (legal action)
/q h r/(ق.ه.ر)قَهَريِقهَرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to annoy, irritate, upset, to sadden, grieve
/sh kh r/(ش.خ.ر)شَخَريِشخِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to snore
/sh kh b t./(ش.خ.ب.ط)شَخبَطيشَخبِطفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to scribble, scrawl
/m sh y/(م.ش.ي)ماشَىيماشِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to walk with s.o., engage s.o. in walking, to get along with, go along with
/r 7 b/(ر.ح.ب)رَحَّبيرَحِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to welcome s.o., make s.o. welcome
/f r g/(ف.ر.ق)تفَرَّقيِتفَرَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be or become separated
/s m m/(س.م.م)تسَمَّميِتسَمَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be poisoned.
/7 g r/(ح.ق.ر)حَقَّريحَقِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to humiliate, degrade
/2 m n/(ء.م.ن)تأَمَّنيِتأَمَّنتفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to be placed in safekeeping, to be trusted, to be ensured
/dh m m/(ذ.م.م)ذَمّيذِمّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to find fault with s.o., criticize s.o.
/dj m 3/(ج.م.ع)جَمَّعيجَمِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to collect, to save (money), amass, pile up, to collect
/y y b/(ج.ي.ب)جابيجِيبفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to bring, to brin, fetch, to bring, fetch, to give birth to, have (a child), to come up with
/r b sh/(ر.ب.ش)اِرتَبَشيِرتِبِشاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be confused, mixed up
/g t l/(ق.ت.ل)اِنقَتَليِنقِتِلاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to transfer, move, moved, transported, to get killed
/7 r s/(ح.ر.س)حَرَسيِحرِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to guard, watch, to protect, keep, preserve, to be concerned (with), be intent (upon), to be stingy, niggardly, miserly
/kh s. s./(خ.ص.ص)تخَصَّصيِتخَصَّصتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to specialize, become a specialist
/gh l t./(غ.ل.ط)غَلَطيِغلَطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to make a mistake, commit an error, be mistaken, to be disrespectful, impudent to s.o.
/sh kh t./(ش.خ.ط)اِنشَخَطيِنشِخِطاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be punished
/g w y/(ق.و.ي)تقَوَّىيِتقَوَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to be braced ; be cemented ; be consolidated ; be entrenched ; be firmed up
/b d y/(ب.د.ي)اِبتَدَىيِبتِدِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to begin, start
/dj f l/(ج.ف.ل)جَفَّليجَفِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to startle, frighten
/y l s/(ج.ل.س)جَلَسيِجلِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to sit, to sit down, to sit on, e.g., a chair, at a table, to sit down
/z n y/(ز.ن.ي)زَنَىيِزنِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to commit adultery
/y b s/(ي.ب.س)يَبَّسييَبِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to dry, make s.th. dry, to dry
/f r dj/(ف.ر.ج)فَرَجيِفرِجفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to relieve, cause to come to a happy ending
/kh f y/(خ.ف.ي)تخَفَّىيِتخَفَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to hide, keep oneself out of view, to disguise oneself
/s. d g/(ص.د.ق)تصَدَّقيِتصَدَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to give alms, to donate to charity and/or individulas in need (give Sadaka)
/f l kh/(ف.ل.خ)فَلَخيِفلِخفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to run away
/sh b h/(ش.ب.ه)شَبَّهيشَبِّهفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to liken, compare to, to consider similar or identical, to find a resemblance in
/s b g/(س.ب.ق)سَبَّقيسَبِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to precede or come ahead of
/n f sh/(ن.ف.ش)تنَفَّشيِتنَفَّشتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to dry, be dried
/w f r/(و.ف.ر)توَفَّريِتوَفَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be plentiful, abundant, to abound, to be saved, to be met, fulfilled
/7 dh. n/(ح.ض.ن)حَضَنيِحضِنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to embrace, hug s.o., to put in one's lap
/n dh. r/(ن.ظ.ر)نَظَريِنظِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to look into, examine
/d 3 th r/(د.ع.ث.ر)دَعثَريدَعثِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to cause s.o. to fall down, to get s.o. into a bad fix, involve, entangle s.o.
/7 r dh./(ح.ر.ض)حَرَّضيحَرِّضفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to incite, provoke, stir up
/s. n f/(ص.ن.ف)صَنَّفيصَنِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to joke, jest, kid, to comment (on a subject, etc.)
/3 t b/(ع.ت.ب)تعاتَبيِتعاتَبتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to find fault with each other, blame each other
/3 d d/(ع.د.د)اِنعَدّيِنعَدّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be considered
/kh d r/(خ.د.ر)خَدَّريخَدِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to numb, deaden, to anesthetize
/w 3 y/(و.ع.ي)وَعَّىيوَعِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to wake s.o. up
/dh. w w/(ض.و.و)ضَوَّىيضَوِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to light, light up, illuminate
/n dh. r/(ن.ظ.ر)اِنتَظَريِنتِظِراِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to wait
/k b r/(ك.ب.ر)كَبَريِكبَرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to grow, become large and big
/t. b kh/(ط.ب.خ)طَبَخيِطبَخفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to cook
/sh b 3/(ش.ب.ع)شَبَّعيشَبِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to satiate, fill, to satisfy, gratify, to make s.o. fed up or sick and tired
/r f g/(ر.ف.ق)رافَقيرافِقفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to accompany, escort, to accompany s.o., to become friends with s.o., associate closely with s.o., to be on intimate terms with, go with
/3 r s/(ع.ر.س)عَرَّسيعَرِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to get married
/3 dj f/(ع.ج.ف)عَجَفيِعجِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to comb (the hair), to call s.o. bad names
/n g sh/(ن.ق.ش)تناقَشيِتناقَشتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to discuss, argue s.th. with each other
/m t n/(م.ت.ن)مَتَّنيمَتِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to fatten, make fat
/g sh t./(ق.ش.ط)قَشَّطيقَشِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to peel off, scratch off, to rob, strip s.o. of his belongings
/m n 3/(م.ن.ع)مَنَعيِمنَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to prohibit, forbid, to prevent, hinder
/kh t n/(خ.ت.ن)تخَتَّنيِتخَتَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be circumcised
/r b y/(ر.ب.ي)ترَبَّىيِترَبَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to be raised, brought up, reared, to be punished, to learn a lesson, to be raised
/w t. y/(و.ط.ي)وَطَّىيوَطِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to duck down
/s. l 7/(ص.ل.ح)صَلَحيِصلِحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be proper, good, right, to be suitable, useful, fit
/m s w/(م.س.و)مَسَّىيمَسِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to bid s.o. good evening, wish s.o. a good evening
/3 m m/(ع.م.م)عَمّيعِمّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to be or become prevalent, general, to prevail, spread
/s k n/(س.ك.ن)سَكَنيِسكِنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to dwell, live (in a place), reside, to subside, calm, become still
/w n s/(و.ن.س)وَنَّسيوَنِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to entertain, amuse, show a good time, to entertain
/f w t/(ف.و.ت)فَوَّتيفَوِّتفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to go by, cause to pass, to allow to pass, allow to go by
/3 w n/(ع.و.ن)عاوَنيعاوِنفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to help, assist, aid, to help
/3 r dj/(ع.ر.ج)عَرَجيِعرِجفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to limp
/2 n t k/(ء.ن.ت.ك)تأَنتَكيِتأَنتَكفَعلَلتأَعلَل-يِتأَعلَلQ
to dress up
/7 s. l/(ح.ص.ل)حَصَّليحَصِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to find, to obtain, get, receive, to profit, make a profit
/g n 3/(ق.ن.ع)قَنَّعيقَنِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to persuade, convince
/th m n/(ث.م.ن)تثَمَّنيِتثَمَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be appraised, assessed
/k y f/(ك.ي.ف)تكَيَّفيِتكَيَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be satisfied, to adjust to a situation, to be happy
/t 3 b/(ت.ع.ب)تَعَبيِتعِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to get tried
/d y r/(د.ي.ر)داريدِيرفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to pour, to turn, turn (one's face), direct, to turn s.o. against s.o. else, to direct, manage, run, be in charge of s.th.
/n s l/(ن.س.ل)تناسَليِتناسَلتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to reproduce, propagate, multiply
/g s. r/(ق.ص.ر)قَصَّريقَصِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to shorten, make short or shorter, to fail (an examination), to fall behind, lag behind (in s.th.), to come in short
/n z l/(ن.ز.ل)نَزَليِنزَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to get down
/s w k/(س.و.ك)سَوَّكيسَوِّكفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to brush the teeth with a chewed twig
/f r gh/(ف.ر.غ)فَرَّغيفَرِّغفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to empty, to pour out, to unload
/m sh y/(م.ش.ي)مَشَىيِمشِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to walk, go on foot, to leave, depart, to go, to move along, proceed, to associate, keep company, to go with, match, to run, work
/w k l/(و.ك.ل)اِنوَكَليِنوِكِلاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be eaten
/7 r t. m/(ح.ر.ط.م)حَرطَميحَرطِمفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to mutter, grumble, growl, to chatter, prattle
/r n g/(ر.ن.ق)رَنَّقيرَنِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to paint, dye, stain, color, tint
/b r d/(ب.ر.د)اِستَبرَديِستَبرِداِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to catch a cold
/d b b/(د.ب.ب)دَبّيدِبّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to fall down and hit the ground with a thud
/s. r 7/(ص.ر.ح)صارَحيصارِحفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to speak openly or frankly to s.o.
/dj m h r/(ج.م.ه.ر)تجَمهَريِتجَمهَرتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to gather together
/sh b h/(ش.ب.ه)شَبَهيِشبَهفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to resemble, look like, be similar to
/k sh t/(ك.ش.ت)كَشَّتيكَشِّتفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to take s.o. on a picnic
/dh. 7 y/(ض.ح.ي)ضَحَّىيضَحِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to sacrifice, offer up
/w z 3/(و.ز.ع)توَزَّعيِتوَزَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to distribute
/7 s. n/(ح.ص.ن)تحَصَّنيِتحَصَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to improve, become better
/r kh s./(ر.خ.ص)رَخَصيِرخَصفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to become inexpensive, cheap
/g s. r/(ق.ص.ر)تقَصَّريِتقَصَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be shortened
/d r y/(د.ر.ي)اِندَرَىيِندِرِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to be known
/tsh dh b/(ك.ذ.ب)تكَذَّبيِتكَذَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be accused of lying, be proved as having lied
/t r dj m/(ت.ر.ج.م)تَرجَميتَرجِمفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to translate, interpret
/r dj w/(ر.ج.و)رَجايِرجِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to request, ask
/7 d th/(ح.د.ث)حَدَّثيحَدِّثفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to tell, relate to s.o.
/dh. 3 f/(ض.ع.ف)تضاعَفيِتضاعَفتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to double, be doubled
/gh s. b/(غ.ص.ب)اِغتَصَبيِغتِصِباِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to rape, ravish
/3 sh y/(ع.ش.ي)عَشَّىيعَشِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to give s.o. a dinner, to feed one dinner
/dh. n n/(ظ.ن.ن)ظَنّيظِنّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to think, believe, to be suspicious of, to expect from s.o., think s.o. capable of
/7 s d/(ح.س.د)اِنحَسَديِنحِسِداِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be envied
/n sh f/(ن.ش.ف)نَشَّفينَشِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to dry, make s.th. dry
/g l b/(ق.ل.ب)اِنقَلَبيِنقِلِباِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to turn upside down, to change into, turn into, become, to run on or against s.o.
/b t t/(ب.ت.ت)بَتّيبِتّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to decide on s.th.
/7 s. r/(ح.ص.ر)اِنحَصَريِنحِصِراِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be caught, be trapped, to be crowded, be jammed, to have a full bladder, to have to go
/m r n/(م.ر.ن)تمَرَّنيِتمَرَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to practice, exercise, rehearse
/kh y s/(خ.ي.س)خاسيخِيسفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to spoil, go bad
/t. m t. m/(ط.م.ط.م)طَمطَميطَمطِمفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to cover up, conceal, hide
/kh m r/(خ.م.ر)تخَمَّريِتخَمَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to rise, to ferment, be in a state of fermentation
/7 r th/(ح.ر.ث)حَرَثيِحرِثفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to plow
/f kh r/(ف.خ.ر)اِفتَخَريِفتِخِراِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to boast about, to be proud
/7 m r/(ح.م.ر)حَمَّريحَمِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to roast, to brown, to turn (someone or sth) red
/h d y/(ه.د.ي)هَدَّىيهَدِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to calm one down
/2 dj l/(ء.ج.ل)أَجَّليأَجِّلفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to postpone
/n k s/(ن.ك.س)اِنتَكَسيِنتِكِساِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to suffer a relapse
/kh t. b/(خ.ط.ب)خاطَبيخاطِبفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to address s.o., talk or speak to s.o.
/r w dj/(ر.و.ج)راجيرُوجفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to increase, become greater, become more, to sell well, find a good market, be in demand
/d m b s/(د.م.ب.س)دَمبَسيدَمبِسفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to pin s.th., to dip
/dj m 3/(ج.م.ع)اِجتَمَعيِجتِمِعاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to meet, have a meeting
/m s k/(م.س.ك)تمَسَّكيِتمَسَّكتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to stick to, adhere to
/w 3 d/(و.ع.د)واعَديواعِدفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to promise
/s. l 7/(ص.ل.ح)تصالَحيِتصالَحتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to become reconciled, make peace with each other
/w d. y/(و.ض.ي)توَضَّىيِتوَضَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to perform ambulation
/s. w b/(ص.و.ب)اِنصابيِنصاباِنفَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVII
to be stricken, afflicted, to catch a disease
/d w r/(د.و.ر)داريدُورفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to go round, rotate, circulate, spread, to turn, circle, revolve, to tour, travel, wander around, to stun, bewilder, to turn around
/n g sh/(ن.ق.ش)نَقَشيِنقِشفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to engrave, carve, chisel
/b r d/(ب.ر.د)بَرَّديبَرِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cool, chill
/s. b 7/(ص.ب.ح)صَبَّحيصَبِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to bid s.o. good morning, to say good morning
/r f r f/(ر.ف.ر.ف)رَفرَفيرَفرِففَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to flap the wings, to flutter
/t. r r/(ط.ر.ر)اِنطَرّيِنطَرّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to explode
/s t. y/(س.ط.ي)سَطَىيِسطِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to break into, burglarize
/gh s m/(ق.س.م)قَسَميِقسِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to divide, split, to will, destine
/f r gh/(ف.ر.غ)تفَرَّغيِتفَرَّغتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to devote oneself, apply oneself
/3 t. w/(ع.ط.و)عَطايِعطِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to give s.th., give s.o. s.th., to offer, to give up, give away
/h y dj/(ه.ي.ج)هاجيهِيجفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to become furious, angry, to be or become stormy, rough, to run high
/7 b tsh/(ح.ب.ك)حَبَكيِحبِكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to bind a book
/th m n/(ث.م.ن)ثَمَّنيثَمِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to price, set a value on s.th.
/h dj m/(ه.ج.م)هاجَميهاجِمفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to attack, assault, to move in on, pounce upon
/l f t/(ل.ف.ت)لَفَتيِلفِتفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to catch the eye, attract attention, to caution, give notice to s.o.
/d l l/(د.ل.ل)دَلّيدِلّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to show, demonstrate, point out s.th., to prove
/d r y/(د.ر.ي)دَرَىيِدرِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to know, to find out. (prov.), to know
/dj d d/(ج.د.د)تجَدَّديِتجَدَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be renew, renovate, to become renewed
/z l g/(ز.ل.ق)زَلَّقيزَلِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to slip, slide
/h w d/(ه.و.د)هَوَّديهَوِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to slow down
/f q 3/(ف.ق.ع)اِنفَقَعيِنفِقِعاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to explode
/sh r k/(ش.ر.ك)تشارَكيِتشارَكتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to enter into partnership
/2 m r k/(ء.م.ر.ك)تأَمرَكيِتأَمرَكتفَعلَلتأَعلَل-يِتأَعلَلQt
to become Americanized
/k l m/(ك.ل.م)تكَلَّميِتكَلَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to speak, talk, to speak
/r k b/(ر.ك.ب)ترَكَّبيِترَكَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be constructed, composed, combined, put together, to be fitted, mounted, set in, to put sth together
/dh. gh t./(ض.غ.ط)ضَغَطيِضغَطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to compress, squeeze, press, to exert pressure on, press on
/7 dj dj/(ح.ج.ج)حَجّيحِجّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to make the pilgrimage (to Mecca)
/g r 7/(ق.ر.ح)اِقتَرَحيِقتِرِحاِنفَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVII
to suggest, recommend
/t. g g/(ط.ق.ق)اِنطَقّيِنطَقّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be beaten
/s. f r/(ص.ف.ر)اِصفَرّيِصفَرّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to turn yellow, (of the face) to become pale, turn pale, to become yellow
/7 s. r/(ح.ص.ر)حَصَريِحصِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to narrow down, confine
/b r k n/(ب.ر.ك.ن)بَركَنيبَركِنفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ2
to park a vehicle
/t. w 3/(ط.و.ع)تطَوَّعيِتطَوَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to volunteer
/7 r dj/(ح.ر.ج)حَرَجيِحرِجفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to embarrass s.o., put s.o. in a tight spot
/r 7 l/(ر.ح.ل)رَحَّليرَحِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to leave, relocate, resettle
/w r y/(و.ر.ي)وَرَّىيوَرِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to scare
/b l sh/(ب.ل.ش)تبالَشيِتبالَشتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to disagree with each other
/7 y y/(ح.ي.ي)اِستَحَىيِستِحِياِستَفعَلاِستَفَى-يِستِفِيX
to feel ashamed, be ashamed, to be or become embarrassed, feel embarrassed, to be bashful, shy, to get shy
/r dj m/(ر.ج.م)رَجَميِرجِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to stone, throw a rock at s.o.
/d w k r/(د.و.ك.ر)تدَوكَريِتدَوكَرتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to become confused
/s 7 r/(س.ح.ر)سَحَّريسَحِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to serve the Suhuur, a light meal (shortly before daybreak taken during Ramadan)
/dh. 7 tsh/(ض.ح.ك)اِنضَحَكيِنضِحِكاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be fooled, gotten the best of
/7 dj dj/(ح.ج.ج)تحَجَّجيِتحَجَّجتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to make excuses
/n t. r/(ن.ط.ر)نَطَريِنطِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to wait for, await s.o.
/l th m/(ل.ث.م)لَثَّميلَثِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cover the lower part of the face, veil the face, to cover one's face with a scarf
/m l 7/(م.ل.ح)مَلَّحيمَلِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to salt
/m r dh./(م.ر.ض)تمَرَّضيِتمَرَّضتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get sick, become sick
/t h m/(ت.ه.م)تَهَميِتهَمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to accuse, charge s.o. with s.th.
/g h w/(ق.ه.و)قَهوَىيقَهوِيفَعلَلفَعلَى-يفَعلِيQ
to give coffee to s.o., welcome s.o. with coffee
/th g l/(ث.ق.ل)ثَقَّليثَقِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.th. heavy, to burden, inconvenience s.o.
/f 7 m/(ف.ح.م)فَحَّميفَحِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to apply charcoal on
/m h l/(م.ه.ل)مَهَليِمهِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to grant a delay, give s.o. time
/n dj d/(ن.ج.د)اِستَنجَديِستَنجِداِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to appeal for aid, ask for help
/t. r d/(ط.ر.د)اِنطَرَديِنطِرِداِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be dismissed, discharged
/th b t/(ث.ب.ت)ثَبَتيِثبِتفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be firm, steady, to hold to s.th., be firm in s.th., to become established, proven
/n k r/(ن.ك.ر)اِستَنكَريِستَنكِراِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to denounce, protest
/b h d l/(ب.ه.د.ل)بَهدَليبَهدِلفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ2
to humiliate
/7 k y/(ح.ك.ي)حَكَّىيحَكِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to make s.o. talk, force s.o. to speak
/d m 3/(د.م.ع)دَمَّعيدَمِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to tear, shed tears
/t. l g/(ط.ل.ق)طَلَّقيطَلِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to divorce
/q r z/(ق.ر.ز)قَرَّزيقَرِّزفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to get stuck or plunged
/w f g/(و.ف.ق)اِتَّفَقيِتِّفِقاِفتَعَلاِتَّعَل-يِتِّعِلVIII
to agree, reach an agreement, to agree, reach an agreement
/3 w n/(ع.و.ن)تعاوَنيِتعاوَنتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to cooperate, help each other
/kh w l/(خ.و.ل)خَوَّليخَوِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to authorize
/kh r f/(خ.ر.ف)خَرَّفيخَرِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to be or become senile and feeble-minded
/dj w 3/(ج.و.ع)جَوَّعيجَوِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to starve s.o., make s.o. go hungry
/sh 7 7/(ش.ح.ح)شَحّيشِحّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to become scarce, run short, decrease
/gh s. b/(غ.ص.ب)اِنغَصَبيِنغِصِباِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to coerce; constrain; force; forcing
/r w dj/(ر.و.ج)رَوَّجيرَوِّجفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to spread (rumors, news), circulate, to push the sale of, open a market for
/dh. w dj/(ض.و.ك)ضَوَّكيضَوِّكفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to bore s.o., to annoy, upset, irritate s.o.
/7 b b/(ح.ب.ب)تحابَبيِتحابَبتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to love each other
/w n w n/(و.ن.و.ن)وَنوَنيوَنوِنفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to moan repeatedly
/m n n/(م.ن.ن)مَنّيمِنّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to bless s.o., to desire the return of s.th.
/g t l/(ق.ت.ل)تقَتَّليِتقَتَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be killed
/gh sh m r/(غ.ش.م.ر)غَشمَريغَشمِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to kid s.o., to make fun of s.o.
/z y gh/(ز.ي.غ)زاغيزِيغفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to swerve, deviate
/w r th/(و.ر.ث)وَرَّثيوَرِّثفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to leave, bequeath, will
/th n y/(ث.ن.ي)ثَنَّىيثَنِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to do twice, repeat, to second, support s.th.
/g h w/(ق.ه.و)تقَهوَىيِتقَهوَىتفَعلَلتفَعلَى-يِتفَعلَىQt
to drink coffee, have coffee (with s.o.)
/k r h/(ك.ر.ه)كَرَهيِكرَهفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to hate, detest, loathe, to hate
/b r k/(ب.ر.ك)بَرَكيِبرِكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to kneel down, to sit down (usually said of an animal, e.g., a camel), to kneel down, to sit down (usually said of an animal, e.g., a camel), to kneel down, to sit down (usually said of an animal, e.g., a camel)
/3 g d/(ع.ق.د)تعَقَّديِتعَقَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be or become complicated
/q 7 m/(ق.ح.م)قَحَميِقحَمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to enter
/w z y/(و.ز.ي)توازَىيِتوازَىتفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىVI
to get into trouble
/l w y/(ل.و.ي)اِنلَوَىيِنلِوِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to be bent
/b y dh./(ب.ي.ض)باضيبِيضفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to lay eggs
/d s s/(د.س.س)دَسّيدِسّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to slip, shove, insert s.th. (into), to hide, conceal s.th., to administer surreptitiously
/d b r/(د.ب.ر)دَبَّريدَبِّرتفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلV
to be arranged, managed
/f r g/(ف.ر.ق)فارَقيفارِقفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to leave s.o. or s.th., depart, separate from s.o. or s.th.
/z r 3/(ز.ر.ع)زَرَعيِزرَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to plant, grow
/3 b t./(ع.ب.ط)اِستَعبَطيِستَعبِطاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to make fun
/s 7 b/(س.ح.ب)سَحَبيِسحَبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to take out, withdraw (e.g., money), to pull down, drag, to recall, call back, withdraw, to take back, withdraw, to pull, draw (a weapon)
/l w m/(ل.و.م)لاميلُومفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to blame, rebuke, censure
/k r h/(ك.ر.ه)كَرَّهيكَرِّهفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make hate, cause to hate
/b t. l/(ب.ط.ل)بَطَليِبطِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be nullified, void
/gh y b/(غ.ي.ب)غابيغِيبفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to be absent, be or stay away from, to disappear, to set, go down
/g r b/(ق.ر.ب)اِستَقرَبيِستَقرِباِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to regard as near, find as near, to come by (s.o.'s house), to drop in
/s. l 3/(ص.ل.ع)صَلَّعيصَلِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to uncover the head, remove the head gear, to be disclosed, revealed
/3 f w/(ع.ف.و)عَفايِعفِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to forgive (s.o.), pardon (s.o.), to exempt, excuse
/7 r dj/(ح.ر.ج)اِنحَرَجيِنحِرِجاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be embarrassed
/kh r s/(خ.ر.س)خَرَّسيخَرِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to silence, make s.o. dumb
/w dj b/(و.ج.ب)اِستَوجَبيِستَوجِباِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to merit, deserve, be worthy of, to require, necessitate
/f r r/(ف.ر.ر)فَرّيفِرّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to throw sth away
/f t. r/(ف.ط.ر)فَطَريِفطِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to break the fast, eat and drink after a fast
/d r b/(د.ر.ب)دَرَّبيدَرِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to train, coach, drill, to train
/r b 3/(ر.ب.ع)رابَعيرابِعفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to befriend s.o., associate closely with s.o., to be friend
/kh l s./(خ.ل.ص)اِستَخلَصيِستَخلِصاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to extract
/t f l/(ت.ف.ل)تَفَّليتَفِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to spit
/kh y t./(خ.ي.ط)خَيَّطيخَيِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to sew, to tailor
/3 l b/(ع.ل.ب)عَلَّبيعَلِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to can, tin
/th r m/(ث.ر.م)ثَرَّميثَرِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to chop up, cut up (e.g., onions, meat, etc.)
/dh l l/(ذ.ل.ل)ذَلَّليذَلِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to humble, humiliate, to overcome, surmount
/d s 3/(د.س.ع)دَسَعيِدسَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to ruminate
/k r m/(ك.ر.م)تكَرَّميِتكَرَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to show generosity to s.o.
/r k dh./(ر.ك.ض)رَكَضيِركِضفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to run, to run, race, rush
/r b 7/(ر.ب.ح)رَبَّحيرَبِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. gain, grant s.o. a profit, allow s.o. to profit
/r dh. dh./(ر.ض.ض)اِنرَضّيِنرَضّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be or become bruised
/l 3 b/(ل.ع.ب)لَعَبيِلعَبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to play, to play, to mess with, toy with, fool around with, to act, play, perform, to dance
/y m 3/(ج.م.ع)جَمَعيِجمَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to assemble, call together, to collect, to add, add up, to assemble, call together
/m 7 y/(م.ح.ي)مَحَىيِمحِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to erase, rub out, to wipe out, eradicate, exterminate
/g r y/(ق.ر.ي)قَرَّىيقَرِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to cause to read, to teach s.o.
/7 m g/(ح.م.ق)حَمَقيِحمِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be or become angry, mad, furious
/t. m gh/(ط.م.غ)طَمَغيِطمَغفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to stamp
/sh f y/(ش.ف.ي)شَفَىيِشفَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to be cured, be healed, to get well
/sh t t/(ش.ت.ت)شَتَّتيشَتِّتفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to route, break up, disperse
/t. h r/(ط.ه.ر)تطَهَّريِتطَهَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to wash oneself, be cleaned, disinfected
/sh r f/(ش.ر.ف)شَرَّفيشَرِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to honor, to be more noble, eminent, honorable than, to honor
/t b 3/(ت.ب.ع)تَبَعيِتبَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to belong to, be under the authority of, to follow, pursue, to come after, follow, to adhere to
/r q s./(ر.ق.ص)رَقَصيِرقَصفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to dance
/s. f w/(ص.ف.و)صَفَّىيصَفِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to refine, to settle, clear up, straighten out, to purify, make pure
/kh t. b/(خ.ط.ب)اِنخَطَبيِنخِطِباِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be betrothed, become engaged
/s m 7/(س.م.ح)سامَحيسامِحفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to forgive, pardon, to forgive
/kh n th/(خ.ن.ث)تخَنَّثيِتخَنَّثتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be or become effeminate
/b gh dh./(ب.غ.ض)بَغَضيِبغَضفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to hate, detest s.o.
/gh t. 3/(ق.ط.ع)قَطَعيِقطَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to cut, cut off, break off, to buy, get (a ticket), to break off, sever, to cut off, stop, interrupt, to block, stop, to cover, traverse, to cut things
/t 2 t 2/(ت.ء.ت.ء)تَأتَأيتَأتِئفَعلَلفَألَأ-يفَألِئQ
to stammer
/s. y 7/(ص.ي.ح)صاحيصِيحفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to yell, shout, to call out, address, call, to cry
/sh r b/(ش.ر.ب)اِنشَرَبيِنشِرِباِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be drunk
/sh y sh/(ش.ي.ش)شاشيشِيشفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to be or become furious, angry
/k sh r/(ك.ش.ر)كَشَّريكَشِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to show one's teeth, bare one's teeth
/kh n s/(خ.ن.س)خَنَّسيخَنِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make cower, cow
/s l y/(س.ل.ي)تسَلَّىيِتسَلَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to have fun and/or be entertained
/tsh b b/(ك.ب.ب)كَبّيكِبّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to pour out, spill
/f r g/(ف.ر.ق)فَرَّقيفَرِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to distinguish, differentiate (between), to divide, to disperse, scatter, to distribute, to distribute and/or to discriminate
/s. 3 d/(ص.ع.د)صَعَديِصعَدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to ascend, go upward, to climb up, mount
/b 3 th/(ب.ع.ث)بَعَثيِبعَثفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to resurrect s.o. (from death)
/m r dh./(م.ر.ض)تمَرَّضيِتمَرَّضتفَاعَلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلVI
to pretend to be sick, feign illness
/3 dh b/(ع.ذ.ب)تعَذَّبيِتعَذَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be destressed; tormented; suffering
/r m s/(ر.م.س)رَمَسيِرمِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to speak, talk, to speak
/m d d/(م.د.د)مَدَّديمَدِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to extend, lengthen, to expand, extend, to stretch out, spread out, to lay down
/k w d/(ك.و.د)كَوَّديكَوِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to pile, pile up, stack up
/gh y dh./(غ.ي.ظ)اِغتاظيِغتاظاِفتَعَلاِفتال-يِفتالVIII
to be or become angry, to get mad
/s. d g/(ص.د.ق)تصادَقيِتصادَقتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to be or become friends with each other
/m 7 y/(م.ح.ي)اِنمَحَىيِنمِحِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to be erased
/7 s s/(ح.س.س)حَسَّسيحَسِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to feel someone and/or sth
/z kh kh/(ز.خ.خ)زَخّيزِخّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to arrest, to hold, get hold of s.o. or s.th., to catch someone or sth
/g r r/(ق.ر.ر)قَرّيقِرّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to confess, admit
/7 l y/(ح.ل.ي)حَلَّىيحَلِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to have dessert
/sh t. r/(ش.ط.ر)تشاطَريِتشاطَرتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to show cleverness, smartness, skill
/kh dh. 3/(خ.ض.ع)خَضَّعيخَضِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to subdue, humble, subjugate
/n sh r/(ن.ش.ر)نَشَريِنشِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to broadcast, spread around, to publish
/7 dj r/(ح.ج.ر)تحَجَّريِتحَجَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to turn to stone, become petrified
/g 3 d/(ق.ع.د)اِنقَعَديِنقِعِداِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be lived in, be occupied
/kh z n/(خ.ز.ن)خَزَنيِخزِنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to store s.th.
/d s 3/(د.س.ع)داسَعيداسِعفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to belch, burp
/sh h d/(ش.ه.د)تشاهَديِتشاهَدتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to recite the creed to Islam, to say one's last words, be near death
/n w y/(ن.و.ي)نَوَىيِنوِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to intend to do s.th., have s.th. in mind
/l 7 dh./(ل.ح.ظ)لاحَظيلاحِظفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to notice, observe, be aware of
/b h d l/(ب.ه.د.ل)تبَهدَليِتبَهدَلتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to be ridiculed, embarrassed, to be or become mixed up, get in bad shape
/l y f/(ل.ي.ف)لَيَّفيلَيِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to scour, scrub
/tsh dh b/(ك.ذ.ب)كَذَّبيكَذِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to lie, tell lies, to call s.o. a liar, accuse s.o. of lying, to deny, refute
/b kh r/(ب.خ.ر)تبَخَّريِتبَخَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to evaporate, be evaporated, to perfume oneself with incense in a 'mabxara', to vanish, disappear
/b y 3/(ب.ي.ع)بَيَّعيبَيِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. sell s.th.
/gh l b/(غ.ل.ب)تغَلَّبيِتغَلَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to overcome, surmount
/7 f dh./(ح.ف.ظ)حافَظيحافِظفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to maintain, preserve, sustain, keep up, uphold
/7 k m/(ح.ك.م)اِنحَكَميِنحِكِماِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be sentenced
/sh h d/(ش.ه.د)اِستَشهَديِستَشهِداِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to die as a martyr, to cite as authority, quote as evidence
/tsh s y/(ك.س.ي)كَسَىيِكسِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to clothe, attire, to clothe, attire
/f k r/(ف.ك.ر)فَكَّريفَكِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to think over, meditate, reflect
/n g t./(ن.ق.ط)نَقَّطينَقِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to drip, fall in drops
/r dj 3/(ر.ج.ع)ترَجَّعيِترَجَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be returned, given back, to be put back, returned
/n z l/(ن.ز.ل)نَزَليِنزِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to go down, come down, descend, to get off, disembark, get down, to land, come down, to fall, to go down, fall, drop, to stay, take lodging, to come into (the market), come in season, appear
/kh l s./(خ.ل.ص)تخَلَّصيِتخَلَّصتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to rid oneself of s.o. or s.th.
/y 2 s/(ي.ء.س)يَأَسيِيأَسفَعَّلفَأَل-يِفأَلII
to lose hope, despair
/3 z l/(ع.ز.ل)اِنعَزَليِنعِزِلاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to seperate oneself, segregate
/sh w y/(ش.و.ي)شَوَىيِشوِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to broil, grill, roast
/7 dh. r/(ح.ض.ر)حَضَريِحضِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to attend, be present, to arrive, get to s.o., or to some place
/d h w r/(د.ه.و.ر)دَهوَريدَهوِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to destroy, ruin, damage
/d m r/(د.م.ر)دَمَّريدَمِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to annihilate, destroy, ruin, demolish
/t. g g/(ط.ق.ق)طَقّيطِقّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to beat, flog s.o., to knock at (the door), to hammer
/s r 3/(س.ر.ع)تسَرَّعيِتسَرَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be hasty, rash, do s.th. in a hurry
/k l l/(ك.ل.ل)كَلّيكِلّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to be or become tired, fatigued, exhausted
/b h d l/(ب.ه.د.ل)تبَهدَليِتبَهدَلتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to get untidy
/g s. d/(ق.ص.د)قَصَديِقصِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to mean, have in mind
/r d 2/(ر.د.ء)ترَدَّىيِترَدَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to become bad
/kh w z/(خ.و.ز)خازيخُوزفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to keep away from, avoid s.o. or s.th., to remove sth
/g r g 3/(ق.ر.ق.ع)قَرقَعيقَرقِعفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to make a loud noise, be noisy
/7 s b/(ح.س.ب)حاسَبيحاسِبفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to call to account, ask for an accounting, to hold s.o. responsible for s.th., to pay the bill
/n s b/(ن.س.ب)اِنتَسَبيِنتِسِباِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be relative to, be related to s.o., to join, become affiliated, associated with
/sh k l/(ش.ك.ل)تشَكَّليِتشَكَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be shaped and/or formed in a particular way
/d b l/(د.ب.ل)دَبَّليدَبِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to double s.th.
/d 3 th r/(د.ع.ث.ر)تدَعثَريِتدَعثَرتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to fall down, to get oneself into a mess, get into trouble, become entangled
/3 l g/(ع.ل.ق)عَلَّقيعَلِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to hang s.th., to comment, make comments
/dj l d/(ج.ل.د)جَلَّديجَلِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to bind (a book)
/r w b/(ر.و.ب)رَوَّبيرَوِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to curdle, make curdle
/r w y/(ر.و.ي)رَوَىيَروِيفَعَلفَعَى-يَفعِيI
to water, irrigate, to quench one's thirst
/gh s. s./(غ.ص.ص)غاصَصيغاصِصفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to punish
/g sh r/(ق.ش.ر)تقَشَّريِتقَشَّرفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلII
to be peeled, to peel
/f t t/(ف.ت.ت)تفَتَّتيِتفَتَّتتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to crumble, break into pieces or fragments
/7 dj b/(ح.ج.ب)حَجَبيِحجِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to hide, obscure, block off
/kh b l/(خ.ب.ل)تخَبَّليِتخَبَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to go crazy, go wild, to get crazy
/kh n d r/(خ.ن.د.ر)خَندَريخَندِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to be absent-minded, distracted
/r k d/(ر.ك.د)رَكَّديرَكِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make quiet, motionless, to make less painful, alleviate
/s. d r/(ص.د.ر)صَدَريِصدِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be issued, be handed down, to originate, stem, arise, to be published, to come out, to be sent out, go out
/m w 3/(م.و.ع)ماعيمِيعفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to melt, dissolve
/b h t/(ب.ه.ت)اِنبَهَتيِنبِهِتاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be astonished, amazed
/g dh. b/(ق.ظ.ب)قَظَبيِقظِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to hold, hold fast, to grab, seize
/b r t. l/(ب.ر.ط.ل)بَرطَليبَرطِلفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to bribe
/3 w y/(ع.و.ي)عَوَىيِعوِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to howl (dog, wolf, jackal), to bend, twist
/7 s r/(ح.س.ر)تحَسَّريِتحَسَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to regret
/n w m/(ن.و.م)تنَوَّميِتنَوَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to make someone or sth go to sleep
/d l k/(د.ل.ك)دَلَكيِدلِكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to rub
/z g z g/(ز.ق.ز.ق)زَقزَقيزَقزِقفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to chirp, cheep
/kh b r/(خ.ب.ر)تخابَريِتخابَرتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to telephone, get in touch with each other
/r s m/(ر.س.م)اِنرَسَميِنرِسِماِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be drawn, to be painted
/b h l/(ب.ه.ل)اِبتَهَليِبتِهِلاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to pray humbly to God
/dh. l l/(ظ.ل.ل)ظَلّيظَلّفَعَلفَعّ-يفَعّI
to continue to do s.th., to stay, remain, last
/k th r/(ك.ث.ر)كَثَريِكثِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be plentiful, to increase, multiply
/kh d 3/(خ.د.ع)اِنخَدَعيِنخِدِعاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be deceived, misled, duped
/f dh. l/(ف.ض.ل)تفَضَّليِتفَضَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
please, go ahead, help yourself, be my guest, come in, to prefer sth over another
/s r b/(س.ر.ب)تسَرَّبيِتسَرَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to leak, seep out, to leak out, spread, get out, to infiltrate
/z 7 l g/(ز.ح.ل.ق)تزَحلَقيِتزَحلَقتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to slip, slide, skid, to ski
/sh b 3/(ش.ب.ع)شَبَعيِشبَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to eat one's fill, become satiated, full, to be or become fed up or sick and tired, to fill, sate, satisfy, to feel full post a meal
/s 2 l/(س.ء.ل)تسَأَّليِتسَأَّلتفَعَّلتفَأَّل-يِتفَأَّلV
to ask questions
/b kh sh sh/(ب.خ.ش.ش)تبَخشَشيِتبَخشَشتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to be tipped, to be bribed
/w s 3/(و.س.ع)توَسَّعيِتوَسَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to become wider, to have enough room
/k 7 7/(ك.ح.ح)كَحّيكِحّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to cough
/s r 7/(س.ر.ح)سَرَحيِسرَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to move away, go away, leave, to graze freely, to be distracted, let one's mind wander
/s w y/(س.و.ي)اِستَوَىيِستِوِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to occur, happen, to become, change into s.th., to ripen, mature
/d kh l/(د.خ.ل)تدَخَّليِتدَخَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to interfere, meddle, involve oneself, to be inserted, put in, entered
/n dh. f/(ن.ظ.ف)نَظَفيِنظَففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be or become clean
/d l g m/(د.ل.ق.م)دَلقَميدَلقِمفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to make s.th. round or ball-shaped
/7 dh r/(ح.ذ.ر)تحَذَّريِتحَذَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be careful, take care
/f g r/(ف.ق.ر)فَقَّريفَقِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. poor, impoverish s.o.
/m 7 n/(م.ح.ن)اِمتَحَنيِمتِحِناِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to take an examination, to test, examine, to take and exam
/y n n/(ج.ن.ن)اِنجَنّيِنجَنّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be or become insane, to be or become insane
/r sh sh/(ر.ش.ش)رَشّيرِشّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to spray, to sprinkle, to water, to sprinkle
/m n 3/(م.ن.ع)مانَعيمانِعفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to object, oppose, offer resistance
/h b b/(ه.ب.ب)هَبّيهِبّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to flow
/k sh kh/(ك.ش.خ)كَشَخيِكشَخفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to show off, be boastful, brag
/n f s/(ن.ف.س)تنافَسيِتنافَستفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to compete with each other
/sh dj 3/(ش.ج.ع)تشَجَّعيِتشَجَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be encouraged
/3 n d/(ع.ن.د)عانَديعانِدفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to disobey, oppose, resist
/g s. b/(ق.ص.ب)قَصَّبيقَصِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cut meat (intensified)
/g l b/(ق.ل.ب)تقَلَّبيِتقَلَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to toss and turn, to be fickle, changeable, variable
/gh r b/(غ.ر.ب)تغَرَّبيِتغَرَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to go to a foreign country
/n h z/(ن.ه.ز)اِنتَهَزيِنتِهِزاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to seize, take advantage of
/7 g n/(ح.ق.ن)اِحتَقَنيِحتِقِناِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be given an enema, to be congested
/l f y/(ل.ف.ي)لَفَىيِلفِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to go to see or visit s.o.
/w kh r/(و.خ.ر)توَخَّريِتوَخَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be removed out of the way
/kh r kh r/(خ.ر.خ.ر)خَرخَريخَرخِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to drip, leak
/r kh y/(ر.خ.ي)ترَخَّىيِترَخَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to be lowered, let down, dropped, to be loosened, slackened
/gh l w/(غ.ل.و)غَلايِغلِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to be or become expensive, high priced
/d n y/(د.ن.ي)تدَنَّىيِتدَنَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to move close, go near, to move over, scoot over
/7 g r/(ح.ق.ر)حَقَريِحقِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to despise, scorn
/dj d l/(ج.د.ل)جادَليجادِلفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to argue, argue with s.o.
/3 dh. dh./(ع.ض.ض)عَضّيعِضّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to bite
/kh b z/(خ.ب.ز)خَبَزيِخبِزفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to bake bread, to bake
/7 m y/(ح.م.ي)اِحتَمَىيِحتِمِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to protect oneself, defend oneself
/n t f/(ن.ت.ف)تنَتَّفيِتنَتَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to depilate, pluck out, remove hair
/3 y dh./(ع.ي.ض)اِستَعاضيِستِعِيضاِستَفعَلاِستَفال-يِستِفِيلX
to compensate, recompense
/sh y k/(ش.ي.ك)شَيَّكيشَيِّكفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to check, control, to examine s.th. for accuracy and safety, to correct, adjust s.th., to mark with a check mark, to check, control, to examine s.th. for accuracy and safety, to correct, adjust s.th., to mark with a check mark, to check
/g m l/(ق.م.ل)قَمَّليقَمِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to be or become infested with lice
/d f n/(د.ف.ن)اِندَفَنيِندِفِناِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be buried
/f 7 s./(ف.ح.ص)فَحَصيِفحَصفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to examine s.o. (med.)
/kh t n/(خ.ت.ن)خَتَّنيخَتِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to perform circumcision, circumcise
/gh t. 3/(ق.ط.ع)اِنقَطَعيِنقِطِعاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to break, tear, snap, to stop, to be cut off
/r f f/(ر.ف.ف)رَفّيرِفّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to twitch, quiver
/h w sh/(ه.و.ش)هاوَشيهاوِشفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to quarrel with s.o., to fight, argue, quarrel with s.o.
/n f y/(ن.ف.ي)نافَىينافِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to contradict, be contrary to
/f y dh./(ف.ي.ض)فاضيفِيضفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to overflow, flow over, run over
/z f f/(ز.ف.ف)زَفّيزِفّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to escort the bride or bridegroom in a solemn procession to the new home, to carry water and sell it
/h n d s/(ه.ن.د.س)هَندَسيهَندِسفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to design, engineer
/f r y/(ف.ر.ي)اِفتَرَىيِفتِرِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to be unfair towards others
/t y 7/(ت.ي.ح)تاحيتِيحفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to throw, throw away
/b h dj/(ب.ه.ج)اِبتَهَجيِبتِهِجاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be delighted, glad
/s. w gh/(ص.و.غ)صاغيصُوغفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to fashion, form, mold
/f l 3/(ف.ل.ع)فَلَّعيفَلِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to crack open, to split open
/s b b/(س.ب.ب)سَبّيسِبّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to insult, abuse, call s.o.bad names
/l t. f/(ل.ط.ف)تلاطَفيِتلاطَفتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to be polite, courteous, nice, to joke with each other
/k s r/(ك.س.ر)اِنكَسَريِنكِسِراِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be smashed, shattered, broken up, to be defeated, destroyed, to go bankrupt, be broken
/dj z y/(ج.ز.ي)تجازَىيِتجازَىتفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىVI
to be rewarded, to be punished
/t y h/(ت.ي.ه)تاهيتِيهفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to get lost, lose one's way
/kh s. y/(خ.ص.ي)خَصَىيِخصِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to castrate, emasculate s.o.
/3 m l/(ع.م.ل)عَمَليِعمِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to do s.th., to make s.th.
/t h m/(ت.ه.م)اِتَّهَميِتِّهِماِفتَعَلاِفَّعَل-يِفِّعِلVIII
to accuse, suspect s.o., to accuse, charge s.o. with s.th.
/r t b/(ر.ت.ب)ترَتَّبيِترَتَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be arranged, put into proper order, to be the result or consequence of s.th., to organize
/w n s/(و.ن.س)توَنَّسيِتوَنَّستفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to have a good time, enjoy oneself
/n y sh n/(ن.ي.ش.ن)نَيشَنينَيشِنفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to aim, point, to aim, take aim at s.o. or s.th.
/3 r dh./(ع.ر.ض)تعارَضيِتعارَضتفَعَّلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلV
to be contradictory, clash, conflict, opposition
/kh s. s./(خ.ص.ص)خَصّيخُصّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to concern, pertain to s.o., be of importance to s.o.
/d g g/(د.ق.ق)دَقَّقيدَقِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to examine closely, examine exactly
/h d y/(ه.د.ي)هِدِييِهدَىفَعَلفِعِي-يِفعَىI
to calm down, become calm
/3 y z/(ع.ج.ز)عَجَزيِعجِزفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be or become weak, lack strength
/w r th/(و.ر.ث)وَرَثيِورِثفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to inherit
/w 3 d/(و.ع.د)وَعَديِوعِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to promise
/3 dh r/(ع.ذ.ر)اِعتَذَريِعتِذِراِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to apologize, excuse oneself, to apologize
/sh k k/(ش.ك.ك)شَكّيشِكّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to have doubt, doubt, to suspect, distrust
/7 m l/(ح.م.ل)اِحتَمَليِحتِمِلاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to feel that something is possible, conceivable or likely
/g r n/(ق.ر.ن)قارَنيقارِنفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to compare
/t. b 3/(ط.ب.ع)اِنطَبَعيِنطِبِعاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be typed, to be printed
/s 7 y/(س.ح.ي)سَحَّىيسَحِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to brush hair
/l f 7/(ل.ف.ح)لَفَحيِلفَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to burn, scorch, sear
/r y d/(ر.ي.د)راديرِيدفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to want, wish, desire, to like to do s.th.
/dj n s/(ج.ن.س)تجَنَّسيِتجَنَّستفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to become a naturalized citizen
/k s b/(ك.س.ب)كَسَبيِكسَبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to gain, profit, to win
/sh r dj/(ش.ر.ق)شَرَّقيشَرِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to go east, to go east, to head East
/d m dj/(د.م.ج)دَمَجيِدمِجفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to merge, join, combine
/dj z f/(ج.ز.ف)جازَفيجازِففَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to risk, stake
/kh y s/(خ.ي.س)خَيَّسيخَيِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to spoil, rot
/dj w z/(ج.و.ز)جاوَزيجاوِزفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to go beyond, exceed, surpass
/7 w l/(ح.و.ل)حاليحُولفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to intervene, interfere, interpose
/r z f/(ر.ز.ف)رَزَفيِرزِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to celebrate, engage in merry-making, to dance
/m dh. m dh./(م.ض.م.ض)تمَضمَضيِتمَضمَضتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to rinse out one's mouth
/l dj m/(ل.ج.م)لَجَّميلَجِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to bridle, put the bridle on
/h d d/(ه.د.د)هَدَّديهَدِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to threaten
/s d d/(س.د.د)اِنسَدّيِنسَدّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be blocked, obstructed, plugged up, to be closed, shut
/gh l t./(غ.ل.ط)غَلَّطيغَلِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause s.o. to make a mistake, to prove someone wrong
/r 3 sh/(ر.ع.ش)اِرتَعَشيِرتِعِشاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to tremble, shake
/t. f 7/(ط.ف.ح)طَفَحيِطفَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to become full of, to be overflowing with, to overflow, run over
/7 f r/(ح.ف.ر)حَفَريِحفِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to dig, to drill
/s b 7/(س.ب.ح)اِنسَبَحيِنسِبِحاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be swum in
/f s r/(ف.س.ر)تفَسَّريِتفَسَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to give reason or explanation why something happens
/dj n d/(ج.ن.د)جَنَّديجَنِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to recruit, draft, enlist
/d m n/(د.م.ن)أَدمَنيِدمِناَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to be addicted to s.th.
/t. 3 m/(ط.ع.م)طَعَّميطَعِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to inoculate, vaccinate, to feed, give food to
/dh. w dj/(ض.و.ج)ضاجيضُوجفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to get fed up, become restless, bored
/d r dj/(د.ر.ج)تدَرَّجيِتدَرَّجفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلII
to advance gradually
/r y g/(ر.ي.ق)ترَيَّقيِترَيَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to have breakfast, to have breakfast
/y l s/(ي.ل.س)يَلَّسييَلِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to seat someone and/or sth
/s. w m/(ص.و.م)صاميصُومفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to fast, abstain from food, drink, and sexual intercourse, to fast (Related to Ramadan and/or other types of fasting)
/dh. 7 tsh/(ض.ح.ك)ضَحَّكيضَحِّكفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. laugh, to laugh
/r 7 m/(ر.ح.م)اِستَرحَميِستَرحِماِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to plead for mercy, to ask s.o. to have mercy
/kh s. s./(خ.ص.ص)خَصَّصيخَصِّصفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to reserve, assign, to set aside, designate, to appropriate, allot, allocate
/d kh n/(د.خ.ن)دَخَّنيدَخِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to fumigate, fume s.th., to smoke, emit smoke, to smoke
/m sh y/(م.ش.ي)تمَشَّىيِتمَشَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to stroll, take a walk, walk leisurely, to walk
/t. m 3/(ط.م.ع)طَمَعيِطمَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be or become greedy, to covet, envy, be envious of, to be anxious, to aspire, wish, yearn
/m h l/(م.ه.ل)أَمهَليِمهِلاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to delay, give time, postpone, put off
/gh t. t./(غ.ط.ط)غَطّيغِطّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to dip, immerse, to set (the sun, the moon)
/b r b r/(ب.ر.ب.ر)بَربَريبَربِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to chatter, talk aimlessly
/3 r dh./(ع.ر.ض)عَرَضيِعرِضفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to dance, to submit, turn in, suggest, to offer
/b r y/(ب.ر.ي)بَرَّىيبَرِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to acquit, clear
/g l m/(ق.ل.م)تقَلَّميِتقَلَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be clipped, pared, pruned
/n s f/(ن.س.ف)نَسَفيِنسِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to blow up, blast s.th., to swoop down, dive down upon
/f r dh./(ف.ر.ض)فَرَضيِفرِضفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to suppose, assume, to impose
/g l l/(ق.ل.ل)قَلَّليقَلِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to reduce, decrease, lessen
/t dj r/(ت.ج.ر)تاجَريتاجِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to do business, deal
/7 dj dj/(ح.ج.ج)اِحتَجّيِحتَجّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to protest, object, to protest (about) s.th.
/f g r/(ف.ق.ر)اِفتَقَريِفتِقِراِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to become poor
/f r 7/(ف.ر.ح)فَرَّحيفَرِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make happy, delight
/m r n/(م.ر.ن)مَرَّنيمَرِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to drill, train s.o.
/w l 3/(و.ل.ع)وَلَّعيوَلِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to light up sth
/t l f n/(ت.ل.ف.ن)تَلفَنيتَلفِنفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to make a telephone call
/2 kh dh/(ء.خ.ذ)خَذياخِذفَعَلعَل-ياعِلI
to take s.o. or s.th., to take s.o. or s.th. along, to get, obtain, to accept, take, to take, require, to rank, to occupy, to engage in, take, to take up (a position, pose, etc.), to surprise, get the better of, to behead s.o, to take s.o. or s.th., to take s.o. or s.th. along, to get, obtain, to accept, take, to take, require, to rank, to occupy, to engage in, take, to take up (a position, pose, etc.), to surprise, get the better of, to behead s.o, to take sth
/2 s f/(ء.س.ف)تأَسَّفيِتأَسَّفتفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to feel sorry, regret
/y n n/(ي.ن.ن)تيَنَّنيِتيَنَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get crazy
/dh. l m/(ظ.ل.م)اِنظَلَميِنظِلِماِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be treated unjustly
/n f s/(ن.ف.س)تنَفَّسيِتنَفَّستفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to breathe, inhale and exhale
/kh l s./(خ.ل.ص)خَلَّصيخَلِّصفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to finish, complete, to be or become finished, used up, to use up, finish, to finish
/b h t/(ب.ه.ت)بَهَتيِبهَتفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to astonish, surprise, amaze s.o.
/th n y/(ث.ن.ي)ثَنَىيِثنِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to bend s.th.
/f t n/(ف.ت.ن)فَتَنيِفتِنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to tell on s.o.
/n sh b/(ن.ش.ب)نَشَبيِنشَبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to stick, cling, adhere (to)
/s. 7 b/(ص.ح.ب)صاحَبيصاحِبفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to be or become a friend with s.o., to associate with s.o.
/sh d h/(ش.د.ه)اِنشَدَهيِنشِدِهاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be surprised, astonished, to be distracted, preoccupied
/s l kh/(س.ل.خ)اِنسَلَخيِنسِلِخاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be skinned
/n f kh/(ن.ف.خ)اِنتَفَخيِنتِفِخاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to swell, inflate, to blow on
/kh f r/(خ.ف.ر)خَفَّريخَفِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to prevent a young girl from going out without a veil
/b k r/(ب.ك.ر)اِبتَكَريِبتِكِراِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to invent
/n t dj/(ن.ت.ج)اِستَنتَجيِستَنتِجاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to conclude, deduce, infer
/l 3 n/(ل.ع.ن)لَعَنيِلعَنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to damn, curse s.o. or s.th.
/2 kh r/(ء.خ.ر)تأَخَّريِتأَخَّرتفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to be/get late, to come late to s.o., to fall behind, to make fun
/r w 7/(ر.و.ح)رَوَّحيرَوِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to go home (usually in the evening), to cause or allow s.th. to go away, to leave
/sh r r/(ش.ر.ر)شَرّيشُرّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to hang (on a line), to scatter
/m w t. n/(م.و.ط.ن)تمَوطَنيِتمَوطَنتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
To act like a national citizen.
/7 l 7 l/(ح.ل.ح.ل)تحَلحَليِتحَلحَلتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to be tilted, moved, to wiggle, shake
/3 d d/(ع.د.د)اِستَعَدّيِستَعِدّاِستَفعَلاِستَفَعّ-يِستَفِعّX
to prepare oneself, get ready
/f n n/(ف.ن.ن)تفَنَّنيِتفَنَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be versatile, to be inventive
/m d y/(م.د.ي)أَمدَىيِمدِياَفعَلأَفعَى-يِفعِيIV
to be able to do s.th.
/k f r/(ك.ف.ر)كَفَّريكَفِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to curse, to blapheme, to infuriate, madden, to atone, make amends, do penance
/z y d/(ز.ي.د)زاديزِيدفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to increase, become greater, become more, to augment, add to, increase, to be left over, to be more than, exceed, to add or to increase
/b kh kh/(ب.خ.خ)بَخّيبُخّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to sprinkle, spray
/3 f w/(ع.ف.و)عافَىيعافِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
(said of God) to restore to good health, heal, cure
/r 3 d/(ر.ع.د)رَعَديِرعِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to thunder
/th r m/(ث.ر.م)اِنثَرَميِنثِرِماِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be chopped up, cut up
/sh kh t./(ش.خ.ط)شَخَطيِشخَطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to strike (a match), to cross out, strike out, to make a mark, scratch, to strike sth out
/l w m/(ل.و.م)لَوَّميلَوِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to put the blame
/z m l/(ز.م.ل)زامَليزامِلفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to be a friend or colleague of s.o., maintain a friendship with s.o.
/3 m r/(ع.م.ر)اِستَعمَريِستَعمِراِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to colonize
/s r 7/(س.ر.ح)سَرَّحيسَرِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to discharge, dismiss, release s.o. from a job, lay off, to comb, do up (the hair)
/r g s./(ر.ق.ص)ترَقَّصيِترَقَّصتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to prance, swagger
/sh n n/(ش.ن.ن)شَنّيشِنّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to launch an attack, make an attack
/h d d/(ه.د.د)اِنهَدّيِنهَدّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be open, let loose
/sh g l b/(ش.ق.ل.ب)تشَقلَبيِتشَقلَبتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to be turned upside down, to fall head over heels, tumble
/sh 7 m/(ش.ح.م)شَحَّميشَحِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to lubricate, grease
/kh f f/(خ.ف.ف)خَفّيخِفّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to become lighter, decrease in weight, lose weight, to decrease, to get easier, lighter, to be thin or sparse, to thin, to hurry, speed up, hasten
/3 w d/(ع.و.د)عاديعِيدفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to repeat, to return, send back, give back
/2 dh y/(ء.ذ.ي)أَذَّىيأَذِّيفَعَّلأَعَّى-يأَعِّيII
to hurt, harm, to annoy, to molest
/b r k/(ب.ر.ك)بارَكيبارِكفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to bless, invoke a blessing on s.o., to offer congratulations, to bless, invoke a blessing on s.o., to offer congratulations, to congratulate or to give blessings
/k l m/(ك.ل.م)كَلَّميكَلِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to talk to, speak to, speak with, to speak to
/d b r/(د.ب.ر)دَبَّريدَبِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to manage, handle, arrange, to contrive, devise, work at
/n t. t./(ن.ط.ط)نَطَّطينَطِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to jump
/b k r/(ب.ك.ر)بَكَّريبَكِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to be early, get up early, rise early, to come early, to go out early, set out early
/t. b b/(ط.ب.ب)طَبّيطُبّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to enter, go in, to reach, to hit the ground
/d h m/(د.ه.م)دَهَّميدَهِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make insane, to madden
/l m m/(ل.م.م)لَمّيلِمّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to gather, collect, gather together, to collect sth
/7 d th/(ح.د.ث)تحَدَّثيِتحَدَّثتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to speak, talk
/g l y/(ق.ل.ي)قَلَّىيقَلِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to fry
/w q f/(و.ق.ف)واقَفيواقِففَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to stop
/dh. r b/(ض.ر.ب)ضَرَبيِضرِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to hit, to strike, hit, beat, to fire, go off, to multiply, to make with, have sexual intercourse with
/f w z/(ف.و.ز)فازيفُوزفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to win, be victorious, to beat s.o., defeat s.o.
/n f 3/(ن.ف.ع)اِنتَفَعيِنتِفِعاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to benefit, profit, gain
/d. r b/(ض.ر.ب)اِنضَرَبيِنضِرِباِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to get beaten, to be hit, struck
/s. r 3/(ص.ر.ع)اِنصَرَعيِنصِرِعاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be epileptic, knock out, strike down
/sh g g/(ش.ق.ق)تشَقَّقيِتشَقَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be torn up or torn to pieces
/gh r b/(غ.ر.ب)غَرَّبيغَرِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to go to a foreign country, to head West
/w l d/(و.ل.د)وَلَديِولِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to give birth to a child, bear a child
/q r 2/(ق.ر.ء)قَرايِقرِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to read, to recite, chant, to study
/b y dh./(ب.ي.ض)بَيَّضيبَيِّضفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make white, whitewash, to tinplate, to make someone or sth white
/f r 3/(ف.ر.ع)تفَرَّعيِتفَرَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to branch, branch out, spread in all directions
/r 7 m/(ر.ح.م)ترَحَّميِترَحَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be merciful, be kind, show mercy to s.o.
/b y t/(ب.ي.ت)بَيَّتيبَيِّتفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to put up s.o. for the night, to keep s.th. overnight
/t. l 3/(ط.ل.ع)طَلَّعيطَلِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to bring out, show, expose, to obtain, get, acquire, to dismiss, expel, throw out
/m t n/(م.ت.ن)اِمتَنّيِمتَنّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to become fat
/z y gh/(ز.ي.غ)زاغيزِيغفَاعَلفال-يفِيلIII
to cause to swerve, deviate, to deceive, mislead
/b r w z/(ب.ر.و.ز)بَروَزيبَروِزفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to frame a picture
/7 g g/(ح.ق.ق)تحَقَّقيِتحَقَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be realized, be effected, to make sure, reassure oneself, be sure, to turn out to be true, be confirmed
/t. r w/(ط.ر.و)طِرِييِطرَىفَعَلفِعِي-يِفعَىI
to be or become fresh, moist, tender
/3 m d/(ع.م.د)تعَمَّديِتعَمَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to do s.th. intentionally, to intend
/3 d w/(ع.د.و)تعَدَّىيِتعَدَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to insult, be insulting to s.o., to exceed
/dh. y g/(ض.ي.ق)تضايَقيِتضايَقتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to be or become irritated, annoyed, to get upset
/g s. r/(ق.ص.ر)قَصَريِقصَرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be or become short, shorter
/y n n/(ي.ن.ن)يَنَّنييَنِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to drive one crazy
/d n g/(د.ن.ق)دَنَّقيدَنِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to bend, bow
/h l l/(ه.ل.ل)هَلَّليهَلِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to chant, to rejoice, shout with joy
/h z m/(ه.ز.م)هَزَميِهزِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to defeat, vanquish
/7 w sh/(ح.و.ش)حَوَّشيحَوِّشفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to amass, accumulate, gather, to save, put by (money)
/q w y/(ق.و.ي)اِستَقوَىيِستَقوِياِستَفعَلاِستَفعَى-يِستَفعِيX
to pretend to be strong
/kh d m/(خ.د.م)اِستَخدَميِستَخدِماِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to employ, hire, to use, make use of
/kh l g/(خ.ل.ق)خَلَقيِخلِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to create
/f d y/(ف.د.ي)فَدَىيِفدِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to sacrifice for or to
/b dh l/(ب.ذ.ل)بَذَليِبذِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to expend, exert, to sacrifice
/3 r g/(ع.ر.ق)عَرَقيِعرَقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to sweat, perspire, to work hard to get s.th.
/3 k s/(ع.ك.س)عَكَسيِعكِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to switch and/or mix things up, to reflect, to reverse, invert
/sh r b tsh/(ش.ر.ب.ك)شَربَكيشَربِكفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to entangle, snarl, to complicate
/2 m r/(ء.م.ر)أَمَريامِرفَعَّلأَعَل-ياعِلII
to order, command s.o.
/r w y/(ر.و.ي)اِرتَوَىيِرتِوِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to be watered, irrigated, to quench one's thirst
/s. d g/(ص.د.ق)صَدَقيِصدِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be truthful, tell the truth
/s. n 3/(ص.ن.ع)صَنَّعيصَنِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to industrialize
/f dh. l/(ف.ض.ل)فَضَّليفَضِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to prefer
/s m y/(س.م.ي)تسَمَّىيِتسَمَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to be named, called
/sh d y/(ش.د.ي)شادَىيشادِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to resemble, look like s.o. or s.th.
/s dj n/(س.ج.ن)سَجَنيِسجِنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to jail, imprison s.o.
/s l 7/(س.ل.ح)سَلَّحيسَلِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to arm, provide with weapons, to reinforce, strengthen
/b t. n/(ب.ط.ن)بَطَّنيبَطِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to line (a garment) with s.th.
/k w n/(ك.و.ن)تكَوَّنيِتكَوَّنفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلII
to be established
/7 r k/(ح.ر.ك)تحَرَّكيِتحَرَّكتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to move, stir, budge, to get moving, start moving, to leave, depart, to be agitated, be excited, to move
/m y l/(م.ي.ل)اِستَماليِستِمِيلاِستَفعَلاِستَفال-يِستِفِيلX
to win over, bring to one's side, gain favor with s.o.
/z w l/(ز.و.ل)زاليزُولفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to go away, leave, to be removed
/r sh d/(ر.ش.د)رَشَديِرشِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to lead, guide, show the right way
/sh r b/(ش.ر.ب)شَرَبيِشرَبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to drink, to drink
/dj n y/(ج.ن.ي)جَنَىيِجنِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to wrong or cause harm to s.o.
/b g y/(ب.ق.ي)بَقَّىيبَقِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to make or cause s.o. to stay, remain
/3 y n/(ع.ي.ن)عَيَّنيعَيِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to appoint, assign, to specify, designate, to appoint
/s. kh m/(ص.خ.م)صَخَّميصَخِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to blacken, besmudge
/t l f/(ت.ل.ف)تَلَفيِتلَففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be or become abandoned or deserted
/sh n g/(ش.ن.ق)شَنَقيِشنِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to hang s.o. (on a gibbet)
/t. w 3/(ط.و.ع)اِستَطاعيِستِطِيعاِستَفعَلاِستَفال-يِستِفِيلX
to be able, capable of
/n 7 w/(ن.ح.و)تنَحَّىيِتنَحَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to move or go far away
/kh n s/(خ.ن.س)خَنَسيِخنِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to shrink back, cower, withdraw
/h d m/(ه.د.م)تهَدَّميِتهَدَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be dressed nicely
/dj r d/(ج.ر.د)اِنجَرَديِنجِرِداِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be inventoried, be taken stock of
/b l y/(ب.ل.ي)اِنبَلَىيِنبِلِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to afflict, torment s.o. with s.th., to get stuck by s.th., to get into trouble
/w y q/(و.ي.ق)وايَقيوايِقفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to gaze at or stare at sth and/or someone
/dh b 7/(ذ.ب.ح)ذَبَحيِذبَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to slaughter, butcher, to cut someone's throat, kill s.o., to massacre
/d w m/(د.و.م)داوَميداوِمفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to go to work, report for duty, to continue, carry on, to go to work
/y r r/(ج.ر.ر)اِجتَرّيِجتَرّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to ruminate
/d n d l/(د.ن.د.ل)دَندَليدَندِلفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to lower, let down, dangle
/3 r y/(ع.ر.ي)عَرَّىيعَرِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to strip off, disrobe
/3 d w/(ع.د.و)عَدَىيِعدِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to infect
/f d y/(ف.د.ي)تفادَىيِتفادَىتفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىVI
to avoid
/s w d/(س.و.د)اِسوَدّيِسوَدّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to be or become black or dark, to turn black or dark, to become black
/f t l/(ف.ت.ل)فَتَليِفتِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to braid, plait, to twist together
/l m l m/(ل.م.ل.م)لَملَميلَملِمفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to gather up, gather s.th.
/m s. s./(م.ص.ص)اِمتَصّيِمتَصّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to absorb, suck up
/s sh w r/(س.ش.و.ر)سَشوَريسَشوِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ1
to blow dry someone or sth's hair
/l f l f/(ل.ف.ل.ف)تلَفلَفيِتلَفلَفتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to wrap oneself up, cover onself
/r k b/(ر.ك.ب)رَكَّبيرَكِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to mount on, put of fix, sit on a horse, to give a ride to, cause to ride, to put aboard, put on, to install, set, place, mount, to assemble, put together, fit together, to prepare and put together a meal, to put something together
/sh b h/(ش.ب.ه)شابَهيشابِهفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to look familiar
/n sh sh/(ن.ش.ش)نَشّينِشّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to get up, to leave, to stand up, to wake up
/m sh k l/(م.ش.ك.ل)تمَشكَليِتمَشكَلتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to get into trouble
/n g s./(ن.ق.ص)اِستَنقَصيِستَنقِصاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to consider s.th. insufficient, deficient
/kh t. w/(خ.ط.و)تخَطَّىيِتخَطَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to overstep, transgress
/sh h g/(ش.ه.ق)شَهَقيِشهَقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to sigh deeply, to burst into tears, weep loudly, to sobb or inhaling air through one's throat
/s l k/(س.ل.ك)سَلَّكيسَلِّكفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to behave oneself, be on good terms, get along with, to unclog sewers or drains
/7 l f/(ح.ل.ف)حَلَفيِحلِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to swear (eg. to swear to God), to take an oath, swear, vow
/k s f/(ك.س.ف)اِنكَسَفيِنكِسِفاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be humiliated, to be eclipsed
/sh r d/(ش.ر.د)شَرَّديشَرِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to run away, flee
/b g y/(ب.ق.ي)اِستَبقَىيِستَبقِياِستَفعَلاِستَفعَى-يِستَفعِيX
to keep for oneself
/m w n/(م.و.ن)تمَوَّنيِتمَوَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be supplied, stocked
/r 3 f/(ر.ع.ف)رَعَفيِرعِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to have a nosebleed
/w n n/(و.ن.ن)وَنّيوِنّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to moan, groan
/kh z n/(خ.ز.ن)خَزَّنيخَزِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to accumulate, store up
/n b h/(ن.ب.ه)نَبَّهينَبِّهفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to remind, to warn, caution
/kh w y/(خ.و.ي)خاوَىيخاوِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to become friends with someone
/3 m m/(ع.م.م)عَمَّميعَمِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make generally known (and applicable)
/z r t./(ز.ر.ط)اِنزَرَطيِنزِرِطاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be swallowed, gulped down
/n 3 sh/(ن.ع.ش)اِنتَعَشيِنتِعِشاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be refreshed, invigorated
/7 y z/(ح.ي.ز)اِنحازيِنحازاِفتَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVIII
to take sides, to be partial, be biased
/b l gh/(ب.ل.غ)بَلَغيِبلَغفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to reach, get to, to reach puberty
/b kh l/(ب.خ.ل)بَخَليِبخَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be stingy, miserly (toward s.o. or s.th.)
/f r r/(ف.ر.ر)اِفتَرّيِفتَرّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to wander around, go around, to spin
/l 7 g/(ل.ح.ق)اِلتَحَقيِلتِحِقاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to join, enroll in, become a member of
/m r dh./(م.ر.ض)مَرَّضيمَرِّضفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make sick
/n s. s./(ن.ص.ص)نَصّينُصّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to call for, stipulate, specify
/f n sh/(ف.ن.ش)فَنَّشيفَنِّشفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to resign, to fire, discharge s.o. (from work)
/k 7 l/(ك.ح.ل)تكَحَّليِتكَحَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to beautify the eyes with kohl
/b r z/(ب.ر.ز)بَرَزيِبرِزفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be ready, to be finished
/7 w l/(ح.و.ل)حاليحِيلفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to transfer, refer to s.o.
/kh r dj/(خ.ر.ج)أَخرَجيِخرِجاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to throw out, eject, expel, to direct the production of a film
/kh l f/(خ.ل.ف)خالَفيخالِففَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to issue a traffic violation to s.o., to break, violate, disobey, to contradict, to be different, differ from, be inconsistent, incompatible with, to matter, make a difference
/dh. r b/(ض.ر.ب)أَضرَبيِضرِباَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to go on strike, refuse to work
/n sh b/(ن.ش.ب)ناشَبيناشِبفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to cause problems, trouble to s.o.
/7 l f/(ح.ل.ف)حَلَّفيحَلِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to put s.o. under oath, swear in
/l g f/(ل.ق.ف)اِنلَقَفيِنلِقِفاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to catch, sieze, grab
/t 3 b/(ت.ع.ب)تَعَّبيتَعِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. tired, to bother, trouble
/f t 7/(ف.ت.ح)فاتَحيفاتِحفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to approach, speak to
/r k z/(ر.ك.ز)اِرتَكَزيِرتِكِزاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to lean, support one's own weight on s.th, to rest, be based on
/7 w l/(ح.و.ل)حاوَليحاوِلفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to try, attempt to do s.th., make an attempt
/f r dj/(ف.ر.ج)فَرَّجيفَرِّجفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to relieve, cause to come to a happy ending
/b sh r/(ب.ش.ر)بَشَّريبَشِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to bring, announce good news to s.o., to spread, propagate (a religion, docrine), to deliver good news
/f kh r/(ف.خ.ر)تفاخَريِتفاخَرتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to boast about
/d g d g/(د.ق.د.ق)دَقدَقيدَقدِقفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to knock, rap, bang (on, e.g., the door)
/t. r d/(ط.ر.د)طَرَديِطرِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to dismiss, expel, drive away
/m y l/(م.ي.ل)ماليمِيلفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to be more in favor of, incline, tend, have a liking to, to tend, incline, have a tendency
/3 y n/(ع.ي.ن)تعَيَّنيِتعَيَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be appointed, assigned, to be set, fixed, designated, to be hired
/kh y m/(خ.ي.م)خَيَّميخَيِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to pitch a tent, set up camp, to settle (said of the night)
/gh y r/(غ.ي.ر)تغَيَّريِتغَيَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be changed, to be replaced, to change oneself
/7 s. d/(ح.ص.د)اِنحَصَديِنحِصِداِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be harvested
/r s. d/(ر.ص.د)ترَصَّديِترَصَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to keep an eye on, watch, observe, lie in wait
/7 s. w/(ح.ص.و)حَصايِحصِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to count, enumerate
/3 b r/(ع.ب.ر)اِعتَبَريِعتِبِراِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to learn a lesson, take warning, to consider, regard as, to respect, show consideration or regard
/t f l/(ت.ف.ل)تَفَليِتفِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to spit
/l th m/(ل.ث.م)تلَثَّميِتلَثَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to cover one's face, to cover oneself's face with a scarf
/7 s b/(ح.س.ب)حَسَبيِحسِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to compute, calculate, count, to consider, deem, think, to take s.o. or s.th. into account or into consideration, attach importance to s.o. or s.th., to price
/b 7 th/(ب.ح.ث)تباحَثيِتباحَثتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to confer, discuss together
/k f l/(ك.ف.ل)كَفَليِكفَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be responsible, liable, answerable for s.o., post bail for s.o., vouch for s.o.
/n s b/(ن.س.ب)تناسَبيِتناسَبتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to be in harmony, agreement, in accordance
/f l s/(ف.ل.س)فَلَّسيفَلِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to be or become bankrupt, go broke
/d w s/(د.و.س)اِنداسيِنداساِنفَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVII
to be stepped on
/f s. l/(ف.ص.ل)فَصَليِفصِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to separate
/f w g/(ف.و.ق)فاقيفُوقفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to be superior to s.o., to beat s.o. (in sports, studies, etc.)
/t r s/(ت.ر.س)اِنتَرَسيِنتِرِساِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be filled with s.th.
/y b b/(ي.ب.ب)يَبَّبييَبِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to utter long drawn and trilling sounds by Arab women as a manifestation of joy
/q t. b/(ق.ط.ب)قَطَّبيقَطِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to insult
/n sh r/(ن.ش.ر)اِنتَشَريِنتِشِراِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to extend or spread
/z r g/(ز.ر.ق)اِزرَقّيِزرَقّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to turn blue, become blue, to become blue
/7 s. d/(ح.ص.د)حَصَديِحصِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to reap, harvest
/r 3 y/(ر.ع.ي)رَعَىيِرعَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to grace, eat herbs and grass, to take care of, tend, guard, to protect, guard, take care of
/g y s/(ق.ي.س)قايَسيقايِسفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to compare, to measure
/s. r t./(ص.ر.ط)صَرَطيِصرِطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to swallow, gulp down without chewing
/n h sh/(ن.ه.ش)نَهَشيِنهَشفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to bite and/or snap
/7 y r/(ح.ي.ر)اِحتاريِحتاراِفتَعَلاِفتال-يِفتالVIII
to be or become confused, perplexed, puzzled, bewildered
/dj s s/(ج.س.س)جَسّيجِسّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to feel, examine by touching, to try to find out, try to get information
/2 th r/(ء.ث.ر)تأَثَّريِتأَثَّرتفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to be influenced, affected by
/l b d/(ل.ب.د)تلَبَّديِتلَبَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get thick
/7 dh. r/(ح.ض.ر)حاضَريحاضِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to lecture, give a course of lectures
/3 r m t./(ع.ر.م.ط)عَرمَطيعَرمِطفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to have a ravenous appetite, to eat ravenously
/w g f/(و.ق.ف)وَقَّفيوَقِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to stop, bring s.o. to s.th. to a stand still, to park (a car), to cause to stand, to place in an upright position, to suspend, prevent s.o. from, to position, station, place, to stop someone or sth
/r dj 3/(ر.ج.ع)رَجَعيِرجَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to return, come back, come again, to recur, come back, return, to resume, begin again, to go back, revert to, become again, to depend on, rely on, to go back, be traceable, to withdraw from, revoke, go back on
/kh n n/(خ.ن.ن)تخَنَّنيِتخَنَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to perfume oneself
/gh l b/(غ.ل.ب)غَلَبيِغلِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to beat, be victorious over s.o., to get the best of, get the better of s.o.
/w l m/(و.ل.م)وَلَّميوَلِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. or s.th. ready
/n k b/(ن.ك.ب)اِنتَكَبيِنتِكِباِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be written
/d m r/(د.م.ر)تدَمَّريِتدَمَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be annihilated, destroyed, ruined, demolished
/dj m 3/(ج.م.ع)تجَمَّعيِتجَمَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to assemble, congregate together, to collect and/or gather
/n 7 w/(ن.ح.و)تنَيحَىيِتنَيحَىتفَاعَلتفَيعَى-يِتفَيعَىVI
to speak literary Arabic, to philosophize
/kh b s./(خ.ب.ص)خَبَّصيخَبِّصفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to mess things
/dh. b t./(ض.ب.ط)ضَبَطيِضبِطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to control, maintain control over, to keep records of, to set, regulate, adjust
/sh g g/(ش.ق.ق)شَقّيشِقّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to rip, tear s.th., to cut through, construct, build (a road or a street)
/sh r t./(ش.ر.ط)شَرَّطيشَرِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to stipulate;provide as a condition - state as a condition
/kh f g/(خ.ف.ق)خَفَقيِخفِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to palpitate, throb, beat, to beat, whip (eggs, cream, etc.)
/t. f y/(ط.ف.ي)تطَفَّىيِتطَفَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to be turned off
/n f dh/(ن.ف.ذ)نَفَّذينَفِّذفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to do, perform, discharge, to carry out, execute (a sentence)
/b t. r/(ب.ط.ر)تبَطَّريِتبَطَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to become vain
/l 7 s/(ل.ح.س)لَحَسيِلحَسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to lick
/t. y b/(ط.ي.ب)تطَيَّبيِتطَيَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to perfume, scent oneself
/k f l/(ك.ف.ل)تكَفَّليِتكَفَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be sponsor, be guarantor for, to cosign for, to be responsible, answerable for
/g l y/(ق.ل.ي)قَلَىيِقلِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to fry
/h d d/(ه.د.د)هَدّيهِدّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to throw away, discard s.th., to leave, quit s.th., to release, set free, turn loose
/dj f l/(ج.ف.ل)جَفَليِجفِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to start, jump with fright, to shy
/s w m/(س.و.م)ساوَميساوِمفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to haggle, bargain with s.o.
/3 r f/(ع.ر.ف)عَرَّفيعَرِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to introduce
/g f l/(ق.ف.ل)اِنقَفَليِنقِفِلاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be locked, locked up
/k y f/(ك.ي.ف)كَيَّفيكَيِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to condition, adjust, to adapt, adjust, to embarras or blame
/th l th/(ث.ل.ث)ثَلَّثيثَلِّثفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to triple s.th., make s.th. threefold
/n q d/(ن.ق.د)تنَقَّديِتنَقَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to criticize
/7 z w/(ح.ز.و)حازَىيحازِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to tell a fairy tale, tell stories, to ask s.o. a riddle, quiz s.o.
/z b n/(ز.ب.ن)زَبَنيِزبِنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to seek protection, seek refuge (with s.o. from s.th.), appeal to s.o. for aid
/kh s. s./(خ.ص.ص)اِختَصّيِختَصّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to specialize, become a specialist
/h r b/(ه.ر.ب)تهَرَّبيِتهَرَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to dodge, evade,
/h n y/(ه.ن.ي)هَنَّىيهَنِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to congratulate, express good wishes to, to make happy, delight
/7 s d/(ح.س.د)حَسَديِحسِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to envy, be envious
/th l dj/(ث.ل.ج)ثَلَّجيثَلِّجفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to refrigerate, freeze s.th., to get cold, freeze, to become frozen
/t. b b/(ط.ب.ب)اِنطَبّيِنطَبّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to shut up
/s y t. r/(س.ي.ط.ر)سَيطَريسَيطِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to control, dominate, command, to master, acquire a command of s.th.
/s l m/(س.ل.م)سَلَّميسَلِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to greet, salute s.o., to protect from harm, keep safe, to turn over, hand over, surrender, to deliver, hand over, give s.th. to s.o., to surrender, lay down one's arms
/n 7 r/(ن.ح.ر)اِنتَحَريِنتِحِراِنفَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVII
to commit suicide
/t. gh y/(ط.غ.ي)طَغَىيِطغَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to be or become tyrannical, cruel, despotic, to overshadow, dominate
/s m 3/(س.م.ع)تسَمَّعيِتسَمَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to eavesdrop, listen in on s.th.
/r y 7/(ر.ي.ح)اِرتاحيِرتاحاِفتَعَلاِفتال-يِفتالVIII
to be satisfied, content, happy, to rest, relax, to be relieved of s.o. or s.th., to be at ease, be relieved, to rest and/or get comfortable
/s. r r/(ص.ر.ر)صَرّيصِرّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to insist, be persistent, to resolve, make up one's mind
/7 d y/(ح.د.ي)تحَدَّىيِتحَدَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to challenge, to defy, oppose, resist
/s b 7/(س.ب.ح)سَبَّحيسَبِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to give a bath to s.o., to praise, glorify God (by saying "subHaan aLLaah" - praise the Lord!), to toy with a string of prayer (worry) beads, to shower and/or swim
/t. sh sh/(ط.ش.ش)طَشّيطِشّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to vanish, disappear, to spill (water, etc.), to scatter, strew around, to make an effort, endeavor, attempt (to do s.th.), to sprinkle, drizzle
/kh r b t./(خ.ر.ب.ط)خَربَطيخَربِطفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to mix up, confuse, throw into disorder, to get mixed up, malfunction
/s m 7/(س.م.ح)تسامَحيِتسامَحتفَعَّلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلV
to forgive or pardon each other, practice mutual tolerance
/s. n 3/(ص.ن.ع)صَنَعيِصنَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to manufacture, make, produce
/7 f dh./(ح.ف.ظ)حَفَّظيحَفِّظفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to memorize
/n dh. m/(ن.ظ.م)تنَظَّميِتنَظَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get organised
/3 dj b/(ع.ج.ب)عَجَبيِعجِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to please, delight
/gh r g/(غ.ر.ق)غَرَقيِغرَقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be drowned, to go under, to sink, to be flooded, immersed, submerged
/sh r k/(ش.ر.ك)أَشرَكيِشرِكاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to be a polytheist, hold others equal with God, to include, make a partner or participant
/n dj 7/(ن.ج.ح)نَجَّحينَجِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to pass s.o., let s.o. succeed
/gh m s/(غ.م.س)غَمَسيِغمَسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to dip
/2 dh n/(ء.ذ.ن)أَذَّنيأَذِّنفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to call to prayer, to call for prayer, to call to prayer
/gh b sh/(غ.ب.ش)غَبَّشيغَبِّشفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to go very early in the morning
/n 3 s/(ن.ع.س)نَعَّسينَعِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to be sleepy, drowsy
/n dh. m/(ن.ظ.م)اِنتَظَميِنتِظِماِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be or become well organized, well arranged
/n kh r/(ن.خ.ر)نَخَريِنخِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to gnaw on s.th., eat away at s.th.
/7 b s/(ح.ب.س)اِنحَبَسيِنحِبِساِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be imprisoned
/n h y/(ن.ه.ي)اِنتَهَىيِنتِهِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to come to an end, to be or become finished with, be through with s.th.
/3 r f/(ع.ر.ف)اِنعَرَفيِنعِرِفاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be known
/gh n y/(غ.ن.ي)اِستَغنَىيِستَغنِياِستَفعَلاِستَفعَى-يِستَفعِيX
to become rich, to do without, to have no need for, be in no need of
/7 f r/(ح.ف.ر)حَفَّريحَفِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to dig up, tear up
/d f 3/(د.ف.ع)دافَعيدافِعفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to offer resistance, oppose, to defend
/r s. s./(ر.ص.ص)اِرتَصّيِرتَصّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to be pressed or packed together
/m r y 7/(م.ر.ج.ح)مَرجَحيمَرجِحفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to rock, swing s.o., to rock, swing s.o.
/s 7 g/(س.ح.ق)سَحَقيِسحِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to crush, mash, to run over, trample, run down, to annihilate, destroy, wipe out
/t b b/(ت.ب.ب)تَبّيتِبّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to pearl dive
/m s. s./(م.ص.ص)اِنمَصّيِنمَصّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be sucked
/s h l/(س.ه.ل)سَهَليِسهَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be or become easy, convenient, to be or become easy for s.o.
/th g f/(ث.ق.ف)تثَقَّفيِتثَقَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to become educated
/d n d l/(د.ن.د.ل)تدَندَليِتدَندَلتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to hange down, hang, dangle
/3 d y/(ع.د.ي)عَدَّىيعَدِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to overlook and issue, to be permissive
/n s b/(ن.س.ب)ناسَبيناسِبفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to become related to s.o. by marriage, to suit s.o., be comfortable for s.o., to be commensurate, compatible, in keeping with
/w k l/(و.ك.ل)اِتَّكَليِتِّكِلاِفتَعَلاِتَّعَل-يِتِّعِلVIII
to count on, depend on, lean on, rely on, trust (in)
/s m 3/(س.م.ع)سَمَعيِسمَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to hear, to listen, pay attention, take heed, to hear
/7 sh m/(ح.ش.م)تحَشَّميِتحَشَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be treated politely or hospitably
/s h l/(س.ه.ل)اِستَسهَليِستَسهَلاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to find or consider s.th. easy, deem s.th. easy
/g sh t./(ق.ش.ط)تقَشَّطيِتقَشَّطتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to rasp ; raze ; rub off ; scrape off ; scratch off
/l 7 g/(ل.ح.ق)لَحَقيِلحَقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to catch up with s.o., to follow, trail after, to chase, pursue
/7 t t/(ح.ت.ت)حَتّيحِتّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to rub off, scrape off s.th. (e.g., dirt, hair, etc.), to fall out (hair), fall down
/gh s l/(غ.س.ل)اِغتَسَليِغتِسِلاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to perform major ritual ablution (i.e. to wash the whole body, esp. after intercourse)
/dj w b/(ج.و.ب)اِستَجوَبيِستَجوِباِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to interrogate, question s.o.
/m dh. y/(م.ض.ي)مَضَّىيمَضِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to spend, pass (time), to make, cause s.o. to sign
/d w y/(د.و.ي)داوَىيداوِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to treat (a wound, an ailment, etc.)
/s. w r/(ص.و.ر)صَوَّريصَوِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to depict, portray, represent, to take a photograph
/n g 3/(ن.ق.ع)نَقَّعينَقِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to explode, exaggerate, to exaggerate
/s n n/(س.ن.ن)سَنَّنيسَنِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to pray the prayer of sunna,which is optional before and/or after the prayer offarD,which is obligatory, to grow teeth, teethe
/s 7 t/(س.ح.ت)سَحَّتيسَحِّتفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to sharpen a knife, pencil, etc.
/n b sh/(ن.ب.ش)نَبَّشينَبِّشفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to keep digging up, keep unearthing, to dig up, unearth, to bring out into the open, reveal, to look through someone's belongings and/or personal life
/7 s n/(ح.س.ن)حَسَّنيحَسِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to have a haircut, to shave
/7 f dh./(ح.ف.ظ)حَفَظيِحفَظفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to preserve, to protect, guard, watch over, to keep, put away, save, store, to memorize, commit to memory, know by heart
/b th th/(ب.ث.ث)بَثّيبِثّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to broadcast, transmit
/b l gh/(ب.ل.غ)بالَغيبالِغفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to exaggerate
/s. f f/(ص.ف.ف)اِنصَفّيِنصَفّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be parked
/y b s/(ي.ب.س)يَبَسيِيبِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be or become dry, to dry off
/n w m/(ن.و.م)نامينامفَعَلفال-يفالI
to fall asleep, to sleep
/kh r r/(خ.ر.ر)خَرّيخُرّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to drip, leak
/3 m l/(ع.م.ل)اِستَعمَليِستَعمِلاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to use, utilize
/h dh. m/(ه.ض.م)اِنهَضَميِنهِضِماِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be digested
/7 t. t./(ح.ط.ط)حَطّيحِطّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to put sth
/h y n/(ه.ي.ن)هانيهِينفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to humiliate, treat s.o. with contempt or disdain
/r b 7/(ر.ب.ح)رَبَحيِربَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to gain, profit, to win, to win
/f k k/(ف.ك.ك)اِفتَكّيِفتَكّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to get rid of s.o. or s.th., to get rid of someone and/or sth
/3 d l/(ع.د.ل)عَدَّليعَدِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to straighten, make straight, to put in order, straighten out, to amend, improve, change, to fix
/y d d/(ج.د.د)جَدَّديجَدِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to renew, to renovate, remodel, modernize, to renew
/r f 3/(ر.ف.ع)اِرتَفَعيِرتِفِعاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to become higher, go up, rise
/n h y/(ن.ه.ي)أَنهَىيِنهِياَفعَلأَفعَى-يِفعِيIV
to finish, terminate
/3 l y/(ع.ل.ي)عِلِييِعلَىفَعَلفِعِي-يِفعَىI
to rise, ascend
/s 3 y/(س.ع.ي)سَعَىيِسعَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to work, endeavor, try
/s l m/(س.ل.م)اِستَسلَميِستَسلَماِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to submit, yield, give in
/s w 2/(س.و.ء)ساءيسِيءفَعَلفاء-يفِيءI
to act meanly, do harm (to s.o.)
/3 r f/(ع.ر.ف)اِعتَرَفيِعتِرِفاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to confess to, admit, to recognize, grant recognition to
/g w l/(ق.و.ل)اِنقاليِنقالاِنفَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVII
to be said
/b t. b t./(ب.ط.ب.ط)بَطبَطيبَطبِطفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to fall down (to the ground) gradually
/th r th r/(ث.ر.ث.ر)ثَرثَريثَرثِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to chatter
/z 3 l/(ز.ع.ل)زَعَّليزَعِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to annoy, anger, make s.o. mad, to make someone upset
/h z m/(ه.ز.م)اِنهَزَميِنهِزِماِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be vanquished, defeated, to run away, flee
/kh dh. dh./(خ.ض.ض)خَضّيخُضّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to shake
/3 w z/(ع.و.ز)عازيعُوزفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to be needed, to be lacking
/kh m d/(خ.م.د)اِنخَمَديِنخِمِداِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to sleep
/3 th th/(ع.ث.ث)اِنعَثّيِنعَثّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to become moth-eaten
/s kh r/(س.خ.ر)سَخَريِسخَرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to laugh at, mock, make fun of
/7 s. n/(ح.ص.ن)حَصَّنيحَصِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to fortify, entrench
/w 3 d/(و.ع.د)تواعَديِتواعَدتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to make an appointment
/w th g/(و.ث.ق)وَثَقيِوثَقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to trust, have confience in s.o.
/t w b/(ت.و.ب)تابيتُوبفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to repent, do penance, to renounce, turn away from, to forgive s.o. (a sin), to repent
/f h m/(ف.ه.م)تفَهَّميِتفَهَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to understand
/dj w d/(ج.و.د)جاديجُودفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to grant, give lavishly, to give s.th. to s.o. lavishly, to master s.th., be proficient in s.th.
/kh b r/(خ.ب.ر)خابَريخابِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to telephone, phone
/r sh r sh/(ر.ش.ر.ش)رَشرَشيرَشرِشفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to sprinkle, spray
/r s b/(ر.س.ب)رَسَبيِرسِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to fail, flunk
/3 t. w/(ع.ط.و)اِنعَطَىيِنعِطِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to be given, granted
/3 dj 3 dj/(ع.ج.ع.ج)عَجعَجيعَجعِجفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to stir up dust
/b t. l/(ب.ط.ل)تبَطَّليِتبَطَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be opened, can be opened
/m s k/(م.س.ك)مَسَكيِمسِكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to hold on to someone and/or sth, to catch, to hold, to keep (e.g., the accounts, the books)
/sh g l b/(ش.ق.ل.ب)شَقلَبيشَقلِبفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to turn things upside down, upset things, to send tumbling
/z y n/(ز.ي.ن)تزَيَّنيِتزَيَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be decorated, be adorned, be beautified, to shave, get a shave
/b y 7/(ب.ي.ح)باحيبِيحفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to make known, reveal
/k f 7/(ك.ف.ح)كافَحيكافِحفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to fight against, struggle against, combat
/m th l/(م.ث.ل)مَثَّليمَثِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to act, play (a role), to represent, to show, demonstrate, to act
/r s b/(ر.س.ب)رَسَّبيرَسِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to fail, give a failing grade
/7 m l/(ح.م.ل)حَمَليِحمِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to carry, bear, hold, support, to attack, launch or make an attack against s.o. or s.th., to accept, entertain, harbor, to become pregnant, to bear fruit
/s. l 7/(ص.ل.ح)صَلَّحيصَلِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to repair, mend, to prepare, to fix
/gh n y/(غ.ن.ي)اِغتَنَىيِغتِنِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to become rich
/k f y/(ك.ف.ي)كَفَىيِكفِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to be enough, to be sufficient, to be enough, to be sufficient
/tsh f n/(ك.ف.ن)كَفَّنيكَفِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to wrap s.o. in a shroud
/3 t t/(ع.ت.ت)عَتّيعِتّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to drag s.o. (by the hand)
/f r g/(ف.ر.ق)اِفتَرَقيِفتِرِقاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be or become separated
/f r m t/(ف.ر.م.ت)فَرمَتيفَرمِتفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to format
/dj r y/(ج.ر.ي)جَرَىيِجرِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to run, flow, to happen, occur
/f r z/(ف.ر.ز)فَرَزيِفرِزفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to stake boundaries (of a lot), to set apart
/sh d d/(ش.د.د)اِشتَدّيِشتَدّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to become hard, harsh, severe
/l g y/(ل.ق.ي)لِقِييِلقَىفَعَلفِعِي-يِفعَىI
to find s.o, s.th., to encounter, meet, run into
/t. w y/(ط.و.ي)طَوَىيِطوِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to fold, fold up, roll up, to fold
/n w r/(ن.و.ر)نَوَّرينَوِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to light up
/h m z/(ه.م.ز)هَمَّزيهَمِّزفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to massage
/t f kh/(ت.ف.خ)تَفَخيِتفِخفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to inflate, fill with air, to blow on, breathe on
/7 l b/(ح.ل.ب)حَلَبيِحلِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to milk
/w z 3/(و.ز.ع)وَزَّعيوَزِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to deliver, to distribute, deal out, pass out
/s. m m/(ص.م.م)صَمَّميصَمِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to design, plan, to make up one's mind, be determined
/s. d r/(ص.د.ر)صَدَّريصَدِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to export, to issue, put out, publish
/dj w z/(ج.و.ز)تجاوَزيِتجاوَزتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to go beyond, overstep, exceed
/dj l b/(ج.ل.ب)جَلَبيِجلِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to attract, draw s.th., to bring, cause
/s. f g/(ص.ف.ق)صَفَّقيصَفِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to clap, applaud, clap the hands, to clap one's hands
/z g l b/(ز.ق.ل.ب)زَقلَبيزَقلِبفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to turn upside down (esp. heavy items, such as rocks, barrels, etc), to hurl or push s.o. or s.th. downhill
/3 d w/(ع.د.و)اِعتَدَىيِعتِدِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to commit aggression against, attack
/gh r r/(غ.ر.ر)غَرّيغُرّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to deceive, mislead
/gh d y/(غ.د.ي)غَدَّىيغَدِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to give lunch to s.o., to treat s.o. to lunch, buy lunch for s.o.
/h dj dj/(ه.ج.ج)هَجَّجيهَجِّجفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to drive away, cause s.o. to flee
/s d 7/(س.د.ح)تسَدَّحيِتسَدَّحتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to lay down
/r b t./(ر.ب.ط)ترَبَّطيِترَبَّطتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be tied up, bound
/g w m/(ق.و.م)قاميقُومفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to get up, stand up, rise, to carry out, do, perform, to rise up against, revolt, rebel against, to break out, flare up, to begin, start to do s.th., to start, begin, to get up
/t. r g/(ط.ر.ق)تطَرَّقيِتطَرَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to touch (on a subject), go into s.th.
/3 z m/(ع.ز.م)عَزَّميعَزِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to decide to do s.th.
/7 s. r/(ح.ص.ر)تحَصَّريِتحَصَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to sigh over s.th., to grieve, be grieved (for s.th.)
/sh r b/(ش.ر.ب)تشَرَّبيِتشَرَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be soaked, saturated
/sh gh l/(ش.غ.ل)شَغَّليشَغِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to employ, provide employment, to make, let work, to put to work, put in operation, to switch sth on
/kh dh. 3/(خ.ض.ع)خَضَعيِخضَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to submit, yield, be under one's control
/g n 3/(ق.ن.ع)اِقتَنَعيِقتِنِعاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be or become convinced, persuaded
/s. kh m/(ص.خ.م)تصَخَّميِتصَخَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be blackened
/s. f n/(ص.ف.ن)صَفَنيِصفِنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to ponder, meditate, brood
/2 s r/(ء.س.ر)أَسَرياسِرفَعَلأَعَل-ياعِلI
to capture, take prisoner, to captivate, fascinate
/s 3 d/(س.ع.د)سَعَديِسعَدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be happy, be pleased, to please, make happy
/r 7 m/(ر.ح.م)رَحَميِرحَمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to have mercy upon s.o., have compassion for s.o.
/f k r/(ف.ك.ر)اِفتَكَريِفتِكِراِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to think, be of the opinion
/sh b h/(ش.ب.ه)تشَبَّهيِتشَبَّهتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to copy, imitate try to be like
/k s r/(ك.س.ر)تكَسَّريِتكَسَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to break, broken, damaged, to break
/n dh r/(ن.ذ.ر)أَنذَريِنذِراَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to warn, to give notice to s.o., notify s.o.
/w 3 dh./(و.ع.ظ)اِتَّعَظيِتِّعِظاِفتَعَلاِتَّعَل-يِتِّعِلVIII
to learn a lesson from, to take an example from
/y m 3/(ي.م.ع)اِنيَمَعيِنيِمِعاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to collect
/f dj 2/(ف.ج.ء)تفاجَأيِتفاجَأتفَاعَلتفاعَأ-يِتفاعَأVI
to get surprised
/b n y/(ب.ن.ي)بَنَىيِبنِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to build, to build, construct
/w 7 sh/(و.ح.ش)اِستَوحَشيِستَوحِشاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to feel lonely, to miss s.o.
/b y n/(ب.ي.ن)بَيَّنيبَيِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.th. clear, plain, to appear, become evident, to seem, appear to be
/t r k/(ت.ر.ك)تَرَّكيتَرِّكفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause s.o. to give up, abandon s.th.
/b t. t./(ب.ط.ط)اِنبَطّيِنبَطّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to get poked, to be, get popped
/z m r/(ز.م.ر)زَمَّريزَمِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to blow, play a wind instrument
/sh d d/(ش.د.د)شَدّيشِدّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to load up (animals) to go, to pull or drag s.o. or s.th., to tie up, tie together, to bring together, muster (e.g., up strength)
/h w n/(ه.و.ن)تهاوَنيِتهاوَنتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to be lax, careless, negligent
/7 r m/(ح.ر.م)اِنحَرَميِنحِرِماِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be deprived
/kh dj l/(خ.ج.ل)خَجَّليخَجِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to be embarrassed, put s.o. to shame
/kh n n/(خ.ن.ن)خَنَّنيخَنِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to perfume, scent s.o.
/g l l/(ق.ل.ل)قَلّيقِلّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to decrease, diminish, to be or become less, little, smaller, fewer
/m gh t./(م.غ.ط)تمَغَّطيِتمَغَّطتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to stretch
/gh dh. b/(غ.ض.ب)غَضَبيِغضَبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to become furious, angry, irritated
/3 sh r/(ع.ش.ر)عاشَريعاشِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to associate closely with s.o., be on intimate terms with s.o.
/m r r/(م.ر.ر)مَرَّريمَرِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to let pass
/r dh. 3/(ر.ض.ع)رَضَّعيرَضِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to breast-feed a baby
/7 s s/(ح.س.س)حَسّيحِسّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to feel, sense, to notice, to fell
/w kh dh/(و.خ.ذ)واخَذيواخِذفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to blame
/gh sh y/(غ.ش.ي)غَشَىيِغشَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to faint, lose consciousness
/3 h d/(ع.ه.د)تعَهَّديِتعَهَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to promise, to undertake, obligate oneself, pledge oneself, to guarantee, take on oneself
/l 7 g/(ل.ح.ق)لَحَّقيلَحِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to have time for, have a chance to, to be on time
/n dh. f/(ن.ظ.ف)نَظَّفينَظِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to clean, make clean, cleanse
/r k b/(ر.ك.ب)اِرتَكَبيِرتِكِباِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to commit, perpetrate (a sin, a crime)
/dh. 3 f/(ض.ع.ف)ضاعَفيضاعِففَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to double, redouble
/w l y/(و.ل.ي)وَلَّىيوَلِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to flee, escape, to get lost, to appoint as governor, ruler, etc.
/7 dj dj/(ح.ج.ج)حاجَجيحاجِجفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to argue with, reason with s.o.
/7 w l/(ح.و.ل)حَوَّليحَوِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to change, convert, exchange, to transfer, move, to remit, send, transmit (e.g., money by mail), to turn s.th. aside, move s.th. away from, to descend, dismount, get off, to transfer
/r kh s./(ر.خ.ص)رَخَّصيرَخِّصفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to give permission to s.o. to leave, to authorize, license, to make cheap, inexpensive, to license, have s.th. Licensed
/gh n m/(غ.ن.م)اِغتَنَميِغتِنِماِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to seize (the opportunity), take advantage of
/h y b/(ه.ي.ب)هابيهابفَعَلفال-يفالI
to be afraid of s.o. or s.th., to respect
/s g f/(س.ق.ف)سَقَّفيسَقِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to provide with a roof or ceiling
/th m r/(ث.م.ر)اِستَثمَريِستَثمِراِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to invest (e.g., money) profitably
/r k z/(ر.ك.ز)رَكَّزيرَكِّزفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to plant or ram in the ground, set up, to concentrate, to fix, implant
/dj d l/(ج.د.ل)تجادَليِتجادَلتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to argue with each other
/h dj m/(ه.ج.م)هَجَميِهجِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to attack, assault, to be destroyed, ruined
/n sh t./(ن.ش.ط)نَشَّطينَشِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to invigorate, energize
/7 sh w/(ح.ش.و)تحَشَّىيِتحَشَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to be stuffed, filled
/7 m l/(ح.م.ل)تحامَليِتحامَلتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to attack, criticize unjustly
/sh f g/(ش.ف.ق)شَفَقيِشفِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to feel pity for, sympathize with
/7 y dh./(ح.ي.ض)حاضيحِيضفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to menstruate
/l b q/(ل.ب.ق)لَبَّقيلَبِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to match (clothing)
/s. 3 b/(ص.ع.ب)صَعَبيِصعَبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be or become difficult, hard, unpleasant
/dh y r/(ذ.ي.ر)ذاريذِيرفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to avoid, keep away from, to go far away, become distant
/3 b r/(ع.ب.ر)عَبَّريعَبِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to express, voice, state clearly, to take s.o. across, send across
/l gh w/(ل.غ.و)أَلغَىيِلغِياَفعَلأَفعَى-يِفعِيIV
to cancel (a project, festivities, celebrations, etc.), to abolish, annul, put an end tol
/sh 2 m/(ش.ء.م)تشاءَميِتشاءَمتفَاعَلتفاءَل-يِتفاءَلVI
to be pessimistic, to be superstitious
/7 l l/(ح.ل.ل)حَلّيحِلّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to solve, figure out, to untie, unfasten, unravel, to dissolve, disband, to be allowed, permitted, lawful, to occur, take place, to set down, land, alight, to take the place of, replace, to solve
/w l d/(و.ل.د)توَلَّديِتوَلَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be caused, engendered
/z n dj r/(ز.ن.ج.ر)زَنجَريزَنجِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to rust, be or become rusted
/t. h r/(ط.ه.ر)طَهَّريطَهِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to purge, clean, purify, to circumcise
/d w y/(د.و.ي)تداوَىيِتداوَىتفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىVI
to be treated, get treated
/gh n y/(غ.ن.ي)غَنَّىيغَنِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to sing
/7 r y/(ح.ر.ي)تحَرَّىيِتحَرَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to investigate
/2 m m/(ء.م.م)تأَمَّميِتأَمَّمتفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to be nationalized
/7 w t./(ح.و.ط)حَوَّطيحَوِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to build a wall around, wall in, encircle, surround
/n g r/(ن.ق.ر)نَقَريِنقِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to peck, peck up, to peck at s.o.
/sh y t. n/(ش.ي.ط.ن)تشَيطَنيِتشَيطَنتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to behave like a little rascal
/tsh y s/(ك.ي.س)كَيَّسيكَيِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to put s.th. in a bag, to put s.th. in a bag
/n w l/(ن.و.ل)نَوَّلينَوِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to rent, hire
/3 f w/(ع.ف.و)تعافَىيِتعافَىتفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىVI
to regain health, recuperate
/d h w r/(د.ه.و.ر)تدَهوَريِتدَهوَرتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to deteriorate
/z w l/(ز.و.ل)زَوَّليزَوِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to go away, leave
/3 w r/(ع.و.ر)اِعوَرّيِعوَرّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to hurt someone or sth
/sh l 3/(ش.ل.ع)شَلَّعيشَلِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to pluck from roots
/b sh r/(ب.ش.ر)باشَريباشِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to begin, commence
/s. y 7/(ص.ي.ح)صَيَّحيصَيِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to shout, yell repeatedly
/k s d/(ك.س.د)كَسَديِكسَدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to find no market, sell badly
/7 f dh./(ح.ف.ظ)اِنحَفَظيِنحِفِظاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be preserved, to be protected or guarded, to be kept away, to be memorized
/l 7 m/(ل.ح.م)اِنلَحَميِنلِحِماِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to weld
/7 dh. r/(ح.ض.ر)تحَضَّريِتحَضَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to prepare oneself, get ready, to become urbanized, become a town dweller, to become civilized
/t. n z/(ط.ن.ز)تطانَزيِتطانَزتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to ridicule, make fun of each other
/z w d/(ز.و.د)زَوَّديزَوِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to provide, furnish, supply
/s w m/(س.و.م)ساميسُومفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to ask for the price of s.th.
/s g m/(س.ق.م)سَقَّميسَقِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to pay money to pearl divers in advance
/7 f dh./(ح.ف.ظ)اِحتَفَظيِحتِفِظاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to keep, save, to reserve, maintain, uphold, to keep up, maintain, to retain, keep
/3 t. l/(ع.ط.ل)تعَطَّليِتعَطَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be stopped, interrupted, to be out of order, to be injured
/3 r f/(ع.ر.ف)عَرَفيِعرَففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to know, to know, to know how to, to recognize, to realize, perceive, see, to figure out, find out, discover
/w s. l/(و.ص.ل)وَصَّليوَصِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to give s.o. a ride, to convey, take, bring (s.th. to s.o.), to connect, hook up, join
/z 7 z 7/(ز.ح.ز.ح)زَحزَحيزَحزِحفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to move (s.th. from its place), shift
/r s l/(ر.س.ل)راسَليراسِلفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to correspond with, exchange letters
/dj w b/(ج.و.ب)جاوَبيجاوِبفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to answer, reply to s.o., to answer (e.g., a letter, a request, etc.)
/sh b k/(ش.ب.ك)اِشتَبَكيِشتِبِكاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to get entangled, involved, engaged
/kh l s./(خ.ل.ص)أَخلَصيِخلِصاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to be faithful, devoted
/t. w l/(ط.و.ل)طاليطُولفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to reach, get to s.th.
/s y r/(س.ي.ر)سايَريسايِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to put up with s.o., get along with s.o.
/s t r/(س.ت.ر)تسَتَّريِتسَتَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to cover up, hide, conceal oneself
/sh r d/(ش.ر.د)تشَرَّديِتشَرَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to run away, flee, escape, to be driven away
/l h b/(ل.ه.ب)اِلتَهَبيِلتِهِباِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to catch fire, flare up, burn brightly, to become inflamed
/t. r g/(ط.ر.ق)طَرَقيِطرِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to slap s.o. or s.o.'s face
/s dj n/(س.ج.ن)اِنسَجَنيِنسِجِناِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be jailed, imprisoned
/s. w b/(ص.و.ب)تصاوَبيِتصاوَبتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to be shot, hit (by a bullet)
/gh l y/(غ.ل.ي)غَلَىيِغلِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to boil, to cause to boil, make s.th. boil
/f w 7/(ف.و.ح)فَوَّحيفَوِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to boil s.th.
/h dh. m/(ه.ض.م)هَضَميِهضِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to digest
/3 b r/(ع.ب.ر)اِنعَبَريِنعِبِراِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be crossed
/s w y/(س.و.ي)تساوَىيِتساوَىتفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىVI
to be equal or similar, equivalent to each other
/t. y 7/(ط.ي.ح)طَيَّحيطَيِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to drop, cause to fall
/q d m/(ق.د.م)اِقدَمّيِقدَمّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to become old
/f r 7/(ف.ر.ح)فَرَحيِفرَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be happy, delighted, glad
/kh b t./(خ.ب.ط)خَبَطيِخبِطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to mix, to slam, strike, beat
/kh y l/(خ.ي.ل)تخَيَّليِتخَيَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to imagine, to cover, veil oneself, to be or feel embarrassed
/dh w g/(ذ.و.ق)ذاقيذُوقفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to taste, sample, to experience, undergo, suffer, to taste, sample (food, drink, etc.), to taste, experience, go through, suffer
/k r r/(ك.ر.ر)تكَرَّريِتكَرَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to repeat
/3 sh sh/(ع.ش.ش)عَشَّشيعَشِّشفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to build a nest
/7 r f/(ح.ر.ف)اِحتَرَفيِحتِرِفاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to practice s.th. as a profession, do s.th. professionally
/kh m sh/(خ.م.ش)خَمَّشيخَمِّشفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to scratch e.g., the face, the skin, etc., with nails or claws, to pierce, go through
/n b h/(ن.ب.ه)اِنتَبَهيِنتِبِهاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to pay attention, to pay attention
/h y dj/(ه.ي.ج)تهَيَّجيِتهَيَّجتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get excited, stirred up, to become aroused, excited
/r m s/(ر.م.س)ترَمَّسيِترَمَّستفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to speak
/dh. r r/(ض.ر.ر)ضَرّيضُرّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to be harmful to, to harm
/s w d/(س.و.د)سَوَّديسَوِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to blacken, make black, darken
/s d k/(س.د.ك)سَدَكيِسدِكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to massage
/7 dh r/(ح.ذ.ر)حَذَّريحَذِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to warn, caution
/t. r 7/(ط.ر.ح)اِنطَرَحيِنطِرِحاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to lie down, prostrate oneself
/d. 3 f/(ض.ع.ف)اِضعَفّيِضعَفّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to become thin
/w s. l/(و.ص.ل)وَصَليِوصَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to arrive, to arrive, to reach s.o.
/s. g l/(ص.ق.ل)صَقَليِصقِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to smooth, polish
/kh r s/(خ.ر.س)خَرَسيِخرَسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to shut up
/dj n b/(ج.ن.ب)تجَنَّبيِتجَنَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to avoid, keep away from
/7 sh m/(ح.ش.م)اِحتَشَميِحتِشِماِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be modest, conservative
/w s kh/(و.س.خ)وَسَّخيوَسِّخفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.th. dirty, filthy
/f g s/(ف.ق.س)فَقَسيِفقِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to hatch
/f r k/(ف.ر.ك)فَرَكيِفرِكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to rub
/3 g b/(ع.ق.ب)عاقَبيعاقِبفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to punish, to punish s.o. for s.th., to punish
/3 t b/(ع.ت.ب)عاتَبيعاتِبفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to blame, scold, censure
/s h m/(س.ه.م)ساهَميساهِمفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to have a share, to participate, share, take part
/3 s. r/(ع.ص.ر)عَصَريِعصِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to squeeze, press, to ring out
/dh. 3 f/(ض.ع.ف)ضَعَفيِضعَففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be or become frail, slim, skinny, to weaken, become weaker
/l f f/(ل.ف.ف)لَفّيلِفّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to turn (left, right, etc.), to go around, make a detour, to roll, coil, to wrap, envelope, cover, to steal, swipe, make off with, to make a round of calls on, visit, to wrap sth or to turn around
/w s 3/(و.س.ع)اِوسَعّيِوسَعّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to become loose
/s. w b n/(ص.و.ب.ن)صَوبَنيصَوبِنفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to wash s.th. with soap
/kh b r/(خ.ب.ر)اِستَخبَريِستَخبِراِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to inquire, ask (about s.o. or s.th.), to learn, find out
/n kh l/(ن.خ.ل)تنَخَّليِتنَخَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to sift
/3 d l/(ع.د.ل)عادَليعادِلفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to find the equivalent of, evaluate, to be equal to, equal, be the equal of
/7 w t./(ح.و.ط)حاطيحُوطفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to surround, encircle, to overcome, overtake
/w s. f/(و.ص.ف)اِنوَصَفيِنوِصِفاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be described, to be described
/sh b h/(ش.ب.ه)تشابَهيِتشابَهتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to look alike, resemble each other, be similar to each other
/n 3 s/(ن.ع.س)نَعَسيِنعَسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be sleepy, drowsy
/l w y/(ل.و.ي)اِلتَوَىيِلتِوِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to become bent
/w 3 dh./(و.ع.ظ)وَعَظيِوعِظفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to preach
/r sh 7/(ر.ش.ح)ترَشَّحيِترَشَّحتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be nominated as a candidate, be a nominee
/d b d b/(د.ب.د.ب)دَبدَبيدَبدِبفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to make noise like a motorcycle, to tap, tread heavily
/l 3 b/(ل.ع.ب)اِنلَعَبيِنلِعِباِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be played
/s n d r/(س.ن.د.ر)سَندَريسَندِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to irritate or bother s.o.
/kh sh y/(خ.ش.ي)اِختَشَىيِختِشِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to feel shame, be ashamed
/n s y/(ن.س.ي)تناسَىيِتناسَىتفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىVI
to pretend to have forgotten, to ignore, be or become oblivious to s.th.
/h m l/(ه.م.ل)هَمَليِهمِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to neglect
/b 7 l g/(ب.ح.ل.ق)بَحلَقيبَحلِقفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to stare
/m w n/(م.و.ن)مانيمُونفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to be on close terms with s.o., be a good friend to s.o.
/gh r b/(غ.ر.ب)اِستَغرَبيِستَغرِباِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to be surprised
/gh sh y/(غ.ش.ي)تغَشَّىيِتغَشَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to cover one's face
/s. y r/(ص.ي.ر)صاريصِيرفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to happen, take place, to become, turn out to be, change into s.th., to be possible, have a chance of occurrence, to start, begin to do s.th.
/3 d m/(ع.د.م)عَدَميِعدِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to execute, put to death
/3 m l/(ع.م.ل)عامَليعامِلفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to treat, deal with
/d. b t./(ض.ب.ط)ضَبَّطيضَبِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to fix
/b l l/(ب.ل.ل)تبَلَّليِتبَلَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get wet, be moistened
/sh k r/(ش.ك.ر)شَكَريِشكِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to thank, express gratitude to s.o.
/2 k d/(ء.ك.د)تأَكَّديِتأَكَّدتفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to be sure/convinced
/b l w/(ب.ل.و)تبَلَّىيِتبَلَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to wrongly accuse someone and/or sth
/f w g/(ف.و.ق)تفَوَّقيِتفَوَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be superior to s.o., to beat s.o. (in sports, studies, etc.)
/g l l/(ق.ل.ل)اِستَقَلّيِستَقِلّاِستَفعَلاِستَفَعّ-يِستَفِعّX
to be or become independent
/7 t. t./(ح.ط.ط)اِنحَطّيِنحَطّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be put, placed, to deteriorate, decay, decline
/sh r y/(ش.ر.ي)اِشتَرَىيِشتِرِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to buy, purchase
/f t t/(ف.ت.ت)فَتَّتيفَتِّتفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to break into small pieces
/g n s./(ق.ن.ص)قَنَصيِقنِصفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to hunt
/n k r/(ن.ك.ر)نَكَريِنكِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to deny, renege
/n kh b/(ن.خ.ب)اِنتَخَبيِنتِخِباِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to elect, to select, choose, pick
/m h l/(م.ه.ل)تمَهَّليِتمَهَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to proceed slowly and carefully
/l g y/(ل.ق.ي)لَقَىيِلقَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to find s.o, s.th., to encounter, meet, run into, to find
/r dh. y/(ر.ض.ي)رَضَّىيرَضِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to satisfy, please, gratify, to appease, pacify, mollify
/3 t. r/(ع.ط.ر)عَطَّريعَطِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to apply perfume
/gh r g/(غ.ر.ق)غَرَّقيغَرِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to drown s.o., cause s.o. to drown, to sink, cause to sink
/2 h l/(ء.ه.ل)أَهَّليأَهِّلفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to qualify, make suitable
/s. f f/(ص.ف.ف)صَفّيصُفّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to line up, set in a row or line, to stand in a row or line, queue
/kh w f/(خ.و.ف)خَوَّفيخَوِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to scare
/g y l/(ق.ي.ل)قَيَّليقَيِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to take a midday nap, take a siesta
/g m r/(ق.م.ر)قامَريقامِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to gamble
/gh t. 3/(ق.ط.ع)قَطَّعيقَطِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to carve (meat), to cut into pieces, cut up, to wear out, tear up, to cut
/sh g y/(ش.ق.ي)تشاقَىيِتشاقَىتفَاعَلتفاعَى-يِتفاعَىVI
to kid around, joke with each other
/b y dh./(ب.ي.ض)اِبيَضّيِبيَضّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to turn white, get white, to become white
/t. w l/(ط.و.ل)اِطوَلّيِطوَلّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to become tall
/dh k r/(ذ.ك.ر)ذَكَريِذكِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to mention, to recall, remember, to speak of, talk about
/kh b r/(خ.ب.ر)خَبَّريخَبِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to tell, inform, let s.o. know, to tell
/g l b/(ق.ل.ب)قَلَّبيقَلِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to stir, stir up, to examine, study, scrutinize, to hold on to, cling to, stick to, to insist
/m w 3/(م.و.ع)مَوَّعيمَوِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to melt, dissolve, liquefy s.th.
/b 3 d/(ب.ع.د)اِستَبعَديِستَبعِداِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to find or consider s.th. remote, unlikely; to doubt
/3 l m/(ع.ل.م)عَلَّميعَلِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to teach, instruct, to tell, let s.o. know, to teach
/7 k m/(ح.ك.م)حَكَّميحَكِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to appoint s.o. as ruler, choose an arbitrator
/7 d g/(ح.د.ق)حَدَقيِحدِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to catch fish, fish
/sh w t/(ش.و.ت)شاوَتيشاوِتفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to argue a lot
/3 sh g/(ع.ش.ق)عَشَقيِعشَقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be passionately in love with s.o.
/h l k/(ه.ل.ك)هَلَكيِهلَكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to die, perish, to ruin, annihilate
/2 m r/(ء.م.ر)تأَمَّريِتأَمَّرتفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to be domineering
/m l l/(م.ل.ل)مَلّيمِلّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to get bored
/7 r g/(ح.ر.ق)اِحتَرَقيِحتِرِقاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to catch fire, burn, burn up, to burn out, to burn
/w h g/(و.ه.ق)توَهَّقيِتوَهَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get into trouble, be trapped in a difficult situation
/s. gh r/(ص.غ.ر)اِستَصغَريِستَصغِراِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to find or consider s.th. small, little, insignificant
/7 r g/(ح.ر.ق)حَرَقيِحرِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to burn s.th., to sting, smart
/dj l s/(ج.ل.س)جَلَّسيجَلِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to seat s.o. down, to seat s.o., e.g., on a chair, at a table, etc.
/dj r y/(ج.ر.ي)جارَىيجارِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to go along, adjust to
/3 y d/(ع.ي.د)عَيَّديعَيِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to celebrate or observe a feast
/kh t. r/(خ.ط.ر)خَطَريِخطِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to occur
/7 l m/(ح.ل.م)حَلَميِحلَمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to dream, to daydream
/b d 2/(ب.د.ء)اِبتَدَىيِبتِدِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to begin, start, to begin, start s.th., to start to do s.th.
/3 w f/(ع.و.ف)عافيعِيففَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to feel disgust at s.th., detest s.th., have an aversion to s.th.
/w s 3/(و.س.ع)وَسَّعيوَسِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make wider, more spacious, to make room for s.o., to be generous toward s.o., to make s.o. wealthy
/f r k/(ف.ر.ك)فَرَّكيفَرِّكفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to rub ; scrub
/3 k s/(ع.ك.س)اِنعَكَسيِنعِكِساِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be reflected
/w d y/(و.د.ي)وَدَّىيوَدِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to send, to take s.o. or s.th. to some place, convey, to perform ambulation on someone else
/7 m r/(ح.م.ر)تحَمَّريِتحَمَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be roasted, to be browned, to get red
/dj w l/(ج.و.ل)تجَوَّليِتجَوَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to wander around, move around
/3 s. y/(ع.ص.ي)اِستَعصَىيِستَعصِياِستَفعَلاِستَفعَى-يِستَفعِيX
to be difficult, hard, to be incurable, malignant
/s. gh r/(ص.غ.ر)تصَغَّريِتصَغَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be made smaller
/w l d/(و.ل.د)اِنوَلَديِنوِلِداِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be born
/kh r g/(خ.ر.ق)اِختَرَقيِختِرِقاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to go through, pierce, to penetrate, pass through
/w k l/(و.ك.ل)وَكَّليوَكِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to authorize, appoint as agent, to engage s.o. as legal counsel,
/k l 7/(ك.ل.ح)اِكلَحّيِكلَحّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to become old and dirty
/n k dh/(ن.ك.ذ)نَكَذيِنكَذفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to mess things up
/dj m r k/(ج.م.ر.ك)جَمرَكيجَمرِكفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to pay customs duty
/r d d/(ر.د.د)ترَدَّديِترَدَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to frequent, visit frequently, to hesitate, be reluctant, uncertain
/7 sh w/(ح.ش.و)حَشايِحشِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to stuff, fill, to stick, stuff, to fill (teeth)
/b 7 th/(ب.ح.ث)بَحَثيِبحَثفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to look, search, to look for s.o. or s.th., to investigate, examine, to discuss
/kh t. t./(خ.ط.ط)خَطَّطيخَطِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to mark off, line, to plan, project
/t. m m/(ط.م.م)اِنطَمّيِنطَمّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be buried, covered up, (imp. only) shut up! be quiet!
/7 y d/(ح.ي.د)حاديحِيدفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to remember, recall, recollect, to deviate, stray, move away from
/l dj m/(ل.ج.م)لَجَميِلجِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to bridle, put the bridle on
/h f f/(ه.ف.ف)هَفّيهِفّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to blow or move air with a fan
/l w y/(ل.و.ي)تلَوَّىيِتلَوَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to writhe, to slither, wriggle
/s b tsh/(س.ب.ك)سَبَكيِسبِكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to mold, form, shape a metal
/dh m r/(ذ.م.ر)تذَمَّريِتذَمَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to complain, grumble
/k w n/(ك.و.ن)كَوَّنيكَوِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to form, produce, bring into being, to put a fire
/d 3 m/(د.ع.م)تداعَميِتداعَمتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to collide, run into each other
/g b l/(ق.ب.ل)تقابَليِتقابَلتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to meet each other
/sh y 3/(ش.ي.ع)شَيَّعيشَيِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to attend a funeral procession, attend a funeral
/3 l m/(ع.ل.م)عَلَميِعلِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to know, to learn, find out, come to know
/l 7 f/(ل.ح.ف)لَحَّفيلَحِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cover oneself or someone else with a blanket or so
/7 f f/(ح.ف.ف)حَفّيحِفّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to be or become dry, to pluck, remove, scratch off, to be or become weak
/t. n z/(ط.ن.ز)طَنَّزيطَنِّزفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to kid, joke, to ridicule, make fun of
/m dh. m dh./(م.ض.م.ض)مَضمَضيمَضمِضفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to rinse out (the mouth)
/gh f r/(غ.ف.ر)اِستَغفَريِستَغفِراِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to ask (God's) forgiveness
/7 r dj/(ح.ر.ج)حَرَّجيحَرِّجفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to persist in s.th., to auction off
/dh. r b/(ض.ر.ب)تضارَبيِتضارَبتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to exchange blows, hit each other, to conflict, be in disagreement
/t. w f/(ط.و.ف)طَوَّفيطَوِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to guide, show around, to build a wall around, to fence, to let things go
/d w s/(د.و.س)داسيدُوسفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to step, tread on s.th.
/kh w dh./(خ.و.ض)خاضيخُوضفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to wade in the water
/3 m d/(ع.م.د)اِعتَمَديِعتِمِداِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to depend on, rely on
/l m 7/(ل.م.ح)لَمَحيِلمَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to catch a glimpse of, glimpse, catch sight of
/sh 3 b/(ش.ع.ب)تشَعَّبيِتشَعَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to branch out, split
/n g sh/(ن.ق.ش)ناقَشيناقِشفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to argue with, to discuss s.th. with s.o.
/b n dj/(ب.ن.ج)بَنَّجيبَنِّجفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to anesthetize
/b y n/(ب.ي.ن)تبَيَّنيِتبَيَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to appear, turn out
/kh sh y/(خ.ش.ي)خَشَىيِخشَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to fear, dread
/7 m l/(ح.م.ل)حَمَّليحَمِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to load, to charge s.o. with s.th., burden, impose on
/s b g/(س.ب.ق)تسابَقيِتسابَقتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to try to get ahead of each other, seek to outdo each other, race, compete
/gh l g/(غ.ل.ق)غَلَّقيغَلِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to close, shut, to be or become full (of s.th.)
/dj y s/(ق.ي.س)قاسيقِيسفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to feel, touch s.o. or s.th., to measure, take the measurements of, to infer, draw conclusions from, to measure
/m l k/(م.ل.ك)اِستَملَكيِستَملِكاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to buy, acquire by purchase, to take possession of, appropriate
/g d m/(ق.د.م)اِستَقدَميِستَقدِماِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to bring in, summon, ask to come
/tsh r kh/(ك.ر.خ)كَرَّخيكَرِّخفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to whet, sharpen (knives, razors, etc.) on a whetstone
/s. l t./(ص.ل.ط)صَلَّطيصَلِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to give power over
/s. w r/(ص.و.ر)تصَوَّريِتصَوَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to imagine, think, conceive
/n g m/(ن.ق.م)اِنتَقَميِنتِقِماِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to get revenge on, avenge oneself
/g 3 d/(ق.ع.د)قَعَّديقَعِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to seat s.o, make s.o. sit down
/r s kh/(ر.س.خ)رَسَخيِرسَخفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be or become firmly established, to sink in, stick (in the mind)
/dh. 7 tsh/(ض.ح.ك)ضَحَكيِضحَكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to laugh, to make fun of, to ridicule, to cheat s.o., to laugh
/b d d/(ب.د.د)بَدَّديبَدِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to waste, squander
/sh kh s./(ش.خ.ص)شَخَّصيشَخِّصفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to diagnose
/r b t./(ر.ب.ط)رَبَطيِربِطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to tie up, bind, to fasten, tie, attach, to connect, to attach, annex
/b w z/(ب.و.ز)بَوَّزيبَوِّزفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to look glum, pout
/n sh b/(ن.ش.ب)تناشَبيِتناشَبتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to cause problems, trouble to s.o.
/2 kh r/(ء.خ.ر)أَخَّريأَخِّرفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to delay, hold up, postpone, to delay sth
/h w y/(ه.و.ي)هَوَىيِهوَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to love s.o.
/gh t. y/(غ.ط.ي)تغَطَّىيِتغَطَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to cover oneself
/dh. r r/(ض.ر.ر)تضَرَّريِتضَرَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to suffer, undergo harm or damage
/g l m/(ق.ل.م)قَلَّميقَلِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to prune, trim (trees, bushes etc.)
/7 w m/(ح.و.م)حاميحُومفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to go around, circle, to hover, fly around
/3 n y/(ع.ن.ي)عَنَىيِعنِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to mean, to have in mind
/th g l/(ث.ق.ل)ثَقَليِثقَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to become heavy
/7 m s/(ح.م.س)تحَمَّسيِتحَمَّستفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be excited, stirred, to become enthusiastic, eager, zealous
/r f s/(ر.ف.س)رَفَسيِرفِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to kick
/m t. t./(م.ط.ط)مَطّيمِطّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to stretch
/gh n y/(غ.ن.ي)غَنَىيِغنَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to enrich, make rich
/kh s. m/(خ.ص.م)خاصَميخاصِمفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
having quarreled with s.o., having opposed s.o.
/q r q r/(ق.ر.ق.ر)قَرقَريقَرقِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to speak a lot
/t sh sh/(ت.ش.ش)اِنتَشّيِنتَشّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to become old
/2 m n/(ء.م.ن)آمَنيآمِنفَاعَلآعَل-يآعِلIII
to believe (in s.th. or s.o.)
/t. b kh/(ط.ب.خ)اِنطَبَخيِنطِبِخاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be cooked, to get cooked
/3 l g/(ع.ل.ق)عَلَقيِعلَقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to stick
/z h b/(ز.ه.ب)زَهَّبيزَهِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to prepare, get things ready
/kh r dj/(خ.ر.ج)تخَرَّجيِتخَرَّجتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to graduate
/g s. g s./(ق.ص.ق.ص)قَصقَصيقَصقِصفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to cut s.th. up, cut s.th. into pieces
/gh th th/(غ.ث.ث)غَثّيغِثّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to bother, upset, trouble
/3 r dh./(ع.ر.ض)اِعتَرَضيِعتِرِضاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to object to, oppose, protest
/b gh dh./(ب.غ.ض)اِنبَغَضيِنبِغِضاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be hated
/z 3 m/(ز.ع.م)تزَعَّميِتزَعَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be the leader of
/d r k/(د.ر.ك)أَدرَكيِدرِكاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to realize, understand, become aware of s.th.
/s 7 r/(س.ح.ر)سَحَريِسحَرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to bewitch, enchant, charm
/3 y b/(ع.ي.ب)عابيعِيبفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to call s.o. bad names
/k w n/(ك.و.ن)تكَوَّنيِتكَوَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be created
/b s m/(ب.س.م)تبَسَّميِتبَسَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to smile
/f tsh tsh/(ف.ك.ك)فَكّيفِكّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to settle (a quarrel, a dispute), to take apart, disassemble, to open, to unscrew, loosen, to rid s.o. of s.th., put an end to s.th., to open sth
/k th r/(ك.ث.ر)كَثَّريكَثِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to increase, augment, make more of, to do a lot of sth
/f y d/(ف.ي.د)اِستَفاديِستِفِيداِستَفعَلاِستَفال-يِستِفِيلX
to benefit, profit
/7 r q/(ح.ر.ق)تحارَقيِتحارَقتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to get burned
/kh d m/(خ.د.م)خَدَميِخدِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to serve, be of service, work for, to be a servant, serve
/r y d/(ر.ي.د)اِنراديِنراداِنفَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVII
to be wanted, desired, needed
/d tsh tsh/(د.ك.ك)دَكّيدِكّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to fill, stuff, pack, to lose one's way, to get lost
/b t. y/(ب.ط.ي)أَبطَىيِبطِياَفعَلأَفعَى-يِفعِيIV
to be slow, take a long time, to be late, come late, to slow down s.o., delay
/7 dj z/(ح.ج.ز)اِنحَجَزيِنحِجِزاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to reserve
/m gh t./(م.غ.ط)مَغَّطيمَغِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to blow one's nose
/s. l y/(ص.ل.ي)صَلَّىيصَلِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to pray
/l 7 m/(ل.ح.م)لَحَميِلحِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to weld, solder, to heal, to patch, mend
/l g f/(ل.ق.ف)لَقَفيِلقِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to catch, seize, grab
/z kh r f/(ز.خ.ر.ف)تزَخرَفيِتزَخرَفتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to be decorated, ornamented
/sh 7 t./(ش.ح.ط)شَحَطيِشحَطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to scuff, drag along, scrape
/s h w/(س.ه.و)سَهايِسهِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to be forgetful, inattentive, to neglect, forget about, overlook
/kh s. m/(خ.ص.م)اِنخَصَميِنخِصِماِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be deducted, be discounted
/sh f 3/(ش.ف.ع)تشَفَّعيِتشَفَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to intercede, intervene, plead
/t. f r/(ط.ف.ر)طَفَريِطفِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to jump
/b g sh/(ب.ق.ش)بَقَّشيبَقِّشفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to wrap s.th. In a cloth bundle
/r sh 7/(ر.ش.ح)رَشَّحيرَشِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to nominate, put up as a candidate
/kh dh. r/(خ.ض.ر)خَضَّريخَضِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to dye or color green, to make green, to turn green
/b w g/(ب.و.ق)باقيبُوقفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to steal, to rob
/s. r 3/(ص.ر.ع)تصارَعيِتصارَعتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to wrestle each other
/b r z/(ب.ر.ز)بَرَّزيبَرِّزفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. or s.th. ready
/s 7 b/(س.ح.ب)اِنسَحَبيِنسِحِباِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to withdraw, retreat, pull back, to withdraw from a situation and/or get pulled by someone and/or sth
/b kh sh sh/(ب.خ.ش.ش)بَخشَشيبَخشِشفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to tip s.o., give a tip to s.o., to bribe
/s. g t./(ص.ق.ط)صَقَّطيصَقِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to fail, flunk, to cause to fall, topple, collapse
/l m m/(ل.م.م)اِلتَمّيِلتَمّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to gather, come together, assemble
/w h d n/(و.ه.د.ن)توَهدَنيِتوَهدَنفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQ
to sleep
/7 g g/(ح.ق.ق)حَقَّقيحَقِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to realize, fulfill, to investigate, to interrogate
/dj 3 d/(ج.ع.د)جَعَديِجعِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to sit down
/w g 3/(و.ق.ع)وَقَعيِوقَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to fall down, drop, to fall
/s. f 3/(ص.ف.ع)صَفَعيِصفَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to slap someone
/r gh m/(ر.غ.م)أَرغَميِرغِماَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to force, compel
/z gh b/(ز.غ.ب)زَغَبيِزغَبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to drink in large gulps, gulp, to have sexual intercourse with s.o.
/m s k/(م.س.ك)أَمسَكيِمسِكاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to stop eating, start fasting (during Ramadan)
/sh l 3/(ش.ل.ع)تشَلَّعيِتشَلَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be pulled out
/gh t. w/(غ.ط.و)غَطَّىيغَطِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to cover
/f l s f/(ف.ل.س.ف)تفَلسَفيِتفَلسَفتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to pretend to be a philosopher
/7 w l/(ح.و.ل)تحَوَّليِتحَوَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be changed, be converted, to be transferred, reassigned, to be remitted, be changed, to move, to be changed
/s. d r/(ص.د.ر)صادَريصادِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to confiscate, seize
/l f f/(ل.ف.ف)اِلتَفّيِلتَفّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to rally, gather, assemble around
/b l sh/(ب.ل.ش)بَلَشيِبلَشفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be or become involved, get mixed up, to get stuck, get a bad deal, to accuse s.o. falsely
/2 dh n/(ء.ذ.ن)اِستَأذَنيِستَأذِناِستَفعَلاِستَأعَل-يِستَأعِلX
to ask permission (to do s.th.), to excuse oneself
/b 3 d/(ب.ع.د)اِبتَعَديِبتِعِداِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to move, go away from, to avoid
/2 h l/(ء.ه.ل)اِستاهَليِستاهَلاِستَفعَلاِستاعَل-يِستاعَلX
to deserve, be worthy of, to be entitled to, to deserve sth
/sh g g/(ش.ق.ق)شَقَّقيشَقِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to tear up, tear to pieces
/k t m/(ك.ت.م)كَتَميِكتِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to mute a sound, to conceal, keep s.th. secret
/d kh l/(د.خ.ل)دَخَّليدَخِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make or let enter, bring in, let in s.o. or s.th., to insert, include, enter, to enter or put in
/kh s r/(خ.س.ر)خَسَّريخَسِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause loss or damage
/7 l l/(ح.ل.ل)حَلَّليحَلِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make permissible or lawful, sanction, to declare permissible, allow, to make a chemical analysis, to assume something is Halal
/r 2 s/(ر.ء.س)رَأَسيِرأَسفَعَلفَأَل-يِفأَلI
to lead, be at the head, be in charge
/f r 3/(ف.ر.ع)فَرَّعيفَرِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to uncover (one's head), take off one's gitra or hat
/r dh. y/(ر.ض.ي)راضَىيراضِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to satisfy, please, gratify, to appease, pacify, mollify, to reconcile, conciliate
/sh y 2/(ش.ي.ء)شاءيشاءفَعَلفاء-يفاءI
to want, wish, desire
/dj b h/(ج.ب.ه)جابَهيجابِهفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to stand opposite to, front towards; have its front on the side of a street, etc; have the front facing or directed; furnish with a front
/7 s b/(ح.س.ب)تحاسَبيِتحاسَبتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to settle a mutual account
/7 d d/(ح.د.د)اِحتَدّيِحتَدّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to be or become angry
/l 3 w z/(ل.ع.و.ز)تلَعوَزيِتلَعوَزتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to bother
/dj r sh/(ج.ر.ش)جَرَشيِجرِشفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to grind (e.g., corn)
/d 3 m/(د.ع.م)دَعَميِدعَمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to run into, collide with, to hit s.o. (in a car accident), to hit another by a car
/r b 3/(ر.ب.ع)رَبَّعيرَبِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to quadruple, increase fourfold
/dh w b/(ذ.و.ب)ذَوَّبيذَوِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to dissolve s.th., to melt s.th.
/2 n f/(ء.ن.ف)اِستَأنَفيِستَأنِفاِستَفعَلاِستَأعَل-يِستَأعِلX
to appeal, make an appeal
/k l b/(ك.ل.ب)كَلَّبيكَلِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to hold on to, cling to, stick to, to insist
/s. b r/(ص.ب.ر)صَبَريِصبِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be patient, to be patient, wait patiently
/r sh g/(ر.ش.ق)رَشَقيِرشِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to drop excrement (bird)
/dh. m m/(ض.م.م)ضَمّيضُمّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to take s.th. away, to save, put away for safekeeping, to embrace
/k n s/(ك.ن.س)كَنَسيِكنِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to vacuum
/b w g/(ب.و.ق)اِنباقيِنباقاِنفَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVII
to be stolen, to be robbed
/t. l 3/(ط.ل.ع)طَلَعيِطلَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to go out, get out, to appear, come into view, to grow forth, sprout, to gush out, to leave, exit, depart, to come out, rank, turn out to be, prove to be, to take after, to go out
/3 d y/(ع.د.ي)تعَدَّىيِتعَدَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to over step one's boundries and/or to tresspass
/tsh w y/(ك.و.ي)كَوَىيِكوِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to cauterize, to burn, to iron
/kh w r/(خ.و.ر)تخَوَّريِتخَوَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be embroidered
/r b sh/(ر.ب.ش)رَبَشيِربِشفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to confuse s.o., to mess up s.th.
/d z z/(د.ز.ز)دَزّيدِزّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to send
/r dj 7/(ر.ج.ح)رَجَّحيرَجِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to prefer, give preference to, favor
/7 g g/(ح.ق.ق)اِستَحَقّيِستَحِقّاِستَفعَلاِستَفَعّ-يِستَفِعّX
to deserve, merit s.th., be worthy of s.th., to be entitled, have a claim to s.th., to become due or payable, mature
/7 w sh/(ح.و.ش)حاشيحُوشفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to gather, collect
/tsh 7 t/(ك.ح.ت)كَحَتيِكحِتفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to dismiss s.o. (from a meeting, a house, an office, etc.), chase away, shove away
/s y r/(س.ي.ر)ساريسِيرفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to leave, go, to walk, to follow, pursue, maintain, to be or become loose, move, have diarrhea, to go
/dj r d/(ج.ر.د)جَرَديِجرِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to make an inventory
/sh r t./(ش.ر.ط)شارَطيشارِطفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to bet, wager
/gh s. b/(غ.ص.ب)غَصَبيِغصِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to force, compel
/gh n t. r/(غ.ن.ط.ر)غَنطَريغَنطِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to contract, bid
/r h sh/(ر.ه.ش)رَهَشيِرهَشفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to glitter, shine, sparkle, to twinkle
/2 kh dh/(ء.خ.ذ)أَخَذياخِذفَعَلأَعَل-ياعِلI
to take s.o. or s.th., to take s.o. or s.th. along, to get, obtain, to accept, take, to take, require, to rank, to occupy, to engage in, take, to take up (a position, pose, etc.), to surprise, get the better of, to behead s.o, to take s.o. or s.th., to take s.o. or s.th. along, to get, obtain, to accept, take, to take, require, to rank, to occupy, to engage in, take, to take up (a position, pose, etc.), to surprise, get the better of, to behead s.o, to take sth
/7 r k/(ح.ر.ك)حَرَّكيحَرِّكفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to move s.th., set s.th. in motion, operate, to start s.th., get s.th. started, to incite, stir up, provoke, to move
/l b s/(ل.ب.س)لَبَسيِلبَسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to get dressed, put on, clothe oneself, to wear, be dressed in, to wear
/r b y/(ر.ب.ي)رَبَّىيرَبِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to raise, bring up, to raise, breed, to cause to grow, grow, to give birth, bear a child, to raise
/n s. r/(ن.ص.ر)اِنتَصَريِنتِصِراِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to triumph, be victorious
/kh r b t./(خ.ر.ب.ط)تخَربَطيِتخَربَطتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to get mixed up, be confused
/kh n g/(خ.ن.ق)تخانَقيِتخانَقتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to quarrel, dispute, pick a fight (with each other)
/m w t/(م.و.ت)مَوَّتيمَوِّتفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to kill, put to death, to kill
/d w kh/(د.و.خ)دَوَّخيدَوِّخفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. dizzy, to give s.o. a headache, bother s.o. a lot
/w s. kh/(و.س.خ)توَسَّخيِتوَسَّختفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get dirty
/r f 3/(ر.ف.ع)رَفَّعيرَفِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to promote s.o., raise s.o. in salary or rank
/s l f/(س.ل.ف)سَلَّفيسَلِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to lend (money to s.o.), loan, advance
/3 h d/(ع.ه.د)تعاهَديِتعاهَدتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to vow, make a mutual pledge
/k th r/(ك.ث.ر)تكاثَريِتكاثَرتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to multiply, grow in number
/r dj dj/(ر.ج.ج)اِرتَجّيِرتَجّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to be shaken, to shake
/3 y sh/(ع.ي.ش)عاشيعِيشفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to live, be alive (for a period of time), live in a certain manner, to make a living, exist, to reside, dwell
/7 k y/(ح.ك.ي)حاكَىيحاكِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to engage s.o. in conversation, talk to s.o.
/s m d/(س.م.د)سَمَّديسَمِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to fertilize, manure
/sh y l/(ش.ي.ل)تشَيَّليِتشَيَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to wear a headscarf (Sheela)
/b dh r/(ب.ذ.ر)تبَذَّريِتبَذَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be wasted
/m d d/(م.د.د)تمَدَّديِتمَدَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to lay down
/s. f q/(ص.ف.ق)صَفَقيِصفِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to slap someone and/or sth, to slam
/l z g/(ل.ز.ق)لَزَّقيلَزِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to affix, stick, paste, join with glue
/w l 3/(و.ل.ع)توَلَّعيِتوَلَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be madly or passionately in love with
/th b t/(ث.ب.ت)تثَبَّتيِتثَبَّتتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to verify, become certain of
/7 dh r/(ح.ذ.ر)حَذَريِحذَرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be cautious, be on the guard
/2 m l/(ء.م.ل)تأَمَّليِتأَمَّلتفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to hope, to meditate
/y t m/(ي.ت.م)تيَتَّميِتيَتَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to become an orphan, to be deprived of one's parents
/z w y/(ز.و.ي)اِنزَوَىيِنزِوِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to hide oneself, go into seclusion
/sh m l/(ش.م.ل)اِشتَمَليِشتِمِلاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to contain, include, be made up of
/r g s./(ر.ق.ص)رَقَصيِرقِصفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to dance
/7 r m/(ح.ر.م)حَرَميِحرِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to deprive, dispossess, take away s.th., to exclude, cut off, to enter into the state of ritual consecration during pilgrimage
/kh f dh./(خ.ف.ض)اِنخَفَضيِنخِفِضاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to drop, go down, decrease
/r g t./(ر.ق.ط)رَقَّطيرَقِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to speckle, spot s.th.
/s. w m/(ص.و.م)صَوَّميصَوِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to fast
/sh k l/(ش.ك.ل)شَكَّليشَكِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to form, shape, fashion, create, to diversify, vary, variegate
/m l k/(م.ل.ك)تمالَكيِتمالَكتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to control, restrain oneself
/f 7 s./(ف.ح.ص)اِنفَحَصيِنفِحِصاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be examined
/d f 3/(د.ف.ع)دَفَّعيدَفِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to shove, push
/f w 7/(ف.و.ح)فاحيفُوحفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to boil
/k s f/(ك.س.ف)تكَسَّفيِتكَسَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be humiliated
/n s y/(ن.س.ي)نَسَّىينَسِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to make or cause s.o. to forget, to forget
/l z g/(ل.ز.ق)لَزَقيِلزَقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to stick, adhere, to affix, paste, stick
/7 r f/(ح.ر.ف)حَرَّفيحَرِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to distort, twist, misconstrue
/n sh d/(ن.ش.د)ناشَديناشِدفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to appeal to, implore s.o.
/s k n/(س.ك.ن)اِنسَكَنيِنسِكِناِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be lived in, inhabited
/d r s/(د.ر.س)دَرَّسيدَرِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to teach, instruct
/n w r/(ن.و.ر)تنَوَّريِتنَوَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to become enlightened
/2 th th/(ء.ث.ث)تأَثَّثيِتأَثَّثتفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to be furnished
/w dj b/(و.ج.ب)وَجَّبيوَجِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to be courteous or hospitable toward s.o.
/gh t. y/(غ.ط.ي)غَطَّىيغَطِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to cover
/w h g/(و.ه.ق)وَهَّقيوَهِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to confuse, mix s.o. up
/sh h d/(ش.ه.د)شَهَّديشَهِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make or cause to give testimony
/b l 3/(ب.ل.ع)بَلَّعيبَلِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. swallow s.th.
/sh 7 m/(ش.ح.م)تشَحَّميِتشَحَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be lubricated
/s r r/(س.ر.ر)سَرّيسِرّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to make happy, cheer, delight, to tell a secret, confide in s.o.
/w s. y/(و.ص.ي)وَصَّىيوَصِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to ask, request, order, to order, place an order for, to advise, recommend, to make a will
/w 7 d/(و.ح.د)اِتَّحَديِتِّحِداِفتَعَلاِتَّعَل-يِتِّعِلVIII
to unite, be united, form a union
/3 d l/(ع.د.ل)عَدَليِعدِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be impartial toward, not to discriminate between, to drop, give up
/b s. m/(ب.ص.م)بَصَميِبصِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to stamp, print (a fingerprint)
/r s. s./(ر.ص.ص)رَصّيرِصّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to press together, pack well
/s l m/(س.ل.م)سَلَميِسلَمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be safe, secure, unharmed, to escape from, get away from, to pass, get by
/kh l f/(خ.ل.ف)خَلَّفيخَلِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to have a descendents, have offspring, to leave, leave behind
/w dj b/(و.ج.ب)وَجَبيِوجِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be one's duty to do s.th., to become obligatory to s.o.
/th n y/(ث.ن.ي)اِستَثنَىيِستَثنِياِستَفعَلاِستَفعَى-يِستَفعِيX
to exclude, except
/t r s/(ت.ر.س)تَرَسيِترِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to fill, fill up s.th. with
/gh s m/(ق.س.م)تقَسَّميِتقَسَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be divided
/b s t./(ب.س.ط)بَسَطيِبسِطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to spread, spread out
/7 k m/(ح.ك.م)حاكَميحاكِمفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to try s.o. in a law court, arraign, try
/z w dj/(ز.و.ج)زَوَّجيزَوِّجفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to marry off, give in marriage, to marry
/m sh sh/(م.ش.ش)مَشّيمِشّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to wipe, wipe off, dust
/3 w n/(ع.و.ن)اِستَعانيِستِعِيناِستَفعَلاِستَفال-يِستِفِيلX
to seek help
/t. w l/(ط.و.ل)اِستَطوَليِستَطوِلاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to consider long, too long
/2 k d/(ء.ك.د)أَكَّديأَكِّدفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to confirm s.th., to assure, give assurance to s.o., to confirm s.th., to assure, give assurance to s.o.
/t w dj/(ت.و.ج)تَوَّجيتَوِّجفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to crown s.o.
/3 z m/(ع.ز.م)عَزَميِعزِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to invite
/r kh y/(ر.خ.ي)اِرتَخَىيِرتِخِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to be lowered, let down, dropped, to be loosened, slackened, to relax, to lose force or vigor
/sh r d/(ش.ر.د)شَرَديِشرِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to run away, flee, escape
/dh. h r/(ظ.ه.ر)تظاهَريِتظاهَرتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to pretend, feign, to demonstrate
/w g f/(و.ق.ف)وَقَفيِوقَففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to stop, come to a stand still, to stand up, rise, to place oneself, take one's stand, to stand up for, support, back
/d r y/(د.ر.ي)دَرَّىيدَرِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to inform, let s.o. know, acquaint s.o. or s.th.
/s. 3 b/(ص.ع.ب)صَعَّبيصَعِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make difficult, hard
/7 k m/(ح.ك.م)تحَكَّميِتحَكَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to have one's own way, handle s.th. Arbitrarily, to control
/w s. l/(و.ص.ل)اِتَّصَليِتِّصِلاِفتَعَلاِتَّعَل-يِتِّعِلVIII
to contact s.o., get in touch with s.o., to call, to contact s.o., get in touch with s.o.
/kh y b/(خ.ي.ب)خَيَّبيخَيِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to disappoint, let down, dash
/sh gh b/(ش.غ.ب)شاغَبيشاغِبفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to make trouble, disturb the peace
/b d d/(ب.د.د)اِستَبَدّيِستَبِدّاِستَفعَلاِستَفَعّ-يِستَفِعّX
to rule arbitrarily, tyrannically, to be independent (e.g., in one's opinion), to act arbitrarily
/d r b/(د.ر.ب)تدَرَّبيِتدَرَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be trained, drilled, to train
/f d. 7/(ف.ض.ح)فَضَّحيفَضِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause a scandal
/7 dh. r/(ح.ض.ر)حَضَّريحَضِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to prepare, make ready, to produce, make
/2 sh r/(ء.ش.ر)أَشَّريأَشِّرفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to indicate, point out, to give a signal, gesture, to check (as a sign of approval)
/3 z b/(ع.ز.ب)عَزَّبيعَزِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to be a guest, stay overnight, to give lodging to s.o., take s.o. in
/r d m/(ر.د.م)رَدَميِردِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to fill in with dirt, fill up with earth
/y w l/(ي.و.ل)يالييُولفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to dance (Al Yola اليولة is a traditional type of Emirati dancing normally done with a fake rifel in a public squre)
/s. l t./(س.ل.ط)تسَلَّطيِتسَلَّطتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be wrong , bad , corrupt or unfair use or treatment
/n z l/(ن.ز.ل)تنازَليِتنازَلتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to give up, relinquish
/m y l/(م.ي.ل)تمايَليِتمايَلتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to sway, swing
/kh r g/(خ.ر.ق)خَرَقيِخرِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to violate, break (e.g., the law)
/w kh r/(و.خ.ر)وَخَّريوَخِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to get out of the way, move aside, to get s.th. out of the way, move aside
/r t b/(ر.ت.ب)رَتَّبيرَتِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to arrange, put into proper order, organize, to prepare, arrange, to organize
/gh d y/(غ.د.ي)غَدَىيِغدِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to become, turn into
/7 d d/(ح.د.د)حادَديحادِدفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to border, adjoin
/n k s/(ن.ك.س)نَكَّسينَكِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to fly at half-mast, lower at half-mast
/gh l w/(غ.ل.و)غَلَّىيغَلِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to raise the price of
/dh. y g/(ض.ي.ق)ضاقيضِيقفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to be or become narrow
/b gh y/(ب.غ.ي)بَغَىيَبِيفَعَلفَعَى-يَفِيI
to want, desire, wish, like to do s.th., to need, require
/dh. 7 tsh/(ض.ح.ك)تضَحَّكيِتضَحَّكتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to laugh, to make fun of, to ridicule, to make s.o. laugh
/dh. r r/(ض.ر.ر)اِنضَرّيِنضَرّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be harmed, hurt, injured
/kh w f/(خ.و.ف)خَوَّفيخَوِّففَعَلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلI
to scare, frighten, alarm
/r d d/(ر.د.د)اِستَرَدّيِستَرِدّاِستَفعَلاِستَفَعّ-يِستَفِعّX
to get back, regain
/t. l g/(ط.ل.ق)طَلَقيِطلَقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be in labor
/b d l/(ب.د.ل)بَدَّليبَدِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to exchange for or replace s.o. or s.th. else, to change, alter, to change
/m s kh r/(م.س.خ.ر)تمَسخَريِتمَسخَرتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to make fun of and/or to joke about someone and/or sth
/3 g l/(ع.ق.ل)اِعتَقَليِعتِقِلاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to arrest, apprehend (for political reasons)
/7 b b/(ح.ب.ب)حَبَّبيحَبِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to be liked or loved
/s q t./(س.ق.ط)سَقَطيِسقِطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to fail, flunk, to fall, topple, collapse, to drop, sink down, decline
/t g y/(ت.ق.ي)اِتَّقَىيِتِّقِياِفتَعَلاِفَّعَى-يِفِّعِيVIII
to fear out of respect
/r d d/(ر.د.د)رَدَّديرَدِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to repeat constantly
/7 f r/(ح.ف.ر)اِنحَفَريِنحِفِراِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be dug up, to be drilled
/7 dj z/(ح.ج.ز)حَجَزيِحجِزفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to reserve, make a reservation, to seize, confiscate, to keep away, block off s.th.
/h z z/(ه.ز.ز)اِهتَزّيِهتَزّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to shake, tremble
/s. h l/(ص.ه.ل)صَهَليِصهِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to neigh, whinny
/dj n b/(ج.ن.ب)جَنَّبيجَنِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to keep away, to keep s.o. out of the way of (e.g., problems, danger, etc.)
/r k d/(ر.ك.د)رَكَديِركِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be motionless, still, stagnant
/s. r kh/(ص.ر.خ)صارَخيصارِخفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to shout
/3 l y/(ع.ل.ي)عَلَّىيعَلِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to raise
/kh r b/(خ.ر.ب)خَرَّبيخَرِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to destroy, ruin, break down, to put out of order, damage, to destroy someone or sth
/sh w r/(ش.و.ر)اِستَشاريِستِشِيراِستَفعَلاِستَفال-يِستِفِيلX
to consult s.o., ask for s.o.'s advice
/2 d b/(ء.د.ب)أَدَّبيأَدِّبفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to teach manners, teach a lesson, to punish, to teach manners, teach a lesson, to punish, to discipline
/s y l/(س.ي.ل)ساليسِيلفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to flow (out of s.th.), stream, run, to leak
/s 3 r/(س.ع.ر)سَعَّريسَعِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to price, set a price on s.th.
/r h n/(ر.ه.ن)راهَنيراهِنفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to make a bid with s.o., to bet, wager
/z r g/(ز.ر.ق)زَرَقيِزرِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to go quickly, dash, hurry, to slip away, escape
/l 7 n/(ل.ح.ن)لَحَّنيلَحِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to compose music
/s. y f/(ص.ي.ف)صَيَّفيصَيِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to get late, be late for s.th., to spend the summer
/3 d l/(ع.د.ل)تعادَليِتعادَلتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to tie, be tied
/7 r s./(ح.ر.ص)تحَرَّصيِتحَرَّصتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be on one's guard (against), be wary (of)
/sh 3 l/(ش.ع.ل)اِشتَعَليِشتِعِلاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to catch fire, flare up, ignite, be on fire
/sh k y/(ش.ك.ي)اِشتَكَىيِشتِكِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to file a complaint about, to sue, file complaint against
/sh r k/(ش.ر.ك)اِشتَرَكيِشتِرِكاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to participate, take part, join in, collaborate, to subscribe
/7 l w/(ح.ل.و)اِحلَوّيِحلَوّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to become better looking
/kh y b/(خ.ي.ب)خابيخِيبفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to be lowered, let down, dashed
/kh s 2/(خ.س.ء)خَسايِخسِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to lie, not to tell the truth
/3 t. sh/(ع.ط.ش)عَطَّشيعَطِّشفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. thirsty
/r s l/(ر.س.ل)تراسَليِتراسَلتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to correspond with each other, exchange correspondence
/t. 3 n/(ط.ع.ن)طَعَنيِطعَنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to stab, to find fault with, discredit
/2 th th/(ء.ث.ث)أَثَّثيأَثِّثفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to furnish (a house, etc.)
/3 z z/(ع.ز.ز)اِعتَزّيِعتَزّاِفتَعَلاِفتَعّ-يِفتَعّVIII
to be proud, pride oneself
/3 g d/(ع.ق.د)اِنعَقَديِنعِقِداِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to convene; assemble
/r k dh./(ر.ك.ض)رَكَّضيرَكِّضفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make run, race, rush
/gh w s./(غ.و.ص)غاصيغُوصفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to dive, plunge, submerge, to become stuck (in the sand, mud), to dive for pearls
/7 l l/(ح.ل.ل)اِنحَلّيِنحَلّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be solved, to be untied
/s. w b/(ص.و.ب)صابيصِيبفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to fall upon s.o., befall, happen to s.o., to afflict, attack, to hit (a target)
/7 m y/(ح.م.ي)تحَمَّىيِتحَمَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to warm oneself
/w l y/(و.ل.ي)اِستَولَىيِستَولِياِستَفعَلاِستَفعَى-يِستَفعِيX
to capture, seize control of, take possession of
/n g l/(ن.ق.ل)تنَقَّليِتنَقَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to move from one place to another, travel around, roam
/s. y d/(ص.ي.د)اِنصاديِنصاداِنفَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVII
to be caught, trapped
/s r f/(س.ر.ف)أَسرَفيِسرِفاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to spend lavishly, be extravagant
/g r 7/(ق.ر.ح)قَرَّحيقَرِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to ebb (water)
/s l l/(س.ل.ل)اِنسَلّيِنسَلّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to catch tuberculosis, become consumptive
/kh r t./(خ.ر.ط)خَرَطيِخرِطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to talk nonsense
/dj w r/(ج.و.ر)جاريجُورفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to wrong, oppress (on s.o.)
/3 m l/(ع.م.ل)تعامَليِتعامَلتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to deal, trade
/r b sh/(ر.ب.ش)أَربَشيِربِشاَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to confuse s.o., to mess up s.th.
/z y n/(ز.ي.ن)زَيَّنيزَيِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to decorate, adorn, ornament, to shave, give a shave to, to shave, get a shave
/s. d 3/(ص.د.ع)صَدَّعيصَدِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to trouble, bother, harass
/3 g d/(ع.ق.د)اِعتَقَديِعتِقِداِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to believe in, to think (that)
/kh r dj/(خ.ر.ج)اِستَخرَجيِستَخرِجاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to extract, mine, recover
/m n 3/(م.ن.ع)اِمتَنَعيِمتِنِعاِنفَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVII
to stop, abstain from, refrain from
/b d l/(ب.د.ل)تبادَليِتبادَلتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to exchange
/sh y b/(ش.ي.ب)شابيشِيبفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to grow old, become an old man, become gray-haired
/t. w r/(ط.و.ر)تطَوَّريِتطَوَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to develop, evolve, to develop and/or progress
/s b b/(س.ب.ب)تسابَبيِتسابَبتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to insult each other, call each other bad names
/7 w d/(ح.و.د)حاديحُودفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to turn aside, turn away, drive away
/k l f/(ك.ل.ف)كَلَّفيكَلِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cost, to ask, require, assign, to bother, inconvenience
/dj d l/(ج.د.ل)جَدَليِجدِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to braid, plait (the hair, a rope, etc.)
/f y d/(ف.ي.د)فاديفِيدفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to benefit, help, be of use, be useful, helpful, beneficial, to inform, let know, notify
/n d m/(ن.د.م)نَدَميِندَمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be sorry for
/s k r/(س.ك.ر)سَكَريِسكَرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to get drunk, become intoxicated, to drink liquor
/b t. l/(ب.ط.ل)بَطَّليبَطِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to open (e.g., a door, a bottle, a can, etc.), to stop, leave off, to open
/sh t w/(ش.ت.و)شَتَّىيشَتِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to spend the winter
/kh r t. f/(خ.ر.ط.ف)تخَرطَفيِتخَرطَفتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to fall down
/s r q/(س.ر.ق)اِنسَرَقيِنسِرِقاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be stolen
/sh k y/(ش.ك.ي)شَكَىيِشكِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to complain about, to suffer, make a complaint
/k r m/(ك.ر.م)كَرَّميكَرِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to honor, treat with respect (and food)
/n 7 t/(ن.ح.ت)نَحَتيِنحَتفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to chisel, sculpture
/l gh y/(ل.غ.ي)اِنلَغَىيِنلِغِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to be found
/g n 3/(ق.ن.ع)قَنَعيِقنَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be or become convinced, persuaded
/z w 3/(ز.و.ع)زَوَّعيزَوِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to vomit
/7 m s/(ح.م.س)حَمَّسيحَمِّسفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make enthusiastic, stir up, excite
/d h m/(د.ه.م)دَهَميِدهَمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be or become insane
/2 z m/(ء.ز.م)تأَزَّميِتأَزَّمتفَعَّلتأَعَّل-يِتأَعَّلV
to become critical
/r b t./(ر.ب.ط)اِرتَبَطيِرتِبِطاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to bind oneself, commit oneself, to be connected
/w g 3/(و.ق.ع)وَقَّعيوَقِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to fall, to drop, to sign, to cause to sign
/s. l 7/(ص.ل.ح)تصَلَّحيِتصَلَّحتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get fixed
/f t. m/(ف.ط.م)فَطَميِفطِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to wean
/dj z f/(ج.ز.ف)جَزَفيِجزِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be abundant or plentiful
/sh kh t./(ش.خ.ط)شَخَّطيشَخِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to scratch out
/s. d g/(ص.د.ق)صادَقيصادِقفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to befriend s.o.
/7 w sh/(ح.و.ش)اِنحاشيِنحاشاِنفَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVII
to escape, run away
/r g d/(ر.ق.د)رَقَّديرَقِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to put s.o. to bed, to put s.o. to sleep
/r s. d/(ر.ص.د)رَصَديِرصِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to observe, watch (stars), to appropriate, earmark
/7 y z/(ح.ي.ز)حازيحُوزفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to obtain, achieve, get
/kh l w/(خ.ل.و)أَخلَىيِخلِياَفعَلأَفعَى-يِفعِيIV
to vacate, to evacuate
/dj r f/(ج.ر.ف)جَرَفيِجرِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to wash away, carry downstream
/7 dj dj/(ح.ج.ج)تحاجَجيِتحاجَجتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to carry on a dispute, debate
/k r h/(ك.ر.ه)اِنكَرَهيِنكِرِهاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be hated, despise
/m d d/(م.د.د)مَدّيمِدّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to stretch out (e.g., one's leg), extend, stretch, to lay, lay out, spread out, to sail, set sail
/s. r 7/(ص.ر.ح)صَرَّحيصَرِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make an announcement, declare
/7 z n/(ح.ز.ن)حَزَّنيحَزِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.o. sad, grieve s.o.
/sh r k/(ش.ر.ك)شَرَكيِشرِكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to include, make a partner or participant
/7 r r/(ح.ر.ر)تحَرَّريِتحَرَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be freed, liberated
/w z n/(و.ز.ن)وَزَنيِوزِنفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to weigh, weigh out
/t r k/(ت.ر.ك)تَرَكيِترِكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to leave s.th., to give up (e.g., a habit)
/dj r m/(ج.ر.م)أَجرَميِجرِماَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to commit a crime
/f sh l/(ف.ش.ل)فَشَليِفشَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to fail, be unsuccessful
/s 7 r/(س.ح.ر)تسَحَّريِتسَحَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to eat the Suhuur
/b 7 r/(ب.ح.ر)بَحَّريبَحِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to travel by sea, to set sail, put to sea
/s. d r/(ص.د.ر)تصَدَّريِتصَدَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be exported, to take the best seat, have the front seat
/r w 7/(ر.و.ح)راحيرُوحفَعَلفال-يفُولI
expresses likelihood, future, or alternate action, to go, go away, leave, depart, to go to s.o or to some place, to go to do s.th., go in order to do s.th., to leave
/k r m/(ك.ر.م)كَرَميِكرِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be generous to s.o.
/kh l kh l/(خ.ل.خ.ل)خَلخَليخَلخِلفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to shake, to tilt
/m sh y/(م.ش.ي)مَشَّىيمَشِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to walk s.o., let s.o. walk, to make or let go, send, to advance, promote, further, to pass, allow s.o. to advance, to walk someone and/or sth or to be permissive and overlook an issue
/z y 7/(ز.ي.ح)زاحيزِيحفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to take away, remove, drive away
/s q y/(س.ق.ي)سَقَىيِسقِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to water, to water, provide water for
/b r t. l/(ب.ر.ط.ل)تبَرطَليِتبَرطَلتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to be bribed
/h m s/(ه.م.س)هَمَسيِهمِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to whisper
/3 b y/(ع.ب.ي)عَبَّىيعَبِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to fill
/7 sh d/(ح.ش.د)حَشَديِحشِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to gather, mass, mobilize
/r m l/(ر.م.ل)ترَمَّليِترَمَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to become a widow
/2 n s/(ء.ن.س)اِستانَسيِستانَساِستَفعَلاِستاعَل-يِستاعَلX
to be happy, joyful, to get happy, to have a good time, enjoy oneself, to be happy (with s.th.) or comfortable (in a place), to have a good time, enjoy oneself, to be happy (with s.th.) or comfortable (in a place)
/7 s. r/(ح.ص.ر)حاصَريحاصِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to surround, encircle, to besiege
/s t r/(س.ت.ر)سَتَريِستِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to hide, conceal, cover up, to shield, protect, watch over, guard
/3 b d/(ع.ب.د)عَبَديِعبِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to worship, to adore
/3 n w n/(ع.ن.و.ن)عَنوَنيعَنوِنفَعَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلI
to address
/t w 7/(ت.و.ح)تاحيتُوحفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to throw
/kh l f/(خ.ل.ف)تخَلَّفيِتخَلَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to lag behind, fall behind, to fail to appear, fail to show up
/7 f dh./(ح.ف.ظ)تحَفَّظيِتحَفَّظتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to learn by heart, learn, to protect oneself, to be cautious, careful, be on guard
/g t l/(ق.ت.ل)قَتَّليقَتِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to slaughter, massacre, butcher
/3 r dh./(ع.ر.ض)اِستَعرَضيِستَعرِضاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to review, inspect
/gh z l/(غ.ز.ل)غازَليغازِلفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to court, flirt with s.o.
/3 t. sh/(ع.ط.ش)عَطَشيِعطَشفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be or become thirsty
/sh t m/(ش.ت.م)تشاتَميِتشاتَمتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to swear (using obscence language)
/g t. t./(ق.ط.ط)قَطّيقِطّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to throw s.th. away, discard, to put, place, to drop s.o. (at some place), to cause to get off, disembark
/dh b 7/(ذ.ب.ح)ذَبَّحيذَبِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to slaughter (large numbers)
/n y m/(ن.ي.م)نَيَّمينَيِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to put to sleep
/sh r t./(ش.ر.ط)اِشتَرَطيِشتِرِطاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to stipulate, impose as a condition on s.o.
/w f g/(و.ف.ق)وَفَّقيوَفِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to grant prosperity or success to s.o., to reconcile, make peace between, to finish nad/or come to an end
/n t. t./(ن.ط.ط)نَطّينِطّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to butt in, jump in
/r w 3/(ر.و.ع)رَوَّعيرَوِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to frighten, scare s.o., to scare
/t. r 7/(ط.ر.ح)طَرَحيِطرَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to cause s.o. to lie down flat, to lay flat, to dock, anchor, to have a miscarriage
/s. f r/(ص.ف.ر)صَفَريِصفِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to whistle
/sh 3 r/(ش.ع.ر)شَعَريِشعِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to sense, feel, to realize, notice
/l b y/(ل.ب.ي)لَبَّىيلَبِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to carry out (an order), comply with (a request)
/z w r/(ز.و.ر)زاريزُورفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to visit s.o. or s.th., call on or pay a visit to s.o.
/f w dh./(ف.و.ض)فاوَضيفاوِضفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to negotiate with
/2 m r/(ء.م.ر)تآمَريِتآمَرتفَاعَلتآعَل-يِتآعَلVI
to conspire, plot against
/gh r gh r/(غ.ر.غ.ر)غَرغَريغَرغِرفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to gargle
/r dj f/(ر.ج.ف)رَجَفيِرجِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to tremble, shiver, shake
/sh d d/(ش.د.د)شَدَّديشَدِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make strong, intensify, strengthen, to exert pressure, press
/b 7 7/(ب.ح.ح)بَحّيبِحّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to make hoarse
/7 m dh./(ح.م.ض)حَمَّضيحَمِّضفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to sour, become sour or unpleasant
/t. w r/(ط.و.ر)طَوَّريطَوِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to develope
/3 b r/(ع.ب.ر)عَبَريِعبِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to cross (a street, a river, etc.)
/f s. kh/(ف.ص.خ)تفَصَّخيِتفَصَّختفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to take off one's clothes
/3 w y/(ع.و.ج)اِنعَوَجيِنعِوِجاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be or become bent, twisted
/w s 3/(و.س.ع)وَسَعيِوسَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to hold, have room for, be large enough for
/tsh w f/(ش.و.ف)شافيشُوففَعَلفال-يفُولI
to see, to find out, find, to encounter, experience, to consider, think, be of the opinion, to see
/n sh y/(ن.ش.ي)نَشَّىينَشِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to startch (clothes, linen, etc.)
/7 b b/(ح.ب.ب)حَبّيحِبّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to kiss, to like, love s.o. or s.th., to fall in love
/s s r/(س.س.ر)ساسَريساسِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to whisper in s.o.'s ear
/th g f/(ث.ق.ف)ثَقَّفيثَقِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to educate, impart culture or education
/kh t m/(خ.ت.م)خَتَّميخَتِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to have s.o. read through (the Quran)
/7 r g/(ح.ر.ق)تحَرَّقيِتحَرَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be consumed (by emotion), eat one's heart out
/3 b d/(ع.ب.د)اِستَعبَديِستَعبِداِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to enslave
/w dj 3/(و.ج.ع)وَجَّعيوَجِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to injure, hurt
/sh gh l/(ش.غ.ل)شَغَليِشغِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to occupy, busy s.o. with s.th., to make uneasy, apprehensive, to disturb, to occupy, take up
/t. w f/(ط.و.ف)طافيطُوففَعَلفال-يفُولI
to circumambulate, run around, walk around, to float, to be or become flooded, to exceed, be greater than, to finishe, come to an end, to pass by
/7 s n/(ح.س.ن)اِستَحسَنيِستَحسِناِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to regard s.th. as right or appropriate
/gh s m/(غ.س.م)غَسَّميغَسِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to divide, distribute
/7 l b/(ح.ل.ب)اِنحَلَبيِنحِلِباِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be milked
/m d 7/(م.د.ح)مَدَحيِمدَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to praise, commend, to compliment
/h t r/(ه.ت.ر)اِستَهتَريِستَهتِراِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to have little respect for, make light of s.th.
/f s r/(ف.س.ر)فَسَّريفَسِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to explain, interpret
/s. gh r/(ص.غ.ر)صَغَّريصَغِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make smaller, to reduce, decrease
/t b 3/(ت.ب.ع)تابَعيتابِعفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to continue, go on with, follow
/7 l 7 l/(ح.ل.ح.ل)حَلحَليحَلحِلفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to tilt a heavy object, move, budge, to work s.th. back and forth, wiggle, jiggle
/sh w h/(ش.و.ه)تشَوَّهيِتشَوَّهتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be distorted, mutated
/g r s./(ق.ر.ص)اِنقَرَصيِنقِرِصاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be pinched
/y b s/(ي.ب.س)تيَبَّسيِتيَبَّستفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to become stiff
/n dh r/(ن.ذ.ر)نَذَريِنذِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to vow, make a vow, pledge (a sacrifice) to God
/s k t/(س.ك.ت)سَكَّتيسَكِّتفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to silence, quiet, calm
/2 b d/(ء.ب.د)أَبَّديأَبِّدفَعَّلأَعَّل-يأَعِّلII
to last forever, be eternal
/l m m/(ل.م.م)اِنلَمّيِنلَمّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be collected, gathered
/3 y b/(ع.ي.ب)عَيَّبيعَيِّبفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make fun of s.o., to insult
/l g y/(ل.ق.ي)اِنلَقَىيِنلِقِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to be found
/w 3 y/(و.ع.ي)وَعَىيِوعَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to wake up, awaken
/n z 3/(ن.ز.ع)تنازَعيِتنازَعتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to fight with
/3 w dh./(ع.و.ض)عَوَّضيعَوِّضفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to compensate, recompense, to get used to
/dh w q/(ذ.و.ق)تذَوَّقيِتذَوَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to taste
/s b g/(س.ب.ق)سَبَقيِسبِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be, come, go, or happen before or ahead of, precede, arrive before s.o., to surpass, beat, do better than (in sports)
/s k t/(س.ك.ت)سَكَتيِسكِتفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to be or become silent, to quiet down, calm down
/sh r 7/(ش.ر.ح)شَرَحيِشرَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to explain, make clear or plain, illustrate, to explain, make clear or plain, illustrate
/dh. h r/(ظ.ه.ر)ظَهَريِظهَرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to appear, come into view, emerge, to leave, go away, to be or become apparent, clear, obvious, to leave and/or go out
/d w r/(د.و.ر)اِنداريِنداراِنفَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVII
to turn, to turn against
/sh b b/(ش.ب.ب)شَبّيشِبّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to become a young man, grow up, to break out (fire, war, etc.), to turn on (the light)
/dh w b/(ذ.و.ب)ذابيذُوبفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to dissolve, to melt
/3 y z/(ع.ج.ز)عَجَّزيعَجِّزفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to age, grow old
/dj h d/(ج.ه.د)أَجهَديِجهِداَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to exert, strain
/t. l b/(ط.ل.ب)اِنطَلَبيِنطِلِباِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be asked for, requested
/dj w 3/(ج.و.ع)جاعيجُوعفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to be or become hungry
/sh m l/(ش.م.ل)شَمَليِشمِلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to include, imply
/kh w z g/(خ.و.ز.ق)تخَوزَقيِتخَوزَقتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to get stuck, to be taken in
/sh w g/(ش.و.ق)اِشتاقيِشتاقاِفتَعَلاِفتال-يِفتالVIII
to long, yearn, have a desire, nostalgia
/g t. r/(ق.ط.ر)قَطَّريقَطِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to distill, to drop, drip, fall into drops, to drip
/b r k/(ب.ر.ك)تبارَكيِتبارَكتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to be blessed, exalted, praised (usually said in admiration of s.o. or s.th.)
/s dj d/(س.ج.د)سَجَديِسجِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to bow down, prostrate oneself in prayer
/s l kh/(س.ل.خ)سَلَخيِسلَخفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to skin (an animal), to skin (an animal)
/3 r dh./(ع.ر.ض)تعارَضيِتعارَضتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to be in conflict, be contradictory
/n t f/(ن.ت.ف)نَتَّفينَتِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to pluck out, remove feathers, depilate
/n d m/(ن.د.م)تنَدَّميِتنَدَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to regret, repent
/kh y r/(خ.ي.ر)خَيَّريخَيِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to let s.o. choose, to give a choice to s.o.
/n dj 7/(ن.ج.ح)نَجَحيِنجَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to pass (an examination), to succeed, be successful
/b z r/(ب.ز.ر)بَزَريِبزِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to sow seeds
/w s. l/(و.ص.ل)توَصَّليِتوَصَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to reach, attain, arrive at s.th.
/7 r m/(ح.ر.م)اِحتَرَميِحتِرِماِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to respect, esteem, to respect
/n 3 m/(ن.ع.م)أَنعَميِنعِماَفعَلأَفعَل-يِفعِلIV
to be bountiful to s.o., bestow favors upon s.o. (action of God), to give s.o. s.th. (action of God)
/k sh kh/(ك.ش.خ)تكَشَّخيِتكَشَّختفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to dress up and look good
/b s m/(ب.س.م)اِبتَسَميِبتِسِماِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to smile
/f h m/(ف.ه.م)اِستَفهَميِستَفهِماِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to inquire, ask
/3 l g/(ع.ل.ق)تعَلَّقيِتعَلَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be attached
/7 l w/(ح.ل.و)حَلايِحلِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to be or become sweet, to become pleasant, nice, enjoyable
/n t. g/(ن.ط.ق)اِستَنطَقيِستَنطِقاِستَفعَلاِستَفعَل-يِستَفعِلX
to interrogate, question, cross-examine s.o.
/m kh t. r/(م.خ.ط.ر)تمَخطَريِتمَخطَرتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to joke
/l w n/(ل.و.ن)تلَوَّنيِتلَوَّنتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be colored, to be changeable or fickle, to shift with the wind, to get colored, to get colored
/7 k m/(ح.ك.م)اِحتَكَميِحتِكِماِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to seek judgment, appeal for a legal decision
/h w n/(ه.و.ن)هَوَّنيهَوِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.th. easy or simple for s.o.
/s l y/(س.ل.ي)سَلَّىيسَلِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to entertain
/n dj w/(ن.ج.و)نَجايِنجِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to escape (s.th.), be saved, be rescued from s.th.
/d 3 s/(د.ع.س)اِندَعَسيِندِعِساِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be run over
/7 sh w/(ح.ش.و)اِنحَشَىيِنحِشِياِنفَعَلاِنفَعَى-يِنفِعِيVII
to be stuffed, filled
/kh l s/(خ.ل.س)اِختَلَسيِختِلِساِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to embezzle
/sh w h/(ش.و.ه)شَوَّهيشَوِّهفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to disfigure, make ugly, distort, debase
/sh y n/(ش.ي.ن)اِشيَنّيِشيَنّاِفعَلَلاِفعَلّ-يِفعَلّIX
to become ugly
/f h m/(ف.ه.م)تفاهَميِتفاهَمتفَاعَلتفاعَل-يِتفاعَلVI
to come to an understanding, come to an agreement, reach an understanding, to communicate with each other
/dj r f/(ج.ر.ف)اِنجَرَفيِنجِرِفاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be swept away
/m s. m s./(م.ص.م.ص)مَصمَصيمَصمِصفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to suck on, to neck, kiss and caress
/k sh t/(ك.ش.ت)كَشَتيِكشِتفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to go out on a picnic, have an outing
/3 y sh/(ع.ي.ش)عَيَّشيعَيِّشفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to support, provide for
/kh b s./(خ.ب.ص)خَبَصيِخبِصفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to mix up, distract, confuse
/q h r/(ق.ه.ر)اِنقَهَريِنقِهِراِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be or become annoyed, irritated, upset, to be or become saddened, grieved
/l f l f/(ل.ف.ل.ف)لَفلَفيلَفلِففَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to grab up, snatch up, to wrap up, bundle up
/kh n th/(خ.ن.ث)خَنَّثيخَنِّثفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to have sexual intercourse with s.o.
/l kh b t./(ل.خ.ب.ط)لَخبَطيلَخبِطفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ1
to mess things up or to get confused
/7 sh sh/(ح.ش.ش)حَشَّشيحَشِّشفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to smoke hashish
/7 y y/(ح.ي.ي)حَيَّىيحَيِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to greet, hail, to salute
/k m l/(ك.م.ل)كَمَّليكَمِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to complete, finish, to proceed
/l k m/(ل.ك.م)لَكَميِلكِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to punch, strike with the fist
/l w 3/(ل.و.ع)تلَوَّعيِتلَوَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get disgusted
/3 w d/(ع.و.د)عاديعُودفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to return, come back
/z 7 z 7/(ز.ح.ز.ح)تزَحزَحيِتزَحزَحتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to be moved, shifted, to move, move over
/dj r r/(ج.ر.ر)جَرّيجُرّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to tow, drag along
/s m 3/(س.م.ع)اِستَمَعيِستِمِعاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to listen closely to, lend one's ear to s.o. or s.th.
/3 w d/(ع.و.د)تعَوَّديِتعَوَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get accustomed to, to accustom oneself to, to get used to
/t. 7 n/(ط.ح.ن)اِنطَحَنيِنطِحِناِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be crushed, grinded, to grind
/m r r/(م.ر.ر)مَرّيمُرّفَعَلفَعّ-يفُعّI
to pass, drop in (on s.o. or s.th.), drop by, go through, to pass, elapse, go by
/t m t m/(ت.م.ت.م)تَمتَميتَمتِمفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to stumble in speech, mutter, stammer
/s w g/(س.و.ق)اِنساقيِنساقاِنفَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVII
to be carried away
/2 dh n/(ء.ذ.ن)أَذَنياذِنفَعَلأَعَل-ياعِلI
to give permission (to do s.th.)
/b r t. m/(ب.ر.ط.م)بَرطَميبَرطِمفَعلَلفَعلَل-يفَعلِلQ
to pout
/g b l/(ق.ب.ل)اِنقَبَليِنقِبِلاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be accepted
/k m l/(ك.م.ل)كَمَليِكمَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be finished, done, completed, to be concluded, come to a close
/dh l l/(ذ.ل.ل)ذَلّيذِلّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to be or become despised, contemptible, lowly, to humiliate
/3 dh r/(ع.ذ.ر)تعَذَّريِتعَذَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to make excuses, apologize
/s y f/(س.ي.ف)سَيَّفيسَيِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to save
/g l d/(ق.ل.د)قَلَّديقَلِّدفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to imitate, copy, to forge, counterfeit, to imitate
/7 w t./(ح.و.ط)اِحتاطيِحتاطاِفتَعَلاِفتال-يِفتالVIII
to be careful, be cautious, to prepare oneself, make provision
/dh b 7/(ذ.ب.ح)اِنذَبَحيِنذِبِحاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be slaughtered, to be killed
/sh w f/(ش.و.ف)تشَوَّفيِتشَوَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to show someone sth
/dh. y g/(ض.ي.ق)ضَيَّقيضَيِّقفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make s.th. narrow or narrower, to harass, oppress, restrain
/r kh y/(ر.خ.ي)رَخَّىيرَخِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to lower, let down, drop, to loosen, slacken
/s. y d/(ص.ي.د)صاديصِيدفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to catch, trap, to fish
/t. y r/(ط.ي.ر)طَيَّريطَيِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to fly, to fly s.th.
/s l f/(س.ل.ف)تسَلَّفيِتسَلَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to borrow (money), to get a loan
/b g y/(ب.ق.ي)بِقِييِبقَىفَعَلفِعِي-يِفعَىI
to stay, remain, to continue, go on doing s.th.
/n s y/(ن.س.ي)نَسَىيِنسَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to forget, to forget to do s.th., to forget, to forget to do s.th., to forget
/dj h z/(ج.ه.ز)جَهَّزيجَهِّزفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to supply, furnish, equip with
/sh t m/(ش.ت.م)شَتَميِشتِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to call s.o. bad names, curse s.o.
/b z g/(ب.ز.ق)بَزَقيِبزِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to spit
/l w n/(ل.و.ن)لَوَّنيلَوِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to color, add color to, to colour
/b kh t r/(ب.خ.ت.ر)تبَختَريِتبَختَرتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to strut, swagger
/r f 3/(ر.ف.ع)ترَفَّعيِترَفَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be promoted, to be too proud, look down
/s dj l/(س.ج.ل)سَجَّليسَجِّلفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to register, record, enter in a register, to enter, enroll (in a school, etc.), to record, make a recording of
/r s m/(ر.س.م)رَسَميِرسِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to draw, sketch
/dj l l/(ج.ل.ل)جَلّيجِلّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to be exalted, great
/k sh sh/(ك.ش.ش)كَشّيكِشّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to refrain from, to shrink
/z 3 q/(ز.ع.ق)زاعَقيزاعِقفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to yell
/kh l d/(خ.ل.د)تخَلَّديِتخَلَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be perpetuated, immortalized
/b 7 th/(ب.ح.ث)اِنبَحَثيِنبِحِثاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be discussed
/tsh dh b/(ك.ذ.ب)كَذَبيِكذِبفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to lie, to lie, tell lies, to lie tell lies to s.o.
/b g y/(ب.ق.ي)بَقَىيِبقَىفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعَىI
to stay, remain, to continue, go on doing s.th.
/7 s. l/(ح.ص.ل)تحَصَّليِتحَصَّلتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be obtained, to be collected
/dj d d/(ج.د.د)جَدّيجِدّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to work hard, to be serious, be in earnest, to become new
/3 th r/(ع.ث.ر)عَثَريِعثِرفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to trip, stumble, to find, run into
/kh t m/(خ.ت.م)خَتَميِختِمفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to seal, to stamp, impress with a stamp, to conclude, terminate, to read (the Quran)
/s l g/(س.ل.ق)سَلَقيِسلِقفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to boil, cook in boiling water
/gh r m/(غ.ر.م)غَرَّميغَرِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to fine, impose a fine on s.o., to charge, dock s.o.
/3 dj b/(ع.ج.ب)تعَجَّبيِتعَجَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be surprised, astonished, amazed
/tsh y k/(ش.ي.ك)تشَيَّكيِتشَيَّكتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be checked
/b s t./(ب.س.ط)بَسَّطيبَسِّطفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to open up, open for business, to simplify
/m l tsh/(م.ل.ك)مَلَكيِملِكفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to own, possess, have, to contract a marriage, marry (a woman), to marry, to own, possess, have, to contract a marriage, marry (a woman), to marry
/kh t. r/(خ.ط.ر)خَطَّريخَطِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to notify, inform s.o., serve s.o. notice
/r sh w/(ر.ش.و)رَشايِرشِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to bribe
/tsh w f/(ش.و.ف)شَوَّفيشَوِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to cause to experience, to show someone sth
/b l y/(ب.ل.ي)بَلَىيِبلِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to afflict, torment s.o. with s.th.
/f d. 7/(ف.ض.ح)اِفتَضَحيِفتِضِحاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to be the center of a scandal
/s w g/(س.و.ق)ساقيسُوقفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to drive, operate (a vehicle), to force to go
/s y r/(س.ي.ر)سَيَّريسَيِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to drop in on, call on, to order s.o. around, make s.o. do one's bidding
/gh t. 3/(غ.ط.ع)تغَطَّعيِتغَطَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to become apart, separated, interrupted or discontinued
/7 l f/(ح.ل.ف)حالَفيحالِففَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to enter into an alliance with, become an ally of
/s. kh n/(ص.خ.ن)صَخَّنيصَخِّنفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to heat, warm s.th.
/7 t y/(ح.ت.ي)حاتَىيحاتِيفَاعَلفاعَى-يفاعِيIII
to attach importance (to), feel concern (for)
/s. g 3/(ص.ق.ع)صَقَعيِصقَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to yell, shriek, to strike (with a heavy object)
/t. l b/(ط.ل.ب)تطَلَّبيِتطَلَّبتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to beg, ask for alms, to require, necessitate
/d r s/(د.ر.س)دَرَسيِدرِسفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to study
/b l gh/(ب.ل.غ)تبَلَّغيِتبَلَّغتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be notified
/k s r/(ك.س.ر)كَسَّريكَسِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to smash, shatter, to break up, to break
/sh dj 3/(ش.ج.ع)شَجَّعيشَجِّعفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to encourage, to support, back, promote
/l t. f/(ل.ط.ف)تلَطَّفيِتلَطَّفتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be polite, courteous, nice, to joke with each other
/dj w r/(ج.و.ر)جاوَريجاوِرفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to live next door to s.o., be the neighbor of s.o., to be close to
/g s. s./(ق.ص.ص)قَصّيقِصّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to cut, cut off, clip (s.th. with scissors), to lie, tell lies, to inite to evil, tempt, to make s.o. tired, weary, fatigued, to lie or to cut
/h w n/(ه.و.ن)هانيهُونفَعَلفال-يفُولI
to be or become easy, simple, to be or become easy for s.o.
/d g g/(د.ق.ق)اِندَقّيِندَقّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be rung, to be beaten, to be struck or hit
/b th w n/(ب.ث.و.ن)تبَثوَنيِتبَثوَنتفَعلَلتفَعلَل-يِتفَعلَلQt
to walk slowly
/l w m/(ل.و.م)اِنلاميِنلاماِنفَعَلاِنفال-يِنفالVII
to be blamed, rebuked, censured
/r s. f/(ر.ص.ف)رَصَفيِرصِففَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to pave, lay with stone
/b y d/(ب.ي.د)باديبِيدفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to exterminate, annihilate
/dh b b/(ذ.ب.ب)ذَبّيذِبّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to throw, toss, to throw away, discard
/r 7 l/(ر.ح.ل)رَحَليِرحَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to move about, migrate, move away
/7 w dj/(ح.و.ج)اِحتاجيِحتاجاِفتَعَلاِفتال-يِفتالVIII
to need, want, require
/dj m d/(ج.م.د)تجَمَّديِتجَمَّدتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be or become frozen
/tsh t f/(ك.ت.ف)كَتَّفيكَتِّففَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to tie up, tie up the hands (and feet of s.o.), to tie up, tie up the hands (and feet of s.o.)
/n t. 7/(ن.ط.ح)نَطَحيِنطَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to butt
/dj r r/(ج.ر.ر)اِنجَرّيِنجَرّاِنفَعَلاِنفَعّ-يِنفَعّVII
to be dragged, to be dragged, pulled, tow
/d g m/(د.ق.م)دَقَّميدَقِّمفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to button
/t. 3 m/(ط.ع.م)تطَعَّميِتطَعَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to get vaccinated
/dh. r t./(ض.ر.ط)ضَرَطيِضرِطفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to fart, break wind
/t k y/(ت.ك.ي)اِتَّكَىيِتِّكِياِفتَعَلاِفَّعَى-يِفِّعِيVIII
to lean on, rely on
/gh y r/(غ.ي.ر)غَيَّريغَيِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to change, alter, make different, to exchange, to change
/w dj 3/(و.ج.ع)توَجَّعيِتوَجَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be injured, to get hurt
/n b 3/(ن.ب.ع)نَبَعيِنبَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to spring, originate, flow
/b kh r/(ب.خ.ر)بَخَّريبَخِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to evaporate, vaporize, to perfume s.o. or s.th., to disinfect, fumigate
/3 dh. m/(ع.ظ.م)عَظَّميعَظِّمفَعَلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلI
to magnify, enlarge, make greater
/b tsh y/(ب.ك.ي)بَكَىيِبكِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to cry, weep, to mourn, lament
/l z g/(ل.ز.ق)تلَزَّقيِتلَزَّقتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to glue, paste, plaster
/s. kh kh/(ص.خ.خ)صَخّيصِخّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to hold, hold s.th. forth
/n s y/(ن.س.ي)اِنتَسَىيِنتِسِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to be forgotten
/dh r y/(ذ.ر.ي)ذَرَّىيذَرِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to winnow (grain)
/s. 7 7/(ص.ح.ح)صَحَّحيصَحِّحفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to correct, grade, mark
/3 r dh./(ع.ر.ض)عارَضيعارِضفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to oppose, object to
/gh d w/(غ.د.و)تغَدَّىيِتغَدَّىتفَعَّلتفَعَّى-يِتفَعَّىV
to have lunch
/l t. t./(ل.ط.ط)لَطّيلِطّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to slap someone
/t. l 3/(ط.ل.ع)طالَعيطالِعفَاعَلفاعَل-يفاعِلIII
to see, look at, to study, to look at
/3 w n/(ع.و.ن)عانيعِينفَعَلفال-يفِيلI
to help, assist, aid
/f s. l/(ف.ص.ل)اِنفَصَليِنفِصِلاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to detach, disconnect
/n g 3/(ن.ق.ع)تنَقَّعيِتنَقَّعتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to blow up or explode
/7 sh w/(ح.ش.و)حَشَّىيحَشِّيفَعَّلفَعَّى-يفَعِّيII
to stuff, fill, to stick, stuff, to fill (teeth)
/l gh w/(ل.غ.و)لَغايِلغِيفَعَلفَعا-يِفعِيI
to talk incessantly, prattle, chatter
/n kh w/(ن.خ.و)نَخَىيِنخِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to arouse the sense of honor
/s l 7/(س.ل.ح)تسَلَّحيِتسَلَّحتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to arm oneself, to be armed, be provided with weapons
/s k r/(س.ك.ر)سَكَّريسَكِّرفَعَّلفَعَّل-يفَعِّلII
to make drunk, intoxicate, to close
/b l y/(ب.ل.ي)اِبتَلَىيِبتِلِياِفتَعَلاِفتَعَى-يِفتِعِيVIII
to afflict, torment s.o. with s.th., to get stuck by s.th., to get into trouble
/dh b l/(ذ.ب.ل)ذَبَليِذبَلفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to wilt, wither, to waste away, get run down
/gh r m/(غ.ر.م)تغَرَّميِتغَرَّمتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be fined
/f dj r/(ف.ج.ر)اِنفَجَريِنفِجِراِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to explode, burst, go off, to explode
/3 w r/(ع.و.ر)تعَوَّريِتعَوَّرتفَعَّلتفَعَّل-يِتفَعَّلV
to be injured, to get hurt
/n f 3/(ن.ف.ع)نَفَعيِنفَعفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to be useful, beneficial, of use to
/f dh. 7/(ف.ض.ح)فَضَحيِفضَحفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعَلI
to expose, disclose or uncover s.o.'s faults or offenses, to cause a scandal for someone
/m r r/(م.ر.ر)اِستَمَرّيِستَمِرّاِستَفعَلاِستَفَعّ-يِستَفِعّX
to continue, keep on, persist, to last, go on
/7 m y/(ح.م.ي)حَمَىيِحمِيفَعَلفَعَى-يِفعِيI
to defend, protect, shelter, shield
/n sh d/(ن.ش.د)نَشَديِنشِدفَعَلفَعَل-يِفعِلI
to ask for a favor, to ask for help
/b s s/(ب.س.س)بَسّيبِسّفَعَلفَعّ-يفِعّI
to mix
/dj r 7/(ج.ر.ح)اِنجَرَحيِنجِرِحاِنفَعَلاِنفَعَل-يِنفِعِلVII
to be wounded
/sh gh l/(ش.غ.ل)اِشتَغَليِشتِغِلاِفتَعَلاِفتَعَل-يِفتِعِلVIII
to work, to be busy, occupied, engaged, to run, work, be in operation, to do business, be in business, to work